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EXTENDED REFERENCE LIST Abou-Gazar H, Bedir E, Takamatsu S, Ferreira D, Khan IA (2004) Antioxidant lignans from Larrea tridentate. Phytochemistry 65, 2499-2505 Ahn BT, Lee SB, Lee ES, Kim JG, Bok SH, Jeong TS (2001) Low-density lipoprotein-antioxidant constituents of Saururus chinensis. Journal of Natural Products 64, 1562-1564 Al-Burtamani SKS, Fatope MO (2004) Flavonoids from Commiphora wightii. IUPAC International Conference on Biodiversity and Natural Products Chemistry and Medicinal applications, New Delhi p-29, 26-31 Jan. 2004 Ames BN (1983) Dietary carcinogens and anticarcinogens:oxygen radicals and degenerative diseases. Science 221, 1256-1264 Aniya Y, Miyagi C, Nakandakari A, Kamiya S, Imaizumi N, Ichiba T (2002) Free radical scavenging action of the medicinal herb limonium wrightii from the Okinawa Island. Phytomedicine 9, 239-244 Aruoma OI (1998) Free radicals, oxidative stress, and antioxidants in human health and disease. Journal of the American Oil Chemist’s Society 75, 199-212 Athanasas K, Magiatis P, Fokialakis N, Skastsounis AL, Pratsinis H, Kletsas D (2004) Hyperjovinols A and B: two new phloroglucinol derivatives from hypericum jovis with antioxidant activity in cell cultures. Journal of Natural Products 67, 973-977 Atta-Ur-Rahamann, Nojounou FN, Choudhary MIS, Malik S, Makhmoor T, Nur-E-Alam M, Zarren S, Lonsti D, Ayafor JF, Sondengam BL (2001) New antioxidant and antimicrobial ellagic acid derivatives from Pteleopsis hylodendron. Planta Medica 67, 335-339 Azuma K, Nakayama M, Koshioka M, Ippoushi K, Yamaguchi Y, Kohata K, Yamauchi Y, Ito H, Higashio H (1999) Phenolic antioxidants from the leaves of Corchorus olitorius L. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 47, 3963-3966 Baggett S, Protiva P, Mazzola EP, Yang H, Ressler, ET, Basile MJ, Weinstein IB, Kennelly EJ (2005) Bioactive benzophenones from Garcinia xanthochymus Fruits. Journal of Natural Products 68, 354-360 Banskota AH, Tezuka Y, Nguyen NT, Awale S, Nobukawa T, Kadota S (2003) DPPH radical scavenging and nitric oxide inhibitory activities of the constituents from the wood of Taxus yunnanensis. Planta Medica 69, 500-505 Barreiros ALBS, David JP, de Queiróz LP, David JM (2000) A type of proanthocyanidin antioxidants from Dioclea lasiophylla. Phytochemistry 55, 805-808 Bernardi APM, Ferraz ABF, Albring DV, Bordignon SAL (2005) Benzophenones from Hypericum carinatum. Journal of Natural Products 68, 784-786 Biondi DM, Rocco C, Ruberto G (2003) New dihydrostilbene derivatives from the leaves of Glycyrrhiza glabra and evaluation of their antioxidant activity. Journal of Natural Products 66, 477-480 Boverics AD, Galatro A, Sambrotta L, Rieco R, Gurni AA, Puntarulo S (2001) Antioxidant capacity of a 3-deoxyanthocyanidin from soybean. Phytochemistry 58, 1097-1105 Braca A, de Tommasi N, di Bari L, Pizza C, Politi M, Morelli I (2001) Antioxidant Principles from Bauhinia tarapotensis. Journal of Natural Products 64, 892-895 Braca A, Fico G, Morelli I, de Simone F, Tome F, de Tomnasi N (2003a) Antioxidant and free radical scavenging activity of flavonol glycosides from different Aconitum species. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 86, 63-67 Braca A, Politi M, Sanogo R, Sanou H, Morelli I, Pizza C, de Tommasi N (2003b) Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of phenolic compounds from wild and cultivated Sclerocarya birrea (Anacardiaceae) leaves. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51, 6689-6695 Braham H, Mighri Z, Jannet HB, Matthew S, Abreu PM (2005) Antioxidant Phenolic Glycosides from Moricandia arvensis. Journal of Natural Products 68, 517-522 Branen AL (1975) Toxicology and biochemistry of butylated hydroxyanisole and butylated hydroxytoluene. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society 52, 59-63 Brown JE, Rice-Evans CA (1998) Free Radical Research 29, 247 Bushschmann H, Reelly K, Rodriguez MX, Tohme J, Beeching JR (2000) Hydrogen peroxide and flavan-3-ol in storage roots of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) during postharvest deterioration. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 48, 5522-5529 Cai XH, Luo X-D, Zhou J, Hao X-J (2005) Quinones from Chirita eburnean. Journal of Natural Products 68, 797-799 Calis I, Heilmann J, Tasdemir D, Linden A, Ireland CM, Otto S (2001) Flavonoid, iridoid, and lignan glycosides from Putoria calabrica. Journal of Natural Product 64, 961-964 Cardoso CL, Castro-Gamboa I, Silva DHS, Furlan M, de Epifanio RA, da Pinto AC, de Rezende CM, Lima JA, da Bolzani VS (2004) Indole glucoalkaloids from Chimarrhis turbinate and their evaluation as antioxidant agents and acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors. Journal of Natural Products 67, 1882-1885 Castro-Gamboa I, Castro O (2004) Iridoids from the aerial parts of Verbena littoralis (Verbenaceae). Phytochemistry 65, 2369-2372 Cha C, Lee SB, Rhim TJ, Lee KH (2000) Constituents of antioxidative activity and free radical scavenging effect from Galla Rhois (Rhus javanica Linn.). Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy 31, 185-189 Chae S, Kim JS, Kang KA, Bu HD, Lee Y, Hyun JW, Kang SS (2004) Antioxidant activity of jionoside D from Clerodendron trichotomum. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 27, 1504-1508 Chen CC, Chen HY, Shiao MS, Lin YL, Kuo YH, Ou JC (1999) Inhibition of low density lipoprotein oxidation by tetrahydrofurofuran lignans from Forsythia suspense and Magnolia coco. Planta Medica 65, 709-711 Chen CC, Huang TL, Yeh PY, Ou JC (2003) Cyclized Geranyl Stilbenes from the Rhizomes of Helminthostachys zeylanica. Planta Medica 69, 964-967 Chen HY, Shiao MS, Huang YL, Shen CC, Lin YK, Kuo YH, Chen CC (1999a) Antioxidant principles from Ephemerantha lonchophylla. Journal of Natural Products 62, 1225-1227 Chen JJ, Chang YL, Teng CM, Chen IS (2001) Vasorelaxing and Antioxidant Constituents from Hernandia nymphaeifolia. Planta Medica 67, 593-598 Chen Y, Wang M, Rosen RT, Ho CT (1999b) 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picryl hydrazyl radical-scavenging active components from Polygonum multiflorum. Journal of agricultural and Food Chemistry 47, 2226-2228 Choi J, Huh K, Kim SH, Lee HK, Park HJ (2002) Kalopanaxsaponin A from Kalopanax pictus, a potent antioxidant in the rheumatoidal rat treated with Freund's complete adjuvant reagent. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 79, 113-118 Choi JH, Kim HS, Jung MJ, Choi JS (2001a) (+) Catechin, an antioxidant principle from the leaves of Pinus densiflora that acts on 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical. Natural Product Sciences 7, 1-4 Choi JS, Kang HS, Jung HA, Jung JH, Kang SS (2001) A new cyclic phenyllacamide from Salvia miltiorrhiza. Fitoterapia 72, 30-40 Chung HS, Woo WS (2001) A quinolone alkaloid with antioxidant activity from the aleurone layer of anthocyanin-pigmented rice. Journal of Natural Products 64, 1579-1580 Chung HS, Chang LC, Lee SK, Shamon LA, Breemen RB, Mehta RG, Farnsworth NR, Pezzuto JM, Kinghorn AD (1999) Flavonoid constituents of Chorizanthe diffusa with potential cancer chemopreventive activity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 47, 36-41 Cioffi G, D’Auria M, Braca A, Mendez J, Castillo A, Morelli I, de Simone F, de Tommasi N (2002) Antioxidant and free-radical scavenging activity of constituents of the leaves of Tachigalia paniculata. Journal of Natural Products 65, 1526-1529 Cioffi G, Escobar LM, Braca A, de Tommasi N (2003) Antioxidant chalcone glycosides and flavanones from Maclura (Chlorophora) tinctoria. Journal of Natural Products 66, 1061- 1064 Corsino J, Silva DHS, Zanoni MVB, da Silva Bolzani V, Franca SC, Pereira AMS, Furlan M (2003) Antioxidant flavan-3-ols and flavonol glycosides from Maytenus aquifolium. Phytotherapy Research 17, 913-916 Couladis M, Baziov P, Verykokidou E, Loukis A (2002) Antioxidant activity of polyphenols from Hypericum triquetrifolium Turra. Phytotherapy Research 16, 769-770 Cuendet M, Potterrat O, Salvi A, Testa B, Hostettmann K (2000) A stilbene and dihydrochalcones with radical scavenging from Loiseleuria procumbens. Phytochemistry 54, 871- 874 Daniel R, Mathew BC, Devi KS, Augusti KT (1998) Antioxidant effect of two flavonoids from the bark of Ficus bengalensis Linn. in hyperlipidemic rats. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 36, 902-906 David JM, Barreiros ALBS, David JP (2004) Antioxidant phenylpropanoid esters of triterpenes from Dioclea lassiophylla. Pharmaceutical Biology 42, 36-38 de Sousa E, Zanatta L, Seifriz I, Creczynski-Pasa TB, Pizzolatti MG, Szpoganicz B, Silva FRMB (2004) Hypoglycemic effect and antioxidant potential of kaempferol-3, 7-O-(α)- dirhamnoside from Bauhinia forficata Leaves. Journal of Natural Products 67, 829-832 de-Whalley C, Rankin SM, Houct JRS, Jessup W, Leake DS (1990) Flavonoids inhibit the oxidative modification of low density lipoproteins by macrophages. Biochemical Pharmacology 39, 1743 Diaz MN, Frei B, Vita JA, Keaney JF (1997) Antioxidants and atheroselerotic heart disease. New England Journal of Medicine 337, 408-416 Farag RS, Badei AZMA, El Barty GSA (1989) Influence of thyme and clove essential oils on cottonseed oil oxidation. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society 66, 800-804 Filleur F, Le Bait C, Duroux JL, Simon A, Chulia AJ (2001) Antiproliferative, Anti-Aromatase, Anti-17β-HSD and Antioxidant Activities of Lignans Isolated from Myristica argentea. Planta Medica 67, 700-704 Fraga CG, Mectino US, Ferraro GE, Coussio JF, Boveria A (1987) Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology 36, 717

<strong>EXTENDED</strong> <strong>REFERENCE</strong> <strong>LIST</strong><br />

Abou-Gazar H, Bedir E, Takamatsu S, Ferreira D, Khan IA (2004) Antioxidant lignans from Larrea tridentate. Phytochemistry 65, 2499-2505<br />

Ahn BT, Lee SB, Lee ES, Kim JG, Bok SH, Jeong TS (2001) Low-density lipoprotein-antioxidant constituents of Saururus chinensis. Journal of Natural Products 64, 1562-1564<br />

Al-Burtamani SKS, Fatope MO (2004) Flavonoids from Commiphora wightii. IUPAC International Conference on Biodiversity and Natural Products Chemistry and Medicinal<br />

applications, New Delhi p-29, 26-31 Jan. 2004<br />

Ames BN (1983) Dietary carcinogens and anticarcinogens:oxygen radicals and degenerative diseases. <strong>Science</strong> 221, 1256-1264<br />

Aniya Y, Miyagi C, Nakandakari A, Kamiya S, Imaizumi N, Ichiba T (2002) Free radical scavenging action of the medicinal herb limonium wrightii from the Okinawa Island.<br />

Phytomedicine 9, 239-244<br />

Aruoma OI (1998) Free radicals, oxidative stress, and antioxidants in human health and disease. Journal of the American Oil Chemist’s Society 75, 199-212<br />

Athanasas K, Magiatis P, Fokialakis N, Skastsounis AL, Pratsinis H, Kletsas D (2004) Hyperjovinols A and B: two new phloroglucinol derivatives from hypericum jovis with<br />

antioxidant activity in cell cultures. Journal of Natural Products 67, 973-977<br />

Atta-Ur-Rahamann, Nojounou FN, Choudhary MIS, Malik S, Makhmoor T, Nur-E-Alam M, Zarren S, Lonsti D, Ayafor JF, Sondengam BL (2001) New antioxidant and<br />

antimicrobial ellagic acid derivatives from Pteleopsis hylodendron. Planta Medica 67, 335-339<br />

Azuma K, Nakayama M, Koshioka M, Ippoushi K, Yamaguchi Y, Kohata K, Yamauchi Y, Ito H, Higashio H (1999) Phenolic antioxidants from the leaves of Corchorus olitorius L.<br />

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 47, 3963-3966<br />

Baggett S, Protiva P, Mazzola EP, Yang H, Ressler, ET, Basile MJ, Weinstein IB, Kennelly EJ (2005) Bioactive benzophenones from Garcinia xanthochymus Fruits. Journal of<br />

Natural Products 68, 354-360<br />

Banskota AH, Tezuka Y, Nguyen NT, Awale S, Nobukawa T, Kadota S (2003) DPPH radical scavenging and nitric oxide inhibitory activities of the constituents from the wood of<br />

Taxus yunnanensis. Planta Medica 69, 500-505<br />

Barreiros ALBS, David JP, de Queiróz LP, David JM (2000) A type of proanthocyanidin antioxidants from Dioclea lasiophylla. Phytochemistry 55, 805-808<br />

Bernardi APM, Ferraz ABF, Albring DV, Bordignon SAL (2005) Benzophenones from Hypericum carinatum. Journal of Natural Products 68, 784-786<br />

Biondi DM, Rocco C, Ruberto G (2003) New dihydrostilbene derivatives from the leaves of Glycyrrhiza glabra and evaluation of their antioxidant activity. Journal of Natural Products<br />

66, 477-480<br />

Boverics AD, Galatro A, Sambrotta L, Rieco R, Gurni AA, Puntarulo S (2001) Antioxidant capacity of a 3-deoxyanthocyanidin from soybean. Phytochemistry 58, 1097-1105<br />

Braca A, de Tommasi N, di Bari L, Pizza C, Politi M, Morelli I (2001) Antioxidant Principles from Bauhinia tarapotensis. Journal of Natural Products 64, 892-895<br />

Braca A, Fico G, Morelli I, de Simone F, Tome F, de Tomnasi N (2003a) Antioxidant and free radical scavenging activity of flavonol glycosides from different Aconitum species.<br />

Journal of Ethnopharmacology 86, 63-67<br />

Braca A, Politi M, Sanogo R, Sanou H, Morelli I, Pizza C, de Tommasi N (2003b) Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of phenolic compounds from wild and cultivated<br />

Sclerocarya birrea (Anacardiaceae) leaves. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51, 6689-6695<br />

Braham H, Mighri Z, Jannet HB, Matthew S, Abreu PM (2005) Antioxidant Phenolic Glycosides from Moricandia arvensis. Journal of Natural Products 68, 517-522<br />

Branen AL (1975) Toxicology and biochemistry of butylated hydroxyanisole and butylated hydroxytoluene. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society 52, 59-63<br />

Brown JE, Rice-Evans CA (1998) Free Radical Research 29, 247<br />

Bushschmann H, Reelly K, Rodriguez MX, Tohme J, Beeching JR (2000) Hydrogen peroxide and flavan-3-ol in storage roots of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) during<br />

postharvest deterioration. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 48, 5522-5529<br />

Cai XH, Luo X-D, Zhou J, Hao X-J (2005) Quinones from Chirita eburnean. Journal of Natural Products 68, 797-799<br />

Calis I, Heilmann J, Tasdemir D, Linden A, Ireland CM, Otto S (2001) Flavonoid, iridoid, and lignan glycosides from Putoria calabrica. Journal of Natural Product 64, 961-964<br />

Cardoso CL, Castro-Gamboa I, Silva DHS, Furlan M, de Epifanio RA, da Pinto AC, de Rezende CM, Lima JA, da Bolzani VS (2004) Indole glucoalkaloids from Chimarrhis<br />

turbinate and their evaluation as antioxidant agents and acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors. Journal of Natural Products 67, 1882-1885<br />

Castro-Gamboa I, Castro O (2004) Iridoids from the aerial parts of Verbena littoralis (Verbenaceae). Phytochemistry 65, 2369-2372<br />

Cha C, Lee SB, Rhim TJ, Lee KH (2000) Constituents of antioxidative activity and free radical scavenging effect from Galla Rhois (Rhus javanica Linn.). Korean Journal of<br />

Pharmacognosy 31, 185-189<br />

Chae S, Kim JS, Kang KA, Bu HD, Lee Y, Hyun JW, Kang SS (2004) Antioxidant activity of jionoside D from Clerodendron trichotomum. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 27,<br />

1504-1508<br />

Chen CC, Chen HY, Shiao MS, Lin YL, Kuo YH, Ou JC (1999) Inhibition of low density lipoprotein oxidation by tetrahydrofurofuran lignans from Forsythia suspense and Magnolia<br />

coco. Planta Medica 65, 709-711<br />

Chen CC, Huang TL, Yeh PY, Ou JC (2003) Cyclized Geranyl Stilbenes from the Rhizomes of Helminthostachys zeylanica. Planta Medica 69, 964-967<br />

Chen HY, Shiao MS, Huang YL, Shen CC, Lin YK, Kuo YH, Chen CC (1999a) Antioxidant principles from Ephemerantha lonchophylla. Journal of Natural Products 62, 1225-1227<br />

Chen JJ, Chang YL, Teng CM, Chen IS (2001) Vasorelaxing and Antioxidant Constituents from Hernandia nymphaeifolia. Planta Medica 67, 593-598<br />

Chen Y, Wang M, Rosen RT, Ho CT (1999b) 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picryl hydrazyl radical-scavenging active components from Polygonum multiflorum. Journal of agricultural and Food<br />

Chemistry 47, 2226-2228<br />

Choi J, Huh K, Kim SH, Lee HK, Park HJ (2002) Kalopanaxsaponin A from Kalopanax pictus, a potent antioxidant in the rheumatoidal rat treated with Freund's complete adjuvant<br />

reagent. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 79, 113-118<br />

Choi JH, Kim HS, Jung MJ, Choi JS (2001a) (+) Catechin, an antioxidant principle from the leaves of Pinus densiflora that acts on 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical. Natural<br />

Product <strong>Science</strong>s 7, 1-4<br />

Choi JS, Kang HS, Jung HA, Jung JH, Kang SS (2001) A new cyclic phenyllacamide from Salvia miltiorrhiza. Fitoterapia 72, 30-40<br />

Chung HS, Woo WS (2001) A quinolone alkaloid with antioxidant activity from the aleurone layer of anthocyanin-pigmented rice. Journal of Natural Products 64, 1579-1580<br />

Chung HS, Chang LC, Lee SK, Shamon LA, Breemen RB, Mehta RG, Farnsworth NR, Pezzuto JM, Kinghorn AD (1999) Flavonoid constituents of Chorizanthe diffusa with<br />

potential cancer chemopreventive activity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 47, 36-41<br />

Cioffi G, D’Auria M, Braca A, Mendez J, Castillo A, Morelli I, de Simone F, de Tommasi N (2002) Antioxidant and free-radical scavenging activity of constituents of the leaves of<br />

Tachigalia paniculata. Journal of Natural Products 65, 1526-1529<br />

Cioffi G, Escobar LM, Braca A, de Tommasi N (2003) Antioxidant chalcone glycosides and flavanones from Maclura (Chlorophora) tinctoria. Journal of Natural Products 66, 1061-<br />

1064<br />

Corsino J, Silva DHS, Zanoni MVB, da Silva Bolzani V, Franca SC, Pereira AMS, Furlan M (2003) Antioxidant flavan-3-ols and flavonol glycosides from Maytenus aquifolium.<br />

Phytotherapy Research 17, 913-916<br />

Couladis M, Baziov P, Verykokidou E, Loukis A (2002) Antioxidant activity of polyphenols from Hypericum triquetrifolium Turra. Phytotherapy Research 16, 769-770<br />

Cuendet M, Potterrat O, Salvi A, Testa B, Hostettmann K (2000) A stilbene and dihydrochalcones with radical scavenging from Loiseleuria procumbens. Phytochemistry 54, 871-<br />

874<br />

Daniel R, Mathew BC, Devi KS, Augusti KT (1998) Antioxidant effect of two flavonoids from the bark of Ficus bengalensis Linn. in hyperlipidemic rats. Indian Journal of<br />

Experimental Biology 36, 902-906<br />

David JM, Barreiros ALBS, David JP (2004) Antioxidant phenylpropanoid esters of triterpenes from Dioclea lassiophylla. Pharmaceutical Biology 42, 36-38<br />

de Sousa E, Zanatta L, Seifriz I, Creczynski-Pasa TB, Pizzolatti MG, Szpoganicz B, Silva FRMB (2004) Hypoglycemic effect and antioxidant potential of kaempferol-3, 7-O-(α)-<br />

dirhamnoside from Bauhinia forficata Leaves. Journal of Natural Products 67, 829-832<br />

de-Whalley C, Rankin SM, Houct JRS, Jessup W, Leake DS (1990) Flavonoids inhibit the oxidative modification of low density lipoproteins by macrophages. Biochemical<br />

Pharmacology 39, 1743<br />

Diaz MN, Frei B, Vita JA, Keaney JF (1997) Antioxidants and atheroselerotic heart disease. New England Journal of Medicine 337, 408-416<br />

Farag RS, Badei AZMA, El Barty GSA (1989) Influence of thyme and clove essential oils on cottonseed oil oxidation. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society 66, 800-804<br />

Filleur F, Le Bait C, Duroux JL, Simon A, Chulia AJ (2001) Antiproliferative, Anti-Aromatase, Anti-17β-HSD and Antioxidant Activities of Lignans Isolated from Myristica argentea.<br />

Planta Medica 67, 700-704<br />

Fraga CG, Mectino US, Ferraro GE, Coussio JF, Boveria A (1987) Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology 36, 717

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