Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Complications------continued - - - prosthesis T82.9 - - - - infection or inflammation T82.6 - - - - mechanical T82.0 - - - - specified NEC T82.8 - hemodialysis — see Complications, dialysis - ileostomy (stoma) K91.4 - immunization (procedure) — see Complications, vaccination - implant NEC — see Complications, by site and type - infusion (procedure) NEC T80.9 - - blood — see Complications, transfusion - - catheter T82.9 - - - infection or inflammation T82.7 - - - mechanical T82.5 - - - specified NEC T82.8 - - infection NEC T80.2 - - pump — see Complications, infusion, catheter - - sepsis NEC T80.2 - inhalation therapy NEC T81.8 - injection (procedure) T80.9 - - drug reaction (see also Reaction, drug) T88.7 - - infection NEC T80.2 - - sepsis NEC T80.2 - - serum (prophylactic) (therapeutic) — see Complications, vaccination - - vaccine (any) — see Complications, vaccination - inoculation (any) (see also Complications, vaccination) T80.9 - internal device (catheter) (electronic) (fixation) (prosthetic) NEC — see Complications, by site and type - intraocular lens (prosthetic) T85.9 - - infection or inflammation T85.7 - - mechanical T85.2 - - specified NEC T85.8 - intraperitoneal catheter (dialysis) (infusion) T85.9 - - infection or inflammation T85.7 - - mechanical T85.6 - - specified NEC T85.8 - intrauterine - - contraceptive device T83.9 - - - infection or inflammation T83.6 - - - mechanical T83.3 - - - specified NEC T83.8 - - procedure NEC, affecting fetus or newborn P96.5 - jejunostomy (stoma) K91.4 - joint prosthesis, internal (any site) T84.9 - - infection or inflammation T84.5 - - mechanical T84.0 - - specified NEC T84.8 - kidney transplant, failure or rejection (immune or nonimmune cause) T86.1 Complications------continued - labor O75.9 - - specified NEC O75.8 - liver transplant, failure or rejection (immune or nonimmune cause) T86.4 - lumbar puncture G97.1 - - cerebrospinal fluid leak G97.0 - - headache or reaction G97.1 - lung transplant, failure or rejection (immune or nonimmune cause) T86.8 - - and heart T86.3 - male genital N50.9 - - device, implant or graft T83.9 - - - infection or inflammation T83.6 - - - mechanical T83.4 - - - specified NEC T83.8 - - postprocedural or postoperative N99.9 - - - specified NEC N99.8 - mastoid (process) (postprocedural) H95.9 - - specified NEC H95.8 - mastoidectomy cavity NEC H95.1 - medical procedure T88.9 - - cardiac T81.8 - - - postprocedural (functional) (late) I97.9 - - - - specified NEC I97.8 - - circulatory T81.7 - - - postprocedural (functional) (late) I97.9 - - - - specified NEC I97.8 - - digestive system K91.9 - - - specified NEC K91.8 - - ear H95.9 - - - specified NEC H95.8 - - eye H59.9 - - - specified NEC H59.8 - - gastrointestinal K91.9 - - - specified NEC K91.8 - - mastoidectomy cavity NEC H95.1 - - musculoskeletal M96.9 - - - specified NEC M96.8 - - nervous system (central) (peripheral) G97.9 - - - specified NEC G97.8 - - peripheral vascular T81.7 - - respiratory J95.9 - - - specified NEC J95.8 - - urethral stricture N99.1 - - vascular T81.7 - - - postprocedural (functional) (late) I97.8 - metabolic E88.9 - - postoperative E89.9 - - - specified NEC E89.8 - musculoskeletal M79.9 - - postprocedural M96.9 - - - specified NEC M96.8 - nephrostomy (stoma) N99.5 - nervous system G98 - - central G96.9 - - device, implant or graft T85.9 - - - infection or inflammation T85.7 - - - mechanical T85.6 106

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Complications------continued - - - specified NEC T85.8 - - electronic stimulator (electrode(s)) T85.9 - - - infection or inflammation T85.7 - - - mechanical T85.1 - - - specified NEC T85.8 - - postprocedural G97.9 - - - specified NEC G97.8 - neurostimulator T85.9 - - infection or inflammation T85.7 - - mechanical T85.1 - - specified NEC T85.8 - nonabsorbable (permanent) sutures NEC T85.9 - - in bone repair NEC — see Complications, fixation device, internal - obstetric O75.9 - - procedure (instrumental) (manual) (surgical) specified NEC O75.4 - - specified NEC O75.8 - - surgical wound NEC O90.8 - - - hematoma O90.2 - - - infection O86.0 - organ or tissue transplant, failure or rejection (immune or nonimmune cause) (partial) (total) T86.9 - - bone T86.8 - - bone marrow T86.0 - - heart T86.2 - - - and lung(s) T86.3 - - intestine T86.8 - - kidney T86.1 - - liver T86.4 - - lung(s) T86.8 - - - and heart T86.3 - - pancreas T86.8 - - skin (allograft) (autograft) T86.8 - - specified NEC T86.8 - orthopedic M79.9 - - device, implant or graft T84.9 - - - infection or inflammation T84.7 - - - mechanical T84.3 - - - specified NEC T84.8 - - fracture (following insertion of implant, joint prosthesis, bone plate) M96.6 - - internal fixation (nail) (plate) (rod) T84.9 - - - infection or inflammation NEC T84.6 - - - mechanical NEC T84.2 - - - - bones of limb T84.1 - - - specified NEC T84.8 - - joint prosthesis T84.9 - - - infection or inflammation T84.5 - - - mechanical T84.0 - - - specified NEC T84.8 - pacemaker (cardiac) (electrode(s)) (pulse generator) T82.9 - - infection or inflammation T82.7 - - mechanical T82.1 - - specified NEC T82.8 Complications------continued - pancreas transplant, failure or rejection (immune or nonimmune cause) T86.8 - penile prosthesis (implant) T83.9 - - infection or inflammation T83.6 - - mechanical T83.4 - - specified NEC T83.8 - perfusion NEC T80.9 - perineal repair (obstetrical) NEC O90.8 - - disruption O90.1 - - hematoma O90.2 - - infection (following delivery) O86.0 - peripheral nerve device, implant or graft T85.9 - - electronic stimulator T85.9 - - - infection or inflammation T85.7 - - - mechanical T85.1 - - - specified NEC T85.8 - - infection or inflammation NEC T85.7 - - mechanical NEC T85.6 - - specified NEC T85.8 - phototherapy T88.9 - - specified NEC T88.8 - postmastoidectomy NEC H95.1 - - recurrent cholesteatoma H95.0 - postoperative (see also Complications, surgical procedure) T81.9 - - specified NEC T81.8 - postprocedural - - ear H95.9 - - - specified NEC H95.8 - - endocrine E89.9 - - - specified NEC E89.8 - - metabolic E89.9 - - - specified NEC E89.8 - pregnancy NEC (see also Pregnancy, complicated by) O26.9 - procedure (surgical or medical care) T88.9 Note: Whenever a complication of a procedure is not indexed or is not a synonym of an inclusion or indexed term, proceed as follows: Code to T80-T88: - early complications of medical procedure; - mechanical complications; Code to the appropriate system chapter: - late complications; - functional complications; - prosthetic device, graft or implant T85.9 - - breast T85.9 - - - infection or inflammation T85.7 - - - mechanical T85.4 - - - specified NEC T85.8 - - cardiac and vascular T82.9 - - eye T85.9 - - - infection or inflammation T85.7 107

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Complications------continued<br />

- - - prosthesis T82.9<br />

- - - - infection or inflammation T82.6<br />

- - - - mechanical T82.0<br />

- - - - specified NEC T82.8<br />

- hemodialysis — see Complications, dialysis<br />

- ileostomy (stoma) K91.4<br />

- immunization (procedure) — see Complications,<br />

vaccination<br />

- implant NEC — see Complications, by site<br />

<strong>and</strong> type<br />

- infusion (procedure) NEC T80.9<br />

- - blood — see Complications, transfusion<br />

- - catheter T82.9<br />

- - - infection or inflammation T82.7<br />

- - - mechanical T82.5<br />

- - - specified NEC T82.8<br />

- - infection NEC T80.2<br />

- - pump — see Complications, infusion,<br />

catheter<br />

- - sepsis NEC T80.2<br />

- inhalation therapy NEC T81.8<br />

- injection (procedure) T80.9<br />

- - drug reaction (see also Reaction, drug)<br />

T88.7<br />

- - infection NEC T80.2<br />

- - sepsis NEC T80.2<br />

- - serum (prophylactic) (therapeutic) — see<br />

Complications, vaccination<br />

- - vaccine (any) — see Complications,<br />

vaccination<br />

- inoculation (any) (see also Complications,<br />

vaccination) T80.9<br />

- internal device (catheter) (electronic)<br />

(fixation) (prosthetic) NEC — see<br />

Complications, by site <strong>and</strong> type<br />

- intraocular lens (prosthetic) T85.9<br />

- - infection or inflammation T85.7<br />

- - mechanical T85.2<br />

- - specified NEC T85.8<br />

- intraperitoneal catheter (dialysis) (infusion)<br />

T85.9<br />

- - infection or inflammation T85.7<br />

- - mechanical T85.6<br />

- - specified NEC T85.8<br />

- intrauterine<br />

- - contraceptive device T83.9<br />

- - - infection or inflammation T83.6<br />

- - - mechanical T83.3<br />

- - - specified NEC T83.8<br />

- - procedure NEC, affecting fetus or newborn<br />

P96.5<br />

- jejunostomy (stoma) K91.4<br />

- joint prosthesis, internal (any site) T84.9<br />

- - infection or inflammation T84.5<br />

- - mechanical T84.0<br />

- - specified NEC T84.8<br />

- kidney transplant, failure or rejection<br />

(immune or nonimmune cause) T86.1<br />

Complications------continued<br />

- labor O75.9<br />

- - specified NEC O75.8<br />

- liver transplant, failure or rejection<br />

(immune or nonimmune cause) T86.4<br />

- lumbar puncture G97.1<br />

- - cerebrospinal fluid leak G97.0<br />

- - headache or reaction G97.1<br />

- lung transplant, failure or rejection<br />

(immune or nonimmune cause) T86.8<br />

- - <strong>and</strong> heart T86.3<br />

- male genital N50.9<br />

- - device, implant or graft T83.9<br />

- - - infection or inflammation T83.6<br />

- - - mechanical T83.4<br />

- - - specified NEC T83.8<br />

- - postprocedural or postoperative N99.9<br />

- - - specified NEC N99.8<br />

- mastoid (process) (postprocedural) H95.9<br />

- - specified NEC H95.8<br />

- mastoidectomy cavity NEC H95.1<br />

- medical procedure T88.9<br />

- - cardiac T81.8<br />

- - - postprocedural (functional) (late) I97.9<br />

- - - - specified NEC I97.8<br />

- - circulatory T81.7<br />

- - - postprocedural (functional) (late) I97.9<br />

- - - - specified NEC I97.8<br />

- - digestive system K91.9<br />

- - - specified NEC K91.8<br />

- - ear H95.9<br />

- - - specified NEC H95.8<br />

- - eye H59.9<br />

- - - specified NEC H59.8<br />

- - gastrointestinal K91.9<br />

- - - specified NEC K91.8<br />

- - mastoidectomy cavity NEC H95.1<br />

- - musculoskeletal M96.9<br />

- - - specified NEC M96.8<br />

- - nervous system (central) (peripheral) G97.9<br />

- - - specified NEC G97.8<br />

- - peripheral vascular T81.7<br />

- - respiratory J95.9<br />

- - - specified NEC J95.8<br />

- - urethral stricture N99.1<br />

- - vascular T81.7<br />

- - - postprocedural (functional) (late) I97.8<br />

- metabolic E88.9<br />

- - postoperative E89.9<br />

- - - specified NEC E89.8<br />

- musculoskeletal M79.9<br />

- - postprocedural M96.9<br />

- - - specified NEC M96.8<br />

- nephrostomy (stoma) N99.5<br />

- nervous system G98<br />

- - central G96.9<br />

- - device, implant or graft T85.9<br />

- - - infection or inflammation T85.7<br />

- - - mechanical T85.6<br />


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