1st Research Conference - Gulf Coast Section SEPM

1st Research Conference - Gulf Coast Section SEPM

1st Research Conference - Gulf Coast Section SEPM


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Park formations indicate that the stratigraphic interval containing the<br />

Complexiopollia-Atlantopollis Zone can be assigned to the upper Cenomanian<br />

and lowermost Turonian stages of Europe. The lower part of the Britton<br />

Formation, however, is poorly fossiliferous with respect to pollen. Mollusk and<br />

ostracode data suggest that the Complexiopollia-Atlantopollis Zone should occur<br />

in these beds, which are of middle Cenomanian age. The underlying Tarrant<br />

and Woodbine formations are richly palyniferous and are definitely of pre-<br />

Complexiopollia-Atlantopollis age.<br />

The occurrence of the Complexiopollia-Atlantopollis Zone in the Eagle Ford<br />

Group of Texas not only indicates that the previously suggested correlations of<br />

the Tuscaloosa Group of Alabama with the Woodbine Formation of Texas<br />

should be re-examined, but it allows the establishment of biostratigraphic<br />

relationships between the pollen zone and zones based on other fossil groups.<br />

The lithologic units in which the Complexiopollia-Atlantopollis Zone occurs in<br />

the eastern <strong>Gulf</strong> and Atlantic coastal plains are typically marginal marine or<br />

nonmarine in origin, and zonal relationships established on the few marine<br />

fossils that do occur in this region are tenuous at best. However, the Eagle<br />

Ford Group of Texas contains a diverse marine invertebrate fauna for which<br />

zonations have been proposed, zonations that can now be related to the<br />

Complexiopollia-Atlantopollis Zone. The core data suggest that the<br />

Complexiopollia-Atlantopollis Zone correlates at least with (1) the entire<br />

Sciponoceras gracile Zone and possibly with the basal part of the Mytiloides<br />

"labiatus" and the upper part of the Ostrea beloiti zones (mollusks), (2) the<br />

upper part of the Rotalia cushmani-greenhornensis Subzone and possibly the<br />

basal part of the Whiteinella archaeocretacea Subzone (foraminifers), and (3)<br />

the Cythereis eaglefordensis and Fossocytheridea lenoirensis range-zones<br />


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