Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Complication of Abortion, current episode (O03–O06) complete or unspecified incomplete Complication of pregnancy with abortive outcome, subsequent episode (O08) Abortion -------continued - - sepsis .................................................................... .5 .0 .0 - - septic shock .......................................................... .5 .0 .0 - - septicemia ............................................................. .5 .0 .0 - - shock (postprocedural) ......................................... .8 .3 .3 - - tear - - - bladder ............................................................... .8 .3 .6 - - - bowel .................................................................. .8 .3 .6 - - - broad ligament ................................................... .8 .3 .6 - - - cervix .................................................................. .8 .3 .6 - - - periurethral tissue ............................................... .8 .3 .6 - - - uterus ................................................................. .8 .3 .6 - - tubular necrosis (renal) ......................................... .8 .3 .4 - - uremia ................................................................... .8 .3 .4 - - urinary infection .................................................... .8 .3 .8 Abortion -------continued - failed — see Abortion, attempted - fetus or newborn P96.4 - following threatened abortion O03.- - habitual or recurrent N96 - - with current abortion — see categories O03–O06 - - - fetus P01.8 - - care in current pregnancy O26.2 - - without current pregnancy N96 - illegal O05.- - induced O06.- - - for - - - legal indications O04.- - - - medical indications O04.- - - - psychiatric indications O04.- - - nonmedical O05.- - legal (induced) O04.- - - fetus P96.4 - medical O04.- - - fetus P96.4 - missed O02.1 - operative — see Abortion, medical - spontaneous O03.- - - fetus P01.8 - - threatened O20.0 - - - affecting fetus or newborn P01.8 - therapeutic O04.- - - fetus P96.4 - threatened (spontaneous) O20.0 - - affecting fetus or newborn P01.8 - tubal O00.1 Abrami's disease D59.8 Abrasion (see also Injury, superficial) T14.0 - tooth, teeth (dentifrice) (habitual) (hard tissues) (occupational) (ritual) (traditional) (wedge defect) K03.1 Abruptio placentae O45.9 - with coagulation defect O45.0 - affecting fetus or newborn P02.1 Abruption, placenta — see Abruptio placentae Abscess (embolic) (infective) (metastatic) (multiple) (pyogenic) (septic) L02.9 - with - - diverticular disease (intestine) K57.8 - - - large K57.2 - - - - and small K57.4 - - - small K57.0 - - lymphangitis — code by site under Abscess - abdomen, abdominal - - cavity K65.0 - - wall L02.2 - abdominopelvic K65.0 - accessory sinus (chronic) (see also Sinusitis) J32.9 - - acute (see also Sinusitis, acute) J01.9 - alveolar K04.7 - amebic A06.4 - - brain (and liver or lung abscess) A06.6† G07* - - liver (without mention of brain or lung abscess) A06.4 - - lung (and liver) (without mention of brain abscess) A06.5† J99.8* - - specified site NEC A06.8 - - spleen A06.8 - ankle L02.4 - anorectal K61.2 - antecubital space L02.4 - antrum (chronic) (Highmore) (see also Sinusitis, maxillary) J32.0 - anus K61.0 18

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Abscess-------continued - apical (tooth) K04.7 - - with sinus (alveolar) K04.6 - appendix K35.1 - areola (acute) (chronic) (nonpuerperal) N61 - - puerperal, postpartum or gestational O91.0 - arm (any part) L02.4 - artery (wall) I77.8 - auricle, ear H60.0 - axilla (region) L02.4 - - lymph gland or node L04.2 - back (any part, except buttock) L02.2 - Bartholin's gland N75.1 - Bezold's H70.0 - bladder (wall) N30.8 - bone (subperiosteal) M86.8 - - accessory sinus (chronic) (see also Sinusitis) J32.9 - - chronic M86.6 - - jaw (lower) (upper) K10.2 - - mastoid H70.0 - - petrous H70.2 - - spinal (tuberculous) A18.0† M49.0* - - - nontuberculous M46.2 - bowel K63.0 - brain (any part) G06.0 - - amebic (with abscess of any other site) A06.6† G07* - - cystic G06.0 - - gonococcal A54.8† G07* - - otogenic G06.0 - - pheomycotic (chromomycotic) B43.1† G07* - - tuberculous A17.8† G07* - breast (acute) (chronic) (nonpuerperal) N61 - - gestational O91.1 - - newborn P39.0 - - puerperal, postpartum O91.1 - broad ligament (see also Disease, pelvis, inflammatory) N73.2 - Brodie's (chronic) (localized) M86.8 - bronchi J98.0 - buccal cavity K12.2 - bulbourethral gland N34.0 - bursa M71.0 - - pharyngeal J39.1 - buttock L02.3 - canthus H10.5 - cartilage M94.8 - cerebellum, cerebellar G06.0 - cerebral (embolic) G06.0 - cervical (meaning neck) L02.1 - - lymph gland or node L04.0 - cervix (uteri) (see also Cervicitis) N72 - cheek (external) L02.0 - chest J86.9 - - with fistula J86.0 - - wall L02.2 - chin L02.0 - choroid H30.0 Abscess-------continued - ciliary body H20.8 - cold (lung) (tuberculous) (see also Tuberculosis, abscess, lung) A16.2 - - articular — see Tuberculosis, joint - colon (wall) K63.0 - colostomy or enterostomy K91.4 - conjunctiva H10.0 - connective tissue NEC L02.9 - cornea H16.3 - corpus - - cavernosum N48.2 - - luteum (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) N70.9 - Cowper's gland N34.0 - cranium G06.0 - Crohn's disease K50.9 - - large intestine K50.1 - - - and small intestine K50.8 - - small intestine (duodenum, ileum or jejunum) K50.0 - cul-de-sac (Douglas') (posterior) (see also Peritonitis, pelvic, female) N73.5 - cutaneous (see also Abscess, by site) L02.9 - dental K04.7 - - with sinus (alveolar) K04.6 - dentoalveolar K04.7 - - with sinus K04.6 - diaphragm, diaphragmatic K65.0 - Douglas' cul-de-sac or pouch (see also Peritonitis, pelvic, female) N73.5 - ear (middle) H66.4 - - acute H66.0 - - external H60.0 - entamebic — see Abscess, amebic - epididymis N45.0 - epidural G06.2 - - brain G06.0 - - spinal cord G06.1 - epiglottis J38.7 - epiploon, epiploic K65.0 - erysipelatous (see also Erysipelas) A46 - esophagus K20 - ethmoid (bone) (chronic) (sinus) J32.2 - external auditory canal H60.0 - extradural G06.2 - - brain G06.0 - - spinal cord G06.1 - extraperitoneal K65.0 - eye H44.0 - eyelid H00.0 - face (any part, except ear, eye and nose) L02.0 - fallopian tube (see also Salpingooophoritis) N70.9 - fascia M72.8 - fauces J39.1 - femoral (region) L02.4 - filaria, filarial (see also Infestation, filarial) B74.9 19

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Complication of<br />

Abortion, current<br />

episode (O03–O06)<br />

complete or<br />

unspecified<br />

incomplete<br />

Complication of pregnancy<br />

with abortive<br />

outcome, subsequent<br />

episode (O08)<br />

Abortion -------continued<br />

- - sepsis .................................................................... .5 .0 .0<br />

- - septic shock .......................................................... .5 .0 .0<br />

- - septicemia ............................................................. .5 .0 .0<br />

- - shock (postprocedural) ......................................... .8 .3 .3<br />

- - tear<br />

- - - bladder ............................................................... .8 .3 .6<br />

- - - bowel .................................................................. .8 .3 .6<br />

- - - broad ligament ................................................... .8 .3 .6<br />

- - - cervix .................................................................. .8 .3 .6<br />

- - - periurethral tissue ............................................... .8 .3 .6<br />

- - - uterus ................................................................. .8 .3 .6<br />

- - tubular necrosis (renal) ......................................... .8 .3 .4<br />

- - uremia ................................................................... .8 .3 .4<br />

- - urinary infection .................................................... .8 .3 .8<br />

Abortion -------continued<br />

- failed — see Abortion, attempted<br />

- fetus or newborn P96.4<br />

- following threatened abortion O03.-<br />

- habitual or recurrent N96<br />

- - with current abortion — see categories<br />

O03–O06<br />

- - - fetus P01.8<br />

- - care in current pregnancy O26.2<br />

- - without current pregnancy N96<br />

- illegal O05.-<br />

- induced O06.-<br />

- - for<br />

- - - legal indications O04.-<br />

- - - medical indications O04.-<br />

- - - psychiatric indications O04.-<br />

- - nonmedical O05.-<br />

- legal (induced) O04.-<br />

- - fetus P96.4<br />

- medical O04.-<br />

- - fetus P96.4<br />

- missed O02.1<br />

- operative — see Abortion, medical<br />

- spontaneous O03.-<br />

- - fetus P01.8<br />

- - threatened O20.0<br />

- - - affecting fetus or newborn P01.8<br />

- therapeutic O04.-<br />

- - fetus P96.4<br />

- threatened (spontaneous) O20.0<br />

- - affecting fetus or newborn P01.8<br />

- tubal O00.1<br />

Abrami's disease D59.8<br />

Abrasion (see also Injury, superficial) T14.0<br />

- tooth, teeth (dentifrice) (habitual) (hard<br />

tissues) (occupational) (ritual) (traditional)<br />

(wedge defect) K03.1<br />

Abruptio placentae O45.9<br />

- with coagulation defect O45.0<br />

- affecting fetus or newborn P02.1<br />

Abruption, placenta — see Abruptio<br />

placentae<br />

Abscess (embolic) (infective) (metastatic)<br />

(multiple) (pyogenic) (septic) L02.9<br />

- with<br />

- - diverticular disease (intestine) K57.8<br />

- - - large K57.2<br />

- - - - <strong>and</strong> small K57.4<br />

- - - small K57.0<br />

- - lymphangitis — code by site under<br />

Abscess<br />

- abdomen, abdominal<br />

- - cavity K65.0<br />

- - wall L02.2<br />

- abdominopelvic K65.0<br />

- accessory sinus (chronic) (see also<br />

Sinusitis) J32.9<br />

- - acute (see also Sinusitis, acute) J01.9<br />

- alveolar K04.7<br />

- amebic A06.4<br />

- - brain (<strong>and</strong> liver or lung abscess)<br />

A06.6† G07*<br />

- - liver (without mention of brain or lung<br />

abscess) A06.4<br />

- - lung (<strong>and</strong> liver) (without mention of<br />

brain abscess) A06.5† J99.8*<br />

- - specified site NEC A06.8<br />

- - spleen A06.8<br />

- ankle L02.4<br />

- anorectal K61.2<br />

- antecubital space L02.4<br />

- antrum (chronic) (Highmore) (see also<br />

Sinusitis, maxillary) J32.0<br />

- anus K61.0<br />


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