Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Cicatricial (deformity) — see Cicatrix Cicatrix (adherent) (contracted) (painful) (vicious) (see also Scar) L90.5 - adenoid (and tonsil) J35.8 - anus K62.8 - auricle H61.1 - bile duct (common) (hepatic) K83.8 - bladder N32.8 - bone M89.8 - brain G93.8 - cervix (postoperative) (postpartal) N88.1 - common duct K83.8 - cornea H17.9 - - tuberculous A18.5† H19.8* - duodenum (bulb), obstructive K31.5 - eyelid H02.5 - hypopharynx J39.2 - lacrimal passages H04.5 - larynx J38.7 - lung J98.4 - middle ear H74.8 - mouth K13.7 - muscle M62.8 - - with contracture M62.4 - nasopharynx J39.2 - palate (soft) K13.7 - penis N48.8 - pharynx J39.2 - prostate N42.8 - rectum K62.8 - retina H31.0 - semilunar cartilage — see Derangement, meniscus - seminal vesicle N50.8 - skin L90.5 - - infected L08.8 - - postinfective L90.5 - - tuberculous B90.8 - throat J39.2 - tongue K14.8 - tonsil (and adenoid) J35.8 - trachea J39.8 - tuberculous NEC B90.9 - urethra N36.8 - uterus N85.8 - vagina N89.8 - - postoperative N99.2 - vocal cord J38.3 CIN — see Neoplasia, intraepithelial, cervix Cinchonism - correct substance properly administered H91.0 - overdose or wrong substance given or taken T37.2 Circle of Willis — see condition Circular — see condition Circulating anticoagulants D68.3 - following childbirth O72.3 Circulation - collateral, any site I99 - defective I99 - - congenital Q28.9 - failure (peripheral) R57.9 - - fetus or newborn P29.8 - fetal, persistent P29.3 - heart, incomplete Q28.9 Circulatory system — see condition Circulus senilis (cornea) H18.4 Circumcision (in absence of medical indication) (ritual) (routine) Z41.2 Circumscribed — see condition Circumvallate placenta (see also Placenta, abnormal) O43.1 Cirrhosis, cirrhotic (hepatic) K74.6 - alcoholic K70.3 - atrophic — see Cirrhosis, liver - Baumgarten-Cruveilhier K74.6 - biliary (cholangiolitic) (cholangitic) (hypertrophic) (obstructive) (pericholangiolitic) K74.5 - - primary K74.3 - - secondary K74.4 - cardiac (of liver) K76.1 - Charcot's K74.3 - cholangiolitic, cholangitic, cholostatic (primary) K74.3 - congestive K76.1 - Cruveilhier-Baumgarten K74.6 - cryptogenic — see Cirrhosis, liver - dietary K74.6 - Hanot's (hypertrophic) K74.3 - hypertrophic K74.3 - Indian childhood K74.6 - kidney — see Sclerosis, renal - Laennec's K70.3 - - non alcoholic K74.6 - liver (chronic) (hepatolienal) (hypertrophic) (nodular) (splenomegalic) K74.6 - - alcoholic K70.3 - - congenital P78.8 - - syphilitic A52.7† K77.0* - lung (chronic) — see Fibrosis, lung - macronodular K74.6 - - alcoholic K70.3 - micronodular K74.6 - - alcoholic K70.3 - mixed type K74.6 - monolobular K74.3 - nodular K74.6 - nutritional K74.6 - - alcoholic K70.3 - obstructive (intrahepatic) (secondary) — see Cirrhosis, biliary - pancreas (duct) K86.8 - periportal K74.6 - portal K74.6 - - alcoholic K70.3 98

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Cirrhosis, cirrhotic------continued - posthepatitic K74.6 - postnecrotic K74.6 - - alcoholic K70.3 - pulmonary — see Fibrosis, lung - septal K74.6 - stasis K76.1 - Todd's K74.3 - trabecular K74.6 - unilobar K74.3 Citrullinemia E72.2 Citrullinuria E72.2 Civatte's disease or poikiloderma L57.3 Clammy skin R23.1 Clap — see Gonorrhea Clastothrix L67.8 Claude Bernard-Horner syndrome G90.2 - traumatic S14.5 Claude's disease or syndrome I66.8† G46.3* Claudication, intermittent I73.9 - cerebral (artery) G45.9 - spinal cord (arteriosclerotic) G95.1 - syphilitic A52.0† I79.8* - venous I87.8 Claustrophobia F40.2 Clavus (infected) L84 Clawfoot (congenital) Q66.8 - acquired M21.5 Clawhand (acquired) M21.5 - congenital Q68.1 Clawtoe (congenital) Q66.8 - acquired M20.5 Cleansing of artificial opening — see Attention, artificial, opening Cleft (congenital) — see also Imperfect, closure - alveolar process K08.8 - branchial (cyst) (persistent) Q18.2 - cricoid cartilage, posterior Q31.8 - lip (unilateral) Q36.9 - - median Q36.1 - - with cleft palate Q37.9 - - - hard Q37.1 - - - - and soft Q37.5 - - - soft Q37.3 - - bilateral Q36.0 - - - with cleft palate Q37.8 - - - - hard Q37.0 - - - - - and soft Q37.4 - - - - soft Q37.2 - nose Q30.2 - palate Q35.9 - - with cleft lip (unilateral) Q37.9 - - - bilateral Q37.8 - - hard Q35.1 - - - with cleft - - - - lip (unilateral) Q37.1 Cleft------continued - - - - - bilateral Q37.0 - - - - soft palate Q35.5 - - - - - with cleft lip (unilateral) Q37.5 - - - - - - bilateral Q37.4 - - medial Q35.5 - - soft Q35.3 - - - with cleft - - - - hard palate Q35.5 - - - - - with cleft lip (unilateral) Q37.5 - - - - - - bilateral Q37.4 - - - - lip (unilateral) Q37.3 - - - - - bilateral Q37.2 - penis Q55.6 - scrotum Q55.2 - thyroid cartilage Q31.8 - uvula Q35.7 Cleidocranial dysostosis Q74.0 Cleidotomy, fetus or newborn P03.8 - to facilitate delivery O83.4 Clicking hip (newborn) R29.4 Climacteric (see also Menopause) N95.1 - arthritis (any site) NEC M13.8 - depression (single episode) F32.8 - disease (female) N95.1 - male (symptoms) (syndrome) NEC N50.8 - paranoid state F22.8 - polyarthritis NEC M13.8 - symptoms (female) N95.1 Clinical research investigation (control subject) Z00.6 Clitoris — see condition Cloaca (persistent) Q43.7 Clonorchiasis, clonorchis infection B66.1 - liver B66.1† K77.0* Clonus R25.8 Clostridium perfringens, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.7 Closure - cranial sutures, premature Q75.0 - defective or imperfect NEC — see Imperfect, closure - fistula, delayed — see Fistula - foramen ovale, imperfect Q21.1 - hymen N89.6 - interauricular septum, defective Q21.1 - interventricular septum, defective Q21.0 - lacrimal duct H04.5 - - congenital Q10.5 - nose, congenital Q30.0 - of artificial opening — see Attention, artificial, opening - vagina N89.5 - valve — see Endocarditis - vulva N90.5 99

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Cirrhosis, cirrhotic------continued<br />

- posthepatitic K74.6<br />

- postnecrotic K74.6<br />

- - alcoholic K70.3<br />

- pulmonary — see Fibrosis, lung<br />

- septal K74.6<br />

- stasis K76.1<br />

- Todd's K74.3<br />

- trabecular K74.6<br />

- unilobar K74.3<br />

Citrullinemia E72.2<br />

Citrullinuria E72.2<br />

Civatte's disease or poikiloderma L57.3<br />

Clammy skin R23.1<br />

Clap — see Gonorrhea<br />

Clastothrix L67.8<br />

Claude Bernard-Horner syndrome G90.2<br />

- traumatic S14.5<br />

Claude's disease or syndrome I66.8† G46.3*<br />

Claudication, intermittent I73.9<br />

- cerebral (artery) G45.9<br />

- spinal cord (arteriosclerotic) G95.1<br />

- syphilitic A52.0† I79.8*<br />

- venous I87.8<br />

Claustrophobia F40.2<br />

Clavus (infected) L84<br />

Clawfoot (congenital) Q66.8<br />

- acquired M21.5<br />

Clawh<strong>and</strong> (acquired) M21.5<br />

- congenital Q68.1<br />

Clawtoe (congenital) Q66.8<br />

- acquired M20.5<br />

Cleansing of artificial opening — see<br />

Attention, artificial, opening<br />

Cleft (congenital) — see also Imperfect,<br />

closure<br />

- alveolar process K08.8<br />

- branchial (cyst) (persistent) Q18.2<br />

- cricoid cartilage, posterior Q31.8<br />

- lip (unilateral) Q36.9<br />

- - median Q36.1<br />

- - with cleft palate Q37.9<br />

- - - hard Q37.1<br />

- - - - <strong>and</strong> soft Q37.5<br />

- - - soft Q37.3<br />

- - bilateral Q36.0<br />

- - - with cleft palate Q37.8<br />

- - - - hard Q37.0<br />

- - - - - <strong>and</strong> soft Q37.4<br />

- - - - soft Q37.2<br />

- nose Q30.2<br />

- palate Q35.9<br />

- - with cleft lip (unilateral) Q37.9<br />

- - - bilateral Q37.8<br />

- - hard Q35.1<br />

- - - with cleft<br />

- - - - lip (unilateral) Q37.1<br />

Cleft------continued<br />

- - - - - bilateral Q37.0<br />

- - - - soft palate Q35.5<br />

- - - - - with cleft lip (unilateral) Q37.5<br />

- - - - - - bilateral Q37.4<br />

- - medial Q35.5<br />

- - soft Q35.3<br />

- - - with cleft<br />

- - - - hard palate Q35.5<br />

- - - - - with cleft lip (unilateral) Q37.5<br />

- - - - - - bilateral Q37.4<br />

- - - - lip (unilateral) Q37.3<br />

- - - - - bilateral Q37.2<br />

- penis Q55.6<br />

- scrotum Q55.2<br />

- thyroid cartilage Q31.8<br />

- uvula Q35.7<br />

Cleidocranial dysostosis Q74.0<br />

Cleidotomy, fetus or newborn P03.8<br />

- to facilitate delivery O83.4<br />

Clicking hip (newborn) R29.4<br />

Climacteric (see also Menopause) N95.1<br />

- arthritis (any site) NEC M13.8<br />

- depression (single episode) F32.8<br />

- disease (female) N95.1<br />

- male (symptoms) (syndrome) NEC N50.8<br />

- paranoid state F22.8<br />

- polyarthritis NEC M13.8<br />

- symptoms (female) N95.1<br />

Clinical research investigation (control<br />

subject) Z00.6<br />

Clitoris — see condition<br />

Cloaca (persistent) Q43.7<br />

Clonorchiasis, clonorchis infection B66.1<br />

- liver B66.1† K77.0*<br />

Clonus R25.8<br />

Clostridium perfringens, as cause of<br />

disease classified elsewhere B96.7<br />

Closure<br />

- cranial sutures, premature Q75.0<br />

- defective or imperfect NEC — see Imperfect,<br />

closure<br />

- fistula, delayed — see Fistula<br />

- foramen ovale, imperfect Q21.1<br />

- hymen N89.6<br />

- interauricular septum, defective Q21.1<br />

- interventricular septum, defective Q21.0<br />

- lacrimal duct H04.5<br />

- - congenital Q10.5<br />

- nose, congenital Q30.0<br />

- of artificial opening — see Attention, artificial,<br />

opening<br />

- vagina N89.5<br />

- valve — see Endocarditis<br />

- vulva N90.5<br />


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