Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Complications------continued - - - mechanical NEC T85.3 - - - - intraocular lens T85.2 - - - specified NEC T85.8 - - gastrointestinal tract T85.9 - - - infection or inflammation T85.7 - - - mechanical T85.5 - - - specified NEC T85.8 - - genital organ or tract T83.9 - - - infection or inflammation T83.6 - - - mechanical T83.4 - - - specified NEC T83.8 - - heart valve T82.9 - - - infection or inflammation T82.6 - - - mechanical T82.0 - - - specified NEC T82.8 - - infection or inflammation NEC T85.7 - - joint T84.9 - - - fracture, bone M96.6 - - - infection or inflammation T84.5 - - - mechanical T84.0 - - - specified NEC T84.8 - - mechanical NEC T85.6 - - specified NEC T85.8 - - urinary organ or tract T83.9 - - - infection or inflammation T83.5 - - - mechanical T83.1 - - - specified NEC T83.8 - - vascular T82.9 - - - specified NEC T82.8 - puerperium — see Puerperal - puncture, spinal G97.1 - - cerebrospinal fluid leak G97.0 - - headache or reaction G97.1 - pyelogram N99.8 - radiation T66 - radiotherapy NEC T66 - - kyphosis M96.2 - - scoliosis M96.5 - reattached - - extremity (infection) (rejection) T87.2 - - - lower T87.1 - - - upper T87.0 - - specified body part NEC T87.2 - reimplant NEC T85.9 - - limb (infection) (rejection) T87.2 - - - lower T87.1 - - - upper T87.0 - - organ, failure or rejection (immune or nonimmune cause) (partial) (total) — see Complications, organ or tissue transplant - - - failure or rejection - - prosthetic device NEC — see Complications, prosthetic device, graft or implant - renal N28.9 - - allograft T86.1 - - dialysis — see Complications, dialysis - respiratory J98.9 - - device, implant or graft T85.9 Complications------continued - - - infection or inflammation T85.7 - - - mechanical T85.6 - - - specified NEC T85.8 - - postoperative J95.9 - - - specified NEC J95.8 - - therapy NEC T81.8 - sedation during labor and delivery O74.9 - - affecting fetus or newborn P04.0 - - cardiac O74.2 - - central nervous system O74.3 - - pulmonary NEC O74.1 - shunt T85.9 - - vascular T82.9 - - - infection or inflammation T82.7 - - - mechanical T82.5 - - - specified NEC T82.8 - - ventricular (communicating) T85.9 - - - infection or inflammation T85.7 - - - mechanical T85.0 - - - specified NEC T85.8 - skin graft (failure) (infection) (rejection) T86.8 - spinal - - anesthesia — see Complications, anesthesia, spinal and epidural - - catheter (epidural) (subdural) T85.9 - - - infection or inflammation T85.7 - - - mechanical T85.6 - - - specified NEC T85.8 - - puncture or tap G97.1 - - - cerebrospinal fluid leak G97.0 - - - headache or reaction G97.1 - surgical procedure T81.9 - - accidental puncture or laceration T81.2 - - amputation stump (late) NEC T87.6 - - - infection or inflammation T87.4 - - - necrosis T87.5 - - - neuroma T87.3 - - anoxic brain damage T88.5 - - burst stitches or sutures T81.3 - - cardiac T81.8 - - - long-term effect following cardiac surgery I97.1 - - - postprocedural (functional) (late) I97.8 - - cholesteatoma, recurrent (postmastoidectomy) H95.0 - - circulatory (early) T81.7 - - - functional disturbance NEC I97.8 - - - postprocedural I97.9 - - dehiscence (of wound) T81.3 - - - cesarean section O90.0 - - - episiotomy O90.1 - - digestive system K91.9 - - - functional disorder NEC K91.8 - - - specified NEC K91.8 - - disruption of wound T81.3 - - - cesarean section O90.0 - - - episiotomy O90.1 - - dumping syndrome (postgastrectomy) K91.1 - - ear H95.9 108

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Complications------continued - - - specified NEC H95.8 - - elephantiasis or lymphedema I97.8 - - - postmastectomy I97.2 - - emphysema (surgical) T81.8 - - endocrine E89.9 - - - specified NEC E89.8 - - evisceration T81.3 - - eye H59.9 - - - specified NEC H59.8 - - fistula (persistent postoperative) T81.8 - - foreign body inadvertently left in wound (sponge) (suture) (swab) T81.5 - - gastrointestinal K91.9 - - - specified NEC K91.8 - - genitourinary N99.9 - - - specified NEC N99.8 - - hemorrhage or hematoma T81.0 - - hepatic failure K91.8 - - hyperglycemia (postpancreatectomy) E89.1 - - hypoinsulinemia (postpancreatectomy) E89.1 - - hypoparathyroidism (postparathyroidectomy) E89.2 - - hypopituitarism (posthypophysectomy)E89.3 - - hypothyroidism (post-thyroidectomy) E89.0 - - intestinal obstruction K91.3 - - intracranial hypotension following ventricular shunting (ventriculostomy) G97.2 - - malabsorption (postsurgical) NEC K91.2 - - - osteoporosis M81.3 - - mastoidectomy cavity NEC H95.1 - - - recurrent cholesteatoma H95.0 - - metabolic E89.9 - - - specified NEC E89.8 - - musculoskeletal M96.9 - - - specified NEC M96.8 - - nervous system (central) (peripheral) G97.9 - - - specified NEC G97.8 - - ovarian failure E89.4 - - peripheral vascular T81.7 - - postcardiotomy syndrome I97.0 - - postcholecystectomy syndrome K91.5 - - postcommissurotomy syndrome I97.0 - - postgastrectomy dumping syndrome K91.1 - - postlaminectomy syndrome NEC M96.1 - - - kyphosis M96.3 - - postmastectomy lymphedema syndrome I97.2 - - postvagotomy syndrome K91.1 - - postvalvulotomy syndrome I97.0 - - pulmonary insufficiency (acute) J95.2 - - - chronic J95.3 - - reattached body part (infection) (rejection) NEC T87.2 - - - lower limb T87.1 - - - upper limb T87.0 - - respiratory J95.9 - - - specified NEC J95.8 Complications------continued - - shock (endotoxic) (hypovolemic) (septic) T81.1 - - specified NEC T81.8 - - stitch abscess T81.4 - - subglottic stenosis (postsurgical) J95.5 - - testicular hypofunction E89.5 - - transplant — see Complications, organ or tissue transplant - - urinary N99.9 - - - specified NEC N99.8 - - vaginal vault prolapse (posthysterectomy) N99.3 - - vascular (peripheral) T81.7 - - vitreous (touch) syndrome H59.0 - - wound infection T81.4 - suture, permanent (wire) T85.9 - - infection or inflammation NEC T85.7 - - in repair of bone — see Complications, fixation device, internal - - mechanical T85.6 - - specified NEC T85.8 - tracheostomy J95.0 - transfusion (blood) (lymphocytes) (plasma) T80.9 - - embolism T80.1 - - - air T80.0 - - hemolysis T80.8 - - incompatibility reaction (ABO) (blood group) T80.3 - - - Rh (factor) T80.4 - - infection T80.2 - - reaction NEC T80.8 - - sepsis T80.2 - - serum (reaction) T80.6 - - - shock, anaphylactic T80.5 - - shock T80.8 - - thromboembolism, thrombus T80.1 - transplant NEC (see also Complications, organ or tissue transplant) T86.9 - trauma (early) T79.9 - - specified NEC T79.8 - ultrasound therapy T88.9 - umbilical cord - - affecting fetus or newborn P02.6 - - complicating delivery O69.9 - - - specified NEC O69.8 - urethral catheter NEC (see also Complications, catheter, urinary) T83.9 - vaccination T88.1 - - anaphylaxis NEC T80.5 - - arthropathy M02.2 - - cellulitis T88.0 - - encephalitis or encephalomyelitis G04.0 - - infection (general) (local) NEC T88.0 - - meningitis G03.8 - - myelitis G04.0 - - protein sickness T80.6 - - rash T88.1 - - reaction (allergic) T88.1 109

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Complications------continued<br />

- - - mechanical NEC T85.3<br />

- - - - intraocular lens T85.2<br />

- - - specified NEC T85.8<br />

- - gastrointestinal tract T85.9<br />

- - - infection or inflammation T85.7<br />

- - - mechanical T85.5<br />

- - - specified NEC T85.8<br />

- - genital organ or tract T83.9<br />

- - - infection or inflammation T83.6<br />

- - - mechanical T83.4<br />

- - - specified NEC T83.8<br />

- - heart valve T82.9<br />

- - - infection or inflammation T82.6<br />

- - - mechanical T82.0<br />

- - - specified NEC T82.8<br />

- - infection or inflammation NEC T85.7<br />

- - joint T84.9<br />

- - - fracture, bone M96.6<br />

- - - infection or inflammation T84.5<br />

- - - mechanical T84.0<br />

- - - specified NEC T84.8<br />

- - mechanical NEC T85.6<br />

- - specified NEC T85.8<br />

- - urinary organ or tract T83.9<br />

- - - infection or inflammation T83.5<br />

- - - mechanical T83.1<br />

- - - specified NEC T83.8<br />

- - vascular T82.9<br />

- - - specified NEC T82.8<br />

- puerperium — see Puerperal<br />

- puncture, spinal G97.1<br />

- - cerebrospinal fluid leak G97.0<br />

- - headache or reaction G97.1<br />

- pyelogram N99.8<br />

- radiation T66<br />

- radiotherapy NEC T66<br />

- - kyphosis M96.2<br />

- - scoliosis M96.5<br />

- reattached<br />

- - extremity (infection) (rejection) T87.2<br />

- - - lower T87.1<br />

- - - upper T87.0<br />

- - specified body part NEC T87.2<br />

- reimplant NEC T85.9<br />

- - limb (infection) (rejection) T87.2<br />

- - - lower T87.1<br />

- - - upper T87.0<br />

- - organ, failure or rejection (immune or<br />

nonimmune cause) (partial) (total) — see<br />

Complications, organ or tissue transplant<br />

- - - failure or rejection<br />

- - prosthetic device NEC — see Complications,<br />

prosthetic device, graft or implant<br />

- renal N28.9<br />

- - allograft T86.1<br />

- - dialysis — see Complications, dialysis<br />

- respiratory J98.9<br />

- - device, implant or graft T85.9<br />

Complications------continued<br />

- - - infection or inflammation T85.7<br />

- - - mechanical T85.6<br />

- - - specified NEC T85.8<br />

- - postoperative J95.9<br />

- - - specified NEC J95.8<br />

- - therapy NEC T81.8<br />

- sedation during labor <strong>and</strong> delivery O74.9<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P04.0<br />

- - cardiac O74.2<br />

- - central nervous system O74.3<br />

- - pulmonary NEC O74.1<br />

- shunt T85.9<br />

- - vascular T82.9<br />

- - - infection or inflammation T82.7<br />

- - - mechanical T82.5<br />

- - - specified NEC T82.8<br />

- - ventricular (communicating) T85.9<br />

- - - infection or inflammation T85.7<br />

- - - mechanical T85.0<br />

- - - specified NEC T85.8<br />

- skin graft (failure) (infection) (rejection) T86.8<br />

- spinal<br />

- - anesthesia — see Complications, anesthesia,<br />

spinal <strong>and</strong> epidural<br />

- - catheter (epidural) (subdural) T85.9<br />

- - - infection or inflammation T85.7<br />

- - - mechanical T85.6<br />

- - - specified NEC T85.8<br />

- - puncture or tap G97.1<br />

- - - cerebrospinal fluid leak G97.0<br />

- - - headache or reaction G97.1<br />

- surgical procedure T81.9<br />

- - accidental puncture or laceration T81.2<br />

- - amputation stump (late) NEC T87.6<br />

- - - infection or inflammation T87.4<br />

- - - necrosis T87.5<br />

- - - neuroma T87.3<br />

- - anoxic brain damage T88.5<br />

- - burst stitches or sutures T81.3<br />

- - cardiac T81.8<br />

- - - long-term effect following cardiac surgery I97.1<br />

- - - postprocedural (functional) (late) I97.8<br />

- - cholesteatoma, recurrent<br />

(postmastoidectomy) H95.0<br />

- - circulatory (early) T81.7<br />

- - - functional disturbance NEC I97.8<br />

- - - postprocedural I97.9<br />

- - dehiscence (of wound) T81.3<br />

- - - cesarean section O90.0<br />

- - - episiotomy O90.1<br />

- - digestive system K91.9<br />

- - - functional disorder NEC K91.8<br />

- - - specified NEC K91.8<br />

- - disruption of wound T81.3<br />

- - - cesarean section O90.0<br />

- - - episiotomy O90.1<br />

- - dumping syndrome (postgastrectomy) K91.1<br />

- - ear H95.9<br />


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