City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics

City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics

City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics


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260 CITY OF LIGHT<br />

Holonyak, Nick, Jr.: Pioneer in LEDs and diode lasers at General Electric and<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Illinois.<br />

Hopkins, Harold H. (1918–1994): British physicist and optical designer who<br />

proposed and developed imaging bundles in 1950s.<br />

Hopkins, Robert: Succeeded Brian O’Brien as head <strong>of</strong> the University <strong>of</strong> Rochester’s<br />

Institute <strong>of</strong> <strong>Optics</strong>.<br />

Horiguchi, Masaharu: Nippon Telegraph and Telephone co-developer <strong>of</strong> first<br />

fibers with low loss at 1.3 and 1.55 micrometers.<br />

Hsieh, J. Jim: Chinese-born American physicist who made first long-wavelength<br />

diode lasers at MIT Lincoln Lab, then founded Lasertron to manufacture<br />

them.<br />

Hudson, Marshall: <strong>Fiber</strong> engineer at Corning and Valtec.<br />

Hyde, Frank: Corning Glass Works chemist who developed flame hydrolysis process<br />

to make fused silica in 1930s.<br />

ITT: Originally International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, which became<br />

a conglomerate in the 1960s under Harold Geneen, but later sold its<br />

communications business.<br />

Jacobs, Ira: Director <strong>of</strong> digital transmission at Bell Labs, Holmdel; headed development<br />

<strong>of</strong> early fiber systems.<br />

Jaeger, Ray: Early fiber developer at Bell Labs; later founded Spectran Corporation.<br />

Javan, Ali: Invented helium-neon laser at Bell Labs.<br />

Jenkins, C. Francis (1867–1934): American inventor <strong>of</strong> movie projector and<br />

mechanical television; used glass rods to guide light in one patented television<br />

receiver.<br />

Kahn, Irving (1917–1994): Cable-television promoter and fiber-optic entrepreneur.<br />

Kaiser, Peter: Bell Labs specialist in gas lenses and fiber optics.<br />

Kao, Charles Kuen (1933–): Engineer who proposed that fiber-optic loss could<br />

be reduced below 20 decibels per kilometer, launching modern fiber-optic<br />

communications. Led first fiber-optic communications research program at<br />

Standard Telecommunication Laboratories. Later president <strong>of</strong> Chinese University<br />

<strong>of</strong> Hong Kong.<br />

Kapany, Narinder S. (1927–): Indian-born physicist and entrepreneur who<br />

earned first doctorate in fiber optics for research directed by Harold H. Hopkins;<br />

a prolific author who popularized fiber optics.<br />

Kapron, Felix: <strong>The</strong>oretical physicist who calculated and measured properties <strong>of</strong><br />

Corning’s first low-loss fiber.<br />

Karbowiak, Antoni E.: Engineering manager at Standard Telecommunication<br />

Labs; worked on millimeter waveguides and early thin-film and fiber-optic<br />

communications.<br />

Kawahata, Masahiro: Director <strong>of</strong> Japan’s Hi-OVIS project for fiber to the home.<br />

Kawakami, Shojiro: <strong>Fiber</strong> developer at Tohoku University; improved gradedindex<br />

fibers.<br />

Keck, Donald: Physicist on Corning team that made first low-loss fiber; later<br />

director <strong>of</strong> optics and photonics research at Corning.

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