Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Anomaly, anomalous-------continued - opticociliary vessels Q13.2 - orbit (eye) Q10.7 - organ NEC Q89.9 - - of Corti Q16.5 - origin - - artery - - - innominate Q25.8 - - - pulmonary Q25.7 - - - renal Q27.2 - - - subclavian Q25.8 - osseous meatus (ear) Q16.1 - ovary NEC Q50.3 - oviduct Q50.6 - palate (hard) (soft) NEC Q38.5 - pancreas or pancreatic duct Q45.3 - papillary muscles Q24.8 - parathyroid gland Q89.2 - paraurethral ducts Q64.7 - parotid (gland) Q38.4 - patella Q74.1 - Pelger-Huet D72.0 - pelvic girdle NEC Q74.2 - pelvis (bony) NEC Q74.2 - penis (glans) Q55.6 - pericardium Q24.8 - peripheral vascular system Q27.9 - Peter's Q13.4 - pharynx Q38.8 - pigmentation L81.9 - pituitary (gland) Q89.2 - pleural (folds) Q34.0 - portal vein Q26.5 - - connection Q26.5 - position, tooth, teeth K07.3 - precerebral vessel Q28.1 - prepuce Q55.6 - prostate Q55.4 - pulmonary Q33.9 - - artery NEC Q25.7 - - valve Q22.3 - - venous connection Q26.4 - - - partial Q26.3 - - - total Q26.2 - pupil Q13.2 - - function H57.0 - pylorus Q40.3 - radius Q74.0 - rectum Q43.9 - reduction (extremity) (limb) - - femur (longitudinal) Q72.4 - - fibula (longitudinal) Q72.6 - - lower limb Q72.9 - - - specified NEC Q72.8 - - radius (longitudinal) Q71.4 - - tibia (longitudinal) Q72.5 - - ulna (longitudinal) Q71.5 - - upper limb Q71.9 - - - specified NEC Q71.8 Anomaly, anomalous-------continued - refraction H52.7 - renal Q63.9 - - artery Q27.2 - - pelvis Q63.9 - - - specified NEC Q63.8 - respiratory system Q34.9 - - specified NEC Q34.8 - retina Q14.1 - rib Q76.6 - - cervical Q76.5 - Rieger's Q13.8 - rotation — see also Malrotation Q43.3 - - hip or thigh Q65.8 - round ligament Q52.8 - sacroiliac (joint) NEC Q74.2 - sacrum NEC Q76.4 - salivary duct or gland Q38.4 - scapula Q74.0 - scrotum Q55.2 - sebaceous gland Q82.9 - seminal vesicles Q55.4 - sense organs NEC Q07.8 - sex chromosomes NEC — see Anomaly, chromosomes, sex - shoulder (girdle) (joint) Q74.0 - sigmoid (flexure) Q43.9 - simian crease Q82.8 - sinus of Valsalva Q25.4 - skeleton generalized NEC Q78.9 - skin (appendage) Q82.9 - skull Q75.9 - - with - - - anencephaly Q00.0 - - - encephalocele (see also Encephalocele) Q01.9 - - - hydrocephalus Q03.9 - - - - with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida, with hydrocephalus) Q05.4 - - - microcephaly Q02 - specified organ or site NEC Q89.8 - spermatic cord Q55.4 - spine, spinal NEC Q76.4 - - column NEC Q76.4 - - cord Q06.9 - - nerve root Q07.8 - spleen Q89.0 - stenonian duct Q38.4 - sternum NEC Q76.7 - stomach Q40.3 - submaxillary gland Q38.4 - tarsus NEC Q74.2 - tendon Q79.9 - testis Q55.2 - thigh NEC Q74.2 - thorax (wall) Q67.8 - - bony Q76.9 - throat Q38.8 - thumb Q74.0 52

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Anomaly, anomalous-------continued - thymus gland Q89.2 - thyroid (gland) Q89.2 - - cartilage Q31.8 - tibia NEC Q74.2 - toe Q74.2 - tongue Q38.3 - tooth, teeth NEC K00.9 - - eruption K00.6 - - position K07.3 - - spacing K07.3 - trachea (cartilage) Q32.1 - trichromata, trichromatopsia H53.5 - tricuspid (leaflet) (valve) Q22.9 - - atresia or stenosis Q22.4 - - Ebstein's Q22.5 - Uhl's (hypoplasia of myocardium, right ventricle) Q24.8 - ulna Q74.0 - union - - cricoid cartilage and thyroid cartilage Q31.8 - - thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone Q31.8 - - trachea with larynx Q31.8 - upper limb Q74.0 - urachus Q64.4 - ureter Q62.8 - - obstructive NEC Q62.3 - urethra NEC Q64.7 - - obstructive Q64.3 - urinary tract Q64.9 - uterus Q51.9 - - with only one functioning horn Q51.8 - - in pregnancy or childbirth NEC O34.0 - - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.8 - - - causing obstructed labor O65.5 - - - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - uvula Q38.5 - vagina Q52.4 - valleculae Q31.8 - valve (heart) NEC Q24.8 - - coronary sinus Q24.5 - - inferior vena cava Q24.8 - - pulmonary Q22.3 - - sinus coronario Q24.5 - - venae cavae inferioris Q24.8 - vas deferens Q55.4 - vascular NEC Q27.9 - - brain Q28.3 - - ring Q25.4 - vein(s) (peripheral) Q27.9 - - brain Q28.3 - - cerebral Q28.3 - - coronary Q24.5 - - great Q26.9 - - - specified NEC Q26.8 - vena cava (inferior) (superior) Q26.9 - venous return Q26.8 - ventricular - - bands or folds Q24.8 Anomaly, anomalous-------continued - - septa Q21.0 - vertebra Q76.4 - vesicourethral orifice NEC Q64.7 - vessel(s) Q27.9 - - optic papilla Q14.2 - - precerebral Q28.1 - vitreous body or humor Q14.0 - vulva Q52.7 - wrist (joint) Q74.0 Anomia R48.8 Anonychia (congenital) Q84.3 - acquired L60.8 Anophthalmos, anophthalmus (congenital) (globe) Q11.1 - acquired Z90.0 Anopsia, quadrant H53.4 Anorchia, anorchism, anorchidism Q55.0 Anorexia R63.0 - hysterical F44.8 - nervosa F50.0 - - atypical F50.1 - - binge-eating type F50.2 Anorgasmy (psychogenic) F52.3 Anosmia (see also Disturbance, sensation) R43.0 - hysterical F44.6 Anosognosia R41.8 Anovulatory cycle N97.0 Anoxemia R09.0 - newborn (see also Asphyxia, newborn) P21.9 Anoxia R09.0 - altitude T70.2 - cerebral G93.1 - - complicating - - - anesthesia (general) (local) or other sedation - - - - in labor and delivery O74.3 - - - - in pregnancy O29.2 - - - - postpartum, puerperal O89.2 - - - delivery (cesarean) (instrumental) O75.4 - - during or resulting from a procedure G97.8 - - newborn (see also Asphyxia, newborn) P21.9 - due to drowning T75.1 - heart — see Insufficiency, coronary - high altitude T70.2 - intrauterine — see Hypoxia, intrauterine - myocardial — see Insufficiency, coronary - newborn (see also Asphyxia, newborn) P21.9 - pathological R09.0 Anteflexion — see Anteversion Antenatal - care, normal pregnancy Z34.9 - - first Z34.0 - - specified NEC Z34.8 53

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Anomaly, anomalous-------continued<br />

- thymus gl<strong>and</strong> Q89.2<br />

- thyroid (gl<strong>and</strong>) Q89.2<br />

- - cartilage Q31.8<br />

- tibia NEC Q74.2<br />

- toe Q74.2<br />

- tongue Q38.3<br />

- tooth, teeth NEC K00.9<br />

- - eruption K00.6<br />

- - position K07.3<br />

- - spacing K07.3<br />

- trachea (cartilage) Q32.1<br />

- trichromata, trichromatopsia H53.5<br />

- tricuspid (leaflet) (valve) Q22.9<br />

- - atresia or stenosis Q22.4<br />

- - Ebstein's Q22.5<br />

- Uhl's (hypoplasia of myocardium, right<br />

ventricle) Q24.8<br />

- ulna Q74.0<br />

- union<br />

- - cricoid cartilage <strong>and</strong> thyroid cartilage Q31.8<br />

- - thyroid cartilage <strong>and</strong> hyoid bone Q31.8<br />

- - trachea with larynx Q31.8<br />

- upper limb Q74.0<br />

- urachus Q64.4<br />

- ureter Q62.8<br />

- - obstructive NEC Q62.3<br />

- urethra NEC Q64.7<br />

- - obstructive Q64.3<br />

- urinary tract Q64.9<br />

- uterus Q51.9<br />

- - with only one functioning horn Q51.8<br />

- - in pregnancy or childbirth NEC O34.0<br />

- - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.8<br />

- - - causing obstructed labor O65.5<br />

- - - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1<br />

- uvula Q38.5<br />

- vagina Q52.4<br />

- valleculae Q31.8<br />

- valve (heart) NEC Q24.8<br />

- - coronary sinus Q24.5<br />

- - inferior vena cava Q24.8<br />

- - pulmonary Q22.3<br />

- - sinus coronario Q24.5<br />

- - venae cavae inferioris Q24.8<br />

- vas deferens Q55.4<br />

- vascular NEC Q27.9<br />

- - brain Q28.3<br />

- - ring Q25.4<br />

- vein(s) (peripheral) Q27.9<br />

- - brain Q28.3<br />

- - cerebral Q28.3<br />

- - coronary Q24.5<br />

- - great Q26.9<br />

- - - specified NEC Q26.8<br />

- vena cava (inferior) (superior) Q26.9<br />

- venous return Q26.8<br />

- ventricular<br />

- - b<strong>and</strong>s or folds Q24.8<br />

Anomaly, anomalous-------continued<br />

- - septa Q21.0<br />

- vertebra Q76.4<br />

- vesicourethral orifice NEC Q64.7<br />

- vessel(s) Q27.9<br />

- - optic papilla Q14.2<br />

- - precerebral Q28.1<br />

- vitreous body or humor Q14.0<br />

- vulva Q52.7<br />

- wrist (joint) Q74.0<br />

Anomia R48.8<br />

Anonychia (congenital) Q84.3<br />

- acquired L60.8<br />

Anophthalmos, anophthalmus<br />

(congenital) (globe) Q11.1<br />

- acquired Z90.0<br />

Anopsia, quadrant H53.4<br />

Anorchia, anorchism, anorchidism Q55.0<br />

Anorexia R63.0<br />

- hysterical F44.8<br />

- nervosa F50.0<br />

- - atypical F50.1<br />

- - binge-eating type F50.2<br />

Anorgasmy (psychogenic) F52.3<br />

Anosmia (see also Disturbance, sensation)<br />

R43.0<br />

- hysterical F44.6<br />

Anosognosia R41.8<br />

Anovulatory cycle N97.0<br />

Anoxemia R09.0<br />

- newborn (see also Asphyxia, newborn)<br />

P21.9<br />

Anoxia R09.0<br />

- altitude T70.2<br />

- cerebral G93.1<br />

- - complicating<br />

- - - anesthesia (general) (local) or other<br />

sedation<br />

- - - - in labor <strong>and</strong> delivery O74.3<br />

- - - - in pregnancy O29.2<br />

- - - - postpartum, puerperal O89.2<br />

- - - delivery (cesarean) (instrumental) O75.4<br />

- - during or resulting from a procedure G97.8<br />

- - newborn (see also Asphyxia, newborn)<br />

P21.9<br />

- due to drowning T75.1<br />

- heart — see Insufficiency, coronary<br />

- high altitude T70.2<br />

- intrauterine — see Hypoxia, intrauterine<br />

- myocardial — see Insufficiency, coronary<br />

- newborn (see also Asphyxia, newborn) P21.9<br />

- pathological R09.0<br />

Anteflexion — see Anteversion<br />

Antenatal<br />

- care, normal pregnancy Z34.9<br />

- - first Z34.0<br />

- - specified NEC Z34.8<br />


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