Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Alveolus, alveolar — see condition Alymphocytosis D72.8 - thymic (with immunodeficiency) D82.1 Alymphoplasia, thymic D82.1 Alzheimer's disease or sclerosis G30.9 - dementia in G30.9† F00.9* - - atypical or mixed G30.8† F00.2* - - early onset (presenile) G30.0† F00.0* - - late onset (senile) G30.1† F00.1* - early onset (presenile) G30.0 - late onset (senile) G30.1 - specified NEC G30.8 Amastia (with nipple present) Q83.8 - with absent nipple Q83.0 Amaurosis (acquired) (congenital) (see also Blindness) H54.0 - fugax G45.3 - hysterical F44.6 - Leber's congenital H35.5 - uremic — see Uremia Amaurotic idiocy (infantile) (juvenile) (late) E75.4 Ambiguous genitalia Q56.4 Amblyopia (congenital) (deprivation) (partial) (strabismic) (suppression) H53.0 - anisometropic H53.0 - ex anopsia H53.0 - hysterical F44.6 - nocturnal H53.6 - - vitamin A deficiency E50.5† H58.1* - tobacco H53.8 - toxic NEC H53.8 - uremic — see Uremia Ameba, amebic — see Amebiasis Amebiasis A06.9 - with abscess — see Abscess, amebic - acute A06.0 - chronic (intestine) A06.1 - - with abscess — see Abscess, amebic - cutaneous A06.7 - hepatic (see also Abscess, liver, amebic) A06.4 - intestine A06.0 - nondysenteric colitis A06.2 - skin A06.7 - specified site NEC A06.8 Ameboma (of intestine) A06.3 Amelia Q73.0 - lower limb Q72.0 - upper limb Q71.0 Ameloblastoma (M9310/0) D16.5 - jaw (bone) (lower) D16.5 - - upper D16.4 - long bones (M9261/3) C40.9 - malignant (M9310/3) C41.1 - - jaw (bone) (lower) C41.1 - - - upper C41.0 Ameloblastoma-------continued - mandible D16.5 - tibial (M9261/3) C40.2 Amelogenesis imperfecta K00.5 - nonhereditaria (segmentalis) K00.4 Amenorrhea N91.2 - hyperhormonal E28.8 - primary N91.0 - secondary N91.1 Amentia (see also Retardation, mental) F79.- Ametropia H52.7 Amimia R48.8 Amino-acid disorder E72.9 - anemia D53.0 Aminoacidopathy E72.9 Aminoaciduria E72.9 Amnes(t)ic syndrome - alcohol-induced F10.6 - drug-induced — see F11–F19 with fourth character .6 Amnesia R41.3 - anterograde R41.1 - auditory R48.8 - dissociative F44.0 - hysterical F44.0 - postictal in epilepsy G40.9 - psychogenic F44.0 - retrograde R41.2 - transient global G45.4 Amniocentesis screening (for) Z36.2 - alphafetoprotein level, raised Z36.1 - chromosomal anomalies Z36.0 Amnion, amniotic — see condition Amnionitis - affecting fetus or newborn P02.7 - complicating pregnancy O41.1 Amok F68.8 Amoral traits F61 Ampulla - lower esophagus K22.8 - phrenic K22.8 Amputation — see also Absence, by limb or organ, acquired - any part of fetus, to facilitate delivery P03.8 - cervix (uteri) Z90.7 - - in pregnancy or childbirth O34.4 - neuroma T87.3 - stump (surgical) - - abnormal, painful, or with complication (late) T87.6 - - healed or old NEC Z89.9 - traumatic (complete) (partial) T14.7 - - abdomen, lower back and pelvis NEC S38.3 - - arm - - - meaning upper limb — see Amputation, traumatic, limb, upper - - - upper S48.9 40

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Amputation-------continued - - - - at shoulder joint S48.0 - - - - between shoulder and elbow S48.1 - - ear S08.1 - - finger - - - one (except thumb) S68.1 - - - - with other parts of wrist and hand S68.3 - - - two or more (except thumb) S68.2 - - - - with other parts of wrist and hand S68.3 - - foot S98.4 - - - and other lower limb(s) (leg) (any level, except foot) T05.4 - - - at ankle level S98.0 - - - both T05.3 - - - one toe S98.1 - - - other parts S98.3 - - - parts of foot and toe(s) S98.3 - - - two or more toes S98.2 - - forearm S58.9 - - - at elbow level S58.0 - - - between elbow and wrist S58.1 - - genital organ(s) (external) S38.2 - - hand S68.9 - - - and other upper limb(s) (arm) (any level, except hand) T05.1 - - - and wrist S68.9 - - - - parts NEC S68.8 - - - at wrist level S68.4 - - - both T05.0 - - - parts NEC S68.8 - - head - - - decapitation (at neck level) S18 - - - ear S08.1 - - - nose S08.8 - - - part S08.9 - - - - scalp S08.0 - - - - specified NEC S08.8 - - hip (and thigh) S78.9 - - - at hip joint S78.0 - - labium (majus) (minus) S38.2 - - leg - - - lower S88.9 - - - - and other foot T05.4 - - - - at knee level S88.0 - - - - between knee and ankle S88.1 - - - - both (any level) T05.5 - - - meaning lower limb — see Amputation, traumatic, limb, lower - - limb T14.7 - - - lower T13.6 - - - - and other foot T05.4 - - - - both T05.5 - - - upper T11.6 - - - - and other hand T05.1 - - - - both T05.2 - - lower limb(s) except toe(s) T13.6 - - multiple T05.9 - - - specified site NEC T05.8 Amputation-------continued - - nose S08.8 - - pelvis S38.3 - - penis S38.2 - - scrotum S38.2 - - shoulder S48.9 - - - at shoulder joint S48.0 - - testis S38.2 - - thigh S78.9 - - - at hip joint S78.0 - - - between hip and knee S78.1 - - thorax, part of S28.1 - - thumb S68.0 - - toe - - - one S98.1 - - - - with other parts of foot S98.3 - - - two or more S98.2 - - - - with other parts of foot S98.3 - - trunk NEC T09.6 - - upper limb(s) T11.6 - - - with lower limb(s), any level(s) T05.6 - - - both T05.2 - - vulva S38.2 - - wrist S68.9 - - - parts NEC S68.8 Amputee (bilateral) (old) Z89.9 Amsterdam dwarfism Q87.1 Amusia R48.8 - developmental F80.8 Amyelencephalus, amyelencephaly Q00.0 Amyelia Q06.0 Amygdalitis — see Tonsillitis Amygdalolith J35.8 Amyloid heart (disease) E85.4† I43.1* Amyloidosis (generalized) (primary) E85.9 - with lung involvement E85.4† J99.8* - familial E85.2 - genetic E85.2 - heart E85.4† I43.1* - hemodialysis-associated E85.3 - heredofamilial E85.2 - - neuropathic E85.1 - - non-neuropathic E85.0 - liver E85.4† K77.8* - localized E85.4 - neuropathic heredofamilial E85.1 - non-neuropathic heredofamilial E85.0 - organ-limited E85.4 - Portuguese E85.1 - pulmonary E85.4† J99.8* - skin (lichen) (macular) E85.4† L99.0* - specified NEC E85.8 - subglottic E85.4† J99.8* - systemic, secondary E85.3 Amylopectinosis (brancher enzyme deficiency) E74.0 Amyoplasia congenita Q79.8 41

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Amputation-------continued<br />

- - - - at shoulder joint S48.0<br />

- - - - between shoulder <strong>and</strong> elbow S48.1<br />

- - ear S08.1<br />

- - finger<br />

- - - one (except thumb) S68.1<br />

- - - - with other parts of wrist <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong> S68.3<br />

- - - two or more (except thumb) S68.2<br />

- - - - with other parts of wrist <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong> S68.3<br />

- - foot S98.4<br />

- - - <strong>and</strong> other lower limb(s) (leg) (any level,<br />

except foot) T05.4<br />

- - - at ankle level S98.0<br />

- - - both T05.3<br />

- - - one toe S98.1<br />

- - - other parts S98.3<br />

- - - parts of foot <strong>and</strong> toe(s) S98.3<br />

- - - two or more toes S98.2<br />

- - forearm S58.9<br />

- - - at elbow level S58.0<br />

- - - between elbow <strong>and</strong> wrist S58.1<br />

- - genital organ(s) (external) S38.2<br />

- - h<strong>and</strong> S68.9<br />

- - - <strong>and</strong> other upper limb(s) (arm) (any level,<br />

except h<strong>and</strong>) T05.1<br />

- - - <strong>and</strong> wrist S68.9<br />

- - - - parts NEC S68.8<br />

- - - at wrist level S68.4<br />

- - - both T05.0<br />

- - - parts NEC S68.8<br />

- - head<br />

- - - decapitation (at neck level) S18<br />

- - - ear S08.1<br />

- - - nose S08.8<br />

- - - part S08.9<br />

- - - - scalp S08.0<br />

- - - - specified NEC S08.8<br />

- - hip (<strong>and</strong> thigh) S78.9<br />

- - - at hip joint S78.0<br />

- - labium (majus) (minus) S38.2<br />

- - leg<br />

- - - lower S88.9<br />

- - - - <strong>and</strong> other foot T05.4<br />

- - - - at knee level S88.0<br />

- - - - between knee <strong>and</strong> ankle S88.1<br />

- - - - both (any level) T05.5<br />

- - - meaning lower limb — see Amputation,<br />

traumatic, limb, lower<br />

- - limb T14.7<br />

- - - lower T13.6<br />

- - - - <strong>and</strong> other foot T05.4<br />

- - - - both T05.5<br />

- - - upper T11.6<br />

- - - - <strong>and</strong> other h<strong>and</strong> T05.1<br />

- - - - both T05.2<br />

- - lower limb(s) except toe(s) T13.6<br />

- - multiple T05.9<br />

- - - specified site NEC T05.8<br />

Amputation-------continued<br />

- - nose S08.8<br />

- - pelvis S38.3<br />

- - penis S38.2<br />

- - scrotum S38.2<br />

- - shoulder S48.9<br />

- - - at shoulder joint S48.0<br />

- - testis S38.2<br />

- - thigh S78.9<br />

- - - at hip joint S78.0<br />

- - - between hip <strong>and</strong> knee S78.1<br />

- - thorax, part of S28.1<br />

- - thumb S68.0<br />

- - toe<br />

- - - one S98.1<br />

- - - - with other parts of foot S98.3<br />

- - - two or more S98.2<br />

- - - - with other parts of foot S98.3<br />

- - trunk NEC T09.6<br />

- - upper limb(s) T11.6<br />

- - - with lower limb(s), any level(s) T05.6<br />

- - - both T05.2<br />

- - vulva S38.2<br />

- - wrist S68.9<br />

- - - parts NEC S68.8<br />

Amputee (bilateral) (old) Z89.9<br />

Amsterdam dwarfism Q87.1<br />

Amusia R48.8<br />

- developmental F80.8<br />

Amyelencephalus, amyelencephaly Q00.0<br />

Amyelia Q06.0<br />

Amygdalitis — see Tonsillitis<br />

Amygdalolith J35.8<br />

Amyloid heart (disease) E85.4† I43.1*<br />

Amyloidosis (generalized) (primary) E85.9<br />

- with lung involvement E85.4† J99.8*<br />

- familial E85.2<br />

- genetic E85.2<br />

- heart E85.4† I43.1*<br />

- hemodialysis-associated E85.3<br />

- heredofamilial E85.2<br />

- - neuropathic E85.1<br />

- - non-neuropathic E85.0<br />

- liver E85.4† K77.8*<br />

- localized E85.4<br />

- neuropathic heredofamilial E85.1<br />

- non-neuropathic heredofamilial E85.0<br />

- organ-limited E85.4<br />

- Portuguese E85.1<br />

- pulmonary E85.4† J99.8*<br />

- skin (lichen) (macular) E85.4† L99.0*<br />

- specified NEC E85.8<br />

- subglottic E85.4† J99.8*<br />

- systemic, secondary E85.3<br />

Amylopectinosis (brancher enzyme<br />

deficiency) E74.0<br />

Amyoplasia congenita Q79.8<br />


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