Publikationsliste Steinhausen

Publikationsliste Steinhausen

Publikationsliste Steinhausen


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Originalarbeiten in Zeitschriften von Prof. <strong>Steinhausen</strong> - 8 -<br />

3.123 Sergeant, J., <strong>Steinhausen</strong>, H.-C.<br />

European perspectives on hyperkinetic disorder. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 1, 34-41,<br />

1992<br />

3.124 Schöneck, U., Spohr, H.-L., Willms, J., <strong>Steinhausen</strong>, H.-C.<br />

Alkoholkonsum und intrauterine Dystrophie. Monatsschrift für Kinderheilkunde 140, 34-41, 1992<br />

3.125 <strong>Steinhausen</strong>, H.-C., Erdin A.<br />

Correlates of the DSM-III-R global assessment of functioning scale in patients attending a child and<br />

adolescent psychiatric service. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 1, 105-110, 1992<br />

3.126 <strong>Steinhausen</strong>, H.-C.<br />

Leichte und schwere hirnorganische Störungen im Kindesalter. Schweizerische Medizinische<br />

Wochenschrift 122, 102-111, 1992<br />

3.127 <strong>Steinhausen</strong>, H.-C., Vollrath, M.<br />

Semantic differentials for the assessment of body-image and perception of personality in eatingdisordered<br />

patients. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 12, 83-91, 1992<br />

3.128 Neumärker U., Dudeck U., Vollrath M., Neumärker K.-J., <strong>Steinhausen</strong> H.-C.<br />

Eating attitudes among adolescent anorexia nervosa patients and normal subjects in former West and<br />

East Berlin. A transcultural comparison. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 12, 281-289, 1992<br />

3.129 Erkolahti, R., Jansson, J., Offer, D. <strong>Steinhausen</strong>, H.-C.<br />

Comparison of the self-image of teenager in Finland, the United States, and Germany. Journal of<br />

Adolescent Health 13, 392-395, 1992<br />

3.130 <strong>Steinhausen</strong>, H.-C., Neumärker, K.-J., Vollrath, M., Dudeck, U., Neumärker, U.<br />

A transcultural comparison of the Eating Disorder Inventory in former East and West Berlin.<br />

International Journal of Eating Disorders, 12, 407-416, 1992<br />

3.131 Spohr, H.-L., Willms, J. & <strong>Steinhausen</strong>, H.-C.<br />

Prenatal alcohol exposure and long-term developmental consequences. The Lancet 341, 907-910,<br />

1993<br />

3.132 <strong>Steinhausen</strong>, H.-C.<br />

Allergie und Psyche. Monatsschrift für Kinderheilkunde 141, 285-292, 1993<br />

3.133 <strong>Steinhausen</strong>, H.-C., Vollrath, M.<br />

The self-image of adolescent patients with eating disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders<br />

13, 221-224, 1993<br />

3.134 Döpfner, M., Lehmkuhl, G., Berner, W. Schwitzgebel, P., von Aster, M. <strong>Steinhausen</strong>, H.-C.<br />

Die Psychopathologische Befund-Dokumentation: Ein Vergleich zur Beurteilung psychischer<br />

Störungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Ztschr. Kinder-Jugendpsychiatrie 20, 90-100, 1993<br />

3.135 Völger, M., <strong>Steinhausen</strong>, H.-C., Reitzle, M.<br />

A follow-up study of child psychiatric clinic attenders with minor neurological dysfunction. European<br />

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2, 136-145, 1993<br />

3.136 <strong>Steinhausen</strong>, H.-C., Seidel, R., Vollrath, M.<br />

Die Berliner Verlaufsstudie der Essstörungen im Jugendalter. I. Der stationäre Verlauf. Der<br />

Nervenarzt 64, 45-52, 1993.<br />

3.137 <strong>Steinhausen</strong>, H.-C., Willms, J. & Spohr, H.-L.<br />

The long-term psychopathological and cognitive outcome of children with fetal alcohol syndrome. J.<br />

Am. Acad. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry 32, 990-994, 1993<br />

3.138 <strong>Steinhausen</strong>, H.-C., Seidel, R.<br />

Short-term and intermediate-term outcome in adolescent eating disorders. Acta Psychiatrica<br />

Scandinavica 88, 169-173, 1993<br />

3.139 <strong>Steinhausen</strong>, H.-C., Seidel, R.<br />

Correspondence between the clinical assessment of eating disordered patients and findings derived<br />

from questionnaires at follow-up. International Journal of Eating Disorders 14, 367-374, 1993<br />

3.140 <strong>Steinhausen</strong>, H.-C., Seidel, R.<br />

Outcome in adolescent eating disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders 14, 487-496, 1993<br />

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