Chapters 44-95 - Germanic Mythology

Chapters 44-95 - Germanic Mythology

Chapters 44-95 - Germanic Mythology


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ut for certain lifandi menn (living men), yet inaccessible to people in general. In the<br />

myth concerning Mimir, we also find such a grove.<br />

52.<br />


The grove is called after its ruler and guardian, Mimir's or Treasure-Mimir's grove<br />

(Mímis holt - Uppsala Codex of Gylfaginning 53; Hoddmímis holt - Vafþrúðnismál 45,<br />

Gylfaginning 53).<br />

Gylfaginning describes the destruction of the world and its regeneration, and then<br />

relates how the earth, rising out of the sea, is furnished with human inhabitants. "During<br />

the conflagration (í Surtarloga) two persons are concealed in Treasure-Mimir's grove.<br />

Their names are Lif (Líf) and Leifthrasir (Leifþrasir), and they feed on the morning dews.<br />

From them come so great an offspring that all the world is peopled."<br />

In support of its statement, Gylfaginning quotes Vafþrúðnismál <strong>44</strong>, 45. This poem<br />

makes Odin and the giant Vafthrudnir (Vafþrúðnir) put questions to each other, and<br />

among others Odin asks this question:<br />

Fjöld eg fór,<br />

fjöld eg freistaðag,<br />

fjöld eg reynda regin:<br />

Hvað lifir manna,<br />

þá er inn mæra líður<br />

fimbulvetur með firum?<br />

Much I have travelled,<br />

much I have tried,<br />

much I have tested the powers.<br />

What living persons,<br />

shall still live when the famous<br />

fimbul-winter has been in the world?<br />

Vafthrudnir answers:<br />

Líf og Leifþrasir,<br />

en þau leynast munu<br />

í holti Hoddmímis.<br />

Morgundöggvar<br />

þau sér að mat hafa,<br />

en þaðan af aldir alast.<br />

Lif and Leifthrasir (are still living);<br />

they are concealed<br />

in Hodd-Mimir's grove.<br />

Morning dews<br />

they will have for nourishment,<br />

From them are born (new) races.<br />

Gylfaginning says that the two human beings, Lif and Leifthrasir, who become the<br />

progenitors of the races that are to people the earth after Ragnarok, are concealed during<br />

the conflagration of the world in Hodd-Mimir's grove. This is, beyond doubt, in<br />

accordance with mythic views. But mythologists, who have not paid sufficient attention<br />

to what Gylfaginning's source (Vafþrúðnismál) has to say on the subject, have from the<br />

above expression drawn a conclusion which implies a complete misunderstanding of the<br />

traditions in regard to Hodd-Mimir's grove and the human pair therein concealed. They<br />

have assumed that Lif and Leifthrasir are, like all other people living at that time,<br />

inhabitants of the surface of the earth at the time when the conflagration of the world

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