TEchNOLOGy TRaNSFER MODEL - Javna agencija

TEchNOLOGy TRaNSFER MODEL - Javna agencija

TEchNOLOGy TRaNSFER MODEL - Javna agencija


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Type of document:<br />

Handbook – project KBB<br />

Title:<br />

Knowledge for Business in Border Regions (KBB)<br />

Issuing authority:<br />

Consortium of the project: »Knowledge for Business in Border Regions (KBB)«<br />

Publisher:<br />

Public Agency for Technological Development of the RS, Ljubljana.<br />

Authors:<br />

Mag. Alenka Mubi Zalaznik, Mag. Anton Prettenhofer, Dr. Borut Likar,<br />

Mag. Christoph Pasrucker, Karin Elena Sánchez, Dr. Jutta Pauschenwein,<br />

Mag. Pascale Koo, Mag. Romana Rauter, Sabine Prossnegg, Dr. Stefan Vorbach,<br />

Tadej Černivec, Mag. Wolfgang Schabereiter<br />

Design and printing:<br />

Enekas d.o.o.<br />

No. of copies:<br />

140<br />

The handbook is available at:<br />

http:www.kbb-si-at<br />

Project »Knowledge for Business in Border Regions (KBB)« has been selected<br />

under the Operational programme Slovenia – Austria 2007-2013 and is co-financed<br />

by the ERDF.

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