Healthy Money Healthy Planet - library.uniteddiversity.coop

Healthy Money Healthy Planet - library.uniteddiversity.coop

Healthy Money Healthy Planet - library.uniteddiversity.coop


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14<br />

master of all industry and commerce.’ 10 Because of this awesome power, international<br />

bankers can create booms or crashes, and can choose to support governments or<br />

undermine them. And here are the chilling words of someone who wielded this power<br />

in 1790, wealthy Frankfurt banker Mayer Amschel Rothschild: ‘Let me issue and<br />

control a nation’s currency and I care not who writes the law.’ 11<br />

Also in 1790, in the USA, a powerful adviser to the first Secretary of the Treasury,<br />

Alexander Hamilton, proposed a bill to Congress calling for a new privately owned<br />

central bank. Interestingly, one of Hamilton’s first jobs after graduating from law<br />

school in 1782 had been as an aide to Robert Morris, the head of the Bank of North<br />

America. Hamilton had written a letter to Morris the previous year, saying: ‘A national<br />

debt, if it is not excessive, will be to us a national blessing.’ 12<br />

Boom and Bust<br />

Bound up with debt­money creation is a cycle of boom and bust, made worse by the<br />

deregulation of banks. As discussed above, since the late 1980s banks in New Zealand<br />

have been able to set their own reserve ratios. Now recall how a 10 per cent reserve<br />

ratio means that money can be multiplied ten times by the banks. Well, with a lower<br />

reserve ratio the money multiplier effect becomes even more potent. A lot of money is<br />

created very quickly, and when inflation sets in the Reserve Bank raises interest rates<br />

and the whole process is reversed. This results in a roller­coaster ride euphemistically<br />

called the ‘business cycle’, which is essentially boom followed by bust.<br />

Many US presidents, although unaware of the possibility of an alternative to<br />

centrally created money, have issued strong statements about the money­issuing power<br />

of banks. Thomas Jefferson, for example, who for many years fought with the banks,<br />

warned: ‘If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their<br />

currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks … will deprive the people of all<br />

property until their children wake­up homeless on the continent their fathers

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