TEchNOLOGy TRaNSFER MODEL - Javna agencija

TEchNOLOGy TRaNSFER MODEL - Javna agencija

TEchNOLOGy TRaNSFER MODEL - Javna agencija


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KNOWLEDGE FOR BUSINESS IN BORDER REGIONS<br /> Step 1: Increase urgency<br />

In this first step the organization should be prepared that change is essential. Organizations should achieve a sense of urgency using<br />

logic and emotion to overcome resistance to change. They should assess a real urgency within the organization, and achieve rational<br />

buy-in by making a case based on solid data, which provides a sound basis for confronting problems and measuring performance.<br />

Gaining emotional buy-in by providing a compelling story or picture that catches people’s attention and generates a high level of<br />

energy throughout the organization are the main tasks in this first step. These are the main actions needed:<br />

• Examine market and competitive situation for potential crises and untapped opportunities. Convince at least 75% of your managers<br />

that the status quo is more dangerous than the unknown.<br />

• Use reliable information (experts, statistics, market research, benchmarks, voice of customers…) and communicate this information<br />

broadly and dramatically with respect to (potential) crisis, or great opportunities.<br />

• Facilitation of a frank discussion of potential unpleasant facts about new competition, shrinking margins, decreasing market<br />

share…<br />

In this phase you must hit the organization and its members emotionally. They have to say: “We must do something”. Many tools<br />

will help to find the best way in analyzing the environment and the problem, and then in communication the need of change:<br />

Analysis<br />

• SWOT analysis<br />

• Market research / stakeholder satisfaction analysis / trend analysis / scenarios…<br />

• Competitor analysis<br />

• Benchmarking<br />

• Changing perspective (internal vs. external)<br />

Communication<br />

• Seeing – feeling – changing<br />

• Videotape or direct note of external people (customer, expert)<br />

• KISS (Keep it Simple and Short)<br />

• Emotion / symbolizing problems<br />

• Concrete examples of what went wrong / depict information<br />

• Management by walking around<br /> Step 2: Form a powerful guiding coalition<br />

In this second step the organization should start with the first organizational issues in finding the right people leading this change<br />

process and in forming a powerful team.<br />

Organizations should create a sensible, clear vision that points all team members in the desired direction. They have to ensure that<br />

the guiding team members have sufficient influence, expertise, and credibility to drive the change, share high trust and team affinity,<br />

are emotionally committed to a successful implementation, and provide enough diversity of perspective and influence in the<br />

organization to offer well rounded solutions and broad organizational impact. These are the main actions needed:<br />

• Assemble a group with shared commitment and enough power to lead the change effort (top and senior management)<br />

• Encourage them to work as a team outside the normal hierarchy<br />

• If possible include a key customer in your team<br />

• Get the people together and help them develop a shared assessment of the problems<br />

• Create a minimum level of trust and communication in that team<br />

The process of building the right team should be lead by using all the different tools and methods of team management:<br />

• Reflecting on the 4 phases of team building: Forming – Storming – Norming – Performing<br />

• Implementing rules and roles<br />

• Integrating individuals with different capabilities (external perspective, credibility, internal knowledge, formal authority, leadership…)<br />

• Pulling people in („you are selected, because of…“)<br />

• Pushing people out, who are undermining the efforts of change<br />

• Use some symbols of external enemies<br />

• Implementing a special project culture<br />

• Finding the right meeting format<br />

• Try to find commitment with „difficult“ key players<br />

• Use powerful symbols<br />


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