City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics

City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics

City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics


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NOTES TO PAGES 178–183 313<br />

12. A series <strong>of</strong> papers giving formal results appeared two years later in Bell<br />

System Technical Journal 57 (July–Aug. 1978).<br />

13. Rich Cerny, interview, Jan. 9, 1997.<br />

14. ‘‘James Godbey dies at 43, a founder <strong>of</strong> Valtec Corp,’’ Laser Focus, Jan.<br />

1979, p. 74.<br />

15. Eric Randall, telephone interview, Feb. 18, 1997.<br />

16. Paul Dobson, telephone interview, Feb. 21, 1997.<br />

17. Ibid.<br />

18. Cerny interview.<br />

19. James Barron, ‘‘Irving B. Kahn, 76, a founder <strong>of</strong> TelePrompTer and cable<br />

TV’’ obituary, New York Times, Jan. 25, 1994, p. B8.<br />

20. Account based on industry sources and personal observations.<br />

21. ‘‘Insilco plans venture in fiber optics field, will own 51% <strong>of</strong> firm,’’ Wall<br />

Street Journal, Dec. 3, 1976, p. 25.<br />

22. Kahn made a killing when he sold his interest back to Insilco in late 1979.<br />

<strong>The</strong> deal was so embarrassing to company <strong>of</strong>ficials that Insilco carefully avoided<br />

disclosing either the price or the identities <strong>of</strong> the selling stockholders. (‘‘Insilco<br />

buys remainder <strong>of</strong> firm,’’ Wall Street Journal, Sept. 24, 1979, p. 38). However, that<br />

was Irving Kahn’s last hurrah in fiber optics. He had also started a company to<br />

make semiconductor lasers but was never able to take it public—according to<br />

industry insiders, because the Securities and Exchange Commission frowned on<br />

having a convicted felon as the chairman <strong>of</strong> a public company. None <strong>of</strong> his other<br />

fiber ventures panned out, and he returned to cable television. His obituary does<br />

not mention fiber optics; Barron, ‘‘Irving B. Kahn.’’<br />

23. Ira Jacobs, interview, Nov. 19, 1996.<br />

24. M. I. Schwartz et al., ‘‘Bell’s Chicago fiber optic test,’’ Laser Focus 14, No.<br />

1, pp. 58–64 (Jan. 1978); M. I. Schwartz et al., ‘‘<strong>The</strong> Chicago <strong>Light</strong>wave Communications<br />

Project,’’ Bell System Technical Journal 57, No. 6, pp. 1881–1888<br />

(July–Aug. 1978). Four fibers were broken during cabling, not installation.<br />

25. John Fulenwider, telephone interview, Feb. 7, 1997.<br />

26. ‘‘PS-noted in passing: communication applications,’’ Laser Focus 13, No.<br />

7, p. 70 (July 1977).<br />

27. John Midwinter, interview, Dec. 5, 1994.<br />

28. Ronald W. Berry, David J. Brace, and Ivon A. Ravenscr<strong>of</strong>t, ‘‘Optical fiber<br />

system trials at 8 Mbits/s and 140 Mbit/s,’’ IEEE Transactions on Communications<br />

COM-26, pp. 1020–1027 (July 1978).<br />

29. Midwinter interview.<br />

30. ‘‘Europe looks to fiber optics for telephone expansion,’’ Laser Focus 14, No.<br />

2, pp. 68–76 (Feb. 1978).<br />

31. Charles Sandbank, ed., Optical <strong>Fiber</strong> Communication Systems (Wiley, Chicester,<br />

1980; see especially chap. 11 by D. H. Hill).<br />

32. R. Bouillie, ‘‘Application <strong>of</strong> optical fibers to existing communication systems,’’<br />

paper presented at the third European Conference on Optical Communications,<br />

Sept. 14–16, 1977, Munich. (VDE-Verlag, Berlin, 1977) pp. 231–236.<br />

33. ‘‘Europe looks to fiber optics.’’<br />

34. Midwinter interview.<br />

35. Dyott telephone interview.<br />

36. Strictly speaking, it depends on the inverse fourth power <strong>of</strong> wavelength,<br />

1/(wavelength) 4 .

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