the problematics of motherhood in twentieth century women's fiction

the problematics of motherhood in twentieth century women's fiction

the problematics of motherhood in twentieth century women's fiction


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222<br />

pregnant woman: nNow that she's <strong>the</strong> carrier <strong>of</strong> llfe, she is<br />

closer to death" (HT:26) has suggestions that <strong>the</strong> birth <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> child br<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r closer to death<br />

In Meridian,<br />

<strong>the</strong> bxrth <strong>of</strong> Meridian's son <strong>in</strong>stils <strong>in</strong> her <strong>the</strong> urge to<br />

murder him, "her f<strong>in</strong>gers eager to scratch him out <strong>of</strong> her<br />

llfe" IM 63). "To strangle that s<strong>of</strong>t, smooth, helpless neck,<br />

to push down that k<strong>in</strong>ky head <strong>in</strong>to a tub <strong>of</strong> water, to lock it<br />

In rts room to starve" (M.67) becomes her obsessive desire<br />

In Morr;son's<br />

Beloved, Se<strong>the</strong> fears that her womb may turn<br />

out to be a graveyard for her slx-month baby, but wlth Amy's<br />

tlmely help, her fears are allayed<br />

Later, <strong>the</strong> blrth <strong>of</strong><br />

Denver is followed by <strong>the</strong> death <strong>of</strong> her 'crawllng already?'<br />

~nfanc, who returns as Beloved<br />

5.5.7. The monotonous rut <strong>of</strong> housekeep<strong>in</strong>g and chlld-<br />

rearlng leads <strong>the</strong> fem<strong>in</strong>ist mo<strong>the</strong>rs to compare <strong>the</strong>mselves to<br />

'mach<strong>in</strong>es' or 'aucomat (r) ons' ,<br />

feellngs are not taken Into account<br />

lifeless belngs whose<br />

In The Swer Before<br />

<strong>the</strong> Dark, Kate Brown, after her awaken<strong>in</strong>g, realizes wlth<br />

lndlgnatlon what she had been dolng all along "she had been<br />

set llke a machlne by twenty-odd years <strong>of</strong> belng a wife and<br />

mo<strong>the</strong>r" (SBD 47)<br />

The mo<strong>the</strong>r-mach<strong>in</strong>e Image is used wlth<br />

different lmplicatlons <strong>in</strong> Woman on <strong>the</strong> Edge <strong>of</strong> Time<br />

Connie<br />

1s at first sceptical <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> art~flclal techniques <strong>of</strong><br />

reproduction followed at Mattapolsett and calls <strong>the</strong> brooder<br />

a "crazy mach<strong>in</strong>eu (WET:96) and its products "bottle babies"

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