Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Barotitis T70.0 Barotrauma T70.2 - odontalgia T70.2 - otitic T70.0 - sinus T70.1 Barraquer(-Simons) disease or syndrome E88.1 Barré-Guillain disease or syndrome G61.0 Barrel chest M95.4 Barrett's - disease K22.7 - esophagus K22.7 - syndrome K22.7 - ulcer K22.1 Bartholinitis (suppurating) N75.8 - gonococcal (acute) (chronic) (with abscess) A54.1 Bartonellosis A44.9 - cutaneous A44.1 - mucocutaneous A44.1 - specified NEC A44.8 - systemic A44.0 Bartter's syndrome E26.8 Basal — see condition Baseball finger S63.1 Basedow's disease E05.0 Basic — see condition Basilar — see condition Basophilia D75.8 Basophilism (cortico-adrenal) (Cushing's) (pituitary) E24.0 Bassen-Kornzweig disease or syndrome E78.6 Bat ear Q17.5 Bateman's disease B08.1 Bathing cramp T75.1 Bathophobia F40.2 Batten(-Mayou) disease E75.4 - retina E75.4† H36.8* Battered - baby or child (syndrome) NEC T74.1 - spouse syndrome T74.1 Battey mycobacterium infection A31.0 Battle exhaustion F43.0 Battledore placenta — see Placenta, abnormal Baumgarten-Cruveilhier cirrhosis, disease or syndrome K74.6 Bauxite fibrosis (of lung) J63.1 Bayle's disease (general paresis) A52.1 Bazin's disease (primary) (tuberculous) A18.4 Beach ear H60.3 Beaded hair (congenital) Q84.1 Béal conjunctivitis or syndrome B30.2† H13.1* Beard's disease F48.0 Beat(s) - atrial, premature I49.1 - ectopic I49.4 - elbow M70.3 - escaped, heart I49.4 - hand M70.1 - knee M70.5 - premature I49.4 - - atrial I49.1 Beau's lines L60.4 Bechterev's syndrome M45 Becker's - cardiomyopathy I42.8 - dystrophy G71.0 - pigmented hairy nevus (M8720/0) D22.5 Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome Q87.3 Bedclothes, asphyxiation or suffocation by T71 Bedfast, requiring health care provider Z74.0 Bednar's - aphthae K12.0 - tumor (M8833/3) — see Neoplasm, malignant Bedsore L89 Bedwetting (see also Enuresis) R32 Bee sting (with allergic or anaphylactic shock) T63.4 Beer drinker's heart (disease) I42.6 Behavior - antisocial, child or adolescent Z72.8 - disorder, disturbance — see Disorder, conduct - disruptive (see also Disorder, conduct) F91.8 - inexplicable R46.2 - marked evasiveness R46.5 - overactivity R46.3 - poor responsiveness R46.4 - self-damaging (lifestyle) Z72.8 - slowness R46.4 - specified NEC R46.8 - strange (and inexplicable) R46.2 - suspiciousness R46.5 - type A pattern Z73.1 - undue concern or preoccupation with stressful events R46.6 - verbosity and circumstantial detail obscuring reason for contact R46.7 Behçet's disease or syndrome M35.2 Behr's disease H35.5 Beigel's disease B36.8 Bejel A65 Bekhterev's syndrome M45 Belching (see also Eructation) R14 Bell's - mania F30.8 - palsy, paralysis G51.0 - spasm G51.3 Bence Jones albuminuria or proteinuria NEC R80 70

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Bends T70.3 Benedikt's paralysis or syndrome I67.9† G46.3* Bennett's fracture S62.2 Benson's disease H43.2 Bent - back (hysterical) F44.4 - nose M95.0 - - congenital Q67.4 Bereavement (uncomplicated) Z63.4 Bergeron's disease (hysterical chorea) F44.4 Berger's disease — see Nephropathy, IgA Beriberi (dry) E51.1 - wet E51.1 - - involving circulatory system E51.1† I98.8* - - polyneuropathy E51.1† G63.4* Berlin's disease or edema (traumatic) S05.8 Berlock (berloque) dermatitis L56.2 Bernard-Horner syndrome G90.2 Bernard-Soulier disease or thrombopathia D69.1 Bernhardt(-Roth) disease or paresthesia G57.1 Bernheim's syndrome (see also Failure, heart, congestive) I50.0 Bertielliasis B71.8 Berylliosis (lung) J63.2 Besnier-Boeck(-Schaumann) disease (see also Sarcoidosis) D86.9 Besnier's - lupus pernio D86.3 - prurigo L20.0 Bestiality F65.8 Best's disease H35.5 Betalipoproteinemia, broad or floating E78.2 Betting and gambling Z72.6 - pathological (compulsive) F63.0 Bezoar T18.9 - intestine T18.3 - stomach T18.2 Bezold's abscess H70.0 Bianchi's syndrome R48.8 Bicornate or bicornis uterus Q51.3 - in pregnancy or childbirth O34.0 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.8 - - causing obstructed labor O65.5 Bicuspid aortic valve Q23.1 Biedl-Bardet syndrome Q87.8 Bielschowsky(-Jansky) disease E75.4 Biermer's anemia or disease D51.0 Biett's disease L93.0 Bifid (congenital) - apex, heart Q24.8 - clitoris Q52.6 - kidney Q63.8 - nose Q30.2 - patella Q74.1 - scrotum Q55.2 - toe NEC Q74.2 - tongue Q38.3 - ureter Q62.8 - uterus Q51.3 - uvula Q35.7 Biforis uterus (suprasimplex) Q51.3 Bifurcation (congenital) - gallbladder Q44.1 - kidney pelvis Q63.8 - renal pelvis Q63.8 - rib Q76.6 - tongue Q38.3 - trachea Q32.1 - ureter Q62.8 - urethra Q64.7 - vertebra Q76.4 Bigeminal pulse R00.8 Bilateral — see condition Bile - duct — see condition - pigments in urine R82.2 Bilharziasis (see also Schistosomiasis) B65.9 - chyluria B65.0 - galacturia B65.0 - hematochyluria B65.0 - intestinal B65.1 - lipuria B65.0 - oriental B65.2 - pulmonary NEC B65.-† J99.8* - - pneumonia B65.-† J17.3* - tropical hematuria B65.0 - vesical B65.0 Biliary — see condition Bilious (attack) (see also Vomiting) R11 Bilirubin metabolism disorder E80.7 - specified NEC E80.6 Bilirubinemia, familial nonhemolytic E80.4 Biliuria R82.2 Bilocular stomach K31.2 Binswanger's disease I67.3 Biparta, bipartite - carpal scaphoid Q74.0 - patella Q74.1 - vagina Q52.1 Bird - face Q75.8 - fancier's disease or lung J67.2 71

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Bends T70.3<br />

Benedikt's paralysis or syndrome I67.9† G46.3*<br />

Bennett's fracture S62.2<br />

Benson's disease H43.2<br />

Bent<br />

- back (hysterical) F44.4<br />

- nose M95.0<br />

- - congenital Q67.4<br />

Bereavement (uncomplicated) Z63.4<br />

Bergeron's disease (hysterical chorea) F44.4<br />

Berger's disease — see Nephropathy, IgA<br />

Beriberi (dry) E51.1<br />

- wet E51.1<br />

- - involving circulatory system E51.1† I98.8*<br />

- - polyneuropathy E51.1† G63.4*<br />

Berlin's disease or edema (traumatic) S05.8<br />

Berlock (berloque) dermatitis L56.2<br />

Bernard-Horner syndrome G90.2<br />

Bernard-Soulier disease or thrombopathia D69.1<br />

Bernhardt(-Roth) disease or paresthesia G57.1<br />

Bernheim's syndrome (see also Failure,<br />

heart, congestive) I50.0<br />

Bertielliasis B71.8<br />

Berylliosis (lung) J63.2<br />

Besnier-Boeck(-Schaumann) disease (see<br />

also Sarcoidosis) D86.9<br />

Besnier's<br />

- lupus pernio D86.3<br />

- prurigo L20.0<br />

Bestiality F65.8<br />

Best's disease H35.5<br />

Betalipoproteinemia, broad or floating E78.2<br />

Betting <strong>and</strong> gambling Z72.6<br />

- pathological (compulsive) F63.0<br />

Bezoar T18.9<br />

- intestine T18.3<br />

- stomach T18.2<br />

Bezold's abscess H70.0<br />

Bianchi's syndrome R48.8<br />

Bicornate or bicornis uterus Q51.3<br />

- in pregnancy or childbirth O34.0<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P03.8<br />

- - causing obstructed labor O65.5<br />

Bicuspid aortic valve Q23.1<br />

Biedl-Bardet syndrome Q87.8<br />

Bielschowsky(-Jansky) disease E75.4<br />

Biermer's anemia or disease D51.0<br />

Biett's disease L93.0<br />

Bifid (congenital)<br />

- apex, heart Q24.8<br />

- clitoris Q52.6<br />

- kidney Q63.8<br />

- nose Q30.2<br />

- patella Q74.1<br />

- scrotum Q55.2<br />

- toe NEC Q74.2<br />

- tongue Q38.3<br />

- ureter Q62.8<br />

- uterus Q51.3<br />

- uvula Q35.7<br />

Biforis uterus (suprasimplex) Q51.3<br />

Bifurcation (congenital)<br />

- gallbladder Q44.1<br />

- kidney pelvis Q63.8<br />

- renal pelvis Q63.8<br />

- rib Q76.6<br />

- tongue Q38.3<br />

- trachea Q32.1<br />

- ureter Q62.8<br />

- urethra Q64.7<br />

- vertebra Q76.4<br />

Bigeminal pulse R00.8<br />

Bilateral — see condition<br />

Bile<br />

- duct — see condition<br />

- pigments in urine R82.2<br />

Bilharziasis (see also Schistosomiasis) B65.9<br />

- chyluria B65.0<br />

- galacturia B65.0<br />

- hematochyluria B65.0<br />

- intestinal B65.1<br />

- lipuria B65.0<br />

- oriental B65.2<br />

- pulmonary NEC B65.-† J99.8*<br />

- - pneumonia B65.-† J17.3*<br />

- tropical hematuria B65.0<br />

- vesical B65.0<br />

Biliary — see condition<br />

Bilious (attack) (see also Vomiting) R11<br />

Bilirubin metabolism disorder E80.7<br />

- specified NEC E80.6<br />

Bilirubinemia, familial nonhemolytic E80.4<br />

Biliuria R82.2<br />

Bilocular stomach K31.2<br />

Binswanger's disease I67.3<br />

Biparta, bipartite<br />

- carpal scaphoid Q74.0<br />

- patella Q74.1<br />

- vagina Q52.1<br />

Bird<br />

- face Q75.8<br />

- fancier's disease or lung J67.2<br />


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