Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Antenatal-------continued - screening (for) Z36.9 - - abnormal findings — see Abnormal, finding, antenatal screening, mother - - based on amniocentesis Z36.2 - - chromosomal anomalies Z36.0 - - fetal growth retardation using ultrasound and other physical methods Z36.4 - - hemoglobinopathy Z36.8 - - isoimmunization Z36.5 - - malformations using ultrasound and other physical methods Z36.3 - - raised alphafetoprotein levels in amniotic fluid Z36.1 - - specified NEC Z36.8 Antepartum — see condition Anterior — see condition Anteversion - cervix (see also Anteversion, uterus) N85.4 - femur (neck), congenital Q65.8 - uterus, uterine (cervix) (postinfectional) (postpartal, old) N85.4 - - congenital Q51.8 - - in pregnancy or childbirth O34.5 - - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.8 - - - causing obstructed labor O65.5 - - - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 Anthracosilicosis J60 Anthracosis (lung) J60 Anthrax A22.9 - with pneumonia A22.1† J17.0* - cerebral A22.8 - cutaneous A22.0 - gastrointestinal A22.2 - inhalation A22.1 - meningitis A22.8† G01* - pulmonary A22.1 - respiratory A22.1 - septicemia A22.7 - specified manifestation NEC A22.8 Anthropoid pelvis Q74.2 - with disproportion (fetopelvic) O33.0 - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 Anthropophobia F40.1 Antibodies, maternal (blood group) (see also Incompatibility) O36.1 - anti-D O36.0 - - fetus or newborn P55.0 Antidiuretic hormone syndrome E22.2 Antimonial cholera T56.8 Antisocial personality F60.2 Antithrombinemia (see also Circulating anticoagulants) D68.3 Antithromboplastinemia (see also Circulating anticoagulants) D68.3 Antithromboplastinogenemia (see also Circulating anticoagulants) D68.3 Antitoxin complication or reaction — see Complications, vaccination Antritis (chronic) J32.0 - acute J01.0 Antrum, antral — see condition Anuria R34 - calculous (impacted) (recurrent) (see also Calculus, urinary) N20.9 - following - - abortion (subsequent episode) O08.4 - - - current episode — see Abortion - - ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.4 - newborn P96.0 - postprocedural N99.0 - sulfonamide - - correct substance properly administered R34 - - overdose or wrong substance given or taken T37.0 - traumatic (following crushing) T79.5 Anus, anal — see condition Anusitis K62.8 Anxiety F41.9 - depression F41.2 - episodic paroxysmal F41.0 - generalized F41.1 - hysteria F41.8 - neurosis F41.1 - reaction F41.1 - separation, abnormal (of childhood) F93.0 - specified NEC F41.8 - state F41.1 Aorta, aortic — see condition Aortitis (nonsyphilitic) (calcific) I77.6 - arteriosclerotic I70.0 - Doehle-Heller A52.0† I79.1* - luetic A52.0† I79.1* - rheumatic (see also Endocarditis, acute, rheumatic) I01.1 - specific (syphilitic) A52.0† I79.1* - syphilitic A52.0† I79.1* - - congenital A50.5† I79.1* Apathy R45.3 Apepsia K31.8 - psychogenic F45.3 Apert's syndrome Q87.0 Apgar (score) - low NEC, with asphyxia P21.9 - 0-3 at 1 minute, with asphyxia P21.0 - 4-7 at 1 minute, with asphyxia P21.1 Aphagia R63.0 - psychogenic F50.1 Aphakia (acquired) H27.0 - congenital Q12.3 54

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Aphasia (amnestic) (global) (nominal) (semantic) (syntactic) R47.0 - acquired, with epilepsy (Landau-Kleffner syndrome) F80.3 - auditory F80.2 - developmental (receptive type) F80.2 - - expressive type F80.1 - - Wernicke's F80.2 - progressive isolated G31.0 - sensory F80.2 - syphilis, tertiary A52.1† G94.8* - uremic N19 - Wernicke's (developmental) F80.2 Aphemia R47.0 Aphonia R49.1 - hysterical F44.4 - organic R49.1 - psychogenic F44.4 Aphthae, aphthous — see also condition - Bednar's K12.0 - epizootic B08.8 - fever B08.8 - oral (recurrent) K12.0 - stomatitis (major) (minor) K12.0 - thrush B37.0 - ulcer (oral) (recurrent) K12.0 - - genital organ(s) NEC - - - female N76.6 - - - male N50.8 - - larynx J38.7 Apical — see condition Aplasia — see also Agenesis - abdominal muscle syndrome Q79.4 - alveolar process (acquired) K08.8 - - congenital Q38.6 - aorta (congenital) Q25.4 - axialis extracorticalis (congenita) E75.2 - bone marrow (myeloid) D61.9 - brain Q00.0 - - part of Q04.3 - bronchus Q32.4 - cementum K00.4 - cerebellum Q04.3 - cervix (congenital) Q51.5 - corpus callosum Q04.0 - cutis congenita Q84.8 - extracortical axial E75.2 - eye Q11.1 - fovea centralis (congenital) Q14.1 - gallbladder, congenital Q44.0 - labyrinth, membranous Q16.5 - limb (congenital) Q73.0 - - lower Q72.0 - - upper Q71.0 - lung, congenital (bilateral) (unilateral) Q33.3 - pancreas Q45.0 - parathyroid-thymic D82.1 - Pelizaeus-Merzbacher E75.2 Aplasia-------continued - penis Q55.5 - prostate Q55.4 - red cell (pure) (with thymoma) D60.9 - - chronic D60.0 - - congenital D61.0 - - of infants D61.0 - - primary D61.0 - - specified type NEC D60.8 - - transient D60.1 - round ligament Q52.8 - skin Q84.8 - spermatic cord Q55.4 - testicle Q55.0 - thymic, with immunodeficiency D82.1 - thyroid (congenital) (with myxedema) E03.1 - uterus Q51.0 - ventral horn cell Q06.1 Apnea, apneic (spells) R06.8 - newborn NEC P28.4 - - sleep (primary) P28.3 - sleep (central) (obstructive) G47.3 Apocrine metaplasia (breast) N60.8 Apophysitis (bone) (see also Osteochondrosis) M93.9 - calcaneus M92.8 - juvenile M92.9 Apoplectiform convulsions (cerebral ischemia) I67.8 Apoplexia, apoplexy, apoplectic I64 - attack I64 - basilar I64 - brain I64 - bulbar I64 - capillary I64 - cerebral I64 - chorea I64 - congestive I64 - embolic I63.4 - fit I64 - heart (auricle) (ventricle) (see also Infarct, myocardium) I21.9 - heat T67.0 - hemorrhagic (stroke) (see also Hemorrhage, intracerebral) I61.9 - meninges, hemorrhagic (see also Hemorrhage, subarachnoid) I60.9 - progressive I64 - seizure I64 - stroke I64 - thrombotic I63.3 - uremic N18.8† I68.8* Appearance - bizarre R46.1 - specified NEC R46.8 - very low level of personal hygiene R46.0 55

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Aphasia (amnestic) (global) (nominal)<br />

(semantic) (syntactic) R47.0<br />

- acquired, with epilepsy (L<strong>and</strong>au-Kleffner<br />

syndrome) F80.3<br />

- auditory F80.2<br />

- developmental (receptive type) F80.2<br />

- - expressive type F80.1<br />

- - Wernicke's F80.2<br />

- progressive isolated G31.0<br />

- sensory F80.2<br />

- syphilis, tertiary A52.1† G94.8*<br />

- uremic N19<br />

- Wernicke's (developmental) F80.2<br />

Aphemia R47.0<br />

Aphonia R49.1<br />

- hysterical F44.4<br />

- organic R49.1<br />

- psychogenic F44.4<br />

Aphthae, aphthous — see also condition<br />

- Bednar's K12.0<br />

- epizootic B08.8<br />

- fever B08.8<br />

- oral (recurrent) K12.0<br />

- stomatitis (major) (minor) K12.0<br />

- thrush B37.0<br />

- ulcer (oral) (recurrent) K12.0<br />

- - genital organ(s) NEC<br />

- - - female N76.6<br />

- - - male N50.8<br />

- - larynx J38.7<br />

Apical — see condition<br />

Aplasia — see also Agenesis<br />

- abdominal muscle syndrome Q79.4<br />

- alveolar process (acquired) K08.8<br />

- - congenital Q38.6<br />

- aorta (congenital) Q25.4<br />

- axialis extracorticalis (congenita) E75.2<br />

- bone marrow (myeloid) D61.9<br />

- brain Q00.0<br />

- - part of Q04.3<br />

- bronchus Q32.4<br />

- cementum K00.4<br />

- cerebellum Q04.3<br />

- cervix (congenital) Q51.5<br />

- corpus callosum Q04.0<br />

- cutis congenita Q84.8<br />

- extracortical axial E75.2<br />

- eye Q11.1<br />

- fovea centralis (congenital) Q14.1<br />

- gallbladder, congenital Q44.0<br />

- labyrinth, membranous Q16.5<br />

- limb (congenital) Q73.0<br />

- - lower Q72.0<br />

- - upper Q71.0<br />

- lung, congenital (bilateral) (unilateral) Q33.3<br />

- pancreas Q45.0<br />

- parathyroid-thymic D82.1<br />

- Pelizaeus-Merzbacher E75.2<br />

Aplasia-------continued<br />

- penis Q55.5<br />

- prostate Q55.4<br />

- red cell (pure) (with thymoma) D60.9<br />

- - chronic D60.0<br />

- - congenital D61.0<br />

- - of infants D61.0<br />

- - primary D61.0<br />

- - specified type NEC D60.8<br />

- - transient D60.1<br />

- round ligament Q52.8<br />

- skin Q84.8<br />

- spermatic cord Q55.4<br />

- testicle Q55.0<br />

- thymic, with immunodeficiency D82.1<br />

- thyroid (congenital) (with myxedema) E03.1<br />

- uterus Q51.0<br />

- ventral horn cell Q06.1<br />

Apnea, apneic (spells) R06.8<br />

- newborn NEC P28.4<br />

- - sleep (primary) P28.3<br />

- sleep (central) (obstructive) G47.3<br />

Apocrine metaplasia (breast) N60.8<br />

Apophysitis (bone) (see also<br />

Osteochondrosis) M93.9<br />

- calcaneus M92.8<br />

- juvenile M92.9<br />

Apoplectiform convulsions (cerebral<br />

ischemia) I67.8<br />

Apoplexia, apoplexy, apoplectic I64<br />

- attack I64<br />

- basilar I64<br />

- brain I64<br />

- bulbar I64<br />

- capillary I64<br />

- cerebral I64<br />

- chorea I64<br />

- congestive I64<br />

- embolic I63.4<br />

- fit I64<br />

- heart (auricle) (ventricle) (see also Infarct,<br />

myocardium) I21.9<br />

- heat T67.0<br />

- hemorrhagic (stroke) (see also Hemorrhage,<br />

intracerebral) I61.9<br />

- meninges, hemorrhagic (see also<br />

Hemorrhage, subarachnoid) I60.9<br />

- progressive I64<br />

- seizure I64<br />

- stroke I64<br />

- thrombotic I63.3<br />

- uremic N18.8† I68.8*<br />

Appearance<br />

- bizarre R46.1<br />

- specified NEC R46.8<br />

- very low level of personal hygiene R46.0<br />


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