2007 Annual Report - jamstec japan agency for marine-earth ...

2007 Annual Report - jamstec japan agency for marine-earth ...

2007 Annual Report - jamstec japan agency for marine-earth ...


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Chapter 2. Results of FY<strong>2007</strong> Activities<br />

I. Measures to be taken to achieve the objectives <strong>for</strong><br />

improving the quality of services and other operations<br />

provided to the public<br />

1 Fundamental research and development concerning<br />

ocean science and technology<br />

1.1 Promotion of key research activities<br />

1.1.1 Observational Research <strong>for</strong> Global Change<br />

(1) Climate Variations Observational Research<br />

Program<br />

The objective of the Climate Variations Observational<br />

Research Program is to develop an extensive and continuous<br />

ocean observing system in the Pacific and Indian Ocean, to<br />

reveal the mechanisms of the variations in the upper layer with<br />

annual to decadal time scales. The Tropical Ocean Climate<br />

Group focuses mainly on the phenomena that occur in the warm<br />

water pool of the western Pacific and the eastern Indian Ocean<br />

while the Argo Group focuses mainly on interannual to decadal<br />

variations in the north Pacific. In order to further facilitate<br />

these research activities, under the cooperation with various<br />

international organizations, we will continue to develop the<br />

TRITON buoy mooring network in the equatorial Pacific and<br />

the Indian Ocean as well as developing the Argo float array<br />

with a focus on the mid-latitude regions of the both oceans.<br />

Tropical Ocean Climate Group<br />

Tropical Ocean Climate Group continued the observations<br />

in the western tropical Pacific and the eastern tropical Indian<br />

Ocean by using the TRITON buoy array and sub-surface ADCP<br />

moorings. Two cruises in the western tropical Pacific and one<br />

cruise in the east tropical Indian Ocean were conducted by R/V<br />

MIRAI under the cooperation with the Marine Technology<br />

Center of JAMSTEC. During these three cruises, total of 15<br />

TRITON buoys in the western tropical Pacific were<br />

recovered/deployed and 2 TRITON buoys in the east Indian<br />

Ocean were recovered. Also starting this year, 2 m-TRITON<br />

buoys funded directly by the Ministry of Education, Culture,<br />

Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) were deployed<br />

replacing the TRITON buoys. The mooring location of the<br />

TRITON/m-TRITON buoys and sub-surface ADCP buoys were<br />

shown in Fig. 1.<br />

XCTD/XBT observations in the northern Indian Ocean<br />

were conducted by using the volunteer observation ships. The<br />

data obtained by this observation is delivered to the meteorological<br />

institutions in the world by GTS and is open to the public<br />

after the quality control. Some of the major results of analyzing<br />

these data obtained are introduced below.<br />

a. Zonal gradient of sea surface temperature and variation of<br />

Pacific warm pool associated with cooling in the western<br />

Pacific be<strong>for</strong>e the onset of El Niño.<br />

In order to clarify a role of interaction between the atmosphere<br />

and the ocean over the warm pool in the western tropical<br />

Pacific in the mechanism of onset of El Niño, upper ocean temperature<br />

variation around warm pool region west from 156 o E<br />

(hereafter, FWEP)where the TRITONN buoys were deployed<br />

was investigated from boreal winter of 2001 to boreal spring of<br />

2002 be<strong>for</strong>e the onset of the 2002/03 El Niño.<br />

Satellite data indicates that negative sea surface temperature<br />

anomalies are developed in the east coast of New Guinea be<strong>for</strong>e<br />

the onset of the 2002/03 El Niño (December, 2001) to expand<br />

eastward in a wide area of the western equatorial Pacific (Fig.<br />

2). At this time the sea surface temperature in FWEP showed a<br />

positive zonal gradient with enhancement of westerly wind<br />

anomalies to start moving the Pacific warm pool eastward, followed<br />

by the onset of the 2002/03 El Niño.<br />

Fig. 1 Mooring location of the buoys as of January, 2008. Red and blue solid circles indicate the buoys by JAMSTEC and the empty white circle<br />

indicates the Atlas buoys by NOAA of USA.<br />


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