City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics

City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics

City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics


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240 CITY OF LIGHT<br />

innovators were climbing ladders <strong>of</strong> success in industry and academia. <strong>The</strong><br />

revolutionary technology was being accepted into the establishment, where<br />

old timers talked about the glory days.<br />

Yet Keck was right; the revolution wasn’t over. Before things could get<br />

seriously boring, a new generation <strong>of</strong> revolutionaries emerged from the labs.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y were armed with optical amplifiers and wavelength division multiplexing,<br />

which let them process signals as light instead <strong>of</strong> as electrons. <strong>The</strong> second<br />

fiber-optic revolution brought a bandwidth boom that carried fiber into the<br />

spotlight, where the heat <strong>of</strong> the market created a bubble that—like all bubbles—led<br />

to a bust. <strong>Fiber</strong> rushed in to quench the Internet’s thirst for bandwidth,<br />

and not even Alec Reeves could have foreseen that fiber could deliver<br />

too much bandwidth.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Quest for Optical Amplification<br />

<strong>The</strong> second fiber-optic revolution started quietly in the mid-1980s. Dave<br />

Payne had not set out to start a revolution when he began the work at<br />

Southampton that led to the erbium-doped fiber amplifier. He hadn’t even set<br />

out to invent an optical amplifier. His goal was to develop optical fibers with<br />

unusual properties that let them sense changes in the surrounding environment.<br />

That meant exploring new territory, and scientists know that such<br />

exploration can lead to breakthroughs.<br />

Payne had stayed at Southampton after earning the university’s first doctorate<br />

in fiber optics. <strong>Fiber</strong> sensing had become hot in the early 1980s. <strong>The</strong><br />

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory was developing fiber-optic acoustic sensors<br />

to sit on the sea floor and listen for Soviet submarines. Payne was making<br />

fibers that controlled light polarization, which the Navy needed for its acoustic<br />

sensors. But he kept his eyes open for other ideas, and spotted one from Eli<br />

Snitzer, then at the United Technologies Research Center in Connecticut.<br />

Snitzer had found that a fiber containing a dash <strong>of</strong> an element called neodymium<br />

could sense temperature by variations in its light transmission. 3<br />

Payne’s specialty was making unusual fibers, and in 1985 his group developed<br />

a new way to add a little neodymium to the core <strong>of</strong> a single-mode<br />

fiber. <strong>The</strong> process could be used for a whole family <strong>of</strong> 14 elements called rare<br />

earths, which included neodymium. Importantly, adding the rare earth had<br />

little effect on fiber loss. 4<br />

Neodymium also made good lasers, so it was natural for Payne to try<br />

making his neodymium-doped fiber into a laser. His group put mirrors on<br />

both ends <strong>of</strong> a two-meter length, and fired light from a gallium arsenide laser<br />

down the fiber. <strong>The</strong> neodymium atoms absorbed that wavelength and released<br />

the light energy as a laser beam, as they did in bulk glass. 5 It wasn’t the first<br />

fiber laser, but it was a big advance over earlier ones, so Payne’s group began<br />

playing with it. ‘‘We were making kilometer-long lasers just to see what happened,’’<br />

Payne recalled. 6

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