Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Clot (blood) — see also Embolism - artery (obstruction) (occlusion) (see also Embolism) I74.9 - bladder N32.8 - brain (intradural or extradural) (see also Occlusion, artery, cerebral) I66.9 - circulation I74.9 - coronary (see also Infarct, myocardium) I21.9 - - not resulting in infarction I24.0 - vein (see also Thrombosis) I82.9 Clouded state R40.1 - epileptic G40.8 - paroxysmal G40.8 Cloudy antrum, antra J32.0 Clouston's (hidrotic) ectodermal dysplasia Q82.8 Clubbed nail pachydermoperiostosis M89.4† L62.0* Clubbing of finger(s) (nails) R68.3 Clubfinger R68.3 - congenital Q68.1 Clubfoot (congenital) Q66.8 - acquired M21.5 - paralytic M21.5 Clubhand (congenital) (radial) Q71.4 - acquired M21.5 Clubnail R68.3 - congenital Q84.6 Clump, kidney Q63.1 Clumsiness, clumsy child syndrome F82 Cluttering F98.6 Clutton's joints A50.5† M03.1* Coagulation, intravascular (diffuse) (disseminated) (see also Defibrination) D65 - fetus or newborn P60 Coagulopathy (see also Defect, coagulation) D68.9 - consumption D65 - - newborn P60 Coalminer's - elbow M70.2 - lung or pneumoconiosis J60 Coalition - calcaneo-scaphoid Q66.8 - tarsal Q66.8 Coalworker's lung or pneumoconiosis J60 Coarctation of aorta (preductal) (postductal) Q25.1 Coated tongue K14.3 Coats' disease (exudative retinopathy) H35.0 Cocainism F14.2 Coccidioidomycosis, coccidioidosis B38.9 - cutaneous B38.3† L99.8* - disseminated B38.7 - generalized B38.7 - meninges B38.4† G02.1* Coccidioidomycosis, coccidioidosis----continued - prostate B38.8† N51.0* - pulmonary B38.2† J99.8* - - acute B38.0† J99.8* - - chronic B38.1† J99.8* - skin B38.3† L99.8* - specified NEC B38.8 Coccidiosis (intestinal) A07.3 Coccydynia, coccygodynia M53.3 Coccyx — see condition Cockayne's syndrome Q87.1 Cocked up toe M20.5 Cock's peculiar tumor L72.1 Codman's tumor (M9230/0) — see Neoplasm, bone, benign Coenurosis B71.8 Coffee-worker's lung J67.8 Cogan's syndrome H16.3 - oculomotor apraxia H51.8 Coitus, painful (female) N94.1 - male N48.8 - psychogenic F52.6 Cold J00 - with influenza, flu, or grippe (see also Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations) J11.1 - agglutinin disease or hemoglobinuria D59.1 - bronchial or chest — see Bronchitis - common (head) J00 - effects of T69.9 - - specified NEC T69.8 - excessive, effects of T69.9 - - specified NEC T69.8 - exhaustion from T69.8 - exposure to T69.9 - - specified effect NEC T69.8 - injury syndrome (newborn) P80.0 - sensitivity, auto-immune D59.1 - virus J00 Coldsore B00.1 Colibacillosis NEC A49.8 - generalized A41.5 Colic (recurrent) R10.4 - abdomen R10.4 - - psychogenic F45.3 - appendix, appendicular K38.8 - bile duct (see also Choledocholithiasis) K80.5 - biliary K80.5 - bilious R10.4 - common duct K80.5 - cystic duct (see also Cholelithiasis) K80.2 - Devonshire NEC T56.0 - flatulent R14 - gallbladder K80.2 - gallstone K80.2 - - gallbladder or cystic duct (see also Cholelithiasis) K80.2 100

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Colic------continued - hepatic (duct) (see also Choledocholithiasis) K80.5 - hysterical F45.3 - infantile R10.4 - intestinal R10.4 - kidney N23 - lead NEC T56.0 - nephritic N23 - painter's NEC T56.0 - psychogenic F45.3 - renal N23 - saturnine NEC T56.0 - spasmodic R10.4 - ureter N23 - urethral N36.8 - - due to calculus N21.1 - uterus NEC N94.8 - - menstrual (see also Dysmenorrhea) N94.6 Colicystitis (see also Cystitis) N30.8 Colitis (acute) (catarrhal) (hemorrhagic) (presumed infectious) (see also Enteritis, and note at category A09) A09 - allergic K52.2 - amebic (acute) (see also Amebiasis) A06.0 - - nondysenteric A06.2 - anthrax A22.2 - bacillary (see also Infection, Shigella) A03.9 - balantidial A07.0 - chronic (noninfective) K52.9 - coccidial A07.3 - cystica superficialis K52.8 - dietary counseling and surveillance (for) Z71.3 - dietetic K52.2 - due to radiation K52.0 - food hypersensitivity K52.2 - giardial A07.1 - granulomatous K50.1 - infectious (see also Enteritis, infectious) A09 - ischemic K55.9 - - acute (fulminant) (subacute) K55.0 - - chronic K55.1 - - fulminant (acute) K55.0 - noninfective K52.9 - - specified NEC K52.8 - polyposa K51.4 - presumed noninfective K52.9 - protozoal A07.9 - pseudomembranous A04.7 - regional K50.1 - septic (see also Enteritis, infectious) A09 - spastic K58.9 - - with diarrhea K58.0 - toxic K52.1 - trichomonal A07.8 - tuberculous (ulcerative) A18.3† K93.0* - ulcerative (chronic) K51.9 - - specified NEC K51.8 Collagenosis, collagen disease (nonvascular) (vascular) M35.9 - cardiovascular I42.8 - reactive perforating L87.1 - specified NEC M35.8 Collapse R55 - adrenal E27.2 - cardiorenal I13.2 - cardiorespiratory R57.0 - cardiovascular R57.9 - - newborn P29.8 - circulatory (peripheral) R57.9 - - during or after labor and delivery O75.1 - - fetus or newborn P29.8 - - following - - - abortion (subsequent episode) O08.3 - - - - current episode — see Abortion - - - ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.3 - during or after labor and delivery O75.1 - external ear canal H61.3 - general R55 - heart I50.9 - heat T67.1 - hysterical F44.8 - labyrinth, membranous (congenital) Q16.5 - lung (massive) (see also Atelectasis) J98.1 - - pressure due to anesthesia (general) (local) or other sedation T88.2 - - - during labor and delivery O74.1 - - - in pregnancy O29.0 - - - postpartum, puerperal O89.0 - myocardial — see Disease, heart - nervous F48.8 - neurocirculatory F45.3 - nose M95.0 - postoperative (cardiovascular) T81.1 - pulmonary (see also Atelectasis) J98.1 - trachea J39.8 - tracheobronchial J98.0 - valvular — see Endocarditis - vascular (peripheral) R57.9 - - cerebral I64 - - during or after labor and delivery O75.1 - - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.8 - - fetus or newborn P29.8 - vertebra NEC M48.5 - - in (due to) - - - metastasis (M8000/6) C79.5† M49.5* - - - osteoporosis (see also Osteoporosis) M80.9 Colles' fracture S52.5 Collet(-Sicard) syndrome G52.7 Collier's asthma or lung J60 Collodion baby Q80.2 Colloid nodule (cystic) (of thyroid) E04.1 Coloboma Q13.0 - eyelid Q10.3 - fundus Q14.8 - iris Q13.0 101

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Clot (blood) — see also Embolism<br />

- artery (obstruction) (occlusion) (see also<br />

Embolism) I74.9<br />

- bladder N32.8<br />

- brain (intradural or extradural) (see also<br />

Occlusion, artery, cerebral) I66.9<br />

- circulation I74.9<br />

- coronary (see also Infarct, myocardium) I21.9<br />

- - not resulting in infarction I24.0<br />

- vein (see also Thrombosis) I82.9<br />

Clouded state R40.1<br />

- epileptic G40.8<br />

- paroxysmal G40.8<br />

Cloudy antrum, antra J32.0<br />

Clouston's (hidrotic) ectodermal dysplasia<br />

Q82.8<br />

Clubbed nail pachydermoperiostosis<br />

M89.4† L62.0*<br />

Clubbing of finger(s) (nails) R68.3<br />

Clubfinger R68.3<br />

- congenital Q68.1<br />

Clubfoot (congenital) Q66.8<br />

- acquired M21.5<br />

- paralytic M21.5<br />

Clubh<strong>and</strong> (congenital) (radial) Q71.4<br />

- acquired M21.5<br />

Clubnail R68.3<br />

- congenital Q84.6<br />

Clump, kidney Q63.1<br />

Clumsiness, clumsy child syndrome F82<br />

Cluttering F98.6<br />

Clutton's joints A50.5† M03.1*<br />

Coagulation, intravascular (diffuse)<br />

(disseminated) (see also Defibrination) D65<br />

- fetus or newborn P60<br />

Coagulopathy (see also Defect, coagulation)<br />

D68.9<br />

- consumption D65<br />

- - newborn P60<br />

Coalminer's<br />

- elbow M70.2<br />

- lung or pneumoconiosis J60<br />

Coalition<br />

- calcaneo-scaphoid Q66.8<br />

- tarsal Q66.8<br />

Coalworker's lung or pneumoconiosis J60<br />

Coarctation of aorta (preductal)<br />

(postductal) Q25.1<br />

Coated tongue K14.3<br />

Coats' disease (exudative retinopathy) H35.0<br />

Cocainism F14.2<br />

Coccidioidomycosis, coccidioidosis B38.9<br />

- cutaneous B38.3† L99.8*<br />

- disseminated B38.7<br />

- generalized B38.7<br />

- meninges B38.4† G02.1*<br />

Coccidioidomycosis, coccidioidosis----continued<br />

- prostate B38.8† N51.0*<br />

- pulmonary B38.2† J99.8*<br />

- - acute B38.0† J99.8*<br />

- - chronic B38.1† J99.8*<br />

- skin B38.3† L99.8*<br />

- specified NEC B38.8<br />

Coccidiosis (intestinal) A07.3<br />

Coccydynia, coccygodynia M53.3<br />

Coccyx — see condition<br />

Cockayne's syndrome Q87.1<br />

Cocked up toe M20.5<br />

Cock's peculiar tumor L72.1<br />

Codman's tumor (M9230/0) — see Neoplasm,<br />

bone, benign<br />

Coenurosis B71.8<br />

Coffee-worker's lung J67.8<br />

Cogan's syndrome H16.3<br />

- oculomotor apraxia H51.8<br />

Coitus, painful (female) N94.1<br />

- male N48.8<br />

- psychogenic F52.6<br />

Cold J00<br />

- with influenza, flu, or grippe (see also Influenza,<br />

with, respiratory manifestations) J11.1<br />

- agglutinin disease or hemoglobinuria D59.1<br />

- bronchial or chest — see Bronchitis<br />

- common (head) J00<br />

- effects of T69.9<br />

- - specified NEC T69.8<br />

- excessive, effects of T69.9<br />

- - specified NEC T69.8<br />

- exhaustion from T69.8<br />

- exposure to T69.9<br />

- - specified effect NEC T69.8<br />

- injury syndrome (newborn) P80.0<br />

- sensitivity, auto-immune D59.1<br />

- virus J00<br />

Coldsore B00.1<br />

Colibacillosis NEC A49.8<br />

- generalized A41.5<br />

Colic (recurrent) R10.4<br />

- abdomen R10.4<br />

- - psychogenic F45.3<br />

- appendix, appendicular K38.8<br />

- bile duct (see also Choledocholithiasis) K80.5<br />

- biliary K80.5<br />

- bilious R10.4<br />

- common duct K80.5<br />

- cystic duct (see also Cholelithiasis) K80.2<br />

- Devonshire NEC T56.0<br />

- flatulent R14<br />

- gallbladder K80.2<br />

- gallstone K80.2<br />

- - gallbladder or cystic duct (see also<br />

Cholelithiasis) K80.2<br />


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