Healthy Money Healthy Planet - library.uniteddiversity.coop

Healthy Money Healthy Planet - library.uniteddiversity.coop

Healthy Money Healthy Planet - library.uniteddiversity.coop


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15<br />

One of the weaknesses of local currencies is their general lack of convertibility to<br />

the national currency. To enhance their acceptability, local currencies should be<br />

redeemable for a national currency. In 1932, the mayor of Wörgl, Austria, bought<br />

20,000 Austrian schillings and used them as backing for the 20,000 local schillings<br />

he issued (see page 000). As a result, any citizen could redeem the local money for<br />

national money if necessary. In contrast, some of the US emergency scrips issued<br />

during the Depression were not backed by the national currency, making<br />

convertibility impossible and thus reducing their acceptability.<br />

Complementary currencies must also be able to talk to one another; that is, they<br />

must be easily convertible one to the other. While money should be easily<br />

redeemable for other currencies, this redeemability should not be a source of profit<br />

for individuals or private firms. The complementary currency can, however, be<br />

designed so that there is a disincentive to redeem it for national currency, as in the<br />

case of Germany’s chiemgauer (see page 000).<br />

If the value of a complementary currency is linked to the national currency,<br />

its value will rise and fall with that of the national currency. The Wörgl schilling<br />

was backed by the Austrian schilling and was redeemable for par minus 2 per cent.<br />

Had the Austrian schilling dropped in value, the Wörgl schilling would have<br />

dropped also.<br />

Likewise, if a currency is backed by a commodity, its value will fall if the value of<br />

the commodity falls and rise if the price of the commodity rises. During the 1990s,<br />

the value of many commodities fell almost 20 per cent. 6<br />

Commodity­backed currencies work in the same way as warehouse receipts

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