Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Appendage - intestine (epiploic) Q43.8 - epididymal (organ of Morgagni) Q55.4 - preauricular Q17.0 - testicular (organ of Morgagni) Q55.2 Appendicitis K37 - with - - perforation or rupture K35.0 - - peritoneal abscess K35.1 - - peritonitis, localized K35.9 - - - with mention of perforation or ruptureK35.0 - - - generalized K35.0 - acute (catarrhal) (fulminating) (gangrenous) (obstructive) (retrocecal) (suppurative) K35.9 - - with - - - perforation or rupture K35.0 - - - peritoneal abscess K35.1 - - - peritonitis, localized K35.9 - - - - with mention of perforation or rupture K35.0 - - - - generalized K35.0 - amebic A06.8 - chronic (recurrent) K36 - exacerbation — see Appendicitis, acute - gangrenous — see Appendicitis, acute - healed (obliterative) K36 - interval K36 - obstructive K36 - pneumococcal K37 - recurrent K36 - retrocecal K37 - subacute (adhesive) K36 - suppurative — see Appendicitis, acute - tuberculous A18.3† K93.0* Appendix, appendicular — see also condition - epididymis Q55.4 - Morgagni - - female Q52.8 - - male (epididymal) Q55.4 - - - testicular Q55.2 - testis Q55.2 Appetite - depraved F50.8 - - in childhood F98.3 - excessive R63.2 - lack or loss (see also Anorexia) R63.0 - - nonorganic origin F50.8 - - psychogenic F50.8 - perverted (hysterical) F50.8 Apple peel syndrome Q41.1 Apprehension state F41.1 Apprehensiveness, abnormal F41.9 Apraxia (classic) (ideational) (ideokinetic) (ideomotor) (motor) (verbal) R48.2 - oculomotor, congenital H51.8 Aptyalism K11.7 Apudoma (M8248/1) — see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior Arachnidism T63.3 Arachnitis — see Meningitis Arachnodactyly Q87.4 Arachnoiditis (acute) (adhesive) (basal) (cerebrospinal) (see also Meningitis) G03.9 - meningococcal (chronic) A39.0† G01* - syphilitic (late) (tertiary) A52.1† G01* - tuberculous A17.0† G01* Arachnophobia F40.2 Araneism T63.3 Arboencephalitis, Australian A83.4 Arborization block (heart) I45.5 ARC (AIDS-related complex) (see also Human, immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease) B24 Arches — see condition Arcuatus uterus Q51.8 Arcus senilis (cornea) H18.4 Arc-welder's lung J63.4 Areola — see condition Argentaffinoma (M8241/1) — see also Neoplasm, uncertain behavior - malignant (M8241/3) — see Neoplasm, malignant Argininemia E72.2 Argyll Robertson phenomenon, pupil or syndrome (syphilitic) A52.1† H58.0* - atypical H57.0 - nonsyphilitic H57.0 Argyria, argyriasis, argyrosis NEC T56.8 - conjunctival H11.1 - from drug or medicament - - correct substance properly administered L81.8 - - overdose or wrong substance given or taken T37.8 Arhinencephaly Q04.1 Ariboflavinosis E53.0 Arm — see condition Arnold-Chiari obstruction or syndrome Q07.0 Aromatic amino-acid metabolism disorder E70.9 - specified NEC E70.8 Arrest, arrested - active phase of labor O62.1 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.6 - any plane in pelvis - - complicating delivery O66.9 - cardiac I46.9 - - with successful resuscitation I46.0 - - complicating - - - anesthesia (general) (local) or other sedation - - - - correct substance properly administered I46.9 - - - - in labor and delivery O74.2 - - - - in pregnancy O29.1 - - - - overdose or wrong substance given T41.- 56

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Arrest, arrested-------continued - - - - - specified anesthetic — see Table of drugs and chemicals - - - - postpartum, puerperal O89.1 - - - delivery (cesarean) (instrumental) O75.4 - - - surgery T81.8 - - newborn P29.1 - - postoperative I97.8 - - - long-term effect of cardiac surgery I97.1 - cardiorespiratory (see also Arrest, cardiac) I46.9 - circulatory (see also Arrest, cardiac) I46.9 - deep transverse O64.0 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - development or growth - - bone M89.2 - - child R62.8 - - fetus P05.9 - - - affecting management of pregnancy O36.5 - - tracheal rings Q32.1 - epiphyseal M89.1 - heart — see Arrest, cardiac - legal, anxiety concerning Z65.3 - respiratory R09.2 - - newborn P28.5 - sinus I45.5 - spermatogenesis (complete) (incomplete) N46 - transverse (deep) O64.0 Arrhenoblastoma (M8630/1) - benign (M8630/0) - - specified site — see Neoplasm, benign - - unspecified site - - - female D27 - - - male D29.2 - malignant (M8630/3) - - specified site — see Neoplasm, malignant - - unspecified site - - - female C56 - - - male C62.9 - specified site — see Neoplasm, uncertain behavior - unspecified site - - female D39.1 - - male D40.1 Arrhythmia (cardiac) I49.9 - extrasystolic I49.4 - newborn P29.1 - psychogenic F45.3 - specified NEC I49.8 - ventricular re-entry I47.0 Arsenical pigmentation L81.8 - from drug or medicament — see Table of drugs and chemicals Arterial — see condition Arteriofibrosis — see Arteriosclerosis Arteriolar sclerosis — see Arteriosclerosis Arteriolith — see Arteriosclerosis Arteriolitis I77.6 - renal — see Hypertension, kidney Arteriolosclerosis — see Arteriosclerosis Arterionephrosclerosis (see also Hypertension, kidney) I12.9 Arteriopathy I77.9 Arteriosclerosis, arteriosclerotic (diffuse) (disease) (general) (obliterans) (senile) (with calcification) I70.9 - aorta I70.0 - arteries of extremities I70.2 - brain I67.2 - cardiac I25.1 - cardiopathy I25.1 - cardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) I13.9 - cardiovascular I25.0 - central nervous system I67.2 - cerebral I67.2 - cerebrovascular I67.2 - coronary (artery) I25.1 - extremities I70.2 - heart (disease) I25.1 - kidney (see also Hypertension, kidney) I12.9 - medial I70.2 - mesenteric K55.1 - Mönckeberg's I70.2 - peripheral (of extremities) I70.2 - pulmonary I27.0 - renal (arterioles) (see also Hypertension, kidney) I12.9 - - artery I70.1 - retina (vascular) I70.8 - specified artery NEC I70.8 - spinal (cord) G95.1 - vertebral (artery) I67.2 Arteriospasm I73.9 Arteriovenous — see condition Arteritis I77.6 - allergic M31.0 - aorta (nonsyphilitic) I77.6 - - syphilitic A52.0† I79.1* - aortic arch M31.4 - brachiocephalic M31.4 - brain I67.7 - - syphilitic A52.0† I68.1* - cerebral I67.7 - - in systemic lupus erythematosus M32.1† I68.2* - - listerial A32.8† I68.1* - - syphilitic A52.0† I68.1* - - tuberculous A18.8† I68.1* - coronary (artery) I25.8 - - rheumatic I01.8 - - - chronic I09.8 - - syphilitic A52.0† I52.0* - cranial (left) (right), giant cell M31.6 - deformans — see Arteriosclerosis 57

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Arrest, arrested-------continued<br />

- - - - - specified anesthetic — see Table of drugs<br />

<strong>and</strong> chemicals<br />

- - - - postpartum, puerperal O89.1<br />

- - - delivery (cesarean) (instrumental) O75.4<br />

- - - surgery T81.8<br />

- - newborn P29.1<br />

- - postoperative I97.8<br />

- - - long-term effect of cardiac surgery I97.1<br />

- cardiorespiratory (see also Arrest, cardiac)<br />

I46.9<br />

- circulatory (see also Arrest, cardiac) I46.9<br />

- deep transverse O64.0<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1<br />

- development or growth<br />

- - bone M89.2<br />

- - child R62.8<br />

- - fetus P05.9<br />

- - - affecting management of pregnancy O36.5<br />

- - tracheal rings Q32.1<br />

- epiphyseal M89.1<br />

- heart — see Arrest, cardiac<br />

- legal, anxiety concerning Z65.3<br />

- respiratory R09.2<br />

- - newborn P28.5<br />

- sinus I45.5<br />

- spermatogenesis (complete) (incomplete)<br />

N46<br />

- transverse (deep) O64.0<br />

Arrhenoblastoma (M8630/1)<br />

- benign (M8630/0)<br />

- - specified site — see Neoplasm, benign<br />

- - unspecified site<br />

- - - female D27<br />

- - - male D29.2<br />

- malignant (M8630/3)<br />

- - specified site — see Neoplasm, malignant<br />

- - unspecified site<br />

- - - female C56<br />

- - - male C62.9<br />

- specified site — see Neoplasm, uncertain<br />

behavior<br />

- unspecified site<br />

- - female D39.1<br />

- - male D40.1<br />

Arrhythmia (cardiac) I49.9<br />

- extrasystolic I49.4<br />

- newborn P29.1<br />

- psychogenic F45.3<br />

- specified NEC I49.8<br />

- ventricular re-entry I47.0<br />

Arsenical pigmentation L81.8<br />

- from drug or medicament — see Table of drugs<br />

<strong>and</strong> chemicals<br />

Arterial — see condition<br />

Arteriofibrosis — see Arteriosclerosis<br />

Arteriolar sclerosis — see Arteriosclerosis<br />

Arteriolith — see Arteriosclerosis<br />

Arteriolitis I77.6<br />

- renal — see Hypertension, kidney<br />

Arteriolosclerosis — see Arteriosclerosis<br />

Arterionephrosclerosis (see also<br />

Hypertension, kidney) I12.9<br />

Arteriopathy I77.9<br />

Arteriosclerosis, arteriosclerotic (diffuse)<br />

(disease) (general) (obliterans) (senile)<br />

(with calcification) I70.9<br />

- aorta I70.0<br />

- arteries of extremities I70.2<br />

- brain I67.2<br />

- cardiac I25.1<br />

- cardiopathy I25.1<br />

- cardiorenal (see also Hypertension,<br />

cardiorenal) I13.9<br />

- cardiovascular I25.0<br />

- central nervous system I67.2<br />

- cerebral I67.2<br />

- cerebrovascular I67.2<br />

- coronary (artery) I25.1<br />

- extremities I70.2<br />

- heart (disease) I25.1<br />

- kidney (see also Hypertension, kidney) I12.9<br />

- medial I70.2<br />

- mesenteric K55.1<br />

- Mönckeberg's I70.2<br />

- peripheral (of extremities) I70.2<br />

- pulmonary I27.0<br />

- renal (arterioles) (see also Hypertension,<br />

kidney) I12.9<br />

- - artery I70.1<br />

- retina (vascular) I70.8<br />

- specified artery NEC I70.8<br />

- spinal (cord) G95.1<br />

- vertebral (artery) I67.2<br />

Arteriospasm I73.9<br />

Arteriovenous — see condition<br />

Arteritis I77.6<br />

- allergic M31.0<br />

- aorta (nonsyphilitic) I77.6<br />

- - syphilitic A52.0† I79.1*<br />

- aortic arch M31.4<br />

- brachiocephalic M31.4<br />

- brain I67.7<br />

- - syphilitic A52.0† I68.1*<br />

- cerebral I67.7<br />

- - in systemic lupus erythematosus<br />

M32.1† I68.2*<br />

- - listerial A32.8† I68.1*<br />

- - syphilitic A52.0† I68.1*<br />

- - tuberculous A18.8† I68.1*<br />

- coronary (artery) I25.8<br />

- - rheumatic I01.8<br />

- - - chronic I09.8<br />

- - syphilitic A52.0† I52.0*<br />

- cranial (left) (right), giant cell M31.6<br />

- deformans — see Arteriosclerosis<br />


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