Untitled - International Rice Research Institute

Untitled - International Rice Research Institute

Untitled - International Rice Research Institute


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Other fungi detected on rice seeds<br />

Other fungi are detected on rice seeds from different countries. Some, such as Nakataea sigmoidea, the<br />

conidial state of Sclerotium rolfsii, cause stem rot, which is important in specific ecosystems. However, most<br />

of these “other fungi” are not known to cause diseases of economic importance. These fungi are listed in<br />

Table 5 and photomicrographs of their habit and microscopic characters are shown.<br />

Table 5. List of other fungi detected on rice seeds.<br />

Fungi Incidence a<br />

Acremoniella atra +<br />

Acremoniella verrucosa +<br />

Alternaria longissima ++<br />

A. tenuissima +<br />

Aspergillus clavatus +<br />

A. flavus-oryzae ++<br />

A. niger ++<br />

Chaetomium globosum +<br />

Cladosporium sp. ++<br />

Curvularia eragrostidis +<br />

Drechslera hawaiiensis +<br />

Epicoccum purpurascens +<br />

Fusarium avenaceum +<br />

F. equiseti +<br />

F. larvarum +<br />

F. nivale +<br />

F. semitectum +++<br />

Gilmaniella humicola +<br />

Memnoniella sp. +<br />

Microascus cirrosus +<br />

Monodictys putredinis +<br />

Myrothecium sp. +<br />

Nakataea sigmoidea ++<br />

Nectria heamatococca +<br />

Papularia sphaerosperma +<br />

Penicillium sp. ++<br />

Pestalotia sp. +<br />

Phaeoseptoria sp. +<br />

Phaeotrichoconis crotolariae +<br />

Pithomyces sp. ++<br />

Pyrenochaeta sp. +<br />

Rhizopus sp. ++<br />

Septogloeum sp. +<br />

Sordaria fimicola +<br />

Spinulospora pucciniiphila +<br />

Sterigmatobotrys macrocarpa +<br />

Taeniolina sp. +<br />

Tetraploa aristata +<br />

Trichoderma sp. +<br />

Trichothecium sp. +<br />

Tritirachium sp. +<br />

Ulocladium botrytis +<br />

a<br />

+ = low, ++ = moderate, +++ = frequent.<br />


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