Untitled - International Rice Research Institute

Untitled - International Rice Research Institute

Untitled - International Rice Research Institute


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They are feathery to slightly fluffy, zonated with<br />

even to slightly uneven margins, and alternating olive<br />

yellow and dark olive with 5-mm light yellow margins.<br />

On the reverse side of the agar plate, the colony<br />

appears azonated to slightly zonated, black, and becomes<br />

dark greenish gray to olive black toward the<br />

margin.<br />

Colonies on MEA at ART (28–30 °C) grow very<br />

slowly and attain a 2.29-cm diam in 5 d. Colonies are<br />

scanty with fluffy aerial mycelia, azonated with uneven<br />

margins, and olive gray with grayish yellow<br />

aerial mycelia. The colony appears azonated and<br />

olive black on the reverse side of the agar plate. At<br />

21 °C under alternating 12-h NUV light and 12-h<br />

darkness, colonies are restricted in growth and attain<br />

a 1.71-cm diam in 5 d. They are azonated with<br />

crenate margins, velvety, and olive black with white<br />

to dark olive mycelial tufts. The colony appears zonated<br />

and olive black to black on the reverse side of<br />

the agar plate. At 28 °C under alternating 12-h fluorescent<br />

light and 12-h darkness, colonies are restricted<br />

in growth and attain a 1.71-cm diam in 5 d.<br />

They are azonated with crenate margins, velvety<br />

with slightly fluffy centers, and dark greenish gray to<br />

olive black. The colony on the reverse side of the<br />

agar plate appears azonated and black.<br />

Cercospora janseana (Racib.) Const.<br />

syn. Cercospora oryzae Miyake<br />

teleomorph: Sphaerulina oryzina Hara<br />

Disease caused: narrow brown leaf spot<br />

a. Symptoms<br />

Short, linear, brown lesions most common on<br />

leaves but also occur on leaf sheaths, pedicels,<br />

and glumes.<br />

b. Occurrence/distribution<br />

The disease has worldwide distribution (Fig. 14).<br />

c. Disease history<br />

The disease was first observed in North America<br />

before 1910 but its detailed description was re-<br />

Fig. 14. Occurrence of narrow brown leaf spot (Ou 1985, Agarwal and Mathur 1988, EPPO 1997).<br />


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