City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics

City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics

City of Light: The Story of Fiber Optics


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184 CITY OF LIGHT<br />

On March 27 Horiguchi measured a low-water fiber at longer wavelengths<br />

and found it had loss <strong>of</strong> 0.47 decibel per kilometer at 1.2 micrometers, with<br />

all but 0.1 decibel due to scattering. That was their best fiber so far, and it<br />

was no fluke. Total attenuation was below 1 decibel from 0.95 to 1.37 micrometers.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y looked very very closely at loss over a range <strong>of</strong> wavelengths<br />

and concluded that their clearest fiber contained only 80 parts per billion <strong>of</strong><br />

water, one-sixth as much as the previous record low. 45 <strong>The</strong>y had hit the<br />

jackpot, a new window for fiber optic communications.<br />

Crucially, their new window <strong>of</strong>fered both low loss and low material dispersion.<br />

Not only could signals go farther at the longer wavelength, but also<br />

they could carry much more information because shorter pulses could be<br />

packed more closely together. Opening the new window was encouraging<br />

news, and even while Bell Labs was designing its Chicago system, researchers<br />

on the cutting edge began considering the new window at 1.3 micrometers.<br />

A New Laser Family<br />

<strong>The</strong> most obvious problem in moving to a new wavelength was the need for<br />

a new laser source. That seemed a formidable obstacle because after a dozen<br />

years <strong>of</strong> development, gallium arsenide lasers still didn’t meet telephone industry<br />

reliability requirements. However, as Horiguchi and Osanai opened the<br />

second window in fibers, a Chinese-born scientist at the MIT Lincoln Laboratory<br />

invented a new family <strong>of</strong> long-wavelength lasers.<br />

J. Jim Hsieh was in grade school when his father, an air force <strong>of</strong>ficer, fled<br />

the communist revolution and took his family to Taiwan. After a year in the<br />

Taiwanese Navy, the tall young Hsieh came to America, where he earned a<br />

doctorate studying the then-exotic semiconductor gallium nitride. 46 He started<br />

working on gallium arsenide when he arrived at Lincoln Lab in 1971, but<br />

his interest soon wandered. <strong>The</strong> Air Force wanted 1.06 micrometer diode<br />

lasers for space communications, and Hsieh thought such wavelengths might<br />

be useful in fiber optics. After standard materials showed little promise, about<br />

1973 he turned to an unconventional approach, making semiconductor lasers<br />

from a mixture <strong>of</strong> four elements, gallium, indium, arsenic, and phosphorus.<br />

<strong>The</strong> conventional wisdom held that as a bad idea. Two-element semiconductors<br />

such as gallium arsenide must be mixed in the right proportions to<br />

make working devices. Adding a third element to the blend caused more<br />

problems because they had to be grown on substrates <strong>of</strong> simpler compounds<br />

with almost identical atomic spacing. That worked for gallium aluminum<br />

arsenide on gallium arsenide, but not for other semiconductor mixtures. Most<br />

specialists thought there was no hope <strong>of</strong> balancing four elements in what<br />

they called a ‘‘quaternary’’ compound.<br />

Hsieh saw an opportunity instead <strong>of</strong> a problem. A two-element compound<br />

has a fixed lattice spacing and gap between valence and conduction bands—<br />

which determines the laser wavelength. Adding a third element generally

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