Untitled - International Rice Research Institute

Untitled - International Rice Research Institute

Untitled - International Rice Research Institute


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Fig. 28. Occurrence of bakanae (Ou 1985, Agarwal and Mathur 1988, EPPO 1997).<br />

c. Location on seed<br />

F. moniliforme is most likely observed on the entire<br />

rice seed (about 57%) (Fig. 31).<br />

Microscopic character<br />

a. Mycelia—hyaline, septated (Fig. 30d).<br />

b. Microconidiophore—single, lateral, subulate<br />

phialides formed from aerial hyphae, tapering<br />

toward the apex (Fig. 30e).<br />

c. Macroconidiophore—consisting of a basal cell<br />

bearing 2–3 phialides that produce macroconidia.<br />

d. Microconidia—hyaline, fusiform, ovate or clavate;<br />

slightly flattened at both ends; one- or twocelled;<br />

more or less agglutinated in chains, and<br />

remain joined or cut off in false heads (Fig. 30f).<br />

Measurements: 2.53–16.33 µ × 2.30–5.75 µ<br />

(PDA); 5.06–14.26 µ × 1.61–4.83 µ (PSA); and<br />

4.60–10.35 µ × 1.61–4.83 µ (OA, oatmeal agar).<br />

e. Macroconidia—hyaline, inequilaterally fusoid;<br />

slightly sickle-shaped or almost straight; thinwalled;<br />

narrowed at both ends, occasionally bent<br />

into a hook at the apex and with a distinct foot cell<br />

at the base; 3–5 septate, usually 3 septate, rarely<br />

6–7 septate; formed in salmon orange<br />

sporodochia or pionnotes (Fig. 30g). Measurements:<br />

18.86–40.71 µ × 2.76–4.60 µ (PDA);<br />

16.10–35.42 µ × 2.07–4.60 µ (PSA); and 21.39–<br />

39.56 µ × 2.53–4.60 µ (OA).<br />

Colony characters on culture media (Fig. 32)<br />

Colonies on PDA at ART (28–30 °C) grow moderately<br />

fast and attain a 5.20-cm diam in 5 d. They are<br />

slightly zonated; floccose to slightly felted, and become<br />

powdery with age; white tinged with pink at the<br />

center. The colony appearance on the reverse side of<br />

the agar plate is slightly zonated and white with a purplish<br />

center. At 21 °C under alternating 12-h NUV<br />

light and 12-h darkness, colonies grow slowly and attain<br />

a 3.72-cm diam in 5 d. They are slightly zonated,<br />

cottony to slightly felted with submerged advancing<br />

margins and pink. The colony on the reverse of the<br />

agar plate appears slightly zonated and dark pink and<br />

light toward the margin. At 28 °C under alternating 12-<br />

h fluorescent light and 12-h darkness, colonies grow<br />

moderately fast and attain a 5.10-cm diam in 5 d.<br />

They are zonated and appear cottony to slightly felted<br />

with sinuate margins, purplish at the center and light<br />

outward. Saltation of colonies is occasionally observed<br />

in some plates. The colony on the reverse side<br />

of the agar plate is zonated and purple and light purple<br />

outward.<br />


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