Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Abnormal, abnormality-------continued - - microbiological examination (culture) R82.7 - - positive culture R82.7 - - specified NEC R82.9 - - substances nonmedical R82.6 - vagina (acquired) (congenital), in pregnancy or childbirth O34.6 - - causing obstructed labor O65.5 - - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - vectorcardiogram R94.3 - visually evoked potential (VEP) R94.1 - vulva and perineum (acquired) (congenital), in pregnancy or childbirth O34.7 - - causing obstructed labor O65.5 - - - affecting fetus or newborn P03.1 - white blood cells NEC R72 - X-ray examination — see Abnormal, diagnostic imaging Abnormity (any organ or part) — see Anomaly ABO hemolytic disease (fetus or newborn) P55.1 Abolition, language R48.8 Aborter, habitual or recurrent NEC - care in current pregnancy O26.2 - current abortion — see categories O03–O06 - - affecting fetus or newborn P01.8 - without current pregnancy N96 Abortion (complete) (incomplete) O06.- - accidental O03.- - attempted (failed) (induced) (nonmedical) O07.9 - - complicated by - - - afibrinogenemia O07.6 - - - cardiac arrest O07.8 - - - chemical damage of pelvic organ(s) O07.8 - - - circulatory collapse O07.8 - - - defibrination syndrome O07.6 - - - electrolyte imbalance O07.8 - - - embolism (amniotic fluid) (blood clot) (pulmonary) (septic) (soap) O07.7 - - - endometritis O07.5 - - - hemorrhage (delayed) (excessive) O07.6 - - - infection, genital tract or pelvic O07.5 - - - intravascular coagulation O07.6 - - - laceration of pelvic organ(s) O07.8 Abortion -------continued - - - oliguria O07.8 - - - oophoritis O07.5 - - - parametritis O07.5 - - - pelvic peritonitis O07.5 - - - perforation of pelvic organ(s) O07.8 - - - renal failure or shutdown O07.8 - - - salpingitis or salpingo-oophoritis O07.5 - - - sepsis O07.5 - - - septic shock O07.5 - - - septicemia O07.5 - - - shock O07.8 - - - - septic O07.5 - - - specified condition NEC O07.8 - - - tubular necrosis (renal) O07.8 - - - urinary infection O07.8 - - illegal O07.- - - medical O07.4 - - - complicated by - - - - afibrinogenemia O07.1 - - - - cardiac arrest O07.3 - - - - chemical damage of pelvic organ(s) O07.3 - - - - circulatory collapse O07.3 - - - - defibrination syndrome O07.1 - - - - electrolyte imbalance O07.3 - - - - embolism (amniotic fluid) (blood clot) (pulmonary) (septic) (soap) O07.2 - - - - endometritis O07.0 - - - - hemorrhage (delayed) (excessive) O07.1 - - - - infection, genital tract or pelvic O07.0 - - - - intravascular coagulation O07.1 - - - - laceration of pelvic organ(s) O07.3 - - - - oliguria O07.3 - - - - oophoritis O07.0 - - - - parametritis O07.0 - - - - pelvic peritonitis O07.0 - - - - perforation of pelvic organ(s) O07.3 - - - - renal failure or shutdown O07.3 - - - - salpingitis or salpingo-oophoritis O07.0 - - - - sepsis O07.0 - - - - septic shock O07.0 - - - - septicemia O07.0 - - - - shock O07.3 - - - - - septic O07.0 - - - - specified condition NEC O07.3 - - - - tubular necrosis (renal) O07.3 - - - - urinary infection O07.3 Note: The following fourth-character list is provided to be used with categories O03–O06 and O08. A distinction is made between an episode of care at which a disease or injury and resulting complications or manifestations are treated together–'current episode'– and an episode of care for complications or manifestations of diseases or injuries treated previously–'subsequent episode'. 16

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Complication of Abortion, current episode (O03–O06) complete or unspecified incomplete Complication of pregnancy with abortive outcome, subsequent episode (O08) Abortion - complicated (by) ........................................................8 .3 .9 - - afibrinogenemia ....................................................6 .1 .1 - - cardiac arrest .........................................................8 .3 .8 - - chemical damage - - - bladder .................................................................8 .3 .6 - - - bowel ...................................................................8 .3 .6 - - - broad ligament .....................................................8 .3 .6 - - - cervix ...................................................................8 .3 .6 - - - periurethral tissue ................................................8 .3 .6 - - - uterus ...................................................................8 .3 .6 - - circulatory collapse ................................................8 .3 .3 - - condition specified NEC .........................................8 .3 .8 - - damage to pelvic organs or tissues NEC ..............8 .3 .6 - - defibrination syndrome ..........................................6 .1 .1 - - electrolyte imbalance .............................................8 .3 .5 - - embolism ................................................................7 .2 .2 - - - air .........................................................................7 .2 .2 - - - amniotic fluid ........................................................7 .2 .2 - - - blood clot .............................................................7 .2 .2 - - - pulmonary ............................................................7 .2 .2 - - - pyemic .................................................................7 .2 .2 - - - septic ...................................................................7 .2 .2 - - - septicopyemic ......................................................7 .2 .2 - - - soap .....................................................................7 .2 .2 - - endometritis ...........................................................5 .0 .0 - - hemorrhage (delayed) (excessive) ........................6 .1 .1 - - infection - - - genital ..................................................................5 .0 .0 - - - pelvic ...................................................................5 .0 .0 - - - urinary tract ..........................................................8 .3 .8 - - intravascular coagulation .......................................6 .1 .1 - - laceration - - - bladder .................................................................8 .3 .6 - - - bowel ...................................................................8 .3 .6 - - - broad ligament .....................................................8 .3 .6 - - - cervix ...................................................................8 .3 .6 - - - periurethral tissue ................................................8 .3 .6 - - - uterus ...................................................................8 .3 .6 - - metabolic disorder ..................................................8 .3 .5 - - oliguria ...................................................................8 .3 .4 - - oophoritis ...............................................................5 .0 .0 - - parametritis ............................................................5 .0 .0 - - pelvic peritonitis .....................................................5 .0 .0 - - perforation - - - bladder .................................................................8 .3 .6 - - - bowel ...................................................................8 .3 .6 - - - cervix ...................................................................8 .3 .6 - - - uterus ...................................................................8 .3 .6 - - renal failure (acute) ................................................8 .3 .4 - - renal shutdown .......................................................5 .3 .4 - - salpingitis ...............................................................5 .0 .0 - - salpingo-oophoritis .................................................5 .0 .0 17

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Complication of<br />

Abortion, current<br />

episode (O03–O06)<br />

complete or<br />

unspecified<br />

incomplete<br />

Complication of pregnancy<br />

with abortive<br />

outcome, subsequent<br />

episode (O08)<br />

Abortion<br />

- complicated (by) ........................................................8 .3 .9<br />

- - afibrinogenemia ....................................................6 .1 .1<br />

- - cardiac arrest .........................................................8 .3 .8<br />

- - chemical damage<br />

- - - bladder .................................................................8 .3 .6<br />

- - - bowel ...................................................................8 .3 .6<br />

- - - broad ligament .....................................................8 .3 .6<br />

- - - cervix ...................................................................8 .3 .6<br />

- - - periurethral tissue ................................................8 .3 .6<br />

- - - uterus ...................................................................8 .3 .6<br />

- - circulatory collapse ................................................8 .3 .3<br />

- - condition specified NEC .........................................8 .3 .8<br />

- - damage to pelvic organs or tissues NEC ..............8 .3 .6<br />

- - defibrination syndrome ..........................................6 .1 .1<br />

- - electrolyte imbalance .............................................8 .3 .5<br />

- - embolism ................................................................7 .2 .2<br />

- - - air .........................................................................7 .2 .2<br />

- - - amniotic fluid ........................................................7 .2 .2<br />

- - - blood clot .............................................................7 .2 .2<br />

- - - pulmonary ............................................................7 .2 .2<br />

- - - pyemic .................................................................7 .2 .2<br />

- - - septic ...................................................................7 .2 .2<br />

- - - septicopyemic ......................................................7 .2 .2<br />

- - - soap .....................................................................7 .2 .2<br />

- - endometritis ...........................................................5 .0 .0<br />

- - hemorrhage (delayed) (excessive) ........................6 .1 .1<br />

- - infection<br />

- - - genital ..................................................................5 .0 .0<br />

- - - pelvic ...................................................................5 .0 .0<br />

- - - urinary tract ..........................................................8 .3 .8<br />

- - intravascular coagulation .......................................6 .1 .1<br />

- - laceration<br />

- - - bladder .................................................................8 .3 .6<br />

- - - bowel ...................................................................8 .3 .6<br />

- - - broad ligament .....................................................8 .3 .6<br />

- - - cervix ...................................................................8 .3 .6<br />

- - - periurethral tissue ................................................8 .3 .6<br />

- - - uterus ...................................................................8 .3 .6<br />

- - metabolic disorder ..................................................8 .3 .5<br />

- - oliguria ...................................................................8 .3 .4<br />

- - oophoritis ...............................................................5 .0 .0<br />

- - parametritis ............................................................5 .0 .0<br />

- - pelvic peritonitis .....................................................5 .0 .0<br />

- - perforation<br />

- - - bladder .................................................................8 .3 .6<br />

- - - bowel ...................................................................8 .3 .6<br />

- - - cervix ...................................................................8 .3 .6<br />

- - - uterus ...................................................................8 .3 .6<br />

- - renal failure (acute) ................................................8 .3 .4<br />

- - renal shutdown .......................................................5 .3 .4<br />

- - salpingitis ...............................................................5 .0 .0<br />

- - salpingo-oophoritis .................................................5 .0 .0<br />


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