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Oleksii Shevtsov<br />

Commisariat à l’Energie Atomique, INAC-SPSMS-GT<br />

Grenoble, France<br />

GDR Réunion: Physique Mésoscopique Quantique<br />

Aussois, December 8, 2011

Outline<br />

Introduction to graphene<br />

Main features of topological insulators<br />

Quantum spin Hall phase in graphene<br />

Crossover between <strong>QHE</strong> and <strong>QSHE</strong><br />

Conclusions<br />

B<br />

<strong>QHE</strong><br />

vs<br />


Introduction<br />

Graphene:<br />

one atom thick planar sp2-bonded sheet of carbon atoms<br />

honeycomb crystal lattice<br />

Low-energy theory:<br />

‣ nearest-neighbors tight-binding<br />

model with one orbital per site<br />

‣ two sublattices: A and B – sites<br />

A B<br />

(pseudospin)<br />

‣ hopping parameter, 2.7 eV<br />

Bulk spectrum:

Topological insulators<br />

Bulk insulators with gapless edge excitations – bulk-edge correspondence<br />

Edge states are robust to a broad class of possible perturbations<br />

Properties of a system change abruptly – topological phase transition<br />

Possible candidates:<br />

‣ Chiral qauntum Hall edge channels:<br />

1. strong magnetic field<br />

2. broken time-reversal symmetry<br />

3. electrons with different projections of spin<br />

propagate in the same direction (without Zeeman)<br />

(2DEG nanowires, graphene)<br />

B<br />

<strong>QHE</strong><br />

‣ Helical spin Hall edge channels:<br />

<strong>QSHE</strong><br />

1. no magnetic field<br />

2. preserved time-reversal symmetry<br />

3. electrons with different projections of spin<br />

propagate in opposite directions<br />

(CdTe/HgCdTe quantum wells, graphene with spin-orbit coupling)

QSH phase in graphene<br />

PRL 95, 226801 (2005)<br />

Graphene with SO coupling – topological insulator<br />

W=56<br />

edge<br />

states<br />

But intrinsic SO interaction is very weak, ~10 mK<br />

PRB 74, 155426 (2006)<br />

Recent proposal to induce stronger SO (~70-210 K)<br />

by depositing In or Tl adatoms PRX 1, 021001 (2011)

Random distribution of adatoms<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2.5<br />

0<br />

T j0<br />

2<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

1 3<br />

2<br />

<strong>QSHE</strong><br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2<br />

n ad<br />

λ so

Scaling laws for QSH phase<br />

<strong>QSHE</strong><br />

Perfect robustness to disorder: the effective Quantum Spin Hall (QSH) phase is totally<br />

homogeneous with a renormalized SO coupling constant<br />

Shevtsov et al., arXiv:1109.5568

Crossover between <strong>QHE</strong> and <strong>QSHE</strong><br />

Time-reversal symmetry is broken!<br />

What happens to the spin, which propagated in the “wrong” direction?<br />

vs<br />

edge<br />

states<br />

Bulk:<br />

B<br />

<strong>QHE</strong><br />

– magnetic length<br />

But do we have states inside the<br />

gap?<br />


Crossover between <strong>QHE</strong> and <strong>QSHE</strong><br />

The answer is – YES!<br />

width,<br />

SO gap, 0.1<br />

For energies inside the gap, electrons with different spins propagate on the<br />

opposite edges

Crossover between <strong>QHE</strong> and <strong>QSHE</strong><br />

Current density plot in a nanoribbon<br />

Spin – down<br />

Spin – up<br />

I, [a.u.]<br />

1.0<br />

0.5<br />

0.0<br />

Spins appear on the opposite edges – quantum spin Hall effect

Crossover between <strong>QHE</strong> and <strong>QSHE</strong><br />

Current density plot in a nanoribbon<br />

Spin – down<br />

Spin – up<br />

I, [a.u.]<br />

1.0<br />

0.5<br />

0.0<br />

Spin down gets localized as Fermi energy aligns with the gap

Crossover between <strong>QHE</strong> and <strong>QSHE</strong><br />

Current density plot in a nanoribbon<br />

Spin – down<br />

Spin – up<br />

I, [a.u.]<br />

1.0<br />

0.5<br />

0.0<br />

Both spins appear on the same edges – quantum Hall effect

Transmission<br />

Crossover between <strong>QHE</strong> and <strong>QSHE</strong><br />

Transmission though a 4-terminal cross with armchair edges<br />

<strong>QSHE</strong><br />

<strong>QHE</strong><br />

B<br />

03<br />

01<br />

02<br />

<strong>QHE</strong><br />

Fermi energy<br />

<strong>QSHE</strong><br />

Intermediate region: finite-size effects

Conclusions<br />

Graphene is a good candidate for investigating new<br />

topological effects (easy to fabricate)<br />

In the presence of both magnetic field and SO<br />

coupling we observe features of <strong>QSHE</strong> and <strong>QHE</strong> by just<br />

tuning the Fermi energy. At the transition point, the spin<br />

which has to change an edge is getting localized.<br />

B<br />

<strong>QHE</strong><br />

vs<br />


This work was done in collaboration with<br />

Xavier Waintal<br />

David Carpentier<br />

Pierre Carmier<br />

Christoph Groth

Graphene ribbons<br />

Two types of regular edges:<br />

zigzag<br />

armchair<br />

Armchair nanoribbons:<br />

‣ Semiconductor, N=3p or 3p+1<br />

‣ Semimetal, N=3p+2<br />

p – integer<br />

1 2 N

Full TB spectrum of AGNR

Landau levels in the presence of<br />

varying mass

The KNIT package: Toward a universal mesoscopic tool box<br />


- Arbitrary geometry<br />

- Arbitrary internal degrees of<br />

freedom (s/p/d,e/h,up/down,…)<br />

-Arbitrary electrodes (contacts)<br />

- 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D,…<br />

-Inovative algorithm for both global (conductance, shot noise, …) and<br />

local (spin torque, local density of states,…) quantities.<br />



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