TEchNOLOGy TRaNSFER MODEL - Javna agencija

TEchNOLOGy TRaNSFER MODEL - Javna agencija

TEchNOLOGy TRaNSFER MODEL - Javna agencija


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4<br />

CHANGE PROCESS<br /> Step 3: Create a vision<br />

In this third step the organization should depict a clear picture of the desired status in the future. Organizations have to ensure the<br />

guiding team has a focused and compelling picture of the desired change, and the future it creates. They have to help everyone in<br />

the organization see how their behavior contributes to the vision. On the other hand it will be very helpful to ensure the guiding team<br />

having a sound strategy that defines how the vision will be achieved and demonstrates the feasibility of the goal. Changing organizations<br />

have also to remove obstacles that block effective realization of the vision, and create key performance indicators to determine<br />

success. A vision should describe the future state, the core theme of the organization in 5-10 years. What should be reached? The<br />

main activities are:<br />

• Develop a picture of the future that is easy to communicate<br />

• Create a vision to direct the change effort<br />

• Develop strategies for realizing that vision<br />

Here are some hints for the process of creating a vision:<br />

• Painting pictures of the future<br />

• Establishing a Future Conference (do not use Monday morning meetings for this purpose)<br />

• A vision should be relevant/meaningful + motivating/emotionalizing + action guiding + easy to communicate / easy to learn<br />

• Reflecting relevant dimensions: sales turnover, EBIT, employees, customers, businesses, competitors, beliefs, action steps<br />

• Start with an article of your corporation about the results of your change effort: how the organization is different? What customers<br />

have to say about you? What employees are saying?<br />

• Try to involve people from different levels / lateral thinkers<br />

• Group size 4-12 with input of shareholders and selected stakeholder<br /> Step 4: Communicate the vision<br />

In this forth step the organization should use each and every media channel to communicate the effort of change within the organization<br />

by mobilizing the many with effective, frequent, and sustained communication strategies. Organizations should ensure the<br />

majority of the organization relevant to the change initiative so they have a verifiable understanding of the vision and strategic plan<br />

to achieve it. The focus of this step is that a sufficient majority of stakeholders in the organization (employees, shareholders, suppliers,<br />

customers) understand the rationale for the change, and that resistance to the proposed change is minimized:<br />

• Use every vehicle possible to communicate the new vision and strategies for achieving it<br />

• Teach new behavior by the example of the guiding coalition. How does (new) behavior of employees help to bolster the vision<br />

• When sacrifices are necessary (lay-offs) communicate growth possibilities and fair treatment of lay-offs<br />

• „Walk the talk“, becoming a living symbol of the new corporate culture<br />

Some useful methods for the communication process:<br />

• Message should be KISS and heartfelt<br />

• Try to understand the people’s feelings first<br />

• Speak to anxieties, confusion, anger and distrust<br />

• Put information junk away so that important messages get through<br />

• Two-way information!<br />

• Build up communities<br />

• Evaluate your communication efforts<br />

• Use all media channels that are available (bill-board, newsletter, intranet, posters, project-wiki, seminars, podcasts, road shows…)<br />

• Web 2.0 (blogs, discussion forums, Q&A…)<br />

• Use new formats (screensavers, stickers on phone….)<br /> Step 5: Empower others to act the vision<br />

In this fifth step you are focusing to remove all barriers in the paths of your people on the way to changing the structures within<br />

your organization. You have to build momentum by establishing visible results within six to eighteen months. Leaders within the<br />

organization should provide employee training, support, and development opportunities within the organization to implement the<br />

change. Individuals should assume the responsibility and possess authority to make decisions that turn vision into reality. Organizational<br />

systems have to be designed to reward those whose actions are consistent with the vision.<br />

• Remove or alter systems or structures undermining the vision<br />

• Encourage risk taking and nontraditional ideas, activities, and actions<br />

• Involve large numbers of people<br />

• Let go of past, say good bye to habitual behavior<br />

Finding individuals with change experiences will help to deal with the change. In order to multiply the change efforts organizations<br />


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