the problematics of motherhood in twentieth century women's fiction

the problematics of motherhood in twentieth century women's fiction

the problematics of motherhood in twentieth century women's fiction


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TO bear a child, preferably a son, and rear it accord<strong>in</strong>g to<br />

<strong>the</strong>se norms and Ideals, becomes her sole purpose <strong>in</strong> lrfe<br />

There 1s no questlon <strong>of</strong> cholce and nex<strong>the</strong>r does she have a<br />

say In matters <strong>of</strong> bearlng and rearlng her chlld<br />

Adrlenne Rlch says <strong>of</strong> her early experlence as a mo<strong>the</strong>r<br />

I had no idea <strong>of</strong> what I wanted, what I could or<br />

could not choose I only knew that to have a<br />

chlld was to assume adult womanhood to <strong>the</strong> full.<br />

to prove myself,to be 'llke o<strong>the</strong>r women' 11976 25)<br />

2.1.4. When every woman deslres to be 'llke o<strong>the</strong>r women'.<br />

ultimately shaprng herself In <strong>the</strong> patriarchal mould, <strong>the</strong><br />

actual experlence <strong>of</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>rlng 1s negated, result<strong>in</strong>g In <strong>the</strong><br />

creatlon <strong>of</strong> an <strong>in</strong>au<strong>the</strong>ntic self, a mystique<br />

As<br />

Betty Frledan<br />

In The Pem<strong>in</strong>lne Mystique states "When a mystlque 1s strong,<br />

lt makes lts own flctlon <strong>of</strong> fact" (1971 601 She expla<strong>in</strong>s<br />

~t thus<br />

Facts are swallowed by a mystlque ln much <strong>the</strong> same<br />

way as <strong>the</strong> strange phenomenon by which<br />

hamburger eaten by a dog becomes dog, and<br />

hamburger eaten by a human becomes human<br />

(1971 1921<br />

Fernlnlne mo<strong>the</strong>rhood does preclsely this -- by creatlng a<br />

rnystlpe cf mo<strong>the</strong>rhood so that <strong>the</strong> needs <strong>of</strong> patriarchy would<br />

be served<br />

It 1s thls femlnlne rnystlque that creases<br />

dlvlslons between <strong>the</strong> au<strong>the</strong>ntic experlence <strong>of</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>rlng and<br />

<strong>the</strong> soclal expectations <strong>of</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>rhood or <strong>the</strong> difference<br />

between women decidlng who, when, how and where to motP.er,<br />

and men maklng <strong>the</strong>se decislons for women

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