Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Atrophy, atrophic------continued - lip K13.0 - liver (yellow) K72.9 - - acute, subacute K72.0 - - chronic K72.1 - lung (senile) J98.4 - macular (dermatological) L90.8 - - syphilitic, skin A51.3† L99.8* - - - striated A52.7† L99.8* - muscle, muscular M62.5 - - diffuse M62.5 - - Duchenne-Aran G12.2 - - general M62.5 - - limb (lower) (upper) M62.5 - - myelopathic — see Atrophy, muscle, spinal - - neuritic G58.9 - - neuropathic (peroneal) (progressive) G60.0 - - peroneal G60.0 - - primary (idiopathic) M62.5 - - progressive (bulbar) (spinal) G12.2 - - pseudohypertrophic G71.0 - - spinal G12.9 - - - adult form G12.1 - - - childhood form, type II G12.1 - - - distal G12.1 - - - hereditary NEC G12.1 - - - infantile, type I (Werdnig-Hoffmann) G12.0 - - - juvenile form, type III (Kugelberg- Welander) G12.1 - - - progressive G12.2 - - - scapuloperoneal form G12.1 - - - specified NEC G12.8 - - syphilitic A52.7† M63.8* - myocardium (see also Degeneration, myocardial) I51.5 - myometrium (senile) N85.8 - - cervix N88.8 - myopathic NEC M62.5 - nail L60.3 - nasopharynx J31.1 - nerve — see also Disorder, nerve - - abducens H49.2 - - cranial - - - fourth (trochlear) H49.1 - - - second (optic) H47.2 - - - sixth (abducens) H49.2 - - - third (oculomotor) H49.0 - - oculomotor H49.0 - - optic (papillomacular bundle) H47.2 - - - syphilitic (late) A52.1† H48.0* - - - - congenital A50.4† H48.0* - - trochlear H49.1 - neurogenic, bone, tabetic A52.1† M90.2* - old age R54 - olivopontocerebellar G23.8 - orbit H05.3 - ovary (senile) N83.3 - oviduct (senile) N83.3 - palsy, diffuse (progressive) G12.2 Atrophy, atrophic------continued - pancreas (duct) (senile) K86.8 - parotid gland K11.0 - penis N48.8 - pharynx J39.2 - pluriglandular E31.8 - - autoimmune E31.0 - polyarthritis M15.9 - prostate N42.2 - pseudohypertrophic (muscle) G71.0 - renal (see also Sclerosis, renal) N26 - retina, retinal (postinfectional) H35.8 - salivary gland K11.0 - scar L90.5 - sclerosis, lobar (of brain) G31.0 - - dementia in G31.0† F02.0* - scrotum N50.8 - seminal vesicle N50.8 - senile R54 - - due to radiation (nonionizing) (solar) L57.8 - skin (patches) (spots) L90.9 - - degenerative (senile) L90.8 - - due to radiation (nonionizing) (solar) L57.8 - - senile L90.8 - spermatic cord N50.8 - spinal (cord) G95.8 - - muscular (see also Atrophy, muscle, spinal) G12.9 - - paralysis G12.2 - - - infantile (see also Poliomyelitis, paralytic) A80.3 - - - meaning progressive muscular atrophy G12.2 - spine (column) M48.8 - spleen (senile) D73.0 - stomach K29.4 - striate (skin) L90.6 - - syphilitic A52.7† L99.8* - subcutaneous L90.9 - sublingual gland K11.0 - submandibular gland K11.0 - Sudeck's M89.0 - suprarenal (capsule) (gland) E27.4 - - primary E27.1 - systemic, affecting central nervous system - - in - - - myxedema E03.9† G13.2* - - - neoplastic disease NEC (M8000/1) (see also Neoplasm) D48.9† G13.1* - tarso-orbital fascia, congenital Q10.3 - testis N50.0 - thymus (fatty) E32.8 - thyroid (gland) (acquired) E03.4 - - with cretinism E03.1 - - congenital (with myxedema) E03.1 - tongue (senile) K14.8 - - papillae K14.4 - trachea J39.8 - tunica vaginalis N50.8 66

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Atrophy, atrophic------continued - turbinate J34.8 - upper respiratory tract J39.8 - uterus, uterine (senile) N85.8 - - cervix N88.8 - - due to radiation (intended effect) N85.8 - - - adverse effect or misadventure N99.8 - vagina (senile) N95.2 - vas deferens N50.8 - vascular I99 - vertebra (senile) M48.8 - vulva (senile) N90.5 - yellow (see also Failure, hepatic) K72.9 Attack - Adams-Stokes I45.9 - akinetic — see Epilepsy - angina — see Angina - atonic G40.3 - cardiovascular I51.6 - cataleptic — see Catalepsy - cerebral I64 - coronary — see Infarct, myocardium - cyanotic, newborn P28.2 - epileptic — see Epilepsy - epileptiform R56.8 - hysterical F44.9 - jacksonian G40.1 - myoclonic G40.3 - panic F41.0 - paroxysmal — see Convulsions - psychomotor (see also Epilepsy) G40.2 - salaam G40.4 - schizophreniform, brief F23.2 - sensory and motor — see Convulsions - Stokes-Adams I45.9 - syncope R55 - transient ischemic (TIA) G45.9 - - specified NEC G45.8 - unconsciousness R55 - - hysterical F44.8 - vasomotor R57.9 - vasovagal (paroxysmal) (idiopathic) R55 Attention (to) - artificial - - opening (of) Z43.9 - - - digestive tract NEC Z43.4 - - - specified NEC Z43.8 - - - urinary tract NEC Z43.6 - - vagina Z43.7 - colostomy Z43.3 - cystostomy Z43.5 - deficit disorder or syndrome F98.8 - - with hyperactivity F90.0 - gastrostomy Z43.1 - ileostomy Z43.2 - nephrostomy Z43.6 - surgical dressings Z48.0 - sutures Z48.0 - tracheostomy Z43.0 Attention (to)------continued - ureterostomy Z43.6 - urethrostomy Z43.6 Attrition, tooth, teeth (excessive) (hard tissues) K03.0 Atypical, atypism — see also condition - endometrium N85.9 - - hyperplasia (adenomatous) N85.1 - parenting situation Z60.1 Auditory — see condition Aujeszky's disease B33.8 Aura, jacksonian G40.1 Aurantiasis, cutis E67.1 Auricle, auricular — see also condition - cervical Q18.2 Austin Flint murmur (aortic insufficiency) I35.1 Australian - Q fever A78 - X disease A83.4 Autism, autistic (childhood) (infantile) F84.0 - atypical F84.1 Autodigestion R68.8 Autoerythrocyte sensitization (syndrome) D69.2 Autographism L50.3 Autoimmune disease (systemic) NEC M35.9 Autointoxication R68.8 Automatism - epileptic G40.2 - paroxysmal, idiopathic G40.2 Autonomic, autonomous - bladder (neurogenic) N31.2 - hysteria seizure F44.5 Autosensitivity, erythrocyte D69.2 Autosensitization, cutaneous L30.2 Autosome — see condition by chromosome involved Autotopagnosia R48.1 Autotoxemia R68.8 Autumn — see condition Avellis' syndrome I65.0† G46.8* Aversion, sexual F52.1 Aviator's - disease or sickness (see also Effects, adverse, high altitude) T70.2 - ear T70.0 Avitaminosis (multiple NEC) (see also Deficiency, vitamin) E56.9 Avulsion (traumatic) T14.7 - blood vessel — see Injury, blood vessel - bone — see Fracture, by site - cartilage (see also Dislocation, by site) T14.3 - - symphyseal (inner), complicating delivery O71.6 67

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Atrophy, atrophic------continued<br />

- lip K13.0<br />

- liver (yellow) K72.9<br />

- - acute, subacute K72.0<br />

- - chronic K72.1<br />

- lung (senile) J98.4<br />

- macular (dermatological) L90.8<br />

- - syphilitic, skin A51.3† L99.8*<br />

- - - striated A52.7† L99.8*<br />

- muscle, muscular M62.5<br />

- - diffuse M62.5<br />

- - Duchenne-Aran G12.2<br />

- - general M62.5<br />

- - limb (lower) (upper) M62.5<br />

- - myelopathic — see Atrophy, muscle, spinal<br />

- - neuritic G58.9<br />

- - neuropathic (peroneal) (progressive) G60.0<br />

- - peroneal G60.0<br />

- - primary (idiopathic) M62.5<br />

- - progressive (bulbar) (spinal) G12.2<br />

- - pseudohypertrophic G71.0<br />

- - spinal G12.9<br />

- - - adult form G12.1<br />

- - - childhood form, type II G12.1<br />

- - - distal G12.1<br />

- - - hereditary NEC G12.1<br />

- - - infantile, type I (Werdnig-Hoffmann) G12.0<br />

- - - juvenile form, type III (Kugelberg-<br />

Wel<strong>and</strong>er) G12.1<br />

- - - progressive G12.2<br />

- - - scapuloperoneal form G12.1<br />

- - - specified NEC G12.8<br />

- - syphilitic A52.7† M63.8*<br />

- myocardium (see also Degeneration,<br />

myocardial) I51.5<br />

- myometrium (senile) N85.8<br />

- - cervix N88.8<br />

- myopathic NEC M62.5<br />

- nail L60.3<br />

- nasopharynx J31.1<br />

- nerve — see also Disorder, nerve<br />

- - abducens H49.2<br />

- - cranial<br />

- - - fourth (trochlear) H49.1<br />

- - - second (optic) H47.2<br />

- - - sixth (abducens) H49.2<br />

- - - third (oculomotor) H49.0<br />

- - oculomotor H49.0<br />

- - optic (papillomacular bundle) H47.2<br />

- - - syphilitic (late) A52.1† H48.0*<br />

- - - - congenital A50.4† H48.0*<br />

- - trochlear H49.1<br />

- neurogenic, bone, tabetic A52.1† M90.2*<br />

- old age R54<br />

- olivopontocerebellar G23.8<br />

- orbit H05.3<br />

- ovary (senile) N83.3<br />

- oviduct (senile) N83.3<br />

- palsy, diffuse (progressive) G12.2<br />

Atrophy, atrophic------continued<br />

- pancreas (duct) (senile) K86.8<br />

- parotid gl<strong>and</strong> K11.0<br />

- penis N48.8<br />

- pharynx J39.2<br />

- plurigl<strong>and</strong>ular E31.8<br />

- - autoimmune E31.0<br />

- polyarthritis M15.9<br />

- prostate N42.2<br />

- pseudohypertrophic (muscle) G71.0<br />

- renal (see also Sclerosis, renal) N26<br />

- retina, retinal (postinfectional) H35.8<br />

- salivary gl<strong>and</strong> K11.0<br />

- scar L90.5<br />

- sclerosis, lobar (of brain) G31.0<br />

- - dementia in G31.0† F02.0*<br />

- scrotum N50.8<br />

- seminal vesicle N50.8<br />

- senile R54<br />

- - due to radiation (nonionizing) (solar) L57.8<br />

- skin (patches) (spots) L90.9<br />

- - degenerative (senile) L90.8<br />

- - due to radiation (nonionizing) (solar) L57.8<br />

- - senile L90.8<br />

- spermatic cord N50.8<br />

- spinal (cord) G95.8<br />

- - muscular (see also Atrophy, muscle, spinal)<br />

G12.9<br />

- - paralysis G12.2<br />

- - - infantile (see also Poliomyelitis, paralytic)<br />

A80.3<br />

- - - meaning progressive muscular atrophy<br />

G12.2<br />

- spine (column) M48.8<br />

- spleen (senile) D73.0<br />

- stomach K29.4<br />

- striate (skin) L90.6<br />

- - syphilitic A52.7† L99.8*<br />

- subcutaneous L90.9<br />

- sublingual gl<strong>and</strong> K11.0<br />

- subm<strong>and</strong>ibular gl<strong>and</strong> K11.0<br />

- Sudeck's M89.0<br />

- suprarenal (capsule) (gl<strong>and</strong>) E27.4<br />

- - primary E27.1<br />

- systemic, affecting central nervous system<br />

- - in<br />

- - - myxedema E03.9† G13.2*<br />

- - - neoplastic disease NEC (M8000/1)<br />

(see also Neoplasm) D48.9† G13.1*<br />

- tarso-orbital fascia, congenital Q10.3<br />

- testis N50.0<br />

- thymus (fatty) E32.8<br />

- thyroid (gl<strong>and</strong>) (acquired) E03.4<br />

- - with cretinism E03.1<br />

- - congenital (with myxedema) E03.1<br />

- tongue (senile) K14.8<br />

- - papillae K14.4<br />

- trachea J39.8<br />

- tunica vaginalis N50.8<br />


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