TEchNOLOGy TRaNSFER MODEL - Javna agencija

TEchNOLOGy TRaNSFER MODEL - Javna agencija

TEchNOLOGy TRaNSFER MODEL - Javna agencija


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could use challenging activities i.e. a change competition within the whole organization. At the end rewarding the best performing<br />

units for achieving the goals. Feedback will help people make better vision-related decisions.<br /> Step 6: Plan for and create short-term wins<br />

In this sixth step empowered people create short-term wins that nourish the faith in the change effort by rewarding emotionally<br />

the organization on their hard way towards the change vision.<br />

Organizations dealing with change should use the credibility from short-term wins to create new goals and make additional changes.<br />

The short-term wins have to be planned beforehand by developing a list of 3-4 target wins. Key influencers use the results of<br />

short-term wins to demonstrate the feasibility of the vision and to get more people aligned with the change effort.<br />

• Define and engineer visible performance improvements<br />

• Recognize and reward employees contributing to those improvements<br />

• Chunking down big tasks<br />

• Start with easy to cope tasks<br />

• Focus means, set priorities and communicate them – “The Big Four”<br />

• Start with easy and small ones where you can quickly achieve unambiguous, visible, and meaningful outcomes<br />

• Celebrate and communicate the wins<br />

• But be honest and do not make “sunshine and roses propaganda”<br />

• Give incentives to project teams<br />

• Produce best practices<br />

• Start tracking key figures<br />

• Use winners as “lighthouses”<br /> Step 7: Consolidate improvements and produce more change<br />

In this seventh step successful change leaders use wins to lock changes into cultural norms and values to implant the change deeper<br />

in the organization. Leaders continuously promote training and communication to support the vision and get new stakeholders up<br />

to speed quickly on the process and culture. Benchmarks and key figures will help to monitor and maintain urgency with continued<br />

communication.<br />

• Use increased credibility from early wins to change systems, structures, and policies undermining the vision<br />

• Hire, promote, and develop employees who can implement the vision<br />

• Reanimate the change process with new projects and change agents<br />

• Keep urgency up<br />

• Use stakeholder feedbacks / market research<br />

• Tackling more and more difficult changes<br />

• Scanning the new level in order to find new possibilities to change<br />

• Check that changes had sunk deeply into a company’s culture (output of staff appraisal, feedback interview)<br />

• Check systems and structures if they are consistent with the vision<br />

• Start transferring the change into the whole organization<br /> Step 8: Institutionalize new approaches<br />

After the whole change process worked successfully you have to “refreeze” the organization, stabilize all changed structures and<br />

processes A “culture readiness team” is created, who prepares the old culture for the anticipated wins and resulting changes. This<br />

team receives training on methods for incorporating wins and change momentum into the culture of the organization.<br />

• Articulate connections between new behavior and corporate success<br />

• Create leadership development and succession plans consistent with the new approach<br />

• Take sufficient time to make sure that the next generation of top management personify the new approach-give them orientation<br />

At this very last step the leading team should focus on consolidation:<br />

• Freeze the change by changing all processes according to the new approach<br />

• Adapt Human Resource Management (recruiting, training, HR development…)<br />

• Use success stories and anecdotes<br />

• Celebrate end but do not end<br />

• Continuous evaluation of change<br />

• Re-evaluation of vision<br />

• First change behavior then culture (culture follows behavior)<br />


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