City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics

City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics

City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics


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shifted fiber for long-haul systems. <strong>The</strong> Bell Labs submarine cable group settled<br />

on dispersion-shifted fiber and erbium amplifiers for a new generation <strong>of</strong><br />

high-speed systems. Neal Bergano previewed the technology in a 1991 hero<br />

experiment which transmitted five billion bits per second through 9000 kilometers<br />

<strong>of</strong> dispersion-shifted fiber. 26 Later AT&T used that technology for the<br />

TAT-12 transatlantic cable switched on in 1996.<br />

Multiplying Bandwidth<br />

Wavelength-division multiplexing was simply a new approach to sharing a<br />

limited spectrum. Radio stations do it by each broadcasting at a separate<br />

assigned frequency. Each television channel likewise has its own frequency.<br />

If the frequencies are assigned carefully, the signals don’t interfere with each<br />

other.<br />

<strong>The</strong> principle <strong>of</strong> wavelength-division multiplexing had been demonstrated<br />

much earlier in fibers. It is fairly simple over the short distances that fibers<br />

can carry light signals without amplification. <strong>The</strong> biggest problem was combining<br />

the light signals at the input and separating them at the output. Desurvire<br />

had shown that erbium fiber amplifiers could transmit signals at two<br />

separate wavelengths. But as experimenters started adding new channels,<br />

troubles mounted for both solitons and dispersion control.<br />

Early soliton experiments looked encouraging. Bell noted that solitons at<br />

different wavelengths ‘‘collided’’ with each other in their first experiments,<br />

but still managed to send a pair <strong>of</strong> signals at two billion bits per second<br />

through a chain <strong>of</strong> optical amplifiers and fiber spanning 9000 kilometers. 27<br />

Mollenauer kept stretching the distance he could send a pair <strong>of</strong> channels, first<br />

to 11,000 kilometers, 28 then to 13,000 kilometers. 29 He also increased the<br />

speed per channel, eventually to 10 billion bits per second. Yet soliton collisions<br />

posed a serious problem. <strong>The</strong>y were inevitable because the speed <strong>of</strong> light<br />

in the fiber varies with wavelength, so pulses at the faster wavelength pass<br />

those at the slower wavelength. And they were bad news because the signals<br />

interacted enough to upset the delicate balancing act <strong>of</strong> soliton transmission.<br />

That gave solitons ‘‘the jitters,’’ so the output pulses didn’t fall into the proper<br />

time slots.<br />

Adding wavelengths also produced problems in dispersion controlled systems.<br />

Engineers used fibers with their zero dispersion point shifted to 1.55<br />

micrometers to keep pulse dispersion from building up over long distances.<br />

<strong>The</strong> problem is that signals transmitted near the zero dispersion wavelength<br />

stay in phase with each other over long distances. <strong>The</strong> light signals interact<br />

very weakly, but crosstalk builds up if the two wavelengths stay in phase for<br />

hundreds or thousands <strong>of</strong> kilometers.<br />

<strong>The</strong> dilemma looked bad at first. Dispersion along a long run <strong>of</strong> fiber had<br />

to be kept low or the pulses would run together. Yet if low dispersion kept<br />

the pulses in phase over the whole fiber, crosstalk would scramble the signals.<br />

Engineers solved the problem when they realized that they didn’t have to use

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