City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics

City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics

City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics


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194 CITY OF LIGHT<br />

but the infusion <strong>of</strong> cash from Philips was reviving Valtec, helping it build a<br />

solid technical reputation. 84<br />

Phone companies began shifting their interest to the longer wavelength to<br />

run long distances. <strong>The</strong> change came as Saskatchewan Telecommunications<br />

was building a 3400-kilometer (2100-mile) loop to carry a dozen digital video<br />

signals to the largest towns in the prairie province. Project manager Graham<br />

Bradley bet boldly on fiber and contracted for the best available fiber systems.<br />

Construction started in 1980 with a first-generation system but soon shifted<br />

to 1.3 micrometers over longer distances. 85<br />

<strong>The</strong> longer wavelength roughly doubled transmission speed and distance<br />

through graded-index fibers. Second-generation systems spread fastest where<br />

those capabilities were critical, as in rural Canada. First-generation systems<br />

remained in the pipeline, with many potential customers wary about shifting<br />

to new systems that used costly new lasers with little track record. <strong>The</strong> consensus<br />

<strong>of</strong> telephone companies remained solidly in favor <strong>of</strong> graded-index fibers<br />

for the same reasons Stew Miller had advocated them years before—their<br />

large cores collected light easily.<br />

A Fateful Trial at British Telecom<br />

Doubts about graded-index systems were growing in the labs. <strong>The</strong>y ‘‘are exceedingly<br />

complex,’’ John Midwinter complained as he reviewed the state <strong>of</strong><br />

the art circa 1980. 86 <strong>The</strong> Post Office was splitting <strong>of</strong>f its telephone division as<br />

British Telecom, and Midwinter was tired <strong>of</strong> battling mode monsters. He wondered<br />

how far 140 million bits per second could go through single-mode fiber<br />

at 1.3 micrometers, so his group set up a laboratory test to find out.<br />

<strong>The</strong> answer was 49 kilometers (30 miles). ‘‘That sent shock waves through<br />

British Telecom,’’ recalls Midwinter. <strong>The</strong>re were buildings about every 30<br />

kilometers (19 miles) along the company’s long-haul phone lines, originally<br />

built to provide electrical power to repeaters on coaxial cables. With singlemode<br />

fibers, repeaters could be put in those buildings and kept out <strong>of</strong> dingy<br />

manholes, making the system simpler and more reliable. <strong>The</strong> demonstration<br />

‘‘suddenly made people realize that graded index was a dead duck,’’ recalls<br />

Midwinter. 87 That was not what people scaling up production <strong>of</strong> graded-index<br />

fiber wanted to hear.<br />

Midwinter’s boss, Sidney O’Hara, wanted to go single-mode immediately<br />

in 1981. Despite his frustration with graded-index fibers, Midwinter urged<br />

caution because a few problems remained with single-mode fibers. 88 His talented<br />

team tackled the problems head on and made rapid progress. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

collaborated with Standard Telecommunications Labs on a single-mode trial<br />

between Martlesham and Ipswich in 1982. <strong>The</strong> results were impressive.<br />

Single-mode fiber carried 565 million bits per second—then the highest speed<br />

used in European telecommunications—62 kilometers without repeaters at<br />

1.3 micrometers. <strong>The</strong>ir signal went even farther, 91 kilometers at 1.55 mi-

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