Chapters 44-95 - Germanic Mythology

Chapters 44-95 - Germanic Mythology

Chapters 44-95 - Germanic Mythology


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Tveggja bága<br />

Njörva nipt<br />

á nesi stendur.<br />

Skal eg þó glaður<br />

með góðan vilja<br />

og óhryggur<br />

Heljar bíða.<br />

The kinswoman of Njorvi (the<br />

binder)<br />

of Odin's (Tveggi's) foes<br />

stands on the ness.<br />

But I shall gladly<br />

with good will<br />

and without remorse<br />

wait for Hel.<br />

It goes without saying that the skald means a dis of death, Urd or one of her<br />

messengers, with the words, "the kinswoman of Njorvi (the binder) of Odin's foes,"<br />

whom he with the eye of presentiment sees standing on the family grave-mound on<br />

Digraness. She is not to stop there, but she is to continue her way to his hall, to bring him<br />

to the gravemound. He awaits her coming with gladness, and as the last line shows, she<br />

whose arrival he awaits is Hel, the goddess of death or fate. It has already been<br />

demonstrated that Hel in the heathen records is always identical with Urd. 1<br />

Njorvi is here used both as a proper and a common noun. "The kinswoman of the<br />

Njorvi of Odin's foes" means "the kinswoman of the binder of Odin's foes." Odin's foe<br />

Fenrir was bound with an excellent chain smithied in the lower world (dwarfs in<br />

Svartálfaheimr -- Gylfaginning 34), and as shall be shown later, there are more than one<br />

of Odin's foes who are bound with Narvi's chains (see No. 87). 2<br />

(c) Höfuðlausn 10. Egil Skallagrimson celebrates in song a victory won by Erik<br />

Blood-axe, and says of the battle-field that there trað nipt Nara náttverð ara ("Nari's<br />

kinswoman trampled upon the supper of the eagles," that is to say, upon the dead bodies<br />

of the fallen). 3 The psychopomps of disease, of age, and of misfortunes have nothing to<br />

do on a battle-field. Thither come valkyries to fetch the elect. Nipt Nara must therefore<br />

be a valkyrie, whose horse tramples upon the heaps of dead bodies; and as Egil names<br />

only one shield-maid of that kind, he doubtless has had the most representative, the most<br />

important one in mind. That one is Skuld, Urd's sister, and thus a nipt Nara like Urd<br />

herself.<br />

1 Rydberg's translation here is very unlikely. Most editors assume njörva-nipt, to mean "close sister," i.e.<br />

alsystir whole sister as opposed to hálfsystir (half-sister), and interpret the line "the close sister of Odin's<br />

enemy stands on the ness." The close sister of Odin's enemy, Fenrir, is of course the terrible Loki-daughter.<br />

This finds support in verse 24 where Odin is called the "enemy of the wolf", bági ulfs.<br />

Gudbrand Vigfusson in Corpus Poeticum Boreale, suggests: Nús torrek kveðit tveggja bura Nörva nipt es<br />

nær stendr, meaning "Now the loss of my two sons is sung through. Nörvi's daughter [Night] is at hand."<br />

Because nipt refers to a female relative, there is no obstacle to Nörva nipt referring to Urd rather than to<br />

Night (cp. nera nipt used of a Norn in HH I.)<br />

2 The other foe bound with Narvi's chains is Völund-Thjazi, however "Odin's foe" is an accepted<br />

paraphrase of the Fenris Wolf, making this reading improbable.<br />

3 From Egil's Saga, ch. 61. Nipt nerja is generally translated as the Loki-daughter, the sister of Loki's son<br />

Narvi. Upon examination of his argument, this verse is among the strongest pieces of evidence in support<br />

of Rydberg's theory here.

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