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Ştefan Diaconescu<br />

Formalism and Virtual Machine Study. Final Report. Commission of the<br />

European Communities, 1991.<br />

[2] R. Backofen et al. EAGLES Formalism Working Group Final Report.<br />

Expert Advisory Group on Language Engineering Standards, 1996.<br />

[3] S. Diaconescu. Natural Language Understanding Using Generative<br />

Dependency Grammar. In: M. Bramer, A. Preece and F. Coenen (Eds),<br />

Twenty second SGAI International Conference on Knowledge Based<br />

Systems and Applied Artificial Intelligence, pp.439-452, Cambridge UK,<br />

Springer, 2002.<br />

[4] S. Diaconescu. Morphological Categorization Attribute Value Trees and<br />

XML. In: M. A. Klopotek, S. T. Wierzchon, K. Trojanowski (Eds),<br />

Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining, Proceedings of the<br />

International IIS: IIPWM’03 Conference, pp. 131-138, Zakopane,<br />

Poland, Springer, 2003.<br />

[5] S. Diaconescu. Natural Language Agreement Description for Reversible<br />

Grammars. In: T. D. Gedeon, L. C. C. Fung (Eds.), Advances in<br />

Artificial Intelligence, 16 th Australian Conference on AI, pp. 161-172,<br />

Perth, Australia, Springer, 2003.<br />

[6] S. Diaconescu. Natural Language Processing Using Generative Indirect<br />

Dependency Grammar. In: M. A. Klopotek, S. T. Wierzchon, K.<br />

Trojanowski (Eds), Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining,<br />

Proceedings of the International IIS, IIPWM’04 Conference, pp. 414-<br />

418, Zakopane, Poland, Springer, 2004.<br />

[7] S. Diaconescu. Multiword Expression Translation Using Generative<br />

Dependency Grammar. In: J. L. Vicedo, P. Martinez-Barco, R. Muñoz,<br />

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Alicante, Spain, Springer, 2004.<br />

[8] S. Diaconescu. GRAALAN – Grammar Abstract Language Basics. In: J.<br />

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Polibits (38) 2008<br />


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