Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Carcinoma------continued - renal cell (M8312/3) C64 - reserve cell (M8041/3) - round cell (M8041/3) - Schmincke (M8082/3) — see Neoplasm, nasopharynx, malignant - Schneiderian (M8121/3) - - specified site — see Neoplasm, malignant - - unspecified site C30.0 - scirrhous (M8141/3) - sebaceous (M8410/3) — see Neoplasm, skin, malignant - secondary (M8010/6) — see Neoplasm, secondary - secretory, breast (M8502/3) — see Neoplasm, breast, malignant - serous (M8441/3) - - papillary (M8460/3) - - - specified site — see Neoplasm, malignant - - - unspecified site C56 - - surface, papillary (M8461/3) - - - specified site — see Neoplasm, malignant - - - unspecified site C56 - Sertoli cell (M8640/3) - - specified site — see Neoplasm, malignant - - unspecified site C62.9 - - - female C56 - - - male C62.9 - signet ring cell (M8490/3) - - metastatic (M8490/6) — see Neoplasm, secondary - simplex (M8231/3) - skin appendage (M8390/3) — see Neoplasm, skin, malignant - small cell (M8041/3) - - fusiform cell (M8043/3) - - - specified site — see Neoplasm, malignant - - - unspecified site C34.9 - - intermediate cell (M8044/3) - - - specified site — see Neoplasm, malignant - - - unspecified site C34.9 - - large cell (M8045/3) - - - specified site — see Neoplasm, malignant - - - unspecified site C34.9 - - squamous cell, nonkeratinizing (M8073/3) - solid (M8230/3) - spheroidal cell (M8010/3) - spindle cell (M8032/3) - - with giant cell (M8030/3) - spinous cell (M8070/3) - squamous (cell) (M8070/3) - - with adenocarcinoma, mixed (M8560/3) - - adenoid (M8075/3) - - keratinizing, large cell (M8071/3) - - large cell, nonkeratinizing (M8072/3) - - metastatic (M8070/6) — see Neoplasm, secondary - - microinvasive (M8076/3) - - - specified site — see Neoplasm, malignant Carcinoma------continued - - - unspecified site C53.9 - - nonkeratinizing (large cell) (M8072/3) - - papillary (M8052/3) - - pseudoglandular (M8075/3) - - small cell, nonkeratinizing (M8073/3) - - spindle cell (M8074/3) - - verrucous (M8051/3) - superficial spreading (M8143/3) - sweat gland (M8400/3) — see Neoplasm, skin, malignant - theca cell (M8600/3) C56 - thymic (M8580/3) C37 - trabecular (M8190/3) - transitional (cell) (M8120/3) - - papillary (M8130/3) - - spindle cell (M8122/3) - tubular (M8211/3) - undifferentiated (M8020/3) - urothelial (M8120/3) - verrucous (epidermoid) (squamous cell) (M8051/3) - villous (M8262/3) - water-clear cell (M8322/3) C75.0 - wolffian duct (M9110/3) Carcinoma in situ (M8010/2) — see also Neoplasm, in situ - breast NEC D05.9 - epidermoid (M8070/2) — see also Neoplasm, in situ - - with questionable stromal invasion (M8076/2) - - - cervix D06.9 - - - specified site NEC — see Neoplasm, in situ - - - unspecified site D06.9 - - Bowen's type (M8081/2) — see Neoplasm, skin, in situ - in - - adenomatous polyp (M8210/2) - - polyp NEC (M8210/2) - intraductal (M8500/2) - - breast D05.1 - - specified site NEC — see Neoplasm, in situ - - unspecified site D05.1 - lobular (M8520/2) - - with - - - infiltrating duct (M8522/3) - - - - breast C50.9 - - - - specified site NEC — see Neoplasm, malignant - - - - unspecified site C50.9 - - - intraductal (M8522/2) - - - - breast D05.7 - - - - specified site NEC — see Neoplasm, in situ - - - - unspecified site D05.7 - - breast D05.0 - - specified site NEC — see Neoplasm, in situ - - unspecified site D05.0 - papillary (M8050/2) — see Neoplasm, in situ - squamous cell (M8070/2) — see also Neoplasm, in situ 88

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Carcinoma------continued - - with questionable stromal invasion (M8076/2) - - - cervix D06.9 - - - specified site NEC — see Neoplasm, in situ - - - unspecified site D06.9 - transitional cell (M8120/2) — see Neoplasm, in situ Carcinomaphobia F45.2 Carcinomatosis - peritonei (M8010/6) C78.6 - specified site NEC (M8010/3) — see Neoplasm, malignant - unspecified site (M8010/6) C80 Carcinosarcoma (M8980/3) — see Neoplasm, malignant - embryonal (M8981/3) — see Neoplasm, malignant Cardia, cardial — see condition Cardiac — see also condition - death, sudden I46.1 - pacemaker - - in situ Z95.0 - - management or adjustment Z45.0 - tamponade I31.9 Cardialgia (see also Pain, precordial) R07.2 Cardiectasis — see Hypertrophy, cardiac Cardiochalasia K21.9 Cardiomegalia glycogenica diffusa E74.0† I43.1* Cardiomegaly (see also Hypertrophy, cardiac) I51.7 - congenital Q24.8 - glycogen E74.0† I43.1* - idiopathic I51.7 Cardiomyopathy (familial) (idiopathic) I42.9 - alcoholic I42.6 - amyloid E85.4† I43.1* - arteriosclerotic I25.1 - beriberi E51.1† I43.2* - complicating pregnancy O99.4 - congenital I42.4 - congestive I42.0 - constrictive NEC I42.5 - dilated I42.0 - due to - - alcohol I42.6 - - drugs I42.7 - - external agents NEC I42.7 - hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) I11.9 - hypertrophic (nonobstructive) I42.2 - - obstructive I42.1 - - - congenital Q24.8 - in - - Chagas' disease (chronic) B57.2† I41.2* - - - acute B57.0† I41.2* Cardiomyopathy------continued - - sarcoidosis D86.8† I43.8* - ischemic I25.5 - metabolic E88.9† I43.1* - nutritional E63.9† I43.2* - obscure of Africa I42.8 - postpartum O90.3 - restrictive NEC I42.5 - rheumatic I09.0 - secondary I42.9 - thyrotoxic E05.9† I43.8* - tuberculous A18.8† I43.0* - viral B33.2† I43.0* Cardionephritis (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) I13.9 Cardionephropathy (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) I13.9 Cardionephrosis (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) I13.9 Cardiopathy (see also Disease, heart) I51.9 - idiopathic I42.9 - mucopolysaccharidosis E76.3† I52.8* Cardiopericarditis (see also Pericarditis) I31.9 Cardiophobia F45.2 Cardiorenal — see condition Cardiorrhexis (see also Infarct, myocardium) I21.9 Cardiosclerosis I25.1 Cardiosis — see Disease, heart Cardiospasm (esophagus) (reflex) (stomach) K22.0 - congenital (without mention of megaesophagus) Q40.2 - - with megaesophagus Q39.5 Cardiostenosis — see Disease, heart Cardiovascular — see condition Carditis (acute) (chronic) (subacute) I51.8 - meningococcal A39.5† I52.0* - rheumatic — see Disease, heart, rheumatic - rheumatoid M05.3† I52.8* - viral B33.2† I52.1* Care (of) (for) (following) - child (routine) Z76.2 - family member (handicapped) (sick) Z63.6 - foundling Z76.1 - holiday relief Z75.5 - improper T74.0 - lack of (at or after birth) (infant) T74.0 - lactating mother Z39.1 - orthodontic Z51.8 - palliative Z51.5 - postpartum - - immediately after delivery Z39.0 - - routine follow-up Z39.2 - pregnancy — see Maternal care - preparatory, for subsequent treatment Z51.4 - - for dialysis Z49.0 89

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Carcinoma------continued<br />

- - with questionable stromal invasion<br />

(M8076/2)<br />

- - - cervix D06.9<br />

- - - specified site NEC — see Neoplasm,<br />

in situ<br />

- - - unspecified site D06.9<br />

- transitional cell (M8120/2) — see Neoplasm,<br />

in situ<br />

Carcinomaphobia F45.2<br />

Carcinomatosis<br />

- peritonei (M8010/6) C78.6<br />

- specified site NEC (M8010/3) — see<br />

Neoplasm, malignant<br />

- unspecified site (M8010/6) C80<br />

Carcinosarcoma (M8980/3) — see<br />

Neoplasm, malignant<br />

- embryonal (M8981/3) — see Neoplasm,<br />

malignant<br />

Cardia, cardial — see condition<br />

Cardiac — see also condition<br />

- death, sudden I46.1<br />

- pacemaker<br />

- - in situ Z95.0<br />

- - management or adjustment Z45.0<br />

- tamponade I31.9<br />

Cardialgia (see also Pain, precordial) R07.2<br />

Cardiectasis — see Hypertrophy, cardiac<br />

Cardiochalasia K21.9<br />

Cardiomegalia glycogenica diffusa<br />

E74.0† I43.1*<br />

Cardiomegaly (see also Hypertrophy, cardiac)<br />

I51.7<br />

- congenital Q24.8<br />

- glycogen E74.0† I43.1*<br />

- idiopathic I51.7<br />

Cardiomyopathy (familial) (idiopathic) I42.9<br />

- alcoholic I42.6<br />

- amyloid E85.4† I43.1*<br />

- arteriosclerotic I25.1<br />

- beriberi E51.1† I43.2*<br />

- complicating pregnancy O99.4<br />

- congenital I42.4<br />

- congestive I42.0<br />

- constrictive NEC I42.5<br />

- dilated I42.0<br />

- due to<br />

- - alcohol I42.6<br />

- - drugs I42.7<br />

- - external agents NEC I42.7<br />

- hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart)<br />

I11.9<br />

- hypertrophic (nonobstructive) I42.2<br />

- - obstructive I42.1<br />

- - - congenital Q24.8<br />

- in<br />

- - Chagas' disease (chronic) B57.2† I41.2*<br />

- - - acute B57.0† I41.2*<br />

Cardiomyopathy------continued<br />

- - sarcoidosis D86.8† I43.8*<br />

- ischemic I25.5<br />

- metabolic E88.9† I43.1*<br />

- nutritional E63.9† I43.2*<br />

- obscure of Africa I42.8<br />

- postpartum O90.3<br />

- restrictive NEC I42.5<br />

- rheumatic I09.0<br />

- secondary I42.9<br />

- thyrotoxic E05.9† I43.8*<br />

- tuberculous A18.8† I43.0*<br />

- viral B33.2† I43.0*<br />

Cardionephritis (see also Hypertension,<br />

cardiorenal) I13.9<br />

Cardionephropathy (see also Hypertension,<br />

cardiorenal) I13.9<br />

Cardionephrosis (see also Hypertension,<br />

cardiorenal) I13.9<br />

Cardiopathy (see also Disease, heart) I51.9<br />

- idiopathic I42.9<br />

- mucopolysaccharidosis E76.3† I52.8*<br />

Cardiopericarditis (see also Pericarditis) I31.9<br />

Cardiophobia F45.2<br />

Cardiorenal — see condition<br />

Cardiorrhexis (see also Infarct, myocardium)<br />

I21.9<br />

Cardiosclerosis I25.1<br />

Cardiosis — see Disease, heart<br />

Cardiospasm (esophagus) (reflex) (stomach)<br />

K22.0<br />

- congenital (without mention of megaesophagus)<br />

Q40.2<br />

- - with megaesophagus Q39.5<br />

Cardiostenosis — see Disease, heart<br />

Cardiovascular — see condition<br />

Carditis (acute) (chronic) (subacute) I51.8<br />

- meningococcal A39.5† I52.0*<br />

- rheumatic — see Disease, heart, rheumatic<br />

- rheumatoid M05.3† I52.8*<br />

- viral B33.2† I52.1*<br />

Care (of) (for) (following)<br />

- child (routine) Z76.2<br />

- family member (h<strong>and</strong>icapped) (sick) Z63.6<br />

- foundling Z76.1<br />

- holiday relief Z75.5<br />

- improper T74.0<br />

- lack of (at or after birth) (infant) T74.0<br />

- lactating mother Z39.1<br />

- orthodontic Z51.8<br />

- palliative Z51.5<br />

- postpartum<br />

- - immediately after delivery Z39.0<br />

- - routine follow-up Z39.2<br />

- pregnancy — see Maternal care<br />

- preparatory, for subsequent treatment Z51.4<br />

- - for dialysis Z49.0<br />


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