City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics

City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics

City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics


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Looking farther into the future, Bell Labs set new fiber goals. One target<br />

was submarine cables using single-mode fibers and gallium arsenide lasers;<br />

another was long-distance systems operating in the 1.1 to 1.3 micrometer<br />

window.<br />

In Britain, the field trials at Martlesham Heath and Hitchin-Stevenage were<br />

similarly encouraging. <strong>The</strong> Post Office decided to lay eight-fiber cables along<br />

routes totaling about 500 kilometers (300 miles), including the London-<br />

Reading route where the millimeter waveguide had almost gone. 56 Like Bell<br />

Labs, they began looking to future single-mode and long-wavelength systems.<br />

Some annoying glitches did nag at engineers evaluating the field trials. It<br />

proved impossible to predict reliably how much light would be transferred<br />

from one fiber to another at Hitchin-Stevenage, even when their specifications<br />

seemed identical. Something was inducing noise at the junctions. Initially<br />

baffled, Richard Epworth sat down to analyze the problem at Standard Telecommunication<br />

Labs. Common sense said that ‘‘bad’’ lasers were the most<br />

likely cause, and switching lasers usually cured the problem. However, the<br />

lasers that seemed best in laboratory measurements fared the worst in the<br />

system.<br />

Epworth finally realized that the problem lay in the coherence <strong>of</strong> laser light.<br />

Coherent light waves can interfere with each other if they travel slightly<br />

different paths, producing light and dark zones. Illuminate a small area with<br />

coherent light and you see shifting grainy patterns called ‘‘speckle.’’ It’s an<br />

effect well known to laser specialists, which makes laser-illuminated holograms<br />

look grainy. Epworth realized the same effect could occur when many<br />

modes interfered with each other at the end <strong>of</strong> a multimode fiber. <strong>The</strong> more<br />

coherent the light, the more pronounced the speckle pattern and the more<br />

intense the ‘‘modal noise’’ caused by minute shifts in laser wavelength or<br />

fiber position. From a theoretical standpoint, it resembled the modal problems<br />

that plagued the millimeter waveguide. 57<br />

Modal noise hit the STL test hard because it used more coherent lasers<br />

and fibers with 30-micrometer cores instead <strong>of</strong> the 50 or 62.5 micrometer<br />

cores used in American trials. <strong>The</strong> coherence increased speckle intensity, and<br />

the small cores meant that loss <strong>of</strong> only a few speckles could cause noise.<br />

When Epworth first described the problem in 1978, he recommended shifting<br />

to less coherent light sources, 58 or using fibers that carried more modes. However,<br />

it soon became clear that only single-mode fibers could eliminate modal<br />

noise. 59 It was a message many people did not want to hear.<br />

Back to Single-Mode<br />

Single-mode fibers had a bad reputation because light coupling was difficult.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y also didn’t <strong>of</strong>fer much advantage over graded-index fibers at 850 nanometers,<br />

where high material dispersion largely <strong>of</strong>fset any attractions <strong>of</strong><br />

single-mode transmission.

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