Chapters 44-95 - Germanic Mythology

Chapters 44-95 - Germanic Mythology

Chapters 44-95 - Germanic Mythology


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Syrian" who had interpreted the story for him. There was also need of a man from the<br />

Orient as an authority when a previously unknown miracle was to be presented -- a<br />

miracle that had transpired in a cave near Ephesus. But there is no absolute reason for<br />

assuming that Gregorius presents a story of his own invention. The reference of the<br />

legend to Ephesus is explained by the antique saga-variation concerning Endymion, 8<br />

according to which the latter was sentenced to confinement and eternal sleep in a cave in<br />

the mountain Latmos. Latmos is south of Ephesus, and not very far from there. This saga<br />

is the antique root-thread of the legend, out of which rose its localization, but not its<br />

contents and its details. The contents are borrowed from the <strong>Germanic</strong> mythology. That<br />

Syria or Asia Minor was the scene of its transformation into a Christian legend is<br />

possible, and is not surprising. During and immediately after the time to which the legend<br />

itself refers the resurrection of the seven sleepers, the time of Theodosius, the Roman<br />

Orient, Asia Minor, Syria, and Egypt were full of <strong>Germanic</strong> warriors who had permanent<br />

quarters there. A Notitia dignitatum 9 from this age speaks of hosts of Goths,<br />

Alamannians, Franks, Chamavians, and Vandals, who there had fixed military quarters.<br />

There then stood an ala Francorum, a cohors Alamannorum, a cohors Chamavorum, an<br />

ala Vandilorum, a cohors Gothorum, 10 and no doubt there, as elsewhere in the Roman<br />

Empire, great provinces were colonized by <strong>Germanic</strong> veterans and other immigrants. Nor<br />

must we neglect to remark that the legend refers the falling asleep of the seven men to the<br />

time of Decius. Decius fell in battle against the Goths, who, a few years later, invaded<br />

Asia Minor and captured among other places also Ephesus. 11<br />

<strong>95</strong>.<br />


The account now given of the myths concerning the lower world shows that the<br />

hierologists and skalds of our heathendom had developed the doctrine in a clear manner<br />

even down to the minutest details. The lower world and its kingdom of death were the<br />

chief subjects with which their fancy was occupied. The many sagas and traditions which<br />

flowed from heathen sources and which described Svipdag's, Hadding's, Gorm's,<br />

Thorkil's, and other journeys down there are proof of this, and the complete agreement of<br />

statements from totally different sources in regard to the topography of the lower world<br />

and the life there below shows that the ideas were systematized into a clear and<br />

perspicuous whole. Svipdag's and Hadding's journeys in the lower world have been<br />

incorporated as episodes in the great epic concerning the <strong>Germanic</strong> patriarchs, the chief<br />

outlines of which I have presented in the preceding pages. This is done in the same<br />

manner as the visits of Ulysses and Æneas in the lower world have become a part of the<br />

great Greek and Roman epic poems.<br />

8 In Greek <strong>Mythology</strong>, Endymion is a mortal loved by the moon-goddess Selene who bears him fifty<br />

daughters. Because she could not bear to see him die, she lulled him to sleep in a cave where he would<br />

remain youthful and beautiful eternally. In another version of the tale, Zeus grants his wish to remain<br />

beautiful forever by putting him to sleep in a cave.<br />

9 Register of Dignitaries<br />

10 ala, squadron; cohors, retinue<br />

11 The influence of the <strong>Germanic</strong> tribes in this region is confirmed by Gibbons in his Of the Decline and<br />

Fall of the Roman Empire.

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