TEchNOLOGy TRaNSFER MODEL - Javna agencija

TEchNOLOGy TRaNSFER MODEL - Javna agencija

TEchNOLOGy TRaNSFER MODEL - Javna agencija


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6<br />


tions of journals or magazines, the articles are available on the internet.<br />

Every participant – 26 persons – is using Google tools, probably the search engine, maybe cooperation tools such as Google Docs or<br />

Google Wave as well.<br />

In the discussion about the use of Web2.0 tools for knowledge transfer processes the participants emphasize the potential of these<br />

tools to spread knowledge in an easy way. On the other hand they criticize these tools concerning the velocity if information exchange<br />

and the unclear legal framework.<br />

6.8 Working Sheet Module 6<br />

As we just know, the process management concerning technology transfer projects within CLEANIX is very rough and confused<br />

without a clear focus on „sustainable learning“. Over the past few years there have been many committed students writing a<br />

master thesis but they were not considered for work at the company. Due to that reason the knowledge which has been generated<br />

was not applied in the daily routines within CLEANIX.<br />

In the meantime, the CEOs assigned one employee with the task to coordinate cooperation projects, but not only to coordinate<br />

them but also to build up the knowledge management system within CLEANIX which is lacking an up-date as well.<br />

Until today both the headquarters in Graz and the subsidiary company in Maribor were working with file servers for storing<br />

information but they are suffering from the same problems as can be found in other enterprises. The filing system becomes<br />

confusing, the folders and documents are named differently, and all in all a file server is something like a static knowledge<br />

management tool. CLEANIX is missing an intranet for internal communication so that, therefore, the most important ways of<br />

communication are face-to-face contacts, telephone and mail. In consideration of the fact that CLEANIX is growing, and especially<br />

within the R&D-department in Slovenia external knowledge becomes more and more important, the knowledge management<br />

system should be reviewed.<br />

From the perspective of a TTF one should think about possible support of CLEANIX in designing such processes with answering<br />

the following questions:<br />

How could the employees be motivated in order to share their knowledge and experience with their co-workers? What could<br />

appropriate incentive schemes look like?<br />

Do you see any potential concerning Social Media and knowledge transfer/organizational learning within CLEANIX? Do you see<br />

any advantages for CLEANIX using Social Media Tools? Are there any barriers and obstacles concerning the transfer of knowledge<br />

which could be diminished by increased use of web tools?<br />

Can you support the “sustainable knowledge saving” within the external knowledge transfer projects? Can you assist CLEANIX<br />

with the task “knowledge management”? How could you do that?<br />

6.9 Further Readings<br />

• Bonaccorsi, A.; Piccaluga, A. (1994): A theoretical framework for the evaluation of university-industry relationships, in: R&D-Management,<br />

24(3), pp. 229-247.<br />

• Cabrera, A.; Cabrera, E. (2002): Knowledge-sharing Dilemmas, in: Organization Studies, 23(5), pp. 687-710.<br />

• Davenport, T.; De Long, D.; Beers, M.: Successful Knowledge Management Projects, in: Sloan Management Review, 39(2), pp. 43-57.<br />

• Europäische Kommission; BMWA: Benchmarking Industry – Science Relations, National Report – Austria, Final Report, OEFZS-S-0099,<br />

Wien/Mannheim 2001.<br />

• Hofstetter, S. (1990): Technologietransfer als Instrument zur Förderung von Innovationen in technologieorientierten Klein- und Mittelunternehmungen,<br />

Bamberg 1990.<br />

• Kerres M. (2006): Potentiale von Web2.0 nutzen, in Hohenstein A. und Wilbers K. (Hrsg.), Handbuch E-Learning. München: DWD 2006<br />

• Klafft, M.; Pfennigschmidt, S.; Ahrend, C.; Dziekan, K.; Kliemke, C.; Wenzel, H. (2009): Skalierbare Innovationsprozesse. Wissenstransfer<br />

zwischen KMU und Wissenschaft, 2009, URL: http://publica.fraunhofer.de/eprints/urn:nbn:de:0011-n-1036564.pdf (3.12.2009)<br />

• KPMG (2000): Knowledge Management Research Report 2000, download available http://www.providersedge.com/docs/km_articles/KPMG_KM_Research_Report_2000.pdf<br />

(23.4.2010)<br />

• Philbin, S. (2008): Process model for university-industry research collaboration, in: European Journal of Innovation Management, 11(4),<br />

pp. 488-521.<br />

• Roberts, J. (2000): From know-how to show-how? Questioning the Role of Information and Communication Technologies in Knowledge<br />

Transfer, in: Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 12(4), pp. 429-443.<br />

• Stocker, A.; Tochtermann, K.; Krasser, N. (2009): Wissenstransfer mit Weblogs in KMUs. Eine explorative Einzelfallstudie, in: Proceedings<br />

of the 5th Conference of Professional Knowledge Management, Solothurn, Schweiz, 2009.<br />

• Szulanski, G. (2000): The Process of Knowledge Transfer: A Diachronic Analysis of Stickiness, in: Organizational Behaviour and Human<br />

Decision Processes, 82(1), pp. 9-27.<br />

• Thompson J. (2007): Is Education 1.0 Ready for Web 2.0 Students? in The Innovate Gateway, April/May 2007, Volume 3, Issue 4<br />

• Zhang, M.; Macpherson, A.; Jones, O. (2006): Conceptualizing the Learning Process in SMEs. Improving Innovation through External<br />

Orientation, in: International Small Business Journal, 24(3), pp. 299-323.<br />

6.10 Useful Adresses and Links<br />

http://publica.fraunhofer.de/eprints/urn:nbn:de:0011-n-1036564.pdf<br />

http://www.providersedge.com/docs/km_articles/KPMG_KM_Research_Report_2000.pdf<br />

http://oreilly.com/web2/archive/what-is-web-20.html What Is Web 2.0 - O’Reilly Media<br />


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