the problematics of motherhood in twentieth century women's fiction

the problematics of motherhood in twentieth century women's fiction

the problematics of motherhood in twentieth century women's fiction


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73<br />

Gilman's concept, <strong>the</strong>refore, is a rework<strong>in</strong>g, not a rejection<br />

<strong>of</strong> Christianity.<br />

2.6.0. Society's way <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>stitutionaliz<strong>in</strong>g mo<strong>the</strong>rhood<br />

breeds gullt <strong>in</strong>to <strong>the</strong> very fabric <strong>of</strong> a woman's character<br />

Women work hard to achleve <strong>the</strong> virtues prescribed for <strong>the</strong>m<br />

as women, and, if <strong>the</strong>y fail <strong>the</strong>y feel terribly guilty <strong>of</strong> not<br />

llvrng up to <strong>the</strong> standards <strong>of</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>rhood. Psychoanalytic<br />

thlnk~ng blames <strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r for anyth<strong>in</strong>g that goes wrong zn<br />

<strong>the</strong> famlly Her very character is called Into questlon I£<br />

she 'falls' her chlldren The physlcal and psychic welght<br />

<strong>of</strong> responsibility is <strong>the</strong> heaviest <strong>of</strong> social burdens on her,<br />

though it 1s a powerless responsibllity, it brlngs about<br />

feel<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>adequacy and gullt zn <strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r At <strong>the</strong><br />

mercy <strong>of</strong> both her child and <strong>of</strong> soclety, <strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r<br />

constantly assesses her performance <strong>in</strong> terms <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Ideal<br />

standard propagated by patriarchy Women are caught In a<br />

dilemma as to how much love <strong>the</strong>y should impart to <strong>the</strong>lr<br />

children -- on one hand, <strong>the</strong>y feel that lnfmlte love and<br />

attent~on 1s due to <strong>the</strong>lr children, and on <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r feel<br />

that too much <strong>of</strong> affection would be to <strong>the</strong>lr detriment<br />

Especially when women trled to <strong>in</strong>tegrate career wlth<br />

mo<strong>the</strong>rhood, <strong>the</strong>y suffered <strong>the</strong> gullt <strong>of</strong> neglect<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong>lr<br />

chlldren.<br />

2.6.1. "Feel<strong>in</strong>g guilty seems almost a def<strong>in</strong>ition <strong>of</strong><br />

mo<strong>the</strong>rhood <strong>in</strong> this enlightened time" (SBD . 95) admlts Kate

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