City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics

City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics

City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics


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188 CITY OF LIGHT<br />

Opening the 1.3-micrometer window made single-mode fibers look much<br />

better. <strong>The</strong> lower loss—about 0.5 decibel per kilometer—meant that signals<br />

could travel tens <strong>of</strong> kilometers. <strong>The</strong> low material dispersion promised capacity<br />

many times higher than at 850 nanometers. Moreover, core size increases<br />

with wavelength, to nine micrometers at the longer wavelength, compared<br />

to a mere four micrometers at 850 nanometers. That eased alignment tolerances,<br />

which had been improving with splice and connector technology.<br />

<strong>The</strong> single-mode revival spread rapidly. Having finished its trials <strong>of</strong> gradedindex<br />

fiber, the British Post Office turned to single-mode. 60 Corning, committed<br />

to a strategy <strong>of</strong> staying at the forefront <strong>of</strong> the new technology, shifted Bob<br />

Olshansky to single-mode, and he discovered it was easier to design and make<br />

than graded-index fiber. 61<br />

<strong>The</strong> Japanese stepped up single-mode research after they opened the 1.3micrometer<br />

window. By late 1977, NTT was making low-loss single-mode<br />

fibers. 62 <strong>The</strong> Ibaraki lab pushed to remove the last traces <strong>of</strong> water, paying <strong>of</strong>f<br />

at the end <strong>of</strong> 1978 with single-mode fiber showing a dip at 1.55 micrometers<br />

where loss was lower than anything anyone had ever seen before. <strong>The</strong>y had<br />

made the clearest glass in the world, with attenuation only 0.2 decibels per<br />

kilometer, just a little higher than the theoretical lower limit on scattering.<br />

NTT knew they couldn’t do much better, and called it ‘‘ultimate low-loss’’<br />

fiber. 63<br />

<strong>The</strong> lower the loss, the more enticing single-mode fibers became. Pulse<br />

spreading increases with distance; it’s a hundred times larger over 100 kilometers<br />

<strong>of</strong> fiber than over one kilometer. Good graded-index fibers could carry<br />

a hundred million bits per second for 10 kilometers, but only 20 million bits<br />

over 50 kilometers—and at 1.3 micrometers, 50 kilometers (30 miles) became<br />

a reasonable transmission distance. Single-mode fibers could easily carry a<br />

billion bits 50 kilometers, leaving graded-index fibers in the dust.<br />

In America, single-mode fibers caught the eye <strong>of</strong> Will Hicks, recovering<br />

from a descent into alcoholism that followed his sale <strong>of</strong> Mosaic Fabrications.<br />

Never satisfied with other people’s explanations, he calculated the properties<br />

<strong>of</strong> single-mode fiber for himself and found its transmission capacity went far<br />

beyond the billion bits a second that impressed others. He stubbornly ignored<br />

people who insisted single-mode wouldn’t work and started evolving his own<br />

vision <strong>of</strong> future fiber-optic systems.<br />

Hicks knew from his early experiments with fiber bundles that light could<br />

leak between fiber cores. Electromagnetic theory explained the process, and<br />

Hicks realized it could be applied to switching light into and out <strong>of</strong> fibers,<br />

something important for practical communications. He also realized that one<br />

fiber could simultaneously carry signals at many wavelengths, an idea called<br />

wavelength-division multiplexing. Others could see the possibility in theory.<br />

Glass transmits the whole visible spectrum as well as some infrared light,<br />

while the air simultaneously carries radio and television signals at many different<br />

frequencies. A single fiber could carry many different wavelengths, but<br />

getting many separate signals into the same fiber and separating them at the<br />

other end were extremely challenging problems. At best, most specialists

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