Shopping Centres: The next generation - Umdasch - Shop Concept

Shopping Centres: The next generation - Umdasch - Shop Concept

Shopping Centres: The next generation - Umdasch - Shop Concept


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109<br />

<strong><strong>Shop</strong>ping</strong> <strong>Centres</strong>: <strong>The</strong> <strong>next</strong> <strong>generation</strong><br />

Store Branding:<br />

<strong>The</strong> Mexx relaunch<br />

Treats à la carte at<br />

the Euro<strong>Shop</strong><br />

Encyclopaedia of<br />

<strong>Shop</strong>fitting and <strong>Shop</strong><br />

Marketing<br />

E/D ∙ € 6 / Chf 9 / $ 8 / £ 4<br />

<strong>The</strong> International Magazine for<br />

Retailing and <strong>Shop</strong> Design<br />

Das internationale Magazin für<br />

Laden-Marketing und <strong>Shop</strong>-Design<br />

Khan Shatyr was built by SML Construction

Mit der Eröffnung des<br />

erweiterten Grazer<br />

Stammhauses am 20. 10. 2010<br />

schrieb Kastner & Öhler über<br />

die österreichischen Grenzen<br />

hinweg Einzelhandels-<br />

Geschichte. Mehr darüber im<br />

<strong>Shop</strong> Panorama auf den<br />

Seiten 28 und 29.<br />

With the opening of the<br />

extended headquarters in Graz<br />

on 20.10.2010, Kastner & Öhler<br />

made retail history beyond the<br />

borders of Austria. Read more<br />

about it in <strong>Shop</strong> Panorama on<br />

pages 28 – 29 .<br />

Im SHOP TALK: Mexx-CEO Thomas Grote über die<br />

Zukunft der Weltmarke – Seiten 48 – 49.<br />

In <strong>Shop</strong> Talk: Mexx CEO Thomas Grote on the future<br />

of the world brand – pages 48 – 49.<br />

Die nächste Generation der <strong><strong>Shop</strong>ping</strong> Center ist urban<br />

und wertig – Seiten 6 – 13. <strong>The</strong> <strong>next</strong> <strong>generation</strong> of<br />

shopping centres is urban and exclusive – pages 6 – 13.<br />

Inhalt<br />

Contents<br />


editorial, masthead, Reader service 4 – 5<br />


shopping centres: the <strong>next</strong> <strong>generation</strong> 6 – 13<br />

store Branding: the mexx relaunch 50 – 55<br />


euroshop: treats à la carte 14 – 19<br />


elektro haas, shopping city süd and plus city 20 – 25<br />


möbel hubacher, Intersport eybl, Kastner & Öhler,<br />

niketown London, stockmann, swisscom, Billa corso,<br />

nico, thalia, hannspree, Blue tomato, eric Bompard,<br />

pharmacie Riat, esprit, orex, coop city, dublin airport terminal 2 26 – 47<br />

ShOP TALK<br />

thomas Grote on the future of mexx 48 – 49<br />


encyclopaedia of shopfitting and shop marketing 56 – 59<br />


shops & shopping in düsseldorf and cologne 60 – 63<br />


umdasch shop academy, “philip morris on image tour”,<br />

calendar of events, new books 64 – 67<br />

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

<strong>Umdasch</strong> und Assmann servieren zur Euro<strong>Shop</strong><br />

Leckerbissen à la carte – Seiten 14 – 19.<br />

<strong>Umdasch</strong> und Assmann serve treats à la carte<br />

at the Euro<strong>Shop</strong> – pages 14 – 19.<br />

SHOP InHalt<br />

Contents<br />

<strong>Shop</strong> Report: Die Pyramiden des Elektro Haas –<br />

Seiten 20 – 25. <strong>Shop</strong> Report: <strong>The</strong> Pyramids of Elektro<br />

haas – pages 20 – 25.<br />

umdasch shop-concept 3

sHoP edItorIal<br />

Projekt-Management<br />

Project Management<br />

Liebe LeserInnen,<br />

der Handel ist im<br />

Schnitt ohne große<br />

Schrammen durch<br />

die Krise gekommen.<br />

Und doch ist vieles<br />

anders geworden. Bei<br />

Laden-Investitionen<br />

ist ein gewisser Stau<br />

entstanden. Dann hat<br />

sich das Investitionsverhalten des Handels<br />

verändert, es ist noch arbeitsteiliger<br />

geworden. Die Zahl der an der Konzeption<br />

und Realisierung von Projekten<br />

beteiligten Disziplinen und Gewerken<br />

nimmt kontinuierlich zu. Projekt-<br />

Management ist die Schlüsseldisziplin im<br />

modernen Ladenbau.<br />

Vor allem die großen Player im Handel<br />

halten auf der Euro<strong>Shop</strong> nicht nur nach<br />

neuen Ideen und Systemen Ausschau, sondern<br />

auch nach professionellen Partnern<br />

im Projekt-Management auf internationalem<br />

Parkett. Wo sie dabei fündig werden<br />

können, liegt auf der Hand … Fündig werden<br />

Sie hoffentlich auch bei dem einen oder<br />

anderen Artikel in diesem SHOP aktuell.<br />

Dear Readers,<br />

Reinhard Peneder<br />

ShOP aktuell<br />

Chefredakteur<br />

Editor-in-Chief<br />

In general, the retail sector has come<br />

through the crisis without serious damage.<br />

And yet, much has changed. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

is something of a backlog as regards shop<br />

investment. Moreover, the investment behaviour<br />

of the retail sector has changed:<br />

the division of labour has gained in importance.<br />

<strong>The</strong> number of disciplines and<br />

trades involved in the conception and realisation<br />

of projects continues to rise. Project<br />

management is the key discipline in modern<br />

shopfitting.<br />

If nothing else, the big players on the retail<br />

scene not only look out at the Euro<strong>Shop</strong><br />

for new ideas and systems, but also for<br />

professional partners in project management<br />

on the international stage. It is clear<br />

where they can find what they are looking<br />

for… And we hope that you, too, will find<br />

what you are looking for in some of the articles<br />

in this issue of SHOP aktuell.<br />

sHoP InsIde<br />

assmann: Zertifizierung<br />

nach ISO 14001 certification<br />

according to Iso 14001<br />

Assmann Ladenbau Leibnitz ist im<br />

Herbst 2010 als eines der ersten europäischen<br />

Ladenbau-Unternehmen nach<br />

ISO 14001:2004 zertifiziert worden.<br />

Assmann zählt – neben <strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<br />

<strong>Concept</strong> – zu den beiden Kernmarken der<br />

<strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>fitting Group und sieht<br />

Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltschutz als<br />

wesentlichen Bestandteil eines umfassenden<br />

CSR-Konzeptes. Seit vielen<br />

Jahren ist Assmann Ladenbau, wie auch<br />

<strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong>, bereits nach<br />

ISO 9001, einem Management-System<br />

für Qualität und Umwelt, zertifiziert.<br />

Assmann setzt im<br />

Ladenbau Maßstäbe in<br />

Sachen Nachhaltigkeit.<br />

Assmann sets<br />

standards in<br />

sustainability in the<br />

shopfitting sector.<br />

Die ISO 14001 ist ein international<br />

anerkannter Standard, der ein effektives<br />

Umweltmanagementsystem definiert und<br />

durch eine entsprechende Organisation<br />

ein Gleichgewicht zwischen Wirtschaftlichkeit<br />

und Umweltschutz schafft. Das<br />

<strong>The</strong>ma Umweltschutz wird dabei systematisch<br />

im Management verankert.<br />

Unternehmen erhalten mit der ISO 14001<br />

ein wirkungsvolles Instrument, mit dem<br />

die Umweltsituation laufend verbessert<br />

wird und daraus resultierende Kosten<br />

gesenkt werden.<br />

In autumn 2010 assmann Ladenbau<br />

Leibnitz became one of the first european<br />

shopfitting companies to be certified<br />

according to Iso 14001:2004. along<br />

with umdasch shop-concept, assmann<br />

counts as one of the two core brands<br />

of the umdasch shopfitting Group. It<br />

sees sustainability and environmental<br />

protection as an essential element in a<br />

comprehensive csR concept. For many<br />

years assmann Ladenbau, like umdasch<br />

shop-concept, has already been certified<br />

according to Iso 9001, a management<br />

system for quality and environment.<br />

Iso 14001 is a recognised international<br />

standard that defines an effective<br />

environmental management system and<br />

by means of a corresponding organisation<br />

creates a balance between economic<br />

viability and environmental protection.<br />

the subject of environmental protection<br />

is thereby systematically anchored in<br />

management. through Iso 14001 companies<br />

gain an effective instrument with<br />

which the environmental situation can<br />

be constantly improved and the resulting<br />

costs reduced.<br />

leserservice reader service<br />

Wenn Sie Fragen im Zusammenhang mit dem Inhalt dieses SHOP aktuell haben, so wenden Sie sich per Fax oder Mail direkt an die<br />

Redaktion. for further information on any of the topics in this issue of ShOP aktuell, please contact our editorial department by<br />

fax or e-mail. fax +43/7472/605-3722, E-Mail: shop.aktuell@umdasch.com<br />

Impressum<br />

shop aktuell is published by umdasch shop-concept. For addresses see back cover of magazine. number 109/February 2011. German/<br />

english edition. Price per copy: € 6, chF 9, $ 8, L 4. Subscription price: € 24 for 5 consecutive issues (plus postage). distributed<br />

free of charge to umdasch mdB members. Project management: Reinhard peneder, umdasch shop-concept, a-3300 amstetten.<br />

Managing Editor: evelyn Kössler m.a. Authors and contributors to this issue: Reinhard peneder, mag. (Fh) sonja scheidl,<br />

evelyn Kössler m.a., Winfried Lambertz, prof. Iska schönfeld, milena hunziker, Regula Wirth, maik drewitz, christian hammer.<br />

Design: denise siegl, sandra schuller. Photos/Illustrations: manfred aigner, Reinhard peneder, cornelia suhan, dlv, matthias<br />

Koch, smL construction, syndicate, ece, manfred Lang, andreas Bruckner, ses Gernot Gleiss, ses Lois Lammerhuber,<br />

ses Lohberger photography, Wild & team-Fotoagentur, Klaus Bossemayer/agentur Bilderberg, weinfranz Fotografie, sarah<br />

Wiener, philips, Factory 311, ReWe Group/Billa, emanuele Inchingolo, thalia, david Bank, Franck ménard, esprit, Willie dillon,<br />

mexx/philippi, Brüsselimpressionen, shopconsult by umdasch, Ladenbau- und Laden-marketing-Lexikon, stadt düsseldorf,<br />

tom Reindl, Reno, stadt Köln, Ginat tricot, erco, c&a, istockphoto, shutterstock, christian Kronsteiner, hutner, assmann,<br />

christian hammer, archiv, Bernd Kammerer/Blocher Blocher stuttgart. Translation: Jane michael. Printing: Friedrich VdV, Linz.<br />

N.B.: projects executed by umdasch are listed as such in the text or the photo caption.<br />

4 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

neu: alGate und<br />

HangingFrame new: alGate<br />

and HangingFrame<br />

Rechtzeitig zur Euro<strong>Shop</strong> 2011 bringt<br />

<strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong> zwei neue<br />

Systeme auf den Markt (siehe Seiten 14<br />

bis 19). AlGate ist ein Rahmensystem mit<br />

Schlitzprofil aus Aluminium, das auch<br />

ohne Rückwände eingesetzt werden<br />

Ab sofort zu Ihrer Verfügung: Die Systeme<br />

AlGate und HangingFrame sowie die Prospekte<br />

dazu. Available immediately: <strong>The</strong> two systems<br />

AlGate and hangingframe and the explanatory<br />

brochures.<br />

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

kann. Das System HangingFrame kann<br />

von der Decke abgehängt werden und<br />

bringt dadurch neue Leichtigkeit in die<br />

Warenpräsentation. Zu beiden Programmen<br />

gibt es kleine Broschüren, die wir<br />

Ihnen auf Wunsch gerne zusenden.<br />

umdasch shop-concept is launching<br />

two new systems in time for the euroshop<br />

2011 (see pages 14 − 19). alGate<br />

is a frame system with an aluminium slit<br />

profile which can also be used without a<br />

back section. the hangingFrame system<br />

can be suspended from the ceiling and<br />

thus brings a new lightness to product<br />

presentation. there are brochures available<br />

for both programmes which we shall<br />

be delighted to send you upon request.<br />

technology service Glass<br />

Glass has long been an important element<br />

in modern architecture. as a result<br />

of its functional and design possibilities<br />

this material also plays an essential role<br />

in shopfitting. the continued development<br />

of bending technology now makes curved<br />

shapes possible in furniture and shopfitting,<br />

which extends the radius of action still<br />

further. Glass can be used for a great many<br />

applications: shelving, display cases, shop<br />

windows, mirrors… the interplay of glass<br />

and light is particularly attractive.<br />

From planning and project management<br />

to production and sourcing – the<br />

professionals at umdasch shop-concept<br />

make a systematic study of the latest glass<br />

technologies. the company’s own “technology<br />

service Glass” has been established<br />

and includes experts from five different<br />

locations. these experts also make<br />

a study of functional aspects because<br />

glass can be a very fragile material if it is<br />

incorrectly employed. attention focuses<br />

on questions of fittings and fixing technology,<br />

(invisible) uV adhesive technology and<br />

lighting technology (conventional or Ledbased).<br />

all umdasch staff involved in planning<br />

and project processing – and thus, of<br />

course, also the customer – can draw on<br />

this extensive knowledge.<br />

Glass plays a leading<br />

part in modern<br />

shopfitting.<br />

sHoP InsIde<br />

Der <strong>Umdasch</strong>-<br />

Konzern auf<br />

einen Blick<br />

the <strong>Umdasch</strong><br />

Concern at a<br />

glance<br />

Die Broschüre „DER UMDASCH KON-<br />

ZERN“ steht ab sofort in einer aktualisierten<br />

Fassung zur Verfügung. Darin werden<br />

plakativ und übersichtlich die beiden<br />

Geschäftsfelder des Konzerns – Doka<br />

Schalungstechnik und <strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>fitting<br />

Group – dargestellt. Ausgewählte<br />

Meilensteine der Unternehmensentwicklung<br />

sowie interessante Leistungskennzahlen<br />

ergänzen diese leicht verdauliche<br />

Informations-Broschüre. Bei Interesse<br />

schicken wir Ihnen gerne ein Exemplar<br />

zu.<br />

Die Broschüre „DER UMDASCH KONZERN“<br />

bietet einen schnellen Überblick über das<br />

Unternehmen, dessen Wurzeln in das Jahr 1868<br />

zurückreichen. <strong>The</strong> brochure “DER UMDASCh<br />

KONZERN” provides a quick overview of the<br />

company whose roots go back to 1868.<br />

an updated version of the brochure<br />

“deR umdasch KonZeRn” (the<br />

umdasch concern) is available immediately.<br />

It presents the two business areas<br />

of the concern – doka Formwork technology<br />

and the umdasch shopfitting Group<br />

– in a clear and straightforward manner.<br />

selected milestones of the company’s<br />

development and interesting key figures<br />

relating to its performance complete this<br />

highly readable and informative brochure.<br />

We shall be delighted to send you a copy<br />

upon request.<br />

umdasch shop-concept 5

Photo: ECE, Skyline Plaza, Frankfurt<br />

sHoP ConCePt toPIC<br />

shopping <strong>Centres</strong><br />

author<br />

Reinhard peneder<br />

the economic framework conditions for the retail sector in<br />

europe are not as bad as in often claimed. In many countries<br />

the retail sector has survived the crisis without major damage,<br />

and in some places it has even served as a motor for<br />

the domestic economy. and the medium-term prospects are<br />

judged to be quite positive, although a differentiated assessment<br />

of the individual markets is necessary.<br />

Photo: ECE, BahnhofCity Wien West<br />

When it comes to urban planning, the Skyline Plaza between the main station<br />

and the trade fairground in frankfurt/Main is one of ECE’s most interesting<br />

future projects. <strong>The</strong> opening of this 38,000 m² shopping centre is planned for<br />

2013 (large photo). Also developed by ECE, the Bahnhofcity Wien West in<br />

Vienna is due to open in autumn 2011 (small photo); the Bahnhofcity at the<br />

new central station in Vienna will follow in 2014.<br />

the <strong>next</strong> <strong>generation</strong> of<br />

shopping centres<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>next</strong> <strong>generation</strong> of shopping centres will radiate urban sophistication and exclusivity. Adopting the principle<br />

of “Quality, not quantity” they will be somewhat smaller than their predecessors. More than ever, the location will<br />

be the decisive success factor. <strong>The</strong> focus will be on revitalisation and modernisation. As regards the selection of<br />

anchor tenants, the basic rule will be “big name before large area”. <strong>The</strong> sustainable development and operation<br />

of shopping centres will become a matter of basic principle. <strong>The</strong> market share of shopping centres will continue<br />

to grow. A handful of experienced international shopping centre experts have revealed this – and more − to us.<br />

It is a truism that in the retail sector, it is the location that is<br />

the decisive success factor. In this respect there will even be a<br />

further polarisation, with a concentration on absolute top locations.<br />

“1B locations, not to mention the odd specialist market<br />

location, are in danger of collapsing”, says Klaus striebich,<br />

managing director for Leasing with ece, the european market<br />

leader in shopping centres in hamburg. after all, retailers are<br />

mobile; they will go where the location is right.<br />

6 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

<strong>The</strong> Europark in Salzburg (small photo), operated by Spar European <strong><strong>Shop</strong>ping</strong><br />

Centers, (SES) is remarkable not only for its impressive architecture, but also<br />

because of its enormous area productivity. Also a member of the SES group,<br />

the Atrio in Villach (large photo), like the Europark, has also won various<br />

awards, not least for its sustainability.<br />

how will the competition between concrete and digital concepts<br />

develop – in other words, between bricks-and-mortar retail and<br />

online retail? here, too, Klaus striebich has an appropriate<br />

answer at the ready: “concepts will be especially successful if<br />

they are suitable for a multi-channel approach”. presence in a<br />

number of channels, especially in the internet as well as a shop,<br />

is precisely what customers expect today.<br />

<strong><strong>Shop</strong>ping</strong> centres continue to gain market shares<br />

experts agree that the market share of shopping centres, even<br />

in saturated markets such as central europe, will continue to<br />

grow. the reason is easy to see:<br />

there is still space available for<br />

upward expansion. In the usa<br />

the market share is around 60<br />

percent; in the uK it is more than<br />

15 percent; and in Germany, for<br />

example, it is no more than 7 to<br />

8 percent (measured by sales<br />

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

“<strong>Concept</strong>s will be especially successful<br />

if they are present in several channels,”<br />

says Klaus Striebich, Managing Director<br />

of ECE.<br />

Photo: SES, Lammerhuber<br />

sHoP ConCePt toPIC<br />

shopping <strong>Centres</strong><br />

area). Furthermore, the retail turnover in shopping centres develops<br />

better in the long term than in other locations. however, the<br />

big boom in shopping centres in countries like Germany and<br />

austria is already over. nonetheless, new projects are still under<br />

development (see also the table of shopping centre openings/<br />

redevelopments). at ece, for example, malls in oldenburg (2011),<br />

dortmund (2011), Koblenz (2012), aachen (2013) and Frankfurt<br />

(2013) are in the pipeline. In Vienna ece is involved in the railway<br />

station shopping centres in Vienna: West station (2011) and the<br />

new central station (2014). as regards austria, experts assume<br />

that the G3 shopping Resort Gerasdorf in the north of Vienna,<br />

which is due to open in 2012, will be the last inter-regional centre<br />

for the foreseeable future. there<br />

were a number of developments<br />

in 2010, however. Kaufhaus tyrol,<br />

a very high-quality shopping centre<br />

with high-quality architecture<br />

and attractive design, opened<br />

in Innsbruck. the 32,000 m²<br />

Varena shopping centre in<br />

Mag. Marcus Wild, CEO of SES: “<strong>The</strong><br />

greatest sustainability can be found<br />

when a shopping centre is located in<br />

the right place.”<br />

umdasch shop-concept 7<br />

Photo: SES, Gernot Gleiss

Photos: SES, Lohberger Photography<br />

sHoP ConCePt toPIC<br />

shopping <strong>Centres</strong><br />

the regional capital of upper austria, Vöcklabruck, is also very<br />

impressive. Behind this project lies ses (spar european shopping<br />

centers). the donauzentrum in Vienna has expanded its<br />

area by about 30,000 m² to 130,000 m² and is now the second<br />

largest shopping centre in austria, after the shopping city süd.<br />

and there have also been a number of modernisations.<br />

Comparison of the development of sales area size<br />

(Germany)<br />

2000 = 100 Index of Sales areas: Index of Sales areas:<br />

shopping centres retail stores<br />

150<br />

140<br />

130<br />

120<br />

110<br />

100<br />

90<br />

103,7 106,2<br />

110,1 113,0<br />

116,7<br />

120,8<br />

126,6<br />

131,9<br />

138,7 141,7<br />

146,9<br />

101,1 102,3 103,7 104,7 105,9 107,2 108,2 109,4 109,9 110,4 111,0<br />

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010* 2011*<br />

(source: GfK Geomarketing) * prognosis<br />

Opened in August 2010, the SES Varena shopping centre in the Upper Austrian<br />

district capital of Vöcklabruck has exceeded all expectations in the first<br />

months. <strong>The</strong> Spar sister company SES operates shopping centres with a total<br />

area of 380,000 m².<br />

In spite of the relatively high existing stock (150 malls with a<br />

total area of approx. 2 million m²) a further 20 shopping centres<br />

are planned in switzerland, with an area of approx. 500,000 m².<br />

“the number of empty properties in swiss shopping centres<br />

remains marginal. We can assume that spaces in shopping<br />

centres will continue to be highly desirable,” observes<br />

marcel stoffel of the office of the swiss council of shopping<br />

centers. Incidentally, with a productivity of chF 8,150.-/m² the<br />

swiss malls achieve a top figure internationally.<br />

focus on revitalisation and modernisation<br />

In general, however, the big boom in shopping centres in<br />

central europe is over. the main emphasis currently lies on revitalisation<br />

and modernisation, and in certain locations also on<br />

expansion. here there is more than enough to do. more than<br />

two-thirds of the sales areas in German shopping centres, for<br />

example, were built before 2000 – that represents a total of over<br />

9 million m² in 280 centres. the Gma deduces from this statistic<br />

that there is a need for revitalisation in the case of more than<br />

5 million m² (see table page 10). the end of the central european<br />

shopping-centre boom is in part due to a more restrictive<br />

approval policy, especially in green-belt areas. the trend towards<br />

city-centre malls continues, preferably as part of integral citydevelopment<br />

projects. the fact that the availability of large plots<br />

8 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

<strong>The</strong> former department store Kaufhaus Tyrol (large photo) in Innsbruck was<br />

rebuilt as an elegant inner-city shopping centre. <strong>The</strong> man behind this project is<br />

the 33-year-old property investor René Benko, who is now also pursuing<br />

ambitious plans in the city centre of Vienna. <strong>The</strong> Donauzentrum in Vienna was<br />

also extended by 30,000 m² in 2010 and now has a sales area of 130,000,<br />

making it the second-largest shopping centre in Austria after the SCS.<br />

of land in city locations is limited has also resulted in the “trend”<br />

to smaller projects. Whereas in 1998 the average size of a shopping<br />

centre in Germany was 34,000 m², the centres planned up<br />

to 2012 now have an average area of only 27,000 m².<br />

some of the shopping centre developers and operators are<br />

currently thinking out loud about whether, and if so, in what<br />

way, potentially available space previously occupied by department<br />

stores might be used. this is sure to be an exciting development.<br />

however, the department stores themselves also want<br />

to be involved in providing the answers. that, at least, is the<br />

shopping Center ranking 2010 (austria)<br />

1 europark, salzburg<br />

2 dez, Innsbruck<br />

3 scs (mall and multiplex), Vösendorf<br />

4 donauzentrum/donauplex, Vienna<br />

5 shoppingcity, seiersberg<br />

6 pluscity, pasching<br />

7 millenium city, Vienna<br />

8 haid center, ansfelden<br />

9 atRIo, Villach<br />

10 messepark, dornbirn<br />

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

source: Vienna<br />

university of economics<br />

and Business, Institute<br />

of Retail & marketing,<br />

based on a survey of<br />

occupants (tenants).<br />

survey criteria:<br />

turnover, turnover/<br />

m² sales area, no. of<br />

shops, appearance and<br />

atmosphere, centre and<br />

facility management,<br />

rent/ additional costs/<br />

advertising cost<br />

allowance.<br />

Photo: Andreas Bruckner<br />

conclusion to be drawn from an elegant statement by thomas<br />

Fox, chief Restructuring officer of Karstadt Warenhaus aG, at<br />

the German Retail congress in Berlin in mid-november. Fox<br />

said: “department stores are shopping centres without walls,<br />

with the best specialists under one roof.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>next</strong> <strong>generation</strong>: urban third places<br />

sHoP ConCePt toPIC<br />

shopping <strong>Centres</strong><br />

cities are experiencing a renaissance as a form of life and culture.<br />

they are continuing to expand and are becoming de facto<br />

a city region. the “decentralisation of the centrality” (quotation<br />

from a GdI study) continues. several city centres exist side by<br />

side. this increases the competition for inhabitants, visitors,<br />

investors and consumers. artificially staged centres where<br />

shopping, experience and urban lifestyle crystallise are created<br />

– “maximum kicks in minimum time”. It is less a question of<br />

pure shopping, and more a matter of opportunities for socialising.<br />

places arise in which real and virtual worlds intersect. It<br />

is in settings like these that the shopping centres of the future<br />

will prosper. What will be required will be urban third places,<br />

which offer constant variety and at the same time give people<br />

the impression that they can “feel at home”. Living, working,<br />

leisure and shopping will become fused. a central location is not<br />

absolutely necessary for this new form of urban living. thanks<br />

to their efficient organisation and intensive management,<br />

umdasch shop-concept 9

sHoP ConCePt toPIC<br />

shopping <strong>Centres</strong><br />

shopping centres will find it easier than other locations to create<br />

such worlds. the basic requirement will be the uncompromising<br />

orientation towards the wishes of the customer, since this is the<br />

only way that a unique quality of experience can be created.<br />

“Every day with your finger on the pulse”<br />

But how can one create a quality of experience in a shopping<br />

centre? how can people experience it as being in their own living<br />

room, where visitors become friends? It is, indeed, very hard<br />

work, a real struggle over every detail, no matter how small. this<br />

is the impression mag. marcus Wild gives in a fascinating conversation.<br />

Wild is the ceo of spar european shopping centers<br />

Gmbh (ses) in salzburg, the biggest austrian shopping-centre<br />

operator, and a man with extensive retail experience. a tour<br />

of the europark in salzburg, winner of numerous international<br />

awards and the “flagship” of ses, designed by the Italian star<br />

architect massimiliano Fuksas, becomes a glimpse behind the<br />

scenes of successful shopping centres. easy accessibility, good<br />

links to the public transport network, a generously spacious<br />

multi-storey car park, quality architecture, plenty of daylight,<br />

easy-to-follow, transparent route guidance, a garden landscape<br />

with lots of trees … these features may well be found in other<br />

shopping centres too. here it is more the details which we find<br />

surprising. a small theatre, for example, which is permanently<br />

Designed by Daniel Libeskind and other high-profile architects, the<br />

Crystals <strong><strong>Shop</strong>ping</strong> Mall in CityCenter Las Vegas contains only luxury<br />

brands. from 20 − 24 October 2011 Las Vegas will be the setting for a<br />

“Laden-Dramaturgie LIVE!” (<strong>Shop</strong> Dramaturgy LIVE!) shop expedition<br />

with Dr. Christian Mikunda.<br />

used as a cabaret. or a gourmet restaurant (“the prestige of a<br />

shopping centre is defined to a considerable extent through its<br />

gastronomy”). and then there is the nursery school. “nursery<br />

schools often close at 6.00 p.m. here it closes at 8.00 p.m. that<br />

relieves the retail employees of a great deal of pressure and<br />

stress.” of course, the customers of the europark also appreciate<br />

this service. the attractive trees, which contribute much to<br />

the atmosphere, are only possible if you think about them before<br />

building starts. Because where will proper trees be able to take<br />

root? customers’ length of stay will also increase with plenty of<br />

fresh air and attractive acoustics.<br />

need for revitalisation of German shopping centres<br />

(by location/position)<br />

Location category <strong><strong>Shop</strong>ping</strong> centre Share in %<br />

Location ... Absolute In m²<br />

... in the city centre/<br />

on the outskirts<br />

Turnover<br />

in %<br />

In m² in %<br />

65 1.268,766 32.66 24.23<br />

... in district 77 2.097,248 38.69 40.05<br />

... in green belt 57 1.870,945 28.64 35.73<br />

Overall 199 5.236,959 100 100<br />

(source: Gma 2010) approx. values; differences may arise due to rounding up or down<br />

10 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

With its 12 vast frescoes, the Galerías Pacífico in florida Street in Buenos Aires looks<br />

like a shopping cathedral. <strong>The</strong> historic building now houses brands like Tiffany’s, Polo<br />

Ralph Lauren, Christian Lacroix, Christian Dior, Lacoste, Cacharel, hugo Boss. What a<br />

contrast to the ultra-modern Westside shopping centre near Bern, also the work of<br />

Daniel Libeskind!<br />

“In order to have your finger on the pulse every day, and to get<br />

feedback every day if possible,” a shopping centre should have<br />

the spirit of retail in its genes. at ses, with spar and the associated<br />

retail experience forming the background, this is certainly<br />

the case. “For us, centres are not short-term speculative properties,<br />

but the emphasis is on sustainable quality,” says Wild.<br />

the same also applies, incidentally, to ece, where the corporate<br />

structure also means that the company is firmly anchored in the<br />

retail business. and so it is no coincidence that ece and ses<br />

plan to develop activities on the Italian market as partners in the<br />

form of a joint venture.<br />

Name before size<br />

the “right” blend of tenants remains an essential factor in the<br />

success of a shopping centre. this starts with the anchor tenants.<br />

these were formerly virtually always a consumer market,<br />

large-area sector leaders or department stores. today it is also<br />

a matter, above all of big, attractive names which should not be<br />

missing from the cast list. Brands like apple, hollister, de igual<br />

or tomorrow’s shooting star, still unknown today, will turn a<br />

shopping centre into a conversation topic. For this reason, it is<br />

imperative to recognise innovations and developments in retail<br />

and allied fields as early as possible. and once they have been<br />

won over as tenants, it is an additional challenge to incorporate<br />

these innovative concepts into a fully-occupied and successful<br />

shopping centre. a good deal of sensitivity will be required.<br />

the space requirements of sector leaders, for example in<br />

sports or book retail, continue to increase modestly (“expertise<br />

needs space”). on the other hand, variety is also required,<br />

because customers like to have a choice between large and<br />

small shops, or between big brands and no-name products.<br />

and the occasional local hero can have an invigorating<br />

effect too.<br />

Sustainability as a matter of necessity<br />

sHoP ConCePt toPIC<br />

shopping <strong>Centres</strong><br />

sustainable development and the sustainable operation of shopping<br />

centres are increasingly being transformed from being a<br />

cost factor to becoming a matter of necessity. sustainable property<br />

development in the shopping-centre sector is becoming a<br />

standard for investors, project developers, tenants and customers.<br />

“the greatest degree of sustainability can be found at the<br />

outset if a shopping centre is in the right location,” observes<br />

marcus Wild, well aware that the subject has many aspects. In<br />

any case the ses-center europark, Q 19 in Vienna-döbling and<br />

atRIo in Villach have already secured numerous international<br />

awards when it comes to sustainability, including the Icsc<br />

Resource award 2008.<br />

umdasch shop-concept 11<br />

Photo: Klaus Bossemeyer / Agentur Bilderberg

sHoP ConCePt toPIC<br />

shopping <strong>Centres</strong><br />

shopping <strong>Centres</strong>: new openings and rebuilding projects 2011/2012 (selection: Germany and europe)<br />

centre centre type shops area in m2 new opening/<br />

rebuilding etc.<br />

date of opening<br />

Überseequartier, hamburg shopping centre 150 40,000 new 2010/2012<br />

RatIo Land, Baunatal shopping centre 60 35,000 new spring 2011<br />

hofgarten, solingen Inner city centre 70 30,000 new spring 2011<br />

allee-center, essen-altenessen city district centre 80 20,000 Rebuilding spring 2011<br />

a10 center, Berlin Regional centre 200 66,000 Rebuilding spring 2011<br />

Rheinpark-center, neuss Regional centre 140 37,300 Revitalisation spring 2011<br />

altmarkt-Galerie, dresden Inner city centre 200 44,000 extension spring 2011<br />

opel-Forum, Rüsselsheim Inner city centre 140 36,500 new summer 2011<br />

thier-Galerie, dortmund Inner city centre 150 33,000 new autumn 2011<br />

Königsgalerie, duisburg Inner city centre 50 20,000 Rebuilding/ new autumn 2011<br />

main-taunus-Zentrum, sulzbach Regional centre 170 91,000 extension autumn 2011<br />

Kö-Galerie, düsseldorf Inner city centre 90 20,000 Revitalisation autumn 2011<br />

Árkád szeged, szeged (hu) Inner city centre 130 40,000 new autumn 2011<br />

terracity, antalya (tK) city district centre 140 48,000 new autumn 2011<br />

Bahnhofcity Wien West (a) city district centre 90 17,000 new autumn 2011<br />

Galeria Kaskada, stettin (pL) Inner city centre 140 43,000 new autumn 2011<br />

nikea park, Larisa (GR) city district centre 110 28,000 new 2011<br />

erlenmatt-Galerie, Basel Inner city centre 70 27,000 new 2011<br />

Le terrazze, La spezia (I) city district centre 107 38,460 new november 2011<br />

Gropius passagen, Berlin-neukölln Inner city centre 180 80,000 Revitalisation 2011<br />

Glacis Galerie, neu-ulm shopping centre 105 25,000 new early 2012<br />

arneken Galerie, hildesheim Inner city centre 90 27,000 new spring 2012<br />

Boulevard Berlin, Berlin Inner city centre 180 81,000 new spring 2012<br />

Quartier am markt, Recklinghausen Inner city centre 90 30,000 new autumn 2012<br />

Forum mittelrhein, Koblenz Inner city centre 90 20,000 new autumn 2012<br />

neuer markt, neumarkt Inner city centre 45 27,000 new autumn 2012<br />

höfe am Brühl, Leipzig multi-functional centre 130 44,400 new autumn 2012<br />

centrál, Bratislava Inner city centre 140 33,000 new autumn 2012<br />

citti-park, Lübeck shopping centre 50 30,000 extension 2012<br />

(source: German council magazine)<br />

the ece has even initiated its own research project in the<br />

field of sustainability. after a year of intensive research the<br />

university of Karlsruhe and the ece presented the first comprehensive<br />

book on the subject of sustainability for shopping<br />

centres at the expo Real. It addresses the six main subject<br />

areas ecology, economy, social and Functional aspects,<br />

technology, processes and Location in the form of 42 sustainability<br />

criteria. of course the ece also puts these criteria<br />

into practice in its daily work.<br />

shopping centre density in europe<br />

(per m² per 100 inhabitants)<br />

Sweden<br />

Estonia<br />

Denmark<br />

Austria<br />

Switzerland<br />

Slovenia<br />

Finland<br />

Lithuania<br />

Portugal<br />

Spain<br />

(source: Regioplan consulting)<br />

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70<br />

London, Las Vegas, Astana<br />

With regard to the quality of its shopping centres, europe has<br />

clearly overtaken the usa. In recent years virtually no new shopping<br />

centres have been completed in the usa which attracted<br />

the attention of european trend scouts. one exception is the<br />

crystals shopping mall at citycenter in Las Vegas. designed by<br />

daniel Libeskind and other high-profile architects, it is a mixeduse<br />

project of gigantic dimensions. the mall is reserved exclusively<br />

for luxury brands; you will search in vain here for a casino<br />

or gift shops. and that is very atypical of Las Vegas. Instead,<br />

the entire mall is dominated by pure elegance. an architectonic<br />

highlight is the modern interpretation of the spanish steps in<br />

Rome. thanks to the Westfield mall, London has become one of<br />

the prime addresses in europe when it comes to shopping centres.<br />

and the British capital will continue to improve its image<br />

on the shopping scene in view of the forthcoming olympic<br />

Games in 2012.<br />

project developers like ece and ses are cautiously but determinedly<br />

expanding their core markets. Further engagements are<br />

ultimately dependent on the approval practices in the countries<br />

concerned. “We go to those places where the basic conditions are<br />

right,” insists Klaus striebich. In addition to the co-operation with<br />

ses in Italy, ece will also be moving into the spanish market.<br />

12 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

<strong>The</strong> most spectacular shopping centre project has been completed in Astana<br />

(Kazakhstan). Looking like a spaceship, the centre, designed in the form of a tent,<br />

hovers in the Kazakh night sky. <strong>The</strong> creator of this amazing structure is none<br />

other than star architect Norman foster.<br />

the situation within the cee area is becoming less fraught.<br />

countless projects were brought to an abrupt halt by the crisis.<br />

now the cranes are operating again on many of the building<br />

sites. In many cases the crisis was like a thunderstorm which<br />

has cleared the air. “the soldiers of fortune have disappeared;<br />

these days projects are being developed in a highly professional<br />

manner,” says Reinhard Winiwarter of the Vienna Location<br />

marketing agency, an expert when it comes to eastern europe.<br />

“however, the markets must be seen in a differentiated manner<br />

because each country operates in a different way,” he warns.<br />

In any case, things are definitely booming again in the gigantic<br />

shopping temples in and around moscow. “the Russian bear<br />

is dancing again,” comments mag. arndt traindl from Retail<br />

Branding, a consultancy firm with good contacts in Russia.<br />

It goes without saying that the BRIc countries – Brazil, Russia,<br />

India and china – will also play an important role in the shopping<br />

centre business in the medium term. In the Far east, for example<br />

in hong Kong, singapore and Kuala Lumpur, there are already a<br />

number of first-class prestige projects. and interesting shopping<br />

centres have also recently been opened in poland and turkey.<br />

the Khan shatyr shopping and entertainment centre in astana,<br />

the capital of Kazakhstan, is particularly unusual and spectacular.<br />

It was planned by norman Foster and opened in summer<br />

sHoP ConCePt toPIC<br />

shopping <strong>Centres</strong><br />

2010. a transparent tent construction measuring 150,000 m²<br />

forms the framework for this landmark, which is visible from<br />

afar. covering an area the size of ten football pitches, the tent is<br />

150 metres high and contains on five floors a shopping centre,<br />

gastronomy oases and a luxurious spa including a swimming<br />

pool with sand from malaysia. It is claimed that so many guests<br />

invaded the tropical setting during the first days after it was<br />

opened that since then an entrance fee has been charged in<br />

order to be able to cope with the number of visitors.<br />

links: www.ig-immobilien.com<br />

www.across-magazine.com www.khanshatyr.com<br />

www.acsc.at www.rankmalls.com<br />

www.ece.de www.scsc.ch<br />

www.gcsc.de www.ses-european.com<br />

www.gma.biz www.sma-austria.at<br />

www.icsc.org www.wu-wien.ac.at/retail<br />

umdasch shop-concept 13<br />

Khan Shatyr was built by SML Construction

14 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

On the <strong>Umdasch</strong> and Assmann stand:<br />

treats à la carte at the<br />

euroshop<br />

<strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong> and Assmann Ladenbau will be presenting their products and services under the<br />

motto “A la carte” at the Euro<strong>Shop</strong> in Düsseldorf from 26 February − 2 March 2011. <strong>The</strong> two core brands of<br />

the <strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>fitting Group promise guests of the world’s leading shopfitting trade fair a very special<br />

menu of pioneering trends, entertainment and culinary pleasures. <strong>The</strong>se treats will be served in Hall 12 by the<br />

shopfitting professionals of <strong>Umdasch</strong> and Assmann and starred chef Sarah Wiener.<br />

umdasch shop-concept 15

sHoP desIGn<br />

euroshop<br />

text<br />

sonja scheidl<br />

“Excellent cuisine and successful<br />

shops have much in common,”<br />

observes helmut Neher, Executive<br />

Director of <strong>Umdasch</strong>.<br />

“there are a number of obvious similarities between excellent<br />

cuisine and successful shops. In both cases carefully selected<br />

ingredients, creative recipes and professional preparation<br />

lead to unique results. cooking wins people over, and so does<br />

inspiring product presentation. those were the ideas behind our<br />

euroshop concept,” explained dipl.-Volkswirt helmut neher,<br />

the executive director of the umdasch concern who is responsible<br />

for the shopfitting section. the focal point of the stand,<br />

which will cover an area of about 800 m², will therefore be a<br />

spacious communication area with a “cooking arena” in which<br />

guests will be plied with culinary specialities as well as firsthand<br />

information.<br />

on all five days during the fair, sarah Wiener and her team will<br />

be presenting a daily cookery show at 1.30 p.m. the starred<br />

chef, famous for her authentic approach, will be passing on tips<br />

and offering guests exciting glimpses of the world of gourmet<br />

pleasures. the undoubted highlights will be the two gourmet<br />

evenings to be held directly at the stand.<br />

Sustainable shopfitting and professional project<br />

management<br />

of course, visitors can also expect to find à la carte quality when<br />

it comes to shopfitting. umdasch and assmann will present<br />

their current products and service modules in an attractive way<br />

within the two theme areas. one of the major focal points at<br />

assmann Ladenbau will be the subject of sustainability. Indeed,<br />

the slogan “We fit out shops. With Responsibility” seems all<br />

the more credible with the current certification according to<br />

Iso 14001:2004. In concrete terms the company will be presenting<br />

its “Green shelf”, the shelf with the smallest ecological<br />

<strong>The</strong> floor area of the stand provides a good overview of the individual contributions of <strong>Umdasch</strong> and Assmann at the Euro<strong>Shop</strong>.<br />

<strong>The</strong> main focus of attention is provided by the “Cooking Arena,” in which specialities of various kinds will be served.<br />

“Sustainability and economic<br />

efficiency are not contradictions.<br />

That is what we shall be showing<br />

at the Euro<strong>Shop</strong>,” comments<br />

Claus Schmidt, Managing Director<br />

of Assmann.<br />

16 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

Star chef Sarah Wiener will serve<br />

gourmet treats à la carte at the<br />

<strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong> and<br />

Assmann Ladenbau stand at the<br />

Euro<strong>Shop</strong>.<br />

footprint. shelves for this system are made of “green materials”<br />

such as wood, bamboo, cardboard, banana stalks and reeds.<br />

the “smart shelf” on the other hand fulfils in a light-hearted<br />

manner the consumer’s demands for product transparency. the<br />

product information is mounted on the product in the form of a<br />

2d code and can be called up at any time on a display or monitor<br />

in real time. a further innovation is the programme “Fino”, a<br />

presentation system for high-quality food and non-food ranges<br />

on the basis of the aLL4one family. Its organic forms, concave<br />

and convex shelf shapes and backlighting using Led technology<br />

make it a very attractive product.<br />

the enormous importance of professional project management<br />

in modern shopfitting is dramatically presented in the umdasch<br />

shop-concept area. In fact, in addition to its role as an international<br />

shopfitter, the company has also developed into a reliable<br />

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

sHoP desIGn<br />

euroshop<br />

Wood, bamboo, cardboard, banana stalks and reeds are some of the<br />

shelving options for the “Green Shelf” by Assmann Ladenbau. On view at<br />

the Euro<strong>Shop</strong> in Düsseldorf.<br />

logistics partner for national and international rollouts for famous<br />

companies. the 2011 programme of the umdasch shop academy<br />

will also be presented; the latter has established a reputation<br />

as a highly specialised institute of further education for<br />

the retail sector. amongst the highlights are without doubt the<br />

shop expeditions “Laden-dramaturgie LIVe!” (shop dramaturgy<br />

LIVe!), which will be heading for shanghai and Las Vegas in 2011<br />

and in 2013 even “In 18 tagen um die Welt” (In 18 days around<br />

the World). Furthermore, the “Ladenbau- und Laden-marketing-<br />

Lexikon” (encyclopaedia of shopfitting and shop marketing),<br />

<strong>The</strong> spacious entrance area to the stand of <strong>Umdasch</strong> and Assmann at the Euro<strong>Shop</strong>.<br />

In the design of the stand emphasis was laid on the use of sustainable materials.<br />

umdasch shop-concept 17

sHoP desIGn<br />

euroshop<br />

“hangingframe” is one of the new systems presented by <strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong> at the Euro<strong>Shop</strong>. Thanks to its understated elegance it is especially<br />

suitable for the presentation of exclusive ranges in the fashion and accessories sector.<br />

published by the umdasch shop academy, will be presented<br />

punctually to coincide with the euroshop.<br />

a further contribution is devoted to the presentation of the service<br />

modules “Brand strategy”, “Brand design” and “store planning”<br />

by shopconsult by umdasch. the team of the consultancy<br />

firm consists of 30 experts from various disciplines located in<br />

Germany, austria and switzerland. thinking and working within<br />

a network is part of the daily routine for the shopconsult staff.<br />

Euro<strong>Shop</strong> Première: hangingframe, AlGate, StackEasy<br />

umdasch shop-concept will be introducing three new systems<br />

disguised as further exclusive ingredients, and therefore emotionally<br />

linked to the fair motto. With a touch of humour they<br />

have been allocated to the world of culinary pleasures:<br />

Indian flavour by hangingframe<br />

hangingFrame appeals with lightness. compared with classic<br />

floor-based shelving systems it is very exotic – like Indian cuisine.<br />

the system creates new<br />

scope for shop design. the<br />

shelving frames are affixed<br />

to tracks on the ceiling and<br />

can be freely positioned<br />

within the shop space. this<br />

means that hangingFrame<br />

can be used in particular for<br />

the design of focal points. Its<br />

understated elegance makes<br />

Carefully selected ingredients, creative recipes and professional<br />

preparation produce unique results – in cooking and in shopfitting.<br />

That is the message at the <strong>Umdasch</strong> stand at the Euro<strong>Shop</strong>.<br />

it particularly suitable for the presentation of exclusive ranges in<br />

the fashion and accessories sector.<br />

Italian Delicacies by AlGate<br />

Reduced to the essentials but distinguished, noble and elegant,<br />

with an exclusive finish – like Italian fashion. this system is also<br />

a good example of variability. It consists of a moulded aluminium<br />

structure and can either be fitted with back elements or used as<br />

an open framework.<br />

A Taste of Japan by StackEasy<br />

the elements of this system are simple, geometrical and un-<br />

adorned. combined together they offer a wide range of solutions –<br />

as in the culture of Japan. the core idea of stackeasy could not<br />

be simpler. With the help of universal mounting sockets, legs and<br />

spacing tubes can be mounted onto wood and glass panels.<br />

a principle that permits the design of a wide variety of table<br />

forms.<br />

the systems on display also demonstrate the skills and technological<br />

possibilities of<br />

umdasch shop-concept<br />

in the field of brand and<br />

project-specific system<br />

development. and that, in<br />

addition to project management,<br />

is one of the major<br />

topics in shopfitting.<br />

18 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

<strong>The</strong> new <strong>Umdasch</strong> system AlGate is a good example of variability. It consists<br />

of a moulded aluminium structure and can be used either with or without<br />

back elements.<br />

To emphasise<br />

the clean lines of<br />

the stand architecture,<br />

Philips used the LED-based<br />

eW Cove Powercore cove<br />

lighting.<br />

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

Lighting accents by Philips<br />

the subject of lighting is of enormous importance<br />

in shop presentations, but it is also<br />

essential for a successful trade fair presentation<br />

too. umdasch has joined forces<br />

with philips as a lighting partner<br />

for the euroshop. apart from the<br />

basic lighting, lighting solutions<br />

have been developed which<br />

reflect the trends in pioneering<br />

shop lighting.<br />

on the one hand it was<br />

a question of underlin-<br />

ing the clean lines of<br />

the spacious stand<br />

architecture. this has<br />

been achieved along the<br />

open long sides by means of an Led-based cove lighting which<br />

traces and heightens the contours of the stand architecture. on<br />

the two shorter sides, by contrast, a homogenous, overall lighting<br />

effect using linear uplights provides additional accents on the<br />

diagonally positioned logo walls which are covered with translucent<br />

gauze. this provides the overall structure of the stand<br />

with more transparency on the closed sides and thus permits<br />

tantalising glimpses of what is happening inside the stand.<br />

at the same time it was important to direct the attention of the<br />

fair visitors inside the stand specifically towards the fair highlights<br />

and services. to this end the linear, steerable wallwashers<br />

Variety is the common element linking the StackEasy table programme to<br />

Japanese culture.<br />

provide an even overall lighting which, together with the strip<br />

lights providing backlighting for areas of translucent concrete<br />

and wood, ensure that the shelving and shopfitting systems<br />

stand out clearly from their surroundings. In the entrance and<br />

event areas modular lights with innovative Led technology, concealed<br />

in the reception desk, the bar and the show kitchen, create<br />

subtle but attractive islands of light which attract visitors’<br />

attention.<br />

Professional performances in various disciplines<br />

sHoP desIGn<br />

euroshop<br />

the euroshop presentation of umdasch and assmann was<br />

developed by the hamburg-based design agency syndicate,<br />

which was the successful winner of an international ideas competition.<br />

the design professionals at umdasch and assmann<br />

were responsible for planning the specific theme contributions.<br />

apart from philips, further famous partners were involved in<br />

the realisation of the stand. these included, for example, neff<br />

(kitchen equipment), procedes (gauzes), team 7 (custom-made<br />

natural wood furnishings in the central area) and terhürne<br />

(parquet flooring).<br />

links:<br />

www.euroshop.de www.philips.de<br />

www.a-la-carte.cc www.procedes.de<br />

www.umdasch-shop-concept.com www.team7.at<br />

www.assmann.at www.terhuerne.de<br />

www.shop-consult.com www.neff.de<br />

umdasch shop-concept 19

sHoP rePort<br />

Haas – sCs and PlusCity<br />

text<br />

Reinhard peneder<br />

<strong>The</strong> bankruptcy of the Cosmos specialist chain stores at the beginning of 2010 resulted in a re-shuffling of the<br />

cards in the electrical goods retail sector in Austria. <strong>The</strong> Media-Saturn group was the winner in the race for<br />

the 17 former Cosmos locations (and staff). <strong>The</strong> market share of the company must represent approximately<br />

one-third of the total turnover of some 4 billion euros. Two choice locations, however, went to Haas, which<br />

with its service-oriented specialist market north of Vienna already had a reputation as the “pike in the carp<br />

pond” of the Austrian electrical goods retail market.<br />

In autumn 2010, haas opened two stores with sales areas of<br />

some 5,000 m² on the former motor city site of the shopping<br />

city süd on the southern outskirts of Vienna and in pluscity<br />

west of Linz. Both are prestigious locations in or near successful<br />

shopping centres with a high purchasing-power clientèle<br />

in the catchment area. “Without the bankruptcy of cosmos<br />

photos<br />

manfred aigner<br />

the pyramids in the<br />

electrical pond<br />

Wolfgang Pelz in conversation with ShOP aktuell: “We combine the range of<br />

products of the big stores with the service found in the small ones”.<br />

our expansion would certainly have been difficult,” observes<br />

Wolfgang pelz, managing director of haas, who acquired the<br />

electrical goods retailer five years ago together with Josef Gass<br />

and martin pohl within the framework of a management buyout.<br />

With the two new locations the turnover is expected to<br />

double to over € 100 million. this represents a market share<br />

20 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

sHoP rePort<br />

Haas – sCs and PlusCity<br />

As in the headquarters in Seyring, the haas concept in PlusCity also operates on two levels.<br />

<strong>The</strong> panorama picture shows clearly the straightforward store structure and the low-level furnishings in the centre of the store.<br />

umdasch shop-concept 21

sHoP rePort<br />

Haas – sCs and PlusCity<br />

40,000 articles on 5,000 m² sales area,<br />

clearly divided on one floor according<br />

to the range of products concerned –<br />

the new haas at <strong><strong>Shop</strong>ping</strong> City Süd.<br />

of only two or three percent, but apart from media-saturn haas<br />

is the only remaining trans-regional retailer since the chain<br />

stores niedermeyer and hartlauer are really “local suppliers”.<br />

and so are the 900-odd retailers of Redzac, electronicpartner<br />

and expert as well as more than 2,000 independent retailers.<br />

A unique concept<br />

Founded in 1968, elektro haas originally established itself as<br />

a chain store in the Vienna region; in 2000 came the transformation<br />

to a trans-regional retailer (“expertise needs space”).<br />

however, until recently the main store, also with a floor area<br />

of some 5,000 m² and occupying the eye-catching pyramid<br />

in seyring near Vienna, stood alone. the attractiveness of the<br />

store was improved constantly and with great success; it was<br />

last re-designed in 2007. the unique concept of an advice and<br />

service-oriented specialist market has now also been transferred<br />

to the scs and pluscity locations. “We combine the<br />

range of products of the big stores with the service found in<br />

the small ones”, is how Wolfgang pelz explains the concept in<br />

his own words. this is how the company aims to distinguish<br />

itself from media-saturn.<br />

uncompromising customer-orientation is the order of the day.<br />

the focus lies on branded goods and specialist retailer service;<br />

a total of some 40,000 articles are available for purchase.<br />

store<br />

Cash desks<br />

Cash desks<br />

Entrance<br />

Office<br />

Cash desks<br />

Infobox<br />

Computers<br />

Locations: areal shopping city süd, Vösendorf near<br />

Vienna and pluscity, pasching bei Linz<br />

contact: www.haas-el.at<br />

no. of floors: 1 (scs) / 2 (pluscity)<br />

sales area: each approx. 5,000 m²<br />

opening: september (scs) / october 2010 (pluscity)<br />

sector: electrical goods<br />

planning: Ing. Franz heinzl and Ing. Gerald haider<br />

(both umdasch shop-concept)<br />

shopfitting: umdasch shop-concept amstetten<br />

shopfitting systems: umdasch systems and project-specific<br />

developments<br />

Lighting: Zumtobel<br />

Education, games<br />

the white goods ratio in the high-turnover range lies at 45 percent.<br />

haas offers its own installation service with carpenters<br />

and electricians as well as an equipment rental service. these<br />

are all details which ultimately appeal especially to the 50-plus<br />

<strong>generation</strong> with their high purchasing power. Wide gangways,<br />

a good overview, a congenial ambience and friendly and welltrained<br />

staff also contribute to ensuring that visitors feel at ease<br />

22 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109<br />

Telephone<br />

Office<br />

Photography<br />

Wellness<br />

store<br />

store<br />

Sound/ picture carriers<br />

Small kitchen appliances

MP 3<br />

Drinks<br />

<strong>The</strong> third haas pyramid stands on the <strong><strong>Shop</strong>ping</strong> City Süd site as a spacious<br />

entrance for a 5,000 m² sales area on a single level.<br />

here. and the customer restaurant caters to the overall wellbeing.<br />

an upgrade across the board, in fact.<br />

<strong>The</strong> little tricks of product presentation<br />

as shopfitting partner Wolfgang pelz once again called on<br />

the services of umdasch shop-concept. Ing. Franz heinzl<br />

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

Car HIFI<br />

SAT<br />

Accessories<br />

GaLLeRY<br />

Bose<br />

Studio<br />

Built-in appliances<br />

Show kitchen<br />

Kitchen appliances<br />

Television<br />

Entertainment<br />

electronics<br />

store<br />

Video<br />

Entertainment electronics<br />

HIFI<br />

Household appliances<br />

Dyson<br />

Television<br />

LOEWE<br />

Laundry appliances<br />

sHoP rePort<br />

Haas – sCs and PlusCity<br />

Television<br />

SKY<br />

Customers’ restaurant<br />

This is how the haas pyramid in PlusCity functions. <strong>The</strong> pyramids have now<br />

found their way into the logo too.<br />

and Ing. Gerald haider and their team made further improvements<br />

to the plan developed for seyring in 2007. While it was<br />

possible to plan across a single level at scs, at pluscity it<br />

was necessary to adapt the concept to two floors. For each<br />

department product-specific “settings” were created, and<br />

the product-specific advantage for the customer was underlined<br />

by the form of the presentation or additional visual<br />

umdasch shop-concept 23

sHoP rePort<br />

Haas – sCs and PlusCity<br />

This is what white goods look like if they are presented in a cosy atmosphere.<br />

information. For many articles special units and shelving were<br />

developed to enable the customer to get hold of them, also<br />

literally. emphasis was placed on tidy electrical cables on the<br />

presentation units. order and functioning appliances are thus<br />

guaranteed even at peak times.<br />

particularly noticeable in the haas stores are the low-level<br />

units in the centre of the store. this facilitates orientation for<br />

customers and allows them to “navigate efficiently” (a major<br />

factor in ensuring that they feel at ease). But the generous<br />

overview is useful for the staff as well, because the advisor<br />

can be on the spot quickly whenever he is needed. the<br />

Special presentation solutions were developed for numerous articles. here are<br />

some of these stars of professional product presentation.<br />

customer’s right to this advice is strikingly demonstrated by<br />

the clearly marked advice centres. the carpeted floor makes<br />

for a cosy atmosphere, together with soft shades of beige and<br />

wood surfaces in cordoba olive. the lighting design is based<br />

on Led units and supports this concept. the lighting mood<br />

can be adjusted by department or seasonally to achieve the<br />

desired mood.<br />

Worth a story in itself is the record speed with which these two<br />

projects were executed. In the scs it took just four months<br />

and three weeks, including the alterations to the building. “We<br />

only achieved this remarkable feat because we had such a<br />

24 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

<strong>The</strong> prominent advice centres indicate the customer’s right to first-class service.<br />

fantastic team at our side,” says Wolfgang pelz. at pluscity it<br />

was a similar story; haas was only offered the location on the<br />

tuesday after easter.<br />

Pyramids as a landmark<br />

pyramids have become the trademark of haas. In seyring the<br />

entire building complex consists of two pyramids which are<br />

visible from afar, while the third pyramid (“only slightly smaller<br />

than the pyramid of mykerinos, the smallest of the three great<br />

egyptian pyramids of Giza”) now forms the spacious entrance<br />

to the scs. It was somewhat more difficult to find space for the<br />

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

sHoP rePort<br />

Haas – sCs and PlusCity<br />

pyramids within a shopping centre like pluscity. the solution<br />

was found in the form of an elegant entrance portal. here it<br />

can be seen that the pyramids have now also found their way<br />

into the new haas logo. and Wolfgang pelz is secretly thinking<br />

about where there might be room for more pyramids in the<br />

austrian retail landscape.<br />

umdasch shop-concept 25

sHoP PanoraMa<br />

Möbel Hubacher [1]<br />

17 top shops at first hand<br />

To mark the Euro<strong>Shop</strong>, SHOP aktuell presents the new openings of the past months in an exceptionally extensive<br />

Panorama section. On the <strong>next</strong> 22 pages you will find 17 top shops from nine countries. Through the presentation<br />

of these shops we aim to show current trends in store branding, architecture, shop and lighting design and visual<br />

merchandising.<br />

nr. Project name location Country sector/range Page(s)<br />

[1] möbel hubacher Rothrist switzerland Furniture 26<br />

[2] Intersport ebyl hohenems austria sports 27<br />

[3] Kastner & Öhler Graz austria Fashion department store 28 – 29<br />

[4] niketown London united Kingdom sports 30 – 31<br />

[5] stockmann helsinki Finland department store / food 32<br />

[6] swisscom aarau switzerland telecommunications 33<br />

[7] Billa corso Vienna austria Food 34 – 35<br />

[8] nico castenedolo Italy textiles / shoes 36<br />

[9] thalia dorsten Germany Books 37<br />

[10] hannspree London united Kingdom electrical goods 38 – 39<br />

[11] Blue tomato Vienna austria sports 40<br />

[12] eric Bompard paris France Fashion 41<br />

[13] pharmacie Riat delémont switzerland pharmacy / health & beauty store 41<br />

[14] esprit Frankfurt Germany Fashion 42 – 43<br />

[15] orex Budapest hungary Watches / jewellery 44<br />

[16] coop city Zurich switzerland department store / shoes 45<br />

[17] dublin airport terminal 2 dublin Ireland travel retail 46 – 47<br />

Möbel Hubacher<br />

Room for accents<br />

Infobox<br />

Location: Rössliweg 43<br />

4852 Rothrist<br />

switzerland<br />

contact: www.moebel-hubacher.ch<br />

sales area/ no. of floors: 35,000 m² / 5 (total), 4,500 m² / 1<br />

opening: october 2010<br />

sector: Furniture<br />

planning: shopconsult by umdasch, switzerland<br />

shopfitting: umdasch shop-concept, switzerland<br />

shopfitting system: classic & brand-specific<br />

development<br />

Lighting: Finnor project<br />

Floor: Fetaxid<br />

Möbel hubacher presents across<br />

4,500 m² everything needed to set<br />

accents in your house or<br />

apartment in what is currently the<br />

largest home furnishings boutique<br />

in Switzerland. <strong>The</strong> new concept<br />

charms visitors above all with the<br />

clear routing system through the<br />

shop, which leads customers from<br />

one inspiring product presentation<br />

to the <strong>next</strong>.<br />

26 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

sHoP PanoraMa<br />

[2] Intersport eybl<br />

Intersport eybl<br />

Authentic lifestyle worlds<br />

the premium sports retailer Intersport eybl stands for competence<br />

in the breadth and depth of its product range as well<br />

as high quality in both advice and service. eybl operates 10<br />

megastores and 15 shops throughout austria. In order to<br />

strengthen its presence in the west, the company opened a<br />

sports store in hohenems/Vorarlberg. It employs a new lifestyle<br />

concept that subdivides the pos into individual worlds<br />

of experience (outdoor, Fashion, Fitness…). the entire store<br />

was optically darkened through the use of floor, wall and<br />

furniture design, which focuses attention on the spotlighted<br />

products.<br />

Infobox<br />

Location: Lustenauerstrasse 125 a<br />

6845 hohenems<br />

austria<br />

contact: www.eybl.at<br />

sales area/no. of floors: 3,047 m² / 2<br />

opening: october 2010<br />

sector: sports<br />

planning: umdasch shop-concept planning &<br />

sales office, traun; Intersport eybl<br />

shopfitting: umdasch shop-concept, austria<br />

shopfitting system: classic, Quadra, Independent<br />

Lighting: Zuchna & taferner<br />

Authentically staged experience zones make Eybl in hohenems into a new top<br />

address in Austrian sports retailing.<br />

umdasch shop-concept 27

sHoP PanoraMa<br />

Kastner & Öhler [3]<br />

Kastner & Öhler<br />

Fashion house with world flair<br />

From department store to<br />

Fashion department store<br />

− the story of Kastner<br />

& Öhler, founded<br />

in 1873, can be<br />

summarised in just<br />

a few words. today<br />

the family-owned<br />

corporation, which<br />

also includes the “Gigasport” sports chain, operates 47 locations<br />

in austria, slovenia, the czech Republic and slovakia. the heart<br />

of the enterprise remains, however, the company headquarters<br />

in Graz. after a rebuilding project which took three years and<br />

which was carried out in stages, K&Ö opened the doors to the<br />

entire store for the first time on 20. 10. 2010 – a date chosen to<br />

permit plenty of advance publicity. Kastner & Öhler presents the<br />

biggest fashion selection in austria across a sales area of 20,000<br />

m². more than 500 brands from armani to Zegna radiate international<br />

flair. the extensive product range in the main store is<br />

complemented by perfumery, cosmetics, accessories, lingerie,<br />

home accessories and a shoe department.<br />

K&Ö need not fear comparison with top stores in international<br />

fashion metropolises, not only with regard to the range of products,<br />

but also as regards the architecture, visual merchandising<br />

and presentation. as soon as customers enter the 35-metrehigh<br />

atrium with its rounded arches, loggias and white-and-gold<br />

stucco pillars they are caught up in the spell. architectural features<br />

of the building dating from 1913 have been renovated with<br />

loving attention to detail. tradition and modernity meet in the<br />

new K&Ö. the highlights include the top floor with its “sloping<br />

architecture” under the roof and a 360-degree city panorama as<br />

well as the brilliantly staged theme and brand worlds.<br />

Infobox<br />

Location: sackstrasse 7 – 13<br />

8021 Graz<br />

austria<br />

contact: www.kastner-oehler.at<br />

sales area/ no. of floors: 40,000 m 2 / 8<br />

opening: october 2010<br />

sector: Fashion department store<br />

planning: Blocher Blocher partners<br />

shopfitting: umdasch shop-concept, austria;<br />

Ganter Interior; schlegel; Lauinger<br />

Ladenbau<br />

Lighting: Vedder Lichtmanagement (planning)<br />

In-store decoration: dioma<br />

Not the individual brands but the style worlds, authentically presented with first-class product images and decorative elements, form the focal point of the<br />

fashion Department Store.<br />

28 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

umdasch shop-concept 29<br />

ShOP aktuell 109 Photo: Bernd Kammerer/Blocher Blocher Stuttgart

sHoP PanoraMa<br />

niketown london [4]<br />

In the niketown stores the sports article giant nike’s inimitable<br />

feeling for innovation and staging are demonstrated to good<br />

effect. new marketing strategies are tested and pioneering<br />

trends set. the niketown concept was born in 1990 in portland.<br />

today about a dozen brandlands are among the stars of<br />

the international retail stage. the re-opening of the niketown<br />

in London in october 2010 attracted worldwide attention.<br />

For more than a decade the building at oxford circus has<br />

been a magnet for the general public. the complete rebuilding<br />

was carried out in stages; together with the fourth sales<br />

floor which has thereby been created, it has transformed the<br />

niketown in the British capital into the biggest and thus the<br />

most important nike store in the world. the rebuilding forms<br />

part of an ambitious expansion strategy.<br />

the us sports article concern demonstrates the current state<br />

of the art in the fields of design and branding through uncompromising<br />

staging and regular transformations of its worlds<br />

niketown london<br />

Brandland no. 1<br />

of experience. a glimpse at the recently completed second<br />

and third floors of the niketown in London shows a consistent<br />

approach in the selection of materials. Black metal sheeting,<br />

painted to retain its natural colour, and stained antique-look<br />

oak surfaces have been employed. many details such as, for<br />

example, basketball lines on the wall and tables with artificial<br />

grass surfaces allow the visitors to immerse themselves in the<br />

individually designed sports worlds.<br />

Infobox<br />

Location: oxford circus<br />

London W1n 9ds<br />

uK<br />

contact: www.nike.com<br />

sales area/no. of floors: 3,600 m² / 4<br />

opening: october 2010<br />

sector: sports<br />

planning: nike Global Brand design, hmKm<br />

shopfitting: umdasch shop-concept, uK<br />

shopfitting system: carré & brand-specific development<br />

Lighting: nike Brand design<br />

<strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong> is responsible for the entire shopfitting in what is now the<br />

world’s biggest Nike store in London. <strong>The</strong> attitude towards life of the various sports<br />

disciplines is conveyed in an impressive manner.<br />

30 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

Photos: Factory 311<br />

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

umdasch shop-concept 31

sHoP PanoraMa<br />

stockmann [5]<br />

stockmann<br />

Delicatessen with a new look<br />

the headquarters of stockmann, the traditional Finnish firm in<br />

the heart of helsinki, offers everything that makes up a department<br />

store: fashion, cosmetics, books, stationery & office<br />

supplies, pharmacy, banks… the biggest department store in<br />

scandinavia was modernised and extended in stages over the<br />

past four years. to add the finishing touch, the delicatessen<br />

department in the basement now shines in new splendour. In<br />

addition to an extensive range of fresh and high-quality foods,<br />

new zones were created to house theme-related cuisine and<br />

seasonal specialities. mid-store units on wheels ensure flexibility<br />

in the product presentation.<br />

Infobox<br />

Location: aleksanterinkatu 52<br />

00381 helsinki<br />

Finland<br />

contact: www.stockmann.com<br />

sales area/ no. of floors: 50,000 m² / 8 (total),<br />

3,700 m² / 1 (delicatessen)<br />

opening: september 2010<br />

sector: department store / food<br />

planning: stockmann delicatessen<br />

shopfitting: umdasch shop-concept, austria<br />

shopfitting system: Brand-specific development<br />

Oak stained and coloured with different finishes, dark grey faced chipboard<br />

and elements in matt and shiny chrome provide a varied appearance.<br />

32 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

sHoP PanoraMa<br />

[6] swisscom<br />

swisscom<br />

Pilot projects with wellness effect<br />

swisscom, the leading telecommunications company in switzerland,<br />

shows its true colours in its own shops as well as in<br />

franchise stores. In order to offer its customers a contemporary<br />

shopping experience, the company is currently putting the<br />

finishing touches to its new presentation. the aim is to create<br />

a feeling of wellness by combining current design trends and<br />

“swissness”. six test shops were launched onto the shopping<br />

world in 2010, including the store in aarau in august. after further<br />

pilot projects in 2011, in which different concept variations<br />

will be tested, a country-wide rollout is to follow.<br />

Infobox<br />

Location: Bahnhofplatz 38<br />

5000 aarau<br />

switzerland<br />

contact: www.swisscom.ch<br />

sales area/ no. of floors: 75 m² / 1<br />

opening: august 2010<br />

sector: telecommunications<br />

planning: instinct laboratory<br />

shopfitting: umdasch shop-concept, switzerland<br />

shopfitting system: Brand-specific development<br />

Lighting: delta Line & Light<br />

In the design of the test stores, particular attention is paid to an exclusive<br />

blend of materials (including stone, Corian and oak veneer), a feeling of<br />

wellness and sophisticated security technology.<br />

umdasch shop-concept 33

Photos: 34 REWE Group/Billa<br />

umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

sHoP PanoraMa<br />

[7] Billa Corso<br />

Billa Corso<br />

Exquisite temple of gourmet<br />

pleasures<br />

Billa is the largest retail organisation within the Rewe International<br />

aG, an umbrella concern which also includes merkur, Bipa,<br />

adeg and penny. With some 1,000 branches, Billa positions itself<br />

on the austrian home market as “supermarket no. 1”. the company<br />

recently became the talk of the town with the opening of<br />

a new flagship store in the venerable herrnhuterhaus in Vienna<br />

city centre. the new Billa corso, as the supermarket chain’s flagship<br />

store is called, sets new standards in food retailing when<br />

it comes to design and service. In order to make this branch<br />

into a meeting place as well as a temple of gourmet pleasures,<br />

the inhabitants of the inner city were asked about their wishes<br />

and expectations. the results – which included changing food<br />

stations, a gourmet area, a gift packaging service and longer<br />

opening times – were included in the design of the new Billa<br />

corso. and the exclusive range of products, from a comprehensive<br />

champagne range to Italian delicatessen and the staff, well<br />

trained in relevant topics and etiquette, are targeted at a highincome,<br />

demanding clientèle.<br />

much attention was paid to a careful treatment of the original<br />

architecture of the historic herrnhuterhaus. stucco ceilings,<br />

domed rooflights and pillars were restored. Baroque wallpaper<br />

patterns and chandeliers recall the history of the building.<br />

a high-end material mix creates an exciting interaction<br />

between tradition and modernity.<br />

Infobox<br />

Location: neuer markt 17<br />

1010 Vienna<br />

austria<br />

contact: www.billa.at<br />

sales area/no. of floors: 990 m² / 3<br />

opening: october 2010<br />

sector: Food<br />

planning: Billa, schaberl artwork,<br />

assmann Ladenbau<br />

shopfitting: assmann Ladenbau<br />

shopfitting system: europa & brand-specific<br />

development<br />

Lighting: molto Luce, Zumtobel<br />

<strong>The</strong> new Billa flagship store in the herrnhuterhaus spotlights the history of the location in an impressive<br />

manner and aims to become a new meeting point in the heart of Vienna.<br />

umdasch shop-concept 35

sHoP PanoraMa<br />

nico [8]<br />

nico<br />

<strong><strong>Shop</strong>ping</strong>-park première<br />

Photos: Emanuele Inchingolo<br />

during the past 50 years nico has developed into one of the<br />

most successful top addresses in northern Italy. With a product<br />

range that includes fashion, accessories and shoes for<br />

women, men and children, nico is positioned in the medium<br />

price and quality category. to date, stand-alone shops with<br />

large sales areas near the city were chosen as locations. By<br />

contrast, the store in castenedolo is the first to be located in<br />

a shopping park. In spite of its large size, the extensive range<br />

is clearly and neatly presented.<br />

Infobox<br />

Location: Via Vulcania 15<br />

25014 castenedolo (Bs)<br />

Italy<br />

contact: www.nico.eu<br />

sales area/no. of floors: 3,000 m² / 1<br />

opening: september 2010<br />

sector: textiles / shoes<br />

planning: umdasch shop-concept, Italy<br />

shopfitting: umdasch shop-concept, Italy<br />

shopfitting system: arena alu, classic & brand-specific<br />

development<br />

Lighting: Zumtobel<br />

<strong>The</strong> Nico store concept is based on solid, high-quality furnishings and<br />

attractive design, without losing itself in extravagant details.<br />

36 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

sHoP PanoraMa<br />

[9] thalia<br />

thalia<br />

Just like home<br />

thalia, the number one in general book retailing in the German-speaking<br />

region, invites visitors to browse and relax in<br />

its 300 shops. the latest store concept takes up prominent<br />

local features both in the design of the range and in the overall<br />

design. this also applies to the new bookshop in dorsten.<br />

Literary aspects of the town have been included in the range<br />

and an event programme tailored to suit the region has been<br />

developed. the bookshop as a whole presents itself as a<br />

world of comfort with a lounge, reading corner, dining room,<br />

living room and children’s room in which the customers will<br />

almost feel that they are at home.<br />

Infobox<br />

Location: am markt 4-6<br />

46282 dorsten<br />

Germany<br />

contact: www.thalia.de<br />

sales area/no. of floors: 1,100 m² / 2<br />

opening: october 2010<br />

sector: Books<br />

planning: umdasch shop-concept, Germany<br />

shopfitting: umdasch shop-concept, Germany<br />

shopfitting system: Brand-specific development<br />

Lighting: umdasch shop-concept, Germany;<br />

myLight<br />

At Thalia in Dorsten the different topics have been staged as if in a private<br />

home.<br />

umdasch shop-concept 37

sHoP PanoraMa<br />

Hannspree [10]<br />

Infobox<br />

Location: Westfield, unit 1068<br />

London W12 7sL<br />

uK<br />

contact: www.hannspree.com<br />

sales area/ no. of floors: 113 m² / 1<br />

opening: november 2010<br />

sector: electrical goods<br />

planning: shopconsult by umdasch, Germany<br />

complete development: umdasch shop-concept, Germany<br />

shopfitting: umdasch shop-concept, Germany<br />

shopfitting system: Brand-specific development<br />

Lighting: umdasch shop-concept, Germany<br />

Hannspree<br />

Take One!<br />

hannspree is a taiwanese manufacturer of Lcd-tVs and monitors.<br />

the company stands for leading technology and distinctive<br />

design. there are virtually no bounds to its creativity − the<br />

palette extends from television sets with covers in the shape of<br />

soft toys to monitors integrated into footballs. the company’s<br />

sponsorship of various european football premier league clubs<br />

aims to underline further its positioning as innovative, sporting<br />

and forward-looking. now hannspree is conquering the european<br />

market with its own stores. and so it was a matter of<br />

“take one!” for the new store concept in november 2010 in the<br />

Westfield mall, europe’s biggest inner-city shopping centre. a<br />

rollout in further european capitals is planned.<br />

the hannspree logo, in gleaming chrome and the cI colour,<br />

and the displays integrated into the pillars characterise the<br />

inviting façade design. Inside the shop, the products are displayed<br />

to good effect in an understated manner on white presentation<br />

surfaces with backlit image pictures mounted above.<br />

the eyecatcher is the branded focus back wall to which the<br />

arching apple presentation niches are connected. the cylindrical<br />

lights and the warm oak woodblock flooring round out the<br />

new presentation. the ceiling height of 4.50 metres heightens<br />

the impression of space within the shop.<br />

<strong>The</strong> new shop concept of the LCD-TV specialists from Taiwan celebrated its<br />

début in the Westfield Mall in London, where it impresses customers with the<br />

professional execution of the store branding.<br />

38 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

umdasch shop-concept 39

sHoP PanoraMa<br />

Blue tomato [11]<br />

Blue tomato<br />

Trendy rendezvous<br />

the styrian board sports and lifestyle specialist Blue tomato<br />

is a professional multi-channel player. the company’s founder,<br />

Gerfried schuller, has built up within the past decade the<br />

world’s largest online boarder shop. the huge demand in the<br />

internet from Vienna and surroundings has resulted in the opening<br />

of the first store in austria. With fashionable labels (Burton,<br />

nixon, Billabong…), trendy design, information terminals and a<br />

lounge, Blue tomato aims to win over the boarder scene in the<br />

austrian capital. the special highlight: the airspace linking all<br />

three floors.<br />

Infobox<br />

Location: neubaugasse 3<br />

1070 Vienna<br />

austria<br />

contact: www.blue-tomato.com<br />

sales area/ no. of floors: 900 m² / 3<br />

opening: october 2010<br />

sector: sports<br />

planning: umdasch shop-concept planning and<br />

sales office, Innsbruck; architect: dI<br />

Gerald diechler<br />

shopfitting: umdasch shop-concept, austria<br />

shopfitting system: arena & brand-specific development<br />

Lighting: XaL<br />

Floor: aRdeX-pandomo<br />

White high-gloss furnishings, elements in brushed oak and earth-hued floors<br />

and ceilings are employed in the new Blue Tomato flagship store in Vienna.<br />

40 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

eric Bompard<br />

Elegance at the<br />

highest level<br />

Infobox<br />

Location: 31, rue du Bac<br />

75007 paris<br />

France<br />

contact: www.eric-bompard.com<br />

sales area/ no. of floors: 400 m² / 3<br />

opening: september 2010<br />

sector: Fashion<br />

planning: cIttI, umdasch shop-concept,<br />

France<br />

shopfitting: umdasch shop-concept, France<br />

Lighting: Looom<br />

Pharmacie riat<br />

New presentation full<br />

of history<br />

Infobox<br />

Location: av. de la Gare 46<br />

2800 delémont<br />

switzerland<br />

sales area/ no. of floors: 160 m² / 1<br />

opening: september 2010<br />

sector: pharmacy/ health & beauty store<br />

planning: umdasch shop-concept planning and<br />

sales office Romandie<br />

shopfitting: umdasch shop-concept, switzerland<br />

shopfitting system: classic & brand-specific<br />

development<br />

Lighting: umdasch shop-concept planning<br />

and sales office Romandie (planning);<br />

RZB (supply)<br />

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

<strong>The</strong> extensive range of cashmere<br />

pullovers is presented as if in a<br />

well-stocked library. <strong>The</strong> shop<br />

design, with its contrast between<br />

the brown fabric walls and white<br />

lacquer furnishings, conveys an<br />

impression of exclusivity and<br />

understated elegance.<br />

Pharmacie Riat’s 150 years of<br />

expertise in health matters are<br />

also reflected in the design of<br />

the new sales room. Greenand-white<br />

timelines along the<br />

shelving displays lead through<br />

the history of the town of<br />

Delémont and its oldest<br />

pharmacy.<br />

sHoP PanoraMa<br />

[12] eric Bompard, [13] Pharmacie riat<br />

umdasch shop-concept 41

sHoP PanoraMa<br />

esprit [14]<br />

over 12,000 points-of-sale with a total area of over 1.1 million m²<br />

and 1,100 own stores: the figures released by esprit in the<br />

summer of 2010 show the importance of the global player in<br />

the fashion business. Recently the lifestyle brand, which is<br />

listed on the hong Kong stock exchange, has increasingly<br />

invested in its own shops. the re-opening of what is now the<br />

world’s largest esprit flagship store in Frankfurt guaranteed<br />

smiling faces all round. the location on Zeil, in the immediate<br />

vicinity of the myZeil shopping centre, is considered an<br />

absolutely top address: a “triple-a location,” as they say at<br />

esprit. the existing store was extended by two additional<br />

floors and now offers (except for esprit sport men) the entire<br />

fashion range of the global brand, including all accessory<br />

ranges.<br />

the Frankfurt flagship combines in its new store concept the<br />

best aspects of the projects in hong Kong and new York. It<br />

makes use of puristic-looking metal stands, concrete floors,<br />

red brick walls, dark wood, metal back walls with holes out<br />

of which grow real tufts of grass, glass display cases and<br />

numerous decorative plinths and decorative walls which can<br />

be varied graphically. all in all it is a presentation which permits<br />

changes to be made at any time. Between the floors are<br />

In its frankfurt flagship store, Esprit uses a sophisticated lighting system which provides<br />

individual lighting effects for each of the separate style worlds.<br />

esprit<br />

<strong>The</strong> Best of<br />

Infobox<br />

Location: Zeil 121<br />

60313 Frankfurt<br />

Germany<br />

contact: www.esprit.com<br />

sales area/ no. of floors: 3,600 m² / 5<br />

opening: september 2010<br />

sector: Fashion<br />

planning: corneille-uedingslohmann<br />

shopfitting: umdasch shop-concept, Germany<br />

shopfitting system: carré & brand-specific development<br />

Lighting: ansorg<br />

In-store decoration: Ben hur<br />

openings which provide lines of sight. the façade of the redesigned<br />

store has also attracted a great deal of attention.<br />

as in hong Kong it employs 14,000 Leds, which permit an<br />

individual lighting presentation.<br />

42 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

umdasch shop-concept 43

sHoP PanoraMa<br />

orex [15]<br />

orex<br />

Austro-Hungarian splendour<br />

many austrians are familiar with the dorotheum as a pawnbroker’s<br />

shop. however, the long-established firm has also<br />

established itself as a top address for jewellery and watches<br />

under the brand name dorotheum Juwelier with 28 branches<br />

in austria. the company expanded into neighbouring hungary<br />

in 2004 with the purchase of orex, the leading hungarian jeweller’s<br />

chain. a branch of orex in the main shopping street in<br />

Budapest, the Vaci utca, was refurbished in autumn 2010. as<br />

in the branches of dorotheum Juwelier, various constellations<br />

of tables and glass cases serve as the tried and tested means<br />

of presentation for the exclusive items on sale.<br />

Infobox<br />

Location: Vaci utca 2<br />

1011 Budapest<br />

hungary<br />

contact: www.orex.hu, www.dorotheum.com<br />

sales area/ no. of floors: 250 m² / 1<br />

opening: october 2010<br />

sector: Watches / jewellery<br />

planning: umdasch shop-concept planning<br />

& sales office, Vienna; planning<br />

department, dorotheum Vienna<br />

shopfitting: umdasch shop-concept, austria<br />

shopfitting system: Brand-specific development<br />

While eleven famous watch brands are presented on the lower floor,<br />

on the ground floor customers will find the extensive range of Orex<br />

jewellery (see photo).<br />

44 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

sHoP PanoraMa<br />

[16] Coop City<br />

Coop City<br />

Heaven on earth<br />

coop, the second-largest detail retail company in switzerland,<br />

encourages the shopping mood in 33 locations with its coop<br />

city chain of department stores. st. annahof is a protected<br />

historic building and is one of their most prestigious stores.<br />

the shoe department there has been redesigned and presents<br />

about a dozen famous brands (högl, Geox, Gabor…). the<br />

most attractive models are literally brought down from heaven<br />

for customers to try. White lacquer women’s and men’s shoes<br />

float down from cloud-like sails on the ceiling. this highlight<br />

makes creative use of the four-metre ceiling height.<br />

Infobox<br />

Location: Bahnhofstrasse 57<br />

8001 Zurich<br />

switzerland<br />

contact: www.coop.ch<br />

sales area/no. of floors: 242 m² / 1<br />

opening: august 2010<br />

sector: department store / shoes<br />

planning: shopconsult by umdasch,<br />

switzerland<br />

shopfitting: umdasch shop-concept, switzerland<br />

shopfitting system: Brand-specific development<br />

<strong>The</strong> hovering product presentation, elliptical forms and the decorative oval<br />

framed in high-quality artificial leather characterise the new appearance.<br />

umdasch shop-concept 45

46 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

sHoP PanoraMa<br />

[17] dublin airport terminal 2<br />

dublin airport terminal 2<br />

Imposing Loop<br />

Following the expansion of terminal 1 at dublin airport<br />

(reported in shop aktuell 106), the multi-million project<br />

“transforming dublin airport” is now entering the <strong>next</strong> phase.<br />

the new terminal 2 was inaugurated in a ceremony on<br />

19 november 2010. the building, covering an area of 75,000 m²,<br />

attracts attention with its glass-and-steel construction, which<br />

floods the interior with plenty of daylight. Its annual capacity<br />

of 15 million travellers means that there is plenty of potential<br />

to be exploited, not least for the shopping areas within<br />

the new terminal. Immediately beyond the security checks an<br />

imposing shopping area unfolds. the new travel Retail store,<br />

operated by the daa (dublin airport authority), is called “the<br />

Loop”. the name says it all.<br />

the shop design allows for a sophisticated navigation concept.<br />

along the circuit (“Loop”) travellers will<br />

encounter the big international brands in<br />

cosmetics, perfumery and spirits. the ceiling<br />

elements are backlit with coloured Leds;<br />

together with the light and dark stone<br />

floors they support the subtly designed<br />

route guidance. organic shapes dominate<br />

the entire store design and convey<br />

the sense of perpetual movement characteristic of airports. a<br />

ridged band with names of the product ranges on the back<br />

wall and the low gondolas in the central area help customers<br />

to find their way through the store.<br />

Infobox<br />

Location: dublin airport<br />

terminal 2<br />

Ireland<br />

contact: www.dublinairportauthority.com<br />

sales area/no. of floors: 1,100 m² / 1 (“the Loop”)<br />

opening: november 2010<br />

sector: travel retail<br />

planning: the design solution;<br />

pascall + Watson<br />

General contractor: p. J. hegarty<br />

shopfitting: umdasch shop-concept, Ireland<br />

shopfitting system: Brand-specific development<br />

Within a special area the Dublin Travel Retail Store “<strong>The</strong> Loop” tells the story of the Irish whiskey<br />

tradition as well as displaying select vintages for travellers.<br />

umdasch shop-concept 47

sHoP talK<br />

Interview<br />

Reinhard peneder<br />

thomas Grote was greeted by accolades from the american<br />

umbrella company Liz claiborne. “thomas Grote is better qualified<br />

than anyone else to take on the challenges at mexx. he is<br />

a marketing and product-oriented ceo and has a great deal of<br />

experience in the retail and wholesale sectors”, was the comment<br />

in a message. the native of Westphalia, now 47 years of age,<br />

gained his first experience in a textile company at home in steinfurt.<br />

his rapid ascent of the career ladder at esprit began when<br />

he was 25. a short interlude occurred when he joined the fashion<br />

brand “InWear”. In 1996 Grote returned to the esprit headquarters<br />

in Ratingen to take charge of women’s wear. In 2006 he became<br />

ceo. and in 2009 came the change from esprit to mexx.<br />

What are the main reasons when a brand loses its magnetism<br />

to the extent that Mexx did?<br />

In our case the reason was clearly that over the years there<br />

had been a marked deterioration of performance. the company<br />

neglected its target customers and continued to design<br />

the products that it wanted to sell without any consideration<br />

for its target customers; and what is more, the products no<br />

longer matched up to the expected quality. I would compare it<br />

like this: if a car manufacturer which is a “shining star” today<br />

suddenly starts to produce only cars which grind to a halt at<br />

the <strong>next</strong> corner, then the brand will very quickly fail. In the case<br />

of mexx, after the exit of the founder Rattan chadha there was<br />

a gradual loss of product culture, product philosophy and a<br />

culture of quality.<br />

What is the new target positioning of Mexx as a brand and<br />

where are the biggest changes?<br />

We haven’t really done anything except to position the brand<br />

back where it became famous. In the late 1980s and early 1990s<br />

Rattan chadha created the style known as “smart casual”, a<br />

combination of leisure fashion and office look. today we call it<br />

“metropolitan casual”, because we decided that “smart casual”<br />

is now a term which everyone uses. and metropolitan is<br />

really only a more glamorous word for “city” or for “smart”.<br />

We thought the expression “metropolitan casual” was so good<br />

because it has not been used until today. But it doesn’t mean<br />

anything different from our original positioning. I should like to<br />

draw another comparison with the automobile industry. If opel<br />

wants to be successful it simply has to build better cars than VW<br />

and toyota. the goal is not suddenly to compete with daimler<br />

photo<br />

cornelia suhan<br />

thomas Grote on the<br />

future of Mexx<br />

On 1 October 2009 Thomas Grote took over his new job as CEO of the global fashion label Mexx in<br />

Amsterdam. Grote had previously played an essential part in 15 years of worldwide growth at Esprit<br />

– most recently as CEO. His new task at Mexx is a huge challenge. After all, it will be a question of<br />

getting the famous label, which in recent years has suffered a one-third reduction in turnover, back on<br />

track. Grote spoke to SHOP aktuell about fashion and cars, the philosophy behind the product range<br />

“Metropolitan Casual” and the brand relaunch.<br />

Benz or BmW. the name simply doesn’t have the right magnetism<br />

for that. after all the muddle of the past years, sometimes<br />

young, then exclusive again, for us “metropolitan casual” is quite<br />

definitely at the centre of our design development once more.<br />

You made a comparison with cars and you named middleclass<br />

brands – quite intentionally, I am sure. You see yourself<br />

positioned in the middle, but that means you want to<br />

be at the top of the middle?<br />

Yes. traditionally, mexx was always a good brand in the middle,<br />

as we could put it. a brand that wants high sales volumes<br />

but which also provides its customers with a good image and<br />

high prestige. But we are not prada, we’re not Gucci and we are<br />

not h&m either. people used to say, irrelevantly, well, anyone in<br />

the middle has a problem. to be honest, I see that quite differently.<br />

We can observe all over the world that the middle class will<br />

always remain strong. there are enough people who want to pay<br />

a fair price, but who are merciless when it comes to demanding<br />

quality. We have to be so good that our quality is comparable<br />

with BmW but we only demand the price of a Volkswagen.<br />

<strong>The</strong> new purple logo is a very noticeable element in the new<br />

Mexx presentation. What does it stand for and what other<br />

changes are visible and tangible?<br />

It is obvious that we have to change our entire business model<br />

as regards product development, organisation, sourcing, in<br />

other words everything surrounding the product itself. the second<br />

point is that we have to design our image again to make it<br />

fresher, newer, more inviting. nothing has been done for the past<br />

15 years. there are designer brands which are black or grey.<br />

and then, in the commercial segment, there are Zara and mexx,<br />

and they are black or grey too. and then there is the red group;<br />

that includes esprit, s.oliver and h&m, which are more casual<br />

brands. and then there are the greens, which means springfield,<br />

Benetton etc. and there are blue brands like Gap, tom tailor and<br />

Banana Republic. and I said to myself, really it would be a good<br />

idea strategically if we had a colour of our own. and so we said,<br />

the colour of moustache was blue and the colour of emmanuelle<br />

was red. and then we said, let’s just mix the two and find a purple<br />

colour. purple is not used very frequently in our retail sector.<br />

and so we decided to take purple as our colour and it sparked<br />

off a huge positive response. and at the same time we made the<br />

lettering more dynamic and developed a clear visual language<br />

48 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

“We haven’t really done anything<br />

except to position the brand back<br />

where it became famous.”<br />

and a clear marketing concept. the current campaign is an<br />

important part of it, in which we communicate our look clearly<br />

through good personalities. at the start it was heike makatsch.<br />

the feedback is fantastic, the styles from the campaign are sold<br />

out; the products are gone.<br />

how do you translate the term “Metropolitan Casual” in<br />

the shop?<br />

our starting point was that we said, if we can be “metropolitan<br />

casual” and our customers look like that, how would our<br />

customers live and where would they want to be? and then we<br />

throught of the names of metropolises like Berlin, Barcelona and<br />

new York. and from that arose the central idea of the loft, which<br />

we have carried through in our new presentation, consistently<br />

and in all its facets, from the solid wooden door at the entrance<br />

to small but important details in the product presentation.<br />

how intense is the product concentration?<br />

of course there are locations where one has to show more products<br />

and others where fewer products are called for because the<br />

productivity is different. But basically we have 25 items on show<br />

per square metre. then we are also in a position to achieve a corresponding<br />

turnover. of course the product supply is an ongoing<br />

process, that is to say we create 12 collections per year which<br />

are delivered every two weeks. In practice, in fact, every shop<br />

receives new products every week. and if everything is sold by<br />

then, then other styles are brought forward to fill the space. however,<br />

we do have a clear zoning system, which means that the<br />

latest products are usually at the front of the store. then, when<br />

the products are older after a month or so, they move through<br />

the store towards the back.<br />

What does the current sales concept of Mexx look like?<br />

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

sHoP talK<br />

nowadays, if you want to supply and operate franchise stores,<br />

partnership stores or shop-in-stores sensibly, you need to be a<br />

good retailer yourself. and so for the first time we have changed<br />

the entire purchasing and inventory management model in such<br />

a way that it is really is focused on efficient use of space for<br />

all 365 days a year, all the year round. What still often happens<br />

in the industry is that so-called wholesale companies basically<br />

offer 6 or even 4 collections and they are not geared towards<br />

purchasing patterns. For example, if – as in the past – I deliver<br />

80 % of my outdoor products, in other words my jackets, in July<br />

and august, then I can work out that in october or november the<br />

products will be old. and then the customer has already seen<br />

the products 25 times. or the products are sold out or they have<br />

to be sold at a reduced price, which is even worse. so now we<br />

have arranged things so that our products each month really<br />

are organised to suit the retail situation, in line with the sales<br />

curve. and the number of style developments is also governed<br />

by sales. In months when the turnover is high we have larger collections<br />

than in months when it is lower.<br />

Is there an ideal size for your shops in the case of shopin-shops<br />

?<br />

the best size for us to occupy is an area between 400 and 600<br />

square metres. then we can stock it with men and women’s<br />

fashion, accessories and shoes. In absolutely top locations it<br />

could be as much as 1,000 square metres. For franchise shops,<br />

for examples only women’s fashion, even around 200 square<br />

metres can also be a good size.<br />

umdasch shop-concept 49

sHoP ConCePt toPIC<br />

store Branding<br />

Ansgar hellmich, Vice President Global<br />

Architecture at Mexx: “By adjusting the<br />

various lighting levels we can create a<br />

dramatic atmosphere in our shops.”<br />

START<br />

text<br />

Reinhard peneder<br />


Typical development of a Store Branding Process. (source: shopconsult by umdasch)<br />

Store Branding at Mexx<br />

the relaunch of a<br />

world brand<br />

50 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109<br />

01<br />

photo: mexx/philippi, Brüsselimpressionen,<br />

shopconsult by umdasch, cornelia suhan<br />


02<br />


<strong>The</strong> product philosophy “Metropolitan Casual Lifestyle” is the central message at Mexx. A loft ambience provides the ideal stage.<br />

<strong>The</strong> wooden floors and partially open ceiling are typical.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fashion label Mexx carried out a wide-ranging brand relaunch in 2010. <strong>The</strong> new concept was introduced<br />

during the summer in the Rhein Center in Cologne-Weiden. SInce then a number of other shops, including<br />

those in Vienna, Hamburg, Stockholm, St. Petersburg and Brussels, have opened in the new style. <strong>The</strong> new<br />

presentation is to be gradually transferred to the entire Mexx universe. SHOP aktuell has studied what lies<br />

behind the relaunch and how consistently and professionally the branding has been developed and realised.<br />


ShOP aktuell 109<br />

04<br />


sHoP ConCePt toPIC<br />

store Branding<br />

umdasch shop-concept 51

sHoP ConCePt toPIC<br />

store Branding<br />

Box shelving is a typical sales unit at Mexx. When cleverly divided up it is ideal for the presentation of accessories.<br />

the real birth of mexx can be traced back to 1986. that was<br />

when Rattan chadha amalgamated the brands moustache<br />

(men’s and boys’ suits) and emanuelle (women’s wear), which<br />

had been launched in 1980 with two kisses (symbolised<br />

by XX), and renamed the brand mexx. the company expanded<br />

rapidly over the <strong>next</strong> 15 years from its base in the netherlands,<br />

establishing itself in a number of other countries and<br />

creating various additional product lines. In 2001 the us<br />

clothing corporation Liz claiborne took over mexx International<br />

BV. In 2003 the first mexx shops were opened in the<br />

united states. at the end of 2006 mexx founder and ceo Rattan<br />

chadha withdrew from the operative business. not least<br />

through the withdrawal of chadha, the product culture, product<br />

philosophy and culture quality disappeared. the brand’s<br />

glamour faded. the company turnover collapsed by about<br />

a third and was listed for the business year 2009/2010 at<br />

us$ 832 million. In this difficult situation Liz claiborne brought<br />

in thomas Grote, a proven brand professional, as ceo. Grote,<br />

equipped with wide-ranging powers and a great deal of trust,<br />

started his new job in the amsterdam headquarters of mexx<br />

in october 2009 (see also shop taLK on pages 48/49). he<br />

located the real weak spots in both products and presentation.<br />

he has brought together a new, dynamic team to manage<br />

the brand relaunch.<br />

“<strong>The</strong>re must be not even a hint of shopfitting”<br />

mexx entrusted the store branding of the new concept to the<br />

consultancy firm shopconsult by umdasch. the new product<br />

philosophy laid down the “metropolitan casual Lifestyle” (as a<br />

central statement) and the new cd in the form of a striking purple<br />

which from now onwards will be carried through mexx communication<br />

as a leitmotif. moreover the new presentation is not<br />

to be seen as just any system shop, but as an individual and<br />

very personal boutique with charm. under no circumstances<br />

should there be even a hint of classic shopfitting. that, at least,<br />

is how ansgar hellmich, Vice president Global architecture at<br />

mexx, put it.<br />




52 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

Maik Drewitz developed a special shelving and gondola system for Mexx<br />

using water pipes which can also be suspended from the ceiling. height<br />

adjustment is carried out by means of clamps.<br />

negotiating a number of curves but altogether at a tremendous<br />

speed, maik drewitz and the shopconsult-team developed a<br />

coherent store design for this strategy in intensive co-operation<br />

with the mexx professionals. derived from the briefing, brainstorming<br />

sessions came up with terms like “city”, “metropolis”,<br />

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

<strong>The</strong> actress heike Makatsch is the face of Mexx in 2010/2011. her presence<br />

is ideally suited to the style of the Metropolitan Casual collections.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> new Mexx-Konzept was supposed not to<br />

contain even a hint of shopfitting. And we have<br />

achieved that”, observed Maik Drewitz,<br />

<strong>Shop</strong>Consult by <strong>Umdasch</strong>.<br />


sHoP ConCePt toPIC<br />

store Branding<br />

“culture”, “districts”, “Business district”,<br />

“multicultural” and “parks”. and<br />

that ultimately led to the image of a typical<br />

new York loft as the central design<br />

idea. “Loft – that is a combination of<br />

traditional values blended with modern<br />

elements”, added hellmich. Graffiti as<br />

well as wood, steel, stone and tiles determine the look. Real<br />

wood flooring of fumed oak, laid in a herringbone pattern, vintage-look<br />

wallpapers and numerous decorative details emphasise<br />

the homely character. the sculptural form in the till area<br />

stands for modern city architecture, the lounge area with its<br />

bright carpeting for multicultural life. the curtains of the changing<br />

rooms are of theatre fabric, and the massive wooden doors<br />

on the façades recall historic buildings.<br />


umdasch shop-concept 53

sHoP ConCePt toPIC<br />

store Branding<br />

A glance at the development of the mood concept shows the meticulous care with which the store branding for Mexx was designed.<br />

Modern urban architecture formed, for example, the background for the design of the till area.<br />

Shelving made of water pipes<br />

the design of the sales furniture shows the same attention to<br />

detail. the basic product line was developed using water pipes<br />

which are used either standing or suspended. clamps are used<br />

to adjust the height. In the accessories area specially designed<br />

wire hooks have been used. the tables in the central area, with<br />

the addition of benches, are mobile and can thus be used in a<br />

flexible manner. the formats and surfaces vary. sometimes they<br />

are plain and rectangular and sometimes ornate and oval, and<br />

sometimes they are equipped with light-coloured legs or ribbed<br />

glass panels. “although the project does not look anything<br />

like shopfitting now, nonetheless a certain modular approach<br />

was used when we were planning the units. Because it is also<br />

important that they can be produced at low cost”, was how<br />

maik drewitz explained his deliberations. after all, the concept<br />

must also be adaptable to suit the various area requirements.<br />

the size ranges from shop-in-shops, through pure women’s<br />

fashion shops (approx. 200 m²), full-range shops (approx. 600<br />

m²) to flagship stores (1,000 m² and more).<br />

“In order to ensure that the concept really acquires its own individuality,<br />

a harmonious warmth and atmosphere, we use different<br />

lighting levels in addition to the overall lighting to create<br />

an almost dramatic mood. the focus thereby remains on the<br />

products. For example, we focus a spotlight on a t-shirt, which<br />

then really shines. and then it tails off again a bit before the<br />

<strong>next</strong> highlight comes”, was how ansgar hellmich explained the<br />

important lighting concept realised by RZB. the details include<br />

specially created spotlights with a metal shade, clamp lights<br />

with iron flexes and various decorative lighting. power-saving<br />

35-watt cdm lighting is employed.<br />




54 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

It is often the many little details in particular which transform an ordinary shop into a loft atmosphere.<br />

In addition to the colour purple with the “dynamised” logo,<br />

in future an appropriate face is also to become a recognition<br />

feature of mexx. Für the collection 2010/2011 it is the popular<br />

actress heike makatsch. her presence makes her a highly<br />

credible representative of the metropolitan casual style. photos<br />

of makatsch adorn the shop windows and shops in prominent<br />

positions and she also presents the collection in a manner<br />

which is sure to encourage sales in the brochure me+XX. the<br />

styles from the campaign sold out very quickly. equally positive<br />

are the reactions to the relaunch of the brand as a whole<br />

and mexx will soon be back in the fast lane again. the aim is<br />

to return mexx within the <strong>next</strong> few years to the position which<br />

the brand once occupied: at the head of the european casual<br />

and lifestyle brands.<br />

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

Broad range of services<br />

In addition to the development of the brand design, shop<br />

consult by umdasch supplied a very wide-ranging palette of<br />

services for mexx in the shop planning sector within the framework<br />

of this store branding process: detailed planning of the<br />

furnishings, compilation of a store book, detailed design for the<br />

store, co-ordination of the aroma and lighting concepts, area<br />

planning, quantity calculations for products, drywall construction,<br />

planning of the painting and electrical works, construction<br />

management of the architectonic works and façade planning.<br />

the shopfitting partner for these projects was Jonas Ladenbau<br />

in oberhausen.<br />



sHoP ConCePt toPIC<br />

store Branding<br />

umdasch shop-concept 55

sHoPFIttInG<br />

encyclopaedia of shopfitting and shop Marketing<br />

<strong>The</strong> “Encyclopaedia of <strong>Shop</strong>fitting and <strong>Shop</strong> Marketing”,<br />

produced by the <strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong> Academy, is intended to<br />

serve as a useful tool for all those involved in the design<br />

and realisation of shop investment.<br />

Encyclopaedia of <strong>Shop</strong>fitting and <strong>Shop</strong> Marketing<br />

the handbook for<br />

retail and shopfitting<br />

professionals<br />

With the prestigious Callwey-Verlag in Munich as partner the <strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong> Academy is publishing the<br />

“Ladenbau- und Laden-Marketing-Lexikon” (Encyclopaedia of <strong>Shop</strong>fitting and <strong>Shop</strong> Marketing) in time for the<br />

Euro<strong>Shop</strong> 2011. <strong>The</strong> publication consists of two main sections and is intended to serve as a useful tool for all<br />

those involved in the design and realisation of shop investment. In the classic encyclopaedia section some<br />

1,000 terms from the fields of shop architecture/shop design, shop lighting, shopfitting, POS marketing and<br />

visual merchandising are explained. <strong>The</strong> second section contains 28 specialist essays by proven international<br />

experts relating to current topics in the retail and shopfitting sector.<br />

shopfitting, or shop construction, has always been a complex,<br />

interdisciplinary task. professionals from a wide range of fields<br />

work together in order to design and build as perfect a shop<br />

as possible. the number of disciplines involved in shop construction<br />

continues to grow. think of new topics such as neuromarketing,<br />

shop dramaturgy, store branding and multi-channel<br />

56 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

etailing. and then there are the longer-established specialist<br />

areas and trades such as architecture, shop design, shop lighting,<br />

business type and location development, project management,<br />

pos marketing, visual merchandising and of course<br />

shopfitting and shop marketing. Knowledge and information<br />

about these specialist fields are mostly conveyed within the<br />

disciplines themselves. there are virtually no interdisciplinary<br />

publications.<br />

the “encyclopaedia of shopfitting and shop marketing” aims<br />

to provide a source of information and assistance with orientation<br />

for all those involved in the planning and execution<br />

of retail concepts and/ or shop investment. the encyclopaedia<br />

section covers terms from the specialist areas described<br />

above – from “1-a location” to “second public offering”. the<br />

publisher has had the courage to leave certain gaps and concentrates<br />

above all instead on those terms from the individual<br />

disciplines which are especially relevant for the core subjects<br />

shopfitting and shop marketing. For some keywords there are<br />

detailed tables providing additional information. For example<br />

the future prospects of selected types of business are<br />

presented in a very clear manner, selected retail key figures<br />

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

listed or the umbrella terms for shopfitting systems explained.<br />

there is also an overview of important events and specialist<br />

publications for the retail sector. Readers will also find a complete<br />

list of the members of the deutscher Ladenbauverband<br />

(dlv – German shopfitting network). overall the book is very<br />

attractively illustrated.<br />

Top-class authors<br />

sHoPFIttInG<br />

encyclopaedia of shopfitting and shop Marketing<br />

A typical double page in the encyclopaedia section of the “Encyclopaedia<br />

of <strong>Shop</strong>fitting and <strong>Shop</strong> Marketing”.<br />

In the second part, containing the specialist essays, the occasional<br />

controversial topic is tackled. For example, the continuously<br />

growing influence of online retailing on the bricks-andmortar<br />

shopping world or the necessity for combining digital<br />

and physical concepts. contributions on the subject of shop<br />

architecture come from the two top retail design addresses in<br />

Germany: schwitzke & partner and Blocher Blocher partners.<br />

and of course the subject of Green design has been included.<br />

the top-class authors, many of whom belong to the network of<br />

lecturers of the umdasch shop academy, cast light on the various<br />

topics from their own personal point of view, sometimes<br />

contradicting each other. that is certainly the intention of the<br />

publisher, in the interests of a lively discussion.<br />

umdasch shop-concept 57

sHoPFIttInG<br />

encyclopaedia of shopfitting and shop Marketing<br />

Retail is synonymous with change, and will continue to be so. In<br />

this respect the meaning of terms and topics will change in the<br />

short to medium term. therefore the “encyclopaedia of shopfitting<br />

and shop marketing” is not a finished book, but a snapshot of<br />

a continuous process. It is planned that the encyclopaedia should<br />

be revised every three years, on the occasion of the leading global<br />

fair of the shopfitting sector, the euroshop. With the latest terms<br />

from the world of the retail and shopping business and with new,<br />

exciting contributions by international experts.<br />

dR. KathaRIna J. aueR-sRnKa<br />

university of Vienna<br />

<strong><strong>Shop</strong>ping</strong> Dreams of the Best Agers<br />

the shop price of the “encyclopaedia of shopfitting and shop<br />

marketing,” produced by the umdasch shop academy and published<br />

by callwey, is € 49.95. subscribers to shop aktuell who<br />

order via the e-mail address shop.aktuell@umdasch.com will pay<br />

a special price of € 35.-- (plus Vat, postage and packing). For<br />

participants at the events and seminars of the umdasch shop<br />

academy a special price is also available. the encyclopaedia is<br />

currently only available in German.<br />

Authors and essay topics<br />

“Encyclopaedia of <strong>Shop</strong>fitting and <strong>Shop</strong> Marketing”<br />

dR. petRa BaRth<br />

umdasch shop-concept, amstetten<br />

Top-Brands Study 2009 – What Women<br />

Really Want…<br />

dR. daVId BosshaRt and<br />

dR. maRtIna KÜhne<br />

GdI, Zürich-Rüschlikon<br />

<strong>The</strong> Story of Unstoring –<br />

why shops are no longer<br />

shops<br />

mIchaeL deGen<br />

messe düsseldorf<br />

Euro<strong>Shop</strong> Düsseldorf – the mecca of the<br />

international retail scene<br />

cLaudIa enGeL-hutneR<br />

and chRIstIan GÖGGeRLe<br />

hutner training, Kronburg<br />

Staff as Ambassadors of<br />

their Own Brand<br />

achIm FRInGes<br />

neuromerchandising®Group, Frankfurt<br />

Neuromerchandising® – Retailing with all<br />

the Senses<br />

aLFRed FuchsGRuBeR<br />

11 Freunde, munich<br />

Effective Strategies against Inventory<br />

Discrepancies and <strong>Shop</strong>lifting<br />

dR. hans-GeoRG häuseL<br />

Gruppe nymphenburg, munich<br />

Neuromarketing: What Retailers Can Learn<br />

from Brain Research<br />

heIKo hInRIchs<br />

syndicate, hamburg<br />

Offline <strong><strong>Shop</strong>ping</strong> 2.0. – A Little Pioneer Spirit,<br />

Please!<br />

cLaudIa hoRBeRt<br />

ehI Retail Institute, cologne<br />

Green Design in <strong>Shop</strong>fitting<br />

dR. KaI hudetZ<br />

Institut für handelsforschung, cologne<br />

Successful Use of Multi-Channel Effects –<br />

Opportunities for traditional retailers<br />

dR. WoLFRam KRause<br />

dlv – netzwerk Ladenbau, Würzburg<br />

<strong>Shop</strong>fitters in Europe – from Carpenter to<br />

Global Player<br />

58 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

anGeLa KReutZ<br />

Blocher Blocher partners, stuttgart<br />

<strong>The</strong> Magnetic Effect of Retail Architecture<br />

KLaus Lach<br />

oWd, aalen<br />

Visionary Visual Marketing for the Point<br />

of Sale<br />

dI aLFRed LeItL<br />

shopconsult by umdasch, amstetten<br />

Visual Merchandising – the Art of Product<br />

Presentation<br />

dR. chRIstIan mIKunda<br />

comment, Vienna<br />

Just Playacting: <strong>Shop</strong> Dramaturgy<br />

how the retail scene became a leisure<br />

occupation<br />

BeRt maRtIn ohnemÜLLeR<br />

Bmo, Frankfurt am main<br />

from the Point of Sale to the Point of Success<br />

ReInhaRd penedeR<br />

umdasch shop-concept, amstetten<br />

Trends & facts in Airport Retailing<br />

dI WoLFGanG RIchteR<br />

Regioplan, Vienna<br />

<strong>The</strong> Location as a Decisive Competitive<br />

factor in Retailing<br />

GÜnteR RudLoFF<br />

comfort, hamburg<br />

Safe Investment – the retail property<br />

sHoPFIttInG<br />

encyclopaedia of shopfitting and shop Marketing<br />

pRoF. dIpL. WI.-InG. IsKa schÖnFeLd<br />

philips, hamburg<br />

LEDs Revolutionise <strong>Shop</strong> Lighting<br />

KaRL schWItZKe<br />

schwitze & partner, düsseldorf<br />

Stores as Brand Worlds to be Experienced –<br />

Interior Design: brands strengthen and<br />

enliven<br />

uLRIch spaan<br />

ehI Retail Institute, cologne<br />

Trends and Visions in Retail Technology<br />

mIchaeL staLLeR<br />

umdasch shop-concept, neidenstein<br />

Professional Project Management in<br />

<strong>Shop</strong>fitting<br />

KLaus stRIeBIch<br />

ece, hamburg<br />

On the future Prospects of the European<br />

<strong><strong>Shop</strong>ping</strong> Centre<br />

maG. aRndt tRaIndL<br />

Retail Branding, amstetten<br />

<strong>The</strong> LESS IS MORE Philosophy at the Point<br />

of Sale<br />

pRoF. dIpL.-VoLKsWIRt aXeL Venn<br />

hochschule hildesheim<br />

Is <strong>The</strong>re a Crisis of Seeing?<br />

maG. maX WÖss<br />

shopconsult by umdasch, amstetten<br />

how <strong>Shop</strong>s became Brands<br />

umdasch shop-concept 59

etaIl rePort<br />

shops & shopping in düsseldorf and Cologne<br />

experiencing retailing live<br />

Fair visitors can experience live within just a few kilometres much of what the exhibitors at the Euro<strong>Shop</strong><br />

2011 show in the way of the latest shopfitting and furnishing concepts. <strong>The</strong> Cologne/Düsseldorf area<br />

offers a wide range of retail businesses with a large number of noteworthy shops, shopping streets,<br />

galleries and shopping centres.<br />

as a trade-fair centre, düsseldorf is regarded as a top shopping<br />

centre and as one of the most elegant cities in Germany. a tour<br />

of the city centre shows the variety and range of market positions<br />

occupied by the shops. the eye-catching starting point of our<br />

shopping tour is Galeria Kaufhof at Königsallee 1. the sandstone<br />

façade of the six-storey building dating from 1909 still radiates<br />

the glamour of past times today.<br />

Inside, the latest Galeria concept<br />

of the department store concern<br />

has been consistently carried out<br />

and developed. on the occasion<br />

1<br />

of the euroshop 2011 Galeria<br />

Kaufhof is presenting itself with<br />

10<br />

unusual shop windows decorated<br />

with topics illustrating this<br />

9<br />

major event.<br />

11<br />

12<br />

Before we dive into the Königsallee,<br />

düsseldorf’s fashionable<br />

promenade, let us make a<br />

detour to the schadow-arkaden<br />

and into schadowstrasse.<br />

nominated by the Icsc as the<br />

best inner-city shopping mall<br />

in europe in the 1990s, today<br />

the schadow-arkaden provide<br />

“consumer-oriented” variety<br />

for a wide range of tastes. the<br />

architectonic highlight among<br />

the retail properties on schadowstrasse is the 14,000 m² fashion<br />

house peek & cloppenburg. an abundance of glass and<br />

spacious departments make the six-storey store a premium<br />

design fashion centre.<br />

© Stadt Düsseldorf - Vermessungs- und Liegenschaftsamt - Lizenz Nr.: 9 2011<br />

at the intersection of schadowstrasse and Königsallee, let us<br />

decide in favour of what must be the most famous shopping<br />

street in Germany. a “Königsallee” address is worth its weight<br />

in gold for the corporate image, especially for exclusive and<br />

fashion brands like armani, chanel, Gucci, Jil sander, Louis<br />

Vuitton and prada. the handful of long-established family<br />

firms which still maintain their position on the “Kö” include the<br />

luxury fashion store eickhoff and Franzen, a specialist shop<br />

for tableware, decoration and home accessories.<br />

the beginning of 2011 saw the start of a rebuilding phase which<br />

will last for several months for the sevens shopping mall. some<br />

of the 40 shops across seven sales levels will remain and many<br />

interesting new labels will be joining them. In spite of the rebuilding<br />

it is worth taking a look at the passages, if only because of<br />

the unique architecture of the building. It is also “business as<br />

usual” at the Kö-Galerie, in spite of the current rebuilding. once<br />

8<br />

the work is finished the mall, which first opened 25 years ago,<br />

will house about 90 shops, cafés and restaurants on three levels<br />

and over a sales area of some 20,000 m².<br />

not far from the Kö-Galerie we can take the Grünstrasse<br />

entrance to the stilwerk theme centre, where some 45 specialist<br />

shops relating to the subjects<br />

of design and furnishings will be<br />

found. Behind its airy-looking,<br />

transparent glass façade, five<br />

3<br />

4<br />

levels of shops are grouped<br />

2<br />

around an atrium with galleries<br />

in an elegant elliptical form.<br />

60 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

text<br />

Winfried Lambertz<br />

Our tour in Düsseldorf: (1) Galeria Kaufhof, (2) Mayersche<br />

Buchhandlung, (3) Schadow-Arkaden, (4) Peek & Cloppenburg,<br />

(5) Sevens, (6) Kö-Galerie, (7) Stilwerk, (8) Bankenseite, (9) Jades,<br />

(10) Carsch-haus, (11) Carlsplatz, (12) Benrather Strasse.<br />

on our way back to Galeria<br />

Kaufhof we should cross to the<br />

other side of the Königsallee on<br />

the level of Königsstrasse. here<br />

many of the buildings are banks,<br />

but we will also encounter a<br />

number of interesting niche concepts.<br />

milian fuses art, architecture<br />

and fashion to create a<br />

futuristic aesthetic experience.<br />

Fashion from maison martin<br />

margiela and demeulemeesters<br />

to Yoji Yamamoto complement<br />

the German designer annette<br />

Görtz’s own collection. Fools-<br />

gold is a unique jeweller’s shop which presents the work of<br />

international artists in a sophisticated setting. In two stores<br />

facing each other on heinrich-heine-allee, Jades presents a<br />

wide-ranging selection of contemporary international fashion<br />

trends.<br />

Beyond heinrich-heine-allee the main flow of shoppers, especially<br />

the younger ones, heads straight ahead towards the old<br />

town. Flingerstrasse is a narrow, bustling pedestrian zone<br />

which houses the shops of the well-known brands which the 15<br />

to 35-year-olds like to wear. at the beginning of Flingerstrasse<br />

stands the carsch-haus with its neo-classical façade. seen<br />

from the outside, the four-storey premium department store<br />

modestly understates its real size.<br />

here, at the interface with the old town, we should ignore the<br />

ubiquitous fashion chains and head instead towards carlsplatz<br />

in search of individual shop concepts. Jaspers, for example,<br />

presents labels like Kuichi, elliot men, matta and tigha in a warm,<br />

rustic setting. Identitá Italiana is the top address in düsseldorf<br />

for collections of labels like patrizia pepe and Woolrich. We can<br />

also take in Loud and apropos, two noteworthy stores in the

<strong>The</strong> world of books across 4,400 m² on the corner of Königsallee and Schadowstrasse: the Mayersche Buchhandlung (shopfitting by <strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong>).<br />

fitted out by <strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong> at the end of 2010: the new frankonia store in the Kö-Galerie in Düsseldorf.<br />

<strong>The</strong> legendary Kö-Galerie on Königsallee in Düsseldorf is currently being refurbished.<br />

Good for walking: the branch of Reno in Schadowstrasse, which was redesigned in 2009, with its interesting digital signage applications.

etaIl rePort<br />

shops & shopping in düsseldorf and Cologne<br />

avant-garde category on Benrather strasse, before turning back<br />

along Benrather strasse in the direction of Königsallee.<br />

Cologne – metropolis on the Rhine<br />

cologne, just 40 kilometres to the south of düsseldorf, offers<br />

not only cultural history from two millennia, but can also claim<br />

– as the main centre for a region with three million inhabitants<br />

– a varied and dense retail scene. a stroll through the shopping<br />

scene of cologne starts on hohe strasse – the oldest pedestrian<br />

zone in Germany – and then leads via schildergasse to<br />

neumarkt, from there into Breite strasse and ehrenstrasse and<br />

on into the “Belgisches Viertel”.<br />

on hohe strasse you will find all the fashion stores which determine<br />

the tastes of young shoppers, such as h&m, Zara and<br />

new Yorker. new additions here<br />

are, for example, Review, an<br />

own label for young casual fashion<br />

from p&c West, which since<br />

2008 has also been expanding 12<br />

with mono-brand stores in the<br />

wake of their shop-in-shops.<br />

at the intersection of the two<br />

shopping streets hohe strasse<br />

and schildergasse stands the<br />

flagship store of Galeria Kaufhof.<br />

Its sales area of 36,000 m²<br />

makes it the biggest department<br />

store in the cathedral city. the<br />

Italian architect Renzo piano set<br />

a milestone of retail architecture<br />

for peek & cloppenburg.<br />

opened in 2005, the “Weltstadthaus”<br />

recalls a glass whale<br />

with its vast 5,500 m² elongated<br />

and arched glass façade and<br />

“wooden ribs”. across a sales<br />

11<br />

10<br />

7<br />

9 8<br />

© Kommunale Geodaten: Stadt Köln, Amt für Liegenschaften, Vermessung und Kataster, KT 2011/001<br />

area of 14,400 m² the store presents a broad fashion mix of<br />

almost 300 brands. on the other side of the street, the fashion<br />

house c&a celebrated the re-opening of its biggest branch<br />

with a sales area of some 13,000 m² just a few weeks ago. the<br />

main features of the new store design are the segmentation<br />

into so-called style worlds and a new, trend-oriented colour<br />

concept.<br />

the 2,000 m² cult branch of the Görgens group embodies<br />

modern urban style in fashion retail. the entrance to the former<br />

Wehmeyer-haus cannot be missed although it is slightly set<br />

back from the road. modern Led technology illuminates the<br />

entire width of the entrance and points the way for the mostly<br />

youthful clientèle. the swedish fashion brand Gina tricot has<br />

also just opened its first German branch on schildergasse.<br />

6<br />

On tour in Cologne: (1) Galeria Kaufhof, (2) Peek & Cloppenburg,<br />

(3) C&A, (4) Jeans Palast Görgens, (5) Gina Tricot, (6) humanic,<br />

(7) Neumarkt Galerie, (8) Mayersche Buchhandlung, (9) Depot und TK<br />

Maxx, (10) Olivandenhof, (11) Ehrenstrasse, (12) “Belgisches Viertel”.<br />

opened in 2009, the almost 1,000 m² flagship store of tommy<br />

hilfiger focuses on unusual decorative ideas. examples include<br />

an aircraft suspended in the children’s department and chandeliers<br />

made of cables and microphones in the denim section.<br />

outstanding among the shoe shops on schildergasse is the<br />

3,000 m² store of the austrian chain store humanic. diagonally<br />

opposite, the vertical-merchandising women’s fashion chain<br />

from munich, hallhuber, has recently opened its third store in<br />

cologne.<br />

the centrally located neumarkt-Galerie at the other end of<br />

schildergasse is the classic starting point for a leisurely shopping<br />

tour for most cologne citizens because of its connections<br />

with the tram and underground network. the main attraction<br />

of the shopping mall built in the 1990s on the site of the former<br />

hertie department store is the vast mayersche Buchhandlung.<br />

the concept of the depot store,<br />

which extends over 900 m²,<br />

consists of a house-in-house<br />

architecture with alternating<br />

lifestyle settings and closely<br />

packed product presentation.<br />

designer fashion at rock-bottom<br />

prices is the business model of<br />

the fashion discounter tK-maxx<br />

in a top pedestrian location<br />

on neumarkt. customers can<br />

use a shopping trolley to col-<br />

62 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109<br />

3<br />

2<br />

4<br />

5<br />

1<br />

lect up the items from boughtup<br />

stock across 3,400 m² and<br />

three floors. opened in 2006,<br />

the branch of the outdoor specialist<br />

Globetrotter in the olivandenhof<br />

is a “lighthouse” on<br />

cologne’s retail scene. to arrive<br />

at its 7,000 m² sales area Globetrotter<br />

rebuilt a former shopping<br />

centre which previously housed<br />

60 individual shops.<br />

at the exit from the olivandenhof we enter Breite strasse<br />

and follow it into ehrenstrasse towards Ringe. Interesting<br />

new openings include true Religion store, the first German<br />

monolabel store of the us premium jeans brand, Weekday, a<br />

progressive urbanwear concept from the h&m concern and<br />

estella Kochlust, a concept store focusing on cooking and<br />

gourmet pleasures. the shop, which was awarded the German<br />

retail prize as “store of the Year” in 2010, sells designoriented<br />

cooking utensils and stages cooking parties after<br />

closing time.<br />

Beyond the Kölner Ringe, the “Belgisches Viertel” has recently<br />

developed into a district for young and unusual cologne fashion<br />

(www.chicbelgique.de) and individual niche concepts.

As always an international role model for authentic store presentation: Globetrotter in the Olivandenhof in Cologne (shopfitting by <strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong>).<br />

<strong>The</strong> humanic flagship store in Schildergasse, with its sales area of approx. 3,000 m², set new standards in shoe retail when it opened in Cologne in 2005.<br />

<strong>Shop</strong>fitting: <strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong>.<br />

Elegant “vertical formats” from Cologne: great image presentation at Gina Tricot and the striking façade of hilfiger.<br />

Re-opened in new splendour across 13,000 m²: C&A in Schildergasse in Cologne.

sHoP events<br />

“laden-dramaturgie lIve!” in shanghai in May<br />

the umdasch shop<br />

academy shop expeditions<br />

“Laden-dramaturgie LIVe!”<br />

(shop dramaturgy LIVe!)<br />

have already become a tradition<br />

and are extremely<br />

popular. and now another<br />

première is about to take<br />

place: from 25 − 29 may<br />

2011 the destination will be<br />

the dynamic chinese business<br />

metropolis shanghai,<br />

which in 2010 was the setting<br />

for the World exhibition.<br />

dr. christian mikunda and<br />

mag. denise mikunda-schulz<br />

have planned for shanghai<br />

a magical journey back in<br />

time through the history of shopping.<br />

the shop expedition will show in four<br />

stages how the art of staged product<br />

presentation has developed. the stages<br />

are entitled “the product is the hero”,<br />

“Keeping up appearances”, “the new<br />

worlds of experience” and “sales as an art<br />

form”. all the important shopping streets,<br />

shops and malls of shanghai will be visited.<br />

the group will also study the relationship<br />

between chinese garden design<br />

In addition to the new seminar titles<br />

“multi-channel-Retailing” and “neuromarketing”,<br />

the umdasch shop academy will<br />

be offering two further new seminar formats<br />

in 2011. to complement the evergreen<br />

classic “Visual merchandising für praktiker”<br />

<strong>The</strong> imposing skyline of the Chinese business metropolis Shanghai<br />

will be the stage for “Laden-Dramaturgie LIVE!” from 25. – 29.5.201.<br />

and product images and the unusual<br />

entertainment in the “Bund sightseeing<br />

tunnel”. the base camp for participants<br />

will be the Grand hyatt, the hotel with the<br />

most spectacular views in shanghai.<br />

From 20 − 24 october 2011 “Ladendramaturgie<br />

LIVe!” will set off again to Las<br />

Vegas. nowhere else can one see more<br />

clearly the complete fusion of shopping,<br />

gastronomy and entertainment. Because<br />

of the additional attractions this shop<br />

(practical Visual marketing), which is primarily<br />

directed towards the operative level, the<br />

programme now also includes the seminar<br />

“mit strategischem Visual merchandising<br />

zum erfolg” (success with strategic Visual<br />

marketing). claudia engel-hutner will<br />

show how and according to<br />

which criteria this important<br />

topic should be effectively<br />

organised. the dates are:<br />

3 may 2011 in düsseldorf,<br />

28 september 2011 in oberentfelden<br />

and 18 october<br />

2011 in amstetten.<br />

the seminar “systematischeKompetenz-entwicklung<br />

für Führungskräfte im<br />

handel” (development of<br />

systematic competence for<br />

retail managers) was also<br />

64 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109<br />

© istockphoto.com/hanquan chen<br />

expedition is being offered for<br />

the first time with a three-day<br />

programme. the highlights<br />

of the sightseeing tour will<br />

be treasure Island, caesar’s<br />

palace incl. Forum shops,<br />

Bellagio, mandalay Bay,<br />

Venetian incl. Grand canal<br />

shoppes and the extension<br />

the palazzo, the Wynn with<br />

the extension encore and<br />

last but not least the new city<br />

centre with the crystals mall,<br />

designed by star architect<br />

daniel Libeskind.<br />

detailed programmes and<br />

enrolment information are<br />

already available for both shop expeditions<br />

and for “In 18 tagen um die Welt”<br />

(around the shopping World in 18 days).<br />

You can obtain further information from<br />

Regula.Wirth@umdasch.com (tel. 0041/<br />

62 737 2520), from sonja.scheidl@<br />

umdasch.com (tel. 0043/7472 605 1957)<br />

and on the website www.umdasch-shopconcept.com<br />

(shop academy).<br />

new: competence development and strategic<br />

visual merchandising<br />

Claudia Engel-hutner and Christian Göggerle are the lecturers<br />

for two more new seminar formats of the <strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong><br />

Academy.<br />

devised in co-operation with hutner training.<br />

christian Göggerle sees the rivalry of<br />

the future as a rivalry of competence. he<br />

will therefore explain to the participating<br />

managers how competence can be<br />

recognised, expanded and connected. It<br />

is planned that participants should take<br />

part in a self-assessment beforehand.<br />

the dates are: 6 april 2011 in oberentfelden,<br />

24 may 2011 in amstetten and 22<br />

november 2011 in düsseldorf.<br />

the printed annual programme of<br />

events for the umdasch shop academy<br />

2011 will be available from the end of February,<br />

in time for the euroshop. all dates<br />

for the first half-year are also listed in the<br />

“calendar of events” on pages 66/67 of<br />

this issue of shop aktuell as well as on<br />

the website www.umdasch-shop-concept.com.

Welcome to the first global<br />

business expedition<br />

the plans for the Laden-dramaturgie<br />

LIVe!-special (shop dramaturgy LIVe! special<br />

expedition) “In 18 tagen um die Welt”<br />

(around the World in 18 days) are taking<br />

shape. dr. christian mikunda has already<br />

revised the script for the first global business<br />

expedition. the dates have been set<br />

as 5 − 24 april 2013. dr. christian mikunda,<br />

mag. denise mikunda-schulz, Regula<br />

Wirth and engelbert egger of Geo-Reisen<br />

are an experienced team who<br />

are ready to make this<br />

spectacular shop<br />

expedition into an<br />

unforgettable<br />

experience.<br />

For retail prof<br />

e s s i o n a l s<br />

and trend<br />

scouts “In<br />

18 tagen um<br />

die Welt” provides<br />

a unique<br />

opportunity to<br />

acquire concentrated<br />

knowledge<br />

relating to the retail<br />

and experience economy<br />

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

Los Angeles<br />

Miami<br />

Caribbean<br />

cruise<br />

in a time-saving manner during<br />

a single fast-paced trip. You will experience<br />

at a glance, so to speak, all facets<br />

of shop dramaturgy and will discover the<br />

similarities and differences in shop stages<br />

on three continents.<br />

as compensation for the travel stress,<br />

participants can expect first-class comfort<br />

and outstanding service. For example<br />

frankfurt<br />

in the selected, glamorous hotels which<br />

form part of the message and in which<br />

you can “learn in your sleep”. there is, for<br />

example, the marina Bay sands, which<br />

has become the landmark of singapore<br />

overnight. the hotel pool forms at the<br />

same time a connecting bridge across<br />

three skyscrapers, thus defining in an<br />

amazing new way a typical element of<br />

hotel architecture. or the mondrian south<br />

Beach in miami, which combines<br />

top-quality comfort<br />

with maximum<br />

attention-seeking.<br />

Abu Dhabi<br />

“In 18 Tagen<br />

hong Kong um die Welt”<br />

Macao offers<br />

concentrated<br />

Singapore<br />

knowledge in<br />

the field of shop<br />

dramaturgy at<br />

seven different<br />

destinations.<br />

at the end of February a<br />

little brochure will be available<br />

which describes “In 18 tagen um die<br />

Welt” in detail as well as providing information<br />

about content, services provided<br />

and costs. those who book early will<br />

receive a special bonus. In any case early<br />

registration is recommended, since experience<br />

has shown that the “Laden-dramaturgie<br />

LIVe!” events are fully booked at<br />

an early date.<br />

<strong>The</strong> pool of the Marina Bay Sands hotel serves as a connecting bridge across three skyscrapers.<br />

© shutterstock.com/david Gn<br />

sHoP events<br />

Philip Morris<br />

auf Image-tour<br />

Philip Morris on<br />

image tour<br />

Der US-amerikanische Tabakkonzern<br />

Philip Morris ist auf Image-Tour<br />

auf verschiedenen Flughäfen in Middle<br />

East unterwegs. Als Eye Catcher wird<br />

den staunenden Passagieren ein Formel<br />

1-Ferrari mit Originalutensilien von<br />

Michael Schumacher präsentiert. Den<br />

Den rund 30 m² großen Event-Stand für Philip<br />

Morris hat <strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong> Middle East<br />

geliefert. <strong>The</strong> event stand for Philip Morris covers<br />

about 30 m² and was supplied by <strong>Umdasch</strong><br />

<strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong> Middle East.<br />

dafür notwendigen mobilen Event-Stand<br />

hat <strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong> Middle East<br />

nach Plänen von Frontline in zweifacher<br />

Ausfertigung vor Ort produziert. Den Premierenauftritt<br />

gab es Mitte November<br />

2010 im Dubai Duty Free, zeitgleich mit<br />

dem Formel 1-WM-Finale im benachbarten<br />

Abu Dhabi.<br />

the us tobacco concern philip morris<br />

is currently on image tour at various<br />

airports in the middle east. amazed passengers<br />

are presented with an eye catcher<br />

in the shape of a Formula one Ferrari<br />

with michael schumacher’s original<br />

equipment. the mobile event stand for<br />

the display was produced in duplicate on<br />

site by umdasch shop-concept middle<br />

east, following the plans by Frontline. the<br />

première was held in mid-november 2010<br />

in the duty Free zone in dubai, coinciding<br />

with the Formula one World championships<br />

final in neighbouring abu dhabi.<br />

umdasch shop-concept 65

BücHEr BooKs<br />

KalEnDEr Calendar<br />

neue Bücher new Books (German editions)<br />

h. MÜLLER-VOGG<br />


Wenn einer die Kunst beherrscht, handel mit herz<br />

und Verstand zu betreiben, dann Jörn Kreke, der<br />

langjährige Vorstandsvorsitzende der douGLas<br />

hoLdInG aG. dieses Buch porträtiert nicht nur<br />

seine persönlichkeit, sondern auch die erfolgsstory<br />

einer der größten deutschen Lifestyle-Konzerne.<br />

Lesen sie über Jörn Krekes unternehmensphilosophie<br />

– Kunden sollen mit allen sinnen genießen, die<br />

unverändert aktuell ist.<br />

hoffmann und Campe, hamburg<br />

2010, 160 Seiten<br />

ISBN 978-3-455-50172-8<br />

18,00 € (D), 18,50 € (A), 31,90 SfR (Ch)<br />

M. hORX (hRSG.)<br />

TREND-REPORT 2011<br />

In der bereits 8. auflage des trend-Reports liefert<br />

matthias horx einen ausblick auf die wichtigsten<br />

soziokulturellen trends für das zukünftige marktgeschehen.<br />

Beantwortet werden dabei Fragen, die<br />

auch für den handel von großer Bedeutung sind:<br />

Was sind die „Zeichen der Zeit“, nach denen man<br />

seine strategien neu ausrichten kann? Welche<br />

Branchen sind im umbruch?<br />

Zukunftsinstitut (www.zukunftsinstitut.de), Kelkheim<br />

2010, 120 Seiten<br />

ISBN 978-3-938284-55-1<br />

125,00 €<br />




die neue dimension des marketings betrachtet den<br />

Kunden als ganzen menschen, der soziale Verantwortung<br />

übernehmen will und eigene Werte und Visionen<br />

verinnerlicht. Genau das erwarten Kunden<br />

auch von unternehmen, deren produkte sie kaufen.<br />

philip Kotler beschreibt dazu zehn credos, die beherzigt<br />

werden müssen, um den „human spirit“ der<br />

Kunden gezielt anzusprechen.<br />

Campus, frankfurt am Main<br />

2010, 223 Seiten<br />

ISBN 978-3-593-39343-8<br />

39,90 € (D), 41,10 € (A), 62,90 SfR (Ch)<br />

BTE (hRSG.)<br />



der oft zitierte strukturwandel im einzelhandel<br />

führte in den letzten Jahren zu einer nachhaltigen<br />

Veränderung der handelslandschaft und der absatzkanäle<br />

in der Fashion-Branche. diese Fachdokumentation<br />

zeigt, dass unternehmen durch vertikale<br />

partnerschaften diesen Veränderungen gut<br />

standhalten und ihre Wertschöpfung verbessern<br />

konnten.<br />

ITE - Institut des Deutschen Textileinzelhandels, Köln<br />

2010, 130 Seiten<br />

44,94 € (Preis für Nicht-EhV-Mitglieder!)<br />

Event-Kalender Calendar of events*<br />



megatrends sind so prägend, dass sie sich in allen<br />

Bereichen ausdrücken, in der politik, Wirtschaft und<br />

Kultur – sowie im Zusammenleben der menschen.<br />

als Grundlage für dieses Kochbuch wurden elf aktuelle<br />

megatrends herangezogen und unter der Zugabe<br />

von modernen Rezepten sowie appetitanregenden<br />

Food-Fotos veredelt. das ergebnis: eine zeitgemäße<br />

Rezeptsammlung als kulinarische antwort auf den<br />

gesellschaftlichen Wandel. Guten appetit!<br />

Zukunftsinstitut (www.zukunftsinstitut.de), Kelkheim<br />

2010, 119 Seiten<br />

ISBN 978-3-938284-54-4<br />

29,90 €<br />

P. ANKLAM<br />



professionelles Kalkulations- und Kostenmanagement<br />

wird auch in den Branchen mode, schuhe, accessoires,<br />

sportartikel sowie heimtextilien zu einem<br />

immer wichtigeren erfolgsfaktor der Betriebsführung.<br />

peter anklam beleuchtet dazu die drei maßgebenden<br />

Faktoren „umsatz“, „Kosten“ und „ertrag“<br />

im hinblick auf eine höhere Gewinnerzielung.<br />

Deutscher fachverlag, frankfurt am Main<br />

2. Auflage, 2008, 265 Seiten<br />

ISBN 978-3-86641-069-5<br />

98,00 €<br />

DatE Location EvEnt typE information<br />

26. 2. 2011 Düsseldorf Euro<strong>Shop</strong> Retail Design Conference Retail Design Conference www.ehi. org<br />

26. 2. – 2. 3. 2011 Düsseldorf Euro<strong>Shop</strong> <strong>The</strong> Global Trade Fair www.euroshop.de<br />

7. 3. – 8. 3. 2011 Hongkong World Retail Congress Retail Congress www.worldretailconggress.com<br />

16. 3. 2011 Zürich „Rückkehr der Macht“ Trend Conference www.gdi.ch<br />

16. – 17. 3. 2011 London Retail Week Conference Retail Congress www.retailweekconference.com<br />

23. 3. 2011 Oberentfelden Bausteine für die erfolgreiche Ladengestaltung Eintagesseminar, Consult-Portfolio www.umdasch-shop-concept.com<br />

24. 3. 2011 Frankfurt Partner Stores Kongress Handelskongress www.bte.de<br />

28. – 30. 3. 2011 Las Vegas Global <strong>Shop</strong> Store Design Fair www.globalshop.org<br />

29. 3. 2011 Innsbruck KAUFGEFÜHLE live Eintagesseminar, Christian Mikunda www.umdasch-shop-concept.com<br />

5. 4. 2011 Amstetten Neuromarketing für Handelspraktiker Eintagesseminar, Hans-Georg Häusel www.umdasch-shop-concept.com<br />

5. – 6. 4. 2011 Köln EHI PR Kongress 2011 Handelskongress www.ehi.org<br />

6. 4. 2011 Oberentfelden Kompetenzentwicklung Eintagesseminar, Christian Göggerle www.umdasch-shop-concept.com<br />

6. – 8. 4. 2011 Istanbul ICSC European Marketing Conference <strong><strong>Shop</strong>ping</strong> Center Marketing Conference www.icsc.org<br />

11. 4. 2011 Renens Visual Merchandising Séminaire d‘un jour, Brigitte Beeler www.umdasch-shop-concept.com<br />

14. 4. 2011 Düsseldorf Neuromarketing für Handelspraktiker Eintagesseminar, Hans-Georg Häusel www.umdasch-shop-concept.com<br />

14. 4. 2011 Bozen <strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong>-Forum Abendforum, Alfred Fuchsgruber www.umdasch-shop-concept.com<br />

3. 5. 2011 Amstetten Store Branding Eintagesseminar, Max Wöss www.umdasch-shop-concept.com<br />

3. 5. 2011 Düsseldorf Strategisches Visual Merchandising Eintagesseminar, Claudia Engel-Hutner www.umdasch-shop-concept.com<br />

10. 5. 2011 Amstetten Visual Merchandising für Praktiker Eintagesseminar, Irmgard Heyd www.umdasch-shop-concept.com<br />

12. 5. 2011 Verona Store Branding Seminario della durata di un giorno, Gerhard Lipp www.umdasch-shop-concept.com<br />

66 umdasch shop-concept ShOP aktuell 109

V. Bellone, T. Matla<br />




die beiden langjährigen Franchise-experten Veronika<br />

Bellone und thomas matla zeigen in dieser neuerscheinung,<br />

wie Franchising in der praxis funktioniert<br />

und welche chancen sich daraus für unternehmen<br />

ergeben. mittels acht Franchising-Wahrheiten beschreiben<br />

die autoren den aufbau eines eigenen<br />

Franchising-Konzeptes.<br />

mi-Wirtschaftsbuch, München<br />

2010, 223 Seiten<br />

ISBN 978-3-86880-119-4<br />

49,95 € (D), 51,40 € (A), 70,90 SfR (Ch)<br />


O. DZIEMBA, K. BRÜhL<br />


mikrotrends, die pendants zu den großflächigen<br />

megatrends, zeigen, dass der „Kreative Kapitalismus“<br />

der Zukunft im detail verborgen liegt. trendexperten<br />

haben dazu 50 mikrotrends aufgespürt<br />

und hinsichtlich ihrer Branchenrelevanz beurteilt.<br />

Verdichtung und abschluss findet jede mikrotrend-<br />

Beobachtung in einer trendprognose und markteinschätzung.<br />

Zukunftsinstitut (www.zukunftsinstitut.de), Kelkheim<br />

2010, 120 Seiten<br />

ISBN 978-3-938284-52-0<br />

125,00 €<br />

ShOP aktuell 109<br />

M. BRUhN, R. KÖhLER<br />


ein verbessertes Verständnis für das Verhalten<br />

der Konsumenten zu entwickeln, ist im einzelhandel<br />

wichtiger denn je. Im mittelpunkt dieses sammelbandes<br />

stehen deshalb die erkenntnisse aus<br />

der neuroökonomischen Forschung und praxis<br />

mit ableitungen für die effizientere markenführung.<br />

abschluss findet dieser Band in einem diskurs<br />

über die ethischen Grenzen der neuroökonomie.<br />

Vahlen, München<br />

2010, 335 Seiten<br />

ISBN 978-3-8006-3723-2<br />

49,80 €<br />


h. SChRÖDER (hRSG.)<br />



hANDELSMANAGEMENT 2010/2011<br />

um neue Wege zu ihren Kunden zu finden, setzen<br />

Industrie und handel verstärkt auf die Integration<br />

neuer absatzkanäle. die Folge: der auf-/ausbau<br />

eines multichannel-systems. dabei treten für gewöhnlich<br />

viele Fragen auf: Wie reagieren Kunden<br />

auf die möglichkeit, mehrere Kanäle zu nutzen?<br />

Welche anforderungen ergeben sich an ein solches<br />

system? … antworten liefert das Jahrbuch.<br />

Deutscher fachverlag, frankfurt am Main<br />

2010, 302 Seiten<br />

ISBN 978-3-86641-222-4<br />

68,00 €<br />

BücHEr BooKs<br />

KalEnDEr Calendar<br />

(english/ German editions)<br />

M. PEGLER<br />


Increasing numbers of architects, shopfitters and<br />

visual merchandisers see the importance of sustainable<br />

solutions in store planning and decoration.<br />

this new publication illustrates some 60 projects<br />

from a wide variety of sectors in which both planning<br />

and implementation focused in particular on<br />

ecological requirements.<br />

ST Media Group International, Cincinnati, Ohio,<br />

2010, 256 pages, English<br />

ISBN 978-0-944094-68-6<br />

€ 45.00<br />



DESIGN ANNUAL 2010 / 2011<br />

conway Lloyd morgan shows with numerous examples<br />

how the trade-fair stands of famous exhibitors<br />

in a wide variety of sectors continue to evolve without<br />

losing recognition value despite long-term cooperation<br />

with a regular designer. “curtain up” for<br />

exclusive stand design!<br />

avedition, Ludwigsburg<br />

2010, 208 pages, German/English<br />

ISBN 978-3-89986-141-9<br />

€ 69.90 (D), SfR 109 (Ch), US$ 99.00 (US)<br />

DatE Location EvEnt typE information<br />

16. 5. 2011 Aarau <strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong>-Forum Abendforum, offen www.umdasch-shop-concept.com<br />

17. 5. 2011 Amstetten Mulit-Channel-Konzepte für den stationären Handel Eintagesseminar, Kai Hudetz www.umdasch-shop-concept.com<br />

22. – 25. 5. 2011 Las Vegas RECon Retail Real Estate Convention www.recon.com<br />

23. 5. 2011 Paris Visual Merchandising Séminaire d‘un jour, Brigitte Beeler www.umdasch-shop-concept.com<br />

24. 5. 2011 Amstetten Kompetenzentwicklung Eintagesseminar, Christian Göggerle www.umdasch-shop-concept.com<br />

24. 5. 2011 Neidenstein Visual Merchandising für Praktiker Eintagesseminar, Irmgard Heyd www.umdasch-shop-concept.com<br />

25. – 29. 5. 2011 Shanghai Laden-Dramaturgie LIVE! <strong>Shop</strong>-Expedition, Christian Mikunda www.umdasch-shop-concept.com<br />

31. 5. – 1. 6. 2011 Berlin European Retail Technology Summit Technology Congress www.ehi.org<br />

7. – 8. 6. 2011 Köln EHI Sicherheitskongress Handelskongress www.ehi.org<br />

8. 6. 2011 Oberentfelden Multi-Channel-Konzepte für den stationären Handel Eintagesseminar, Kai Hudetz www.umdasch-shop-concept.com<br />

16. 6. 2011 Wien REGAL Branchentreff Food Handelskongress www.regal.at<br />

21. – 22. 6. 2011 Bonn Stores 2011 Handelskongress www.managementforum.com<br />

28. 6. 2011 Amstetten Mit Zahlen führen und motivieren Eintagesseminar, Markus Haslinger www.umdasch-shop-concept.com<br />

8. – 9. 9. 2011 Zürich 61. Internationale Handelstagung Handelstagung www.gdi.ch<br />

13. – 14. 9. 2011 Bonn EHI Retail Design Konferenz 2011 Retail Design Konferenz www.ehi.org<br />

15. – 16. 9. 2011 Berlin German Council Congress <strong><strong>Shop</strong>ping</strong> Center-Kongress www.gcsc.de<br />

20. – 24. 10. 2011 Las Vegas Laden-Dramaturgie LIVE! Las Vegas <strong>Shop</strong>-Expedition, Christian Mikunda www.umdasch-shop-concept.com<br />

11. – 13. 10. 2012 Alpbach DIE KUNST DER INSZENIERUNG III Int. Handels-Forum / Retail Forum www.umdasch-shop-concept.com<br />

5. – 24. 4. 2013 Weltreise „In 18 Tagen um die Welt“<br />

(Laden-Dramaturgie LIVE!-Special)<br />

<strong>Shop</strong>-Expedition, Christian Mikunda www.umdasch-shop-concept.com<br />

* the event information is supplied in the language of the event.<br />

umdasch shop-concept 67

Das von der <strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong><br />

Academy in Zusammenarbeit mit<br />

dem Callwey-Verlag herausgegebene<br />

„Ladenbau- und Laden-Marketing-<br />

Lexikon“ ist Nachschlagewerk und<br />

Trendreport für alle, die sich mit der<br />

Konzeption, Planung und<br />

Realisierung von Ladeninvestitionen<br />

beschäftigen.<br />

Published by the <strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong><br />

Academy in co-operation with the<br />

Callwey-Verlag, the “Encyclopaedia<br />

of <strong>Shop</strong>fitting and <strong>Shop</strong> Marketing”<br />

is a reference work<br />

and trend report for all those<br />

involved in the conception, planning<br />

and realisation of shop investment.<br />

first edition only in German.<br />

<strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong> Gmbh<br />

a-3300 amstetten<br />

tel. +43 7472 605-0, Fax 63487<br />

usca@umdasch.com<br />

<strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong> AG<br />

ch-5036 oberentfelden<br />

tel. +41 62 7372525, Fax 7372550<br />

usco@umdasch.com<br />

<strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong> Gmbh<br />

d-74933 neidenstein<br />

tel. +49 7263 401-0, Fax 401-145<br />

uscd@umdasch.com<br />


Member of of the <strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>fitting Group<br />

<strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong> SAS<br />

F-91160 champlan<br />

tel. +33 1 60491840, Fax 60491841<br />

uscf@umdasch.com<br />

<strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong> Ltd.<br />

GB-oxford oX4 1LF<br />

tel. +44 1865 207800, Fax 207801<br />

uscuk@umdasch.com<br />

<strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong> Ltd.<br />

IRL-drogheda, county Louth<br />

tel. +353 1 490 99 41<br />

uscir@umdasch.com<br />

<strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong> S.r.l.<br />

I-39055 pineta di Laives (BZ)<br />

tel. +39 0471 958700, Fax 958777<br />

uscbz@umdasch.com<br />

<strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong> Gmbh<br />

nL-7556 Bn hengelo (ov.)<br />

tel. +31 74 2467360, Fax 2504423<br />

uscnl@umdasch.com<br />

<strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong> spol. s r.o.<br />

cZ-37001 České Budějovice<br />

tel. +420 387022011, Fax 7022013<br />

budweis@umdasch.com<br />

Booking<br />

Ladenbau von A bis Z<br />

by <strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong> Academy<br />

Das zur Euro<strong>Shop</strong> 2011 erscheinende Ladenbau- und<br />

Laden-Marketing-Lexikon gehört zum Handwerkszeug<br />

all jener, die mit der Konzeption, Planung und Realisierung<br />

von Ladeninvestitionen beschäftigt sind. Lexikonteil<br />

mit ca. 1.000 Begriffen. <strong>The</strong>menteil mit 28 Beiträgen ausgewiesener<br />

internationaler Experten zu aktuellen Fragen<br />

aus dem Retail- und <strong>Shop</strong>fitting-Business.<br />

Ladenpreis: € 49,95. ISBN 978-3-7667-1880-8. Format 17 x 24 cm, gebunden, 304 Seiten. Lieferbar ab 26. 2. 2011.<br />

*<br />

Sonderpreis für Abonnenten des internationalen Fachmagazins SHOP aktuell: € 35,00 zzgl. MwSt., Porto und Versandkosten.<br />

(Bestellungen über shop.aktuell@umdasch.com oder www.umdasch-shop-concept.com)<br />

<strong>Umdasch</strong> <strong>Shop</strong>-<strong>Concept</strong> L.L.C<br />

uae-dubai<br />

tel. +971 4 3417715, Fax 3417716<br />

uscme@umdasch.com<br />

<strong>Shop</strong>Consult by <strong>Umdasch</strong><br />

a-3300 amstetten<br />

d-46149 oberhausen<br />

ch-5036 oberentfelden<br />

umdasch shop-concept and the umdasch shopfitting Group are also available in the following planning and sales offices as well as at the following locations (selection). austria: Vienna, traun/<br />

st. martin, Innsbruck, Leibnitz. switzerland: münsingen (Berne), Renens (Lausanne). Germany: hamburg, oberhausen, monheim, Bamberg. Italy: parma, milan. norway: oslo, stavanger. slovenia:<br />

Zgornja polskava. croatia: Zagreb. serbia: Belgrade. poland: Warsaw. Russia: moscow. canada: toronto. usa: new York, newport Beach/ca. and wherever else your business takes you!<br />

www.umdasch.com • www.umdasch-shop-concept.com • www.assmann.at • www.jonas-shop.com • www.shop-consult.com<br />


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