Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Table of Drugs and Chemicals Substance Chapter XIX Accidental L Poisoning Intentional Self-harm Undetermined intent Adverse effect in therapeutic use Labetalol T44.8 X43.– X63.– Y13.– Y51.8 Laburnum (seeds) T62.2 X49.– X69.– Y19.– – Lachesine T49.5 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y56.5 Lacidipine T46.5 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y52.5 Lacquer T65.6 X49.– X69.– Y19.– – Lactated potassic saline T50.3 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y54.9 Lactic acid T49.8 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y56.8 Lactobacillus - acidophilus T47.6 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y53.6 - - compound T47.6 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y53.6 - bifidus, lyophilized T47.6 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y53.6 - bulgaricus T47.6 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y53.6 - sporogenes T47.6 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y53.6 Lactose (as excipient) T50.9 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y57.4 Lactulose T47.3 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y53.3 Laevo — see Levo- Lanatosides T46.0 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y52.0 Lanolin T49.3 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y56.3 Lassar's paste T49.4 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y56.4 Latamoxef T36.1 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y40.1 Laudanum T40.0 X42.– X62.– Y12.– Y45.0 Laughing gas T41.0 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y48.0 Lauryl sulfoacetate T49.2 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y56.2 Laxative NEC T47.4 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y53.4 - osmotic T47.3 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y53.3 - saline T47.3 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y53.3 - stimulant T47.2 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y53.2 Lead (dust) (fumes) (vapor) NEC T56.0 X49.– X69.– Y19.– – - acetate T49.2 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y56.2 - alkyl (fuel additive) T56.0 X46.– X66.– Y16.– – - arsenate, arsenite (dust) (herbicide) (insecticide) (vapor) T57.0 X48.– X68.– Y18.– – - inorganic T56.0 X49.– X69.– Y19.– – - organic T56.0 X49.– X69.– Y19.– – Lefetamine T39.8 X40.– X60.– Y10.– Y45.8 Lenperone T43.4 X41.– X61.– Y11.– Y49.4 Leptazol T50.7 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y50.0 Leptophos T60.0 X48.– X68.– Y18.– – Letosteine T48.4 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y55.4 Leucinocaine T41.3 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y48.3 Leucocianidol T46.9 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y52.9 708

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Substance Chapter XIX Accidental Poisoning Intentional Self-harm Undetermined intent Adverse effect in therapeutic use Leucovorin (factor) T45.8 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y44.1 Leuprorelin T38.8 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y42.8 Levallorphan T50.7 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y50.1 Levamisole T37.4 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y41.4 Levarterenol T44.4 X43.– X63.– Y13.– Y51.4 Levdropropizine T48.3 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y55.3 Levobunolol T49.5 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y56.5 Levocabastine (hydrochloride) T45.0 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y43.0 Levocarnitine T50.9 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y57.1 Levodopa T42.8 X41.– X61.– Y11.– Y46.7 - with carbidopa T42.8 X41.– X61.– Y11.– Y46.7 Levoglutamide T50.9 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y57.1 Levomepromazine T43.3 X41.– X61.– Y11.– Y49.3 Levonordefrin T49.6 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y56.6 Levonorgestrel T38.4 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y42.4 - with ethinylestradiol T38.4 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y42.5 Levopromazine T43.3 X41.– X61.– Y11.– Y49.3 Levopropoxyphene T40.4 X42.– X62.– Y12.– Y45.0 Levopropylhexedrine T50.5 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y57.0 Levoproxyphylline T48.6 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y55.6 Levorphanol T40.4 X42.– X62.– Y12.– Y45.0 Levothyroxine T38.1 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y42.1 - sodium T38.1 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y42.1 Levulose T50.3 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y54.6 Lewisite (gas), not in war T57.0 X49.– X69.– Y19.– – Lidocaine T41.3 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y48.3 - regional T41.3 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y48.3 - spinal T41.3 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y48.3 Lidofenin T50.8 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y57.6 Lidoflazine T46.1 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y52.1 Lighter fluid T52.0 X46.– X66.– Y16.– – Lignin hemicellulose T47.6 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y53.6 Lignocaine T41.3 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y48.3 - regional T41.3 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y48.3 - spinal T41.3 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y48.3 Ligroin(e) (solvent) T52.0 X46.– X66.– Y16.– – - vapor T59.8 X47.– X67.– Y17.– – Lime (chloride) T54.3 X49.– X69.– Y19.– – Limonene T52.8 X46.– X66.– Y16.– – Lincomycin T36.8 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y40.8 Lindane (insecticide) (nonmedicinal) (vapor) T53.6 X46.– X66.– Y16.– – - medicinal T49.0 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y56.0 Linoleic acid T46.6 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y52.6 709

Table of Drugs <strong>and</strong> Chemicals<br />

Substance Chapter XIX Accidental<br />

L<br />

Poisoning<br />

Intentional<br />

Self-harm<br />

Undetermined<br />

intent<br />

Adverse<br />

effect in<br />

therapeutic<br />

use<br />

Labetalol T44.8 X43.– X63.– Y13.– Y51.8<br />

Laburnum (seeds) T62.2 X49.– X69.– Y19.– –<br />

Lachesine T49.5 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y56.5<br />

Lacidipine T46.5 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y52.5<br />

Lacquer T65.6 X49.– X69.– Y19.– –<br />

Lactated potassic saline T50.3 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y54.9<br />

Lactic acid T49.8 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y56.8<br />

Lactobacillus<br />

- acidophilus T47.6 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y53.6<br />

- - compound T47.6 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y53.6<br />

- bifidus, lyophilized T47.6 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y53.6<br />

- bulgaricus T47.6 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y53.6<br />

- sporogenes T47.6 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y53.6<br />

Lactose (as excipient) T50.9 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y57.4<br />

Lactulose T47.3 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y53.3<br />

Laevo — see Levo-<br />

Lanatosides T46.0 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y52.0<br />

Lanolin T49.3 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y56.3<br />

Lassar's paste T49.4 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y56.4<br />

Latamoxef T36.1 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y40.1<br />

Laudanum T40.0 X42.– X62.– Y12.– Y45.0<br />

Laughing gas T41.0 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y48.0<br />

Lauryl sulfoacetate T49.2 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y56.2<br />

Laxative NEC T47.4 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y53.4<br />

- osmotic T47.3 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y53.3<br />

- saline T47.3 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y53.3<br />

- stimulant T47.2 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y53.2<br />

Lead (dust) (fumes) (vapor) NEC T56.0 X49.– X69.– Y19.– –<br />

- acetate T49.2 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y56.2<br />

- alkyl (fuel additive) T56.0 X46.– X66.– Y16.– –<br />

- arsenate, arsenite (dust) (herbicide)<br />

(insecticide) (vapor)<br />

T57.0 X48.– X68.– Y18.– –<br />

- inorganic T56.0 X49.– X69.– Y19.– –<br />

- organic T56.0 X49.– X69.– Y19.– –<br />

Lefetamine T39.8 X40.– X60.– Y10.– Y45.8<br />

Lenperone T43.4 X41.– X61.– Y11.– Y49.4<br />

Leptazol T50.7 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y50.0<br />

Leptophos T60.0 X48.– X68.– Y18.– –<br />

Letosteine T48.4 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y55.4<br />

Leucinocaine T41.3 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y48.3<br />

Leucocianidol T46.9 X44.– X64.– Y14.– Y52.9<br />


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