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CV Dr. Jan Dierking<br />

<strong>DR</strong>. <strong>JAN</strong> <strong>DIERKING</strong><br />

Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Fishes Group<br />

Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR)<br />

Düsternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel, Germany<br />

E-mail: jdierking@geomar.de<br />

Personal information: *8.1.1975, Münster, Germany; German nationality; Married, one child.<br />


I am a marine ecologist working on the ecology and evolution of fishes and on marine<br />

ecosystem functioning, with a particular interest in integrated approaches. This includes<br />

combining ecological and molecular data to assess the connection of genotype and phenotype,<br />

and ecological, molecular, fisheries and oceanographic data to shed light on processes driving<br />

evolutionary change in marine fishes. My research topics include fisheries induced<br />

evolution, conservation genetics, foodweb studies, and fish feeding ecology and migrations,<br />

both in temperate (Mediterranean, North Sea, Baltic Sea) and tropical (Pacific Ocean)<br />

systems. Throughout my career, I have gathered extensive experience in fisheries<br />

management and conservation work, and I maintain an interest in research with applied<br />

implications in these fields.<br />

My toolkit includes molecular analyses (neutral markers: microsatellites, mitochondrial<br />

DNA; adaptive marker: MHC immune genes), stable isotope analysis, and fish(ery) biology<br />

measures (e.g., otolith analysis, morphometry, maturity and condition indices).<br />


05/2007 PhD degree, University of Hawaii (UH), USA. Dissertation: “Effects<br />

of the introduced predatory fish Cephalopholis argus on native reef<br />

fish populations in Hawaii.” Advisor: Dr. Charles Birkeland.<br />

08/2005 MSc degree, UH Specialization in Ecology, Evolution and<br />

Conservation Biology. Thesis: “The economic value and the social<br />

structure of the aquarium fish industry in West Hawaii.”<br />

08/2001 – 05/2007 Graduate student in the Department of Zoology, UH.<br />

10/1997 - 07/2001 Study of Marine Science (major), Zoology, Business administration<br />

(minors) at the Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet (CAU) Kiel.<br />

1987-1995 German High school diploma, HBG Celle; Class valedictorian.<br />

1992-1993 Exchange student, Ohio, USA, with the American Field Service.<br />


CV Dr. Jan Dierking<br />


07/1995 – 06/1997 Member of the permanent crew of the German navy sail training ship<br />

“Gorch Fock” during 20 country voyage around the world.<br />


09/2009 – present Postdoctoral researcher, Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel<br />

(GEOMAR), Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Fishes group (EV).<br />

Principal projects: Local and global patterns in fisheries induced<br />

evolution (Start date: 02/2012); Ecology and conservation genetics<br />

of endangered anadromous whitefishes (Start date: 09/2009, in<br />

collaboration with Dr. Chris Eizaguirre (EV)); MHC-mediated<br />

speciation in Arctic whitefishes (Start date 09/2009, in collaboration<br />

with Dr. C. Eizaguirre (EV) and Dr. K. Praebel (Tromsoe<br />

University, Norway).<br />

07/2007 – 09/2009 Postdoctoral researcher with Dr. Mireille Harmelin-Vivien, Centre<br />

d’Océanologie de Marseille; Projects: Coupling of terrestrial and<br />

coastal ecosystems in the NW Mediterranean assessed by stable<br />

isotope analysis (SIA); Marine flatfish migrations assessed by SIA.<br />

01/2004 – 05/2007 Graduate research assistant with Dr. C. Birkeland, UH<br />

10/2002 – 12/2003 Scientific research consultant for the NGO The Nature Conservancy,<br />

the consulting firm Cesar Environmental Economics Consulting, and<br />

the Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources; Projects: Sustainability of<br />

the aquarium fish industry (AFI) in Hawaii; The economic value of<br />

reefs in Hawaii; Reef user fees for conservation in Hawaii; Hawaii<br />

marine aquarium fish industry database construction.<br />

01/2001 – 08/2001 Research assistant, Kiel University; Global carbon cycle project.<br />

04/2000 – 05/2000 Scientific diver, nature documentary project, Aldabra, Seychelles.<br />

09/1998 – 10/1998 Research assistant, Biological Station Sylt; Seagrass ecology study.<br />


Since 2009, (co-)supervision of 2 Ph.D., 4 Master, and 1 Bachelor projects, 1 intern during<br />

her German voluntary year in science and technology, and 1 technician.<br />

Projects: Temporal genetic differentiation of Bornholm Basin (Baltic Sea) cod stocks; Feeding<br />

ecology, migration behavior, and evidence for natural reproduction of endangered North Sea<br />

houting (Coregonus oxyrinchus) in Northern Germany; Patterns of parallel evolution in the<br />

houting complex; Gill raker differentiation between German whitefish populations; Feeding<br />

ecology of the invasive combjelly Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Baltic Sea; Niche segregation<br />

between three species of pipefishes in eelgrass beds in the Baltic Sea assessed by stable<br />

isotope analysis; Eelgrass Zostera marina population structure, and use of Z. marina isotopic<br />


CV Dr. Jan Dierking<br />

signatures as indicator of eutrophication in the Baltic Sea. Twaite shad (Alosa fallax)<br />

migrations in the Elbe estuary assessed by otolith microchemistry.<br />


Winter 2011/2012 Seminar on Current topics in fish ecology and evolution (co-taught<br />

with O. Roth, C. Eizaguirre, T. Reusch)<br />

Spring 2010 3-week block course Molecular Ecology (co-taught with C.<br />

Eizaguirre, O. Roth, T. Reusch)<br />

01/2005 – 07/2005 Teaching assistant for Limnology, UH<br />


09/2012 Project funding for improved fisheries management of sea trout<br />

(Salmo trutta) in Schleswig Holstein, Germany; proposal coauthored<br />

with Dr. C. Petereit and Prof. T. Reusch submitted to the<br />

Fischereiabgabeausschuß (€40,990).<br />

02/2012 – present German Science Foundation (DFG) funding (via the Cluster of<br />

Excellence “The Future Ocean”) for own position and project money<br />

obtained via own proposal “Local and global patterns in fisheriesinduced<br />

evolution” (€180,000).<br />

10/2009 – present Project funding for conservation genetic and ecological work on the<br />

endangered fish species Coregonus oxyrinchus obtained via own<br />

proposals submitted jointly with Dr. C. Eizaguirre to the German<br />

State Agency LLUR (Landesamt für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und<br />

Ländliche Raeume) (€160,000).<br />

08/2007 – 09/2009 Research stipend by German NGO “Okeanos” obtained via own<br />

proposal (€40,000).<br />

10/2003 – 12/2006 Hawaii Coral Reef Initiative grant in support of dissertation project<br />

on Cephalopholis argus obtained via own proposal ($68,200).<br />

02/2003 EECB graduate student research award.<br />

09/2002 International Student Services Scholarship for outstanding<br />

contribution in promoting intercultural understanding.<br />

08/2002 Dai Ho Chun Scholarship for Outstanding International Students.<br />

08/2001 – 12/2004 Fulbright Scholarship for graduate study in the USA.<br />


Dierking, J., Praebel, K., Borcherding, J., Brunke, M., Eizaguirre, C. The return of the<br />

houtings: genetics and ecology of anadromous whitefishes in Germany. 11 th International<br />

Symposium on the Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes. Mondsee, Austria,<br />

September 2011.<br />


CV Dr. Jan Dierking<br />

Dierking, J. Conservation genetics of the North Sea houting (Coregonus oxyrinchus). Invited<br />

talk at the Technical University of Denmark National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU<br />

Aqua), Population genetics group, Silkeborg, Denmark, June 2010.<br />

Dierking, J., Wafo, E., Lagadec, V., Schembri, T., Nicolas, C., Letourneur, Y., Harmelin-<br />

Vivien, M. When contaminants reveal ecology: Persistent contaminants in the common<br />

sole in the NW Mediterranean as biomarkers of migrations.44 th European Marine Biology<br />

Symposium, Liverpool, UK, September 2009.<br />

Dierking, J., Banaru, D., Hermand, R., Fontaine, M.F., Degiovanni, C., Letourneur, Y.,<br />

Nicolas, C., Salen-Picard, C., Harmelin-Vivien, M. Land and Sea connected: stable<br />

isotopes reveal a role of terrestrial organic matter in nearshore ecosystem functioning in the<br />

Gulf of Lions, Mediterranean sea. 6 th International Conference on Applications of Stable<br />

isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies. Honolulu, Hawaii, August 2008.<br />

Dierking, J., Birkeland, C., Williams, I., Walsh, W., and Stamoulis, K. Effects of the<br />

introduced predatory fish Cephalopholis argus on native reef fish populations in Hawaii.<br />

42 nd European Marine Biology Symposium, Kiel, Germany, August 2007.<br />


Reviewer for the journals Fishery Bulletin, Journal of Fish Biology, Marine Biology, Marine<br />

Ecology Progress Series, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Archives of Environmental<br />

Contamination and Toxicology.<br />


Managing Genetic Diversity of Fishes? Integrative workshop with economists, fisheries<br />

biologists and evolutionary ecologists on understanding and management of fisheries<br />

induced changes in fish populations. Wadden Sea Station Sylt, Germany, August 26-29<br />

2012. (Co-organized with Prof. T. Requate, Prof. M. Quaas, Prof. T. Reusch, and Dr. J.<br />

Schmidt).<br />

3 rd Young Scientist Conference: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Global Chance. Kiel,<br />

October 1-2 2012 (co-organized with postdocs of the Future Ocean Cluster of Excellence,<br />

Kiel).<br />


Scientific Diver American Academy of Underwater Sciences license (~400 working dives)<br />

Boating<br />

Computer<br />

Languages<br />

EU coastal and US Geological Survey motorboat operator certifications<br />

Access, Minitab, Statistica, PRIMER, Sigmaplot, Photoshop, Illustrator,<br />

MorphoJ, molecular data analysis programs (e.g., Genemapper, CodonCode<br />

Aligner, Arlequin, Structure, etc.)<br />

German (native), English (fluent), French (fluent)<br />


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