Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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External Causes Of Injury W Walked into stationary object (any) W22.- War operations (during hostilities) (injury) (by) (in) Y36.9 - after cessation of hostilities, injury due to Y36.8 - air blast Y36.2 - aircraft burned, destroyed, exploded, shot down Y36.1 - asphyxia from - - chemical (weapons) Y36.7 - - fire, conflagration (caused by fireproducing device or conventional weapon) Y36.3 - - - from nuclear explosion Y36.5 - - gas or fumes Y36.7 - battle wound NEC Y36.9 - bayonet Y36.4 - biological warfare agents Y36.6 - blast (air) (effects) Y36.2 - - from nuclear explosion Y36.5 - - underwater Y36.0 - bomb (antipersonnel) (mortar) (explosion) (fragments) Y36.2 - - after cessation of hostilities Y36.8 - bullet(s) (from carbine, machine gun, pistol, rifle, shotgun) Y36.4 - burn from - - chemical Y36.7 - - fire, conflagration (caused by fireproducing device or conventional weapon) Y36.3 - - - from nuclear explosion Y36.5 - - gas Y36.7 - burning aircraft Y36.1 - chemical Y36.7 - conventional warfare, specified form NEC Y36.4 - crushed by falling aircraft Y36.1 - depth-charge Y36.0 - destruction of aircraft Y36.1 - disability as sequela one year or more after injury Y89.1 - drowning Y36.4 - effect (direct) (secondary) of nuclear weapon Y36.5 - explosion (artillery shell) (breechblock) (cannon block) Y36.2 - - after cessation of hostilities of bomb, mine placed in war Y36.8 - - aircraft Y36.1 - - bomb (antipersonnel) (mortar) Y36.2 - - - nuclear (atom) (hydrogen) Y36.5 War operations……..Continued - - depth-charge Y36.0 - - grenade Y36.2 - - injury by fragments from Y36.2 - - land-mine Y36.2 - - marine weapon Y36.0 - - mine (land) Y36.2 - - - at sea or in harbor Y36.0 - - - marine Y36.0 - - missile (explosive) NEC (see also War operations, missile) Y36.2 - - munitions (accidental) (being used in war) (dump) (factory) Y36.2 - - nuclear (weapon) Y36.5 - - own weapons (accidental) Y36.2 - - sea-based artillery shell Y36.0 - - torpedo Y36.0 - exposure to ionizing radiation from nuclear explosion Y36.5 - falling aircraft Y36.1 - fire or fire-producing device Y36.3 - fireball effects from nuclear explosion Y36.5 - fragments from artillery shell, bomb NEC, grenade, guided missile, landmine, rocket, shell, shrapnel Y36.2 - gas or fumes Y36.7 - grenade (explosion) (fragments) Y36.2 - guided missile (explosion) (fragments) Y36.2 - - nuclear Y36.5 - heat from nuclear explosion Y36.5 - injury due to, but occurring after cessation of hostilities Y36.8 - land-mine (explosion) (fragments) Y36.2 - - after cessation of hostilities Y36.8 - laser(s) Y36.7 - late effect of Y89.1 - lewisite Y36.7 - lung irritant (chemical) (fumes) (gas) Y36.7 - marine mine Y36.0 - mine Y36.2 - - after cessation of hostilities Y36.8 - - at sea Y36.0 - - in harbor Y36.0 - - land (explosion) (fragments) Y36.2 - - marine Y36.0 - missile (guided) (explosion) (fragments) Y36.2 - - marine Y36.0 - - nuclear Y36.5 - mortar bomb (explosion) (fragments) Y36.2 628

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 War operations……..Continued - mustard gas Y36.7 - nerve gas Y36.7 - phosgene Y36.7 - poisoning (chemical) (fumes) (gas) Y36.7 - radiation, ionizing from nuclear explosion Y36.5 - rocket (explosion) (fragments) Y36.2 - saber, sabre Y36.4 - screening smoke Y36.7 - shell (aircraft) (artillery) (cannon) (land-based) (explosion) (fragments) Y36.2 - - sea-based Y36.0 - shooting Y36.4 - - after cessation of hostilities Y36.8 - - bullet(s) Y36.4 - - pellet(s) (rifle) (shotgun) Y36.4 - shrapnel Y36.2 - submersion Y36.4 - torpedo Y36.0 - unconventional warfare NEC Y36.7 - - biological (warfare) Y36.6 - - gas, fumes, chemicals Y36.7 - - laser(s) Y36.7 - - nuclear weapon Y36.5 - - specified NEC Y36.7 - underwater blast Y36.0 - vesicant (chemical) (fumes) (gas) Y36.7 - weapon burst Y36.2 Washed - away by flood X38.- - off road by storm (transport vehicle) X37.- Weather exposure NEC (see also Exposure) X39.- Weightlessness (causing injury) (effects of) (in spacecraft, real or simulated) X52.- Wound (accidental) NEC (see also Injury) X59.- - battle (see also War operations) Y36.9 - gunshot (see also Discharge, by type of firearm) W34.- Wreck transport vehicle NEC (see also Accident, transport) V89.9 Wrong fluid in infusion Y65.1 629

External Causes Of Injury<br />

W<br />

Walked into stationary object (any) W22.-<br />

War operations (during hostilities)<br />

(injury) (by) (in) Y36.9<br />

- after cessation of hostilities, injury<br />

due to Y36.8<br />

- air blast Y36.2<br />

- aircraft burned, destroyed,<br />

exploded, shot down Y36.1<br />

- asphyxia from<br />

- - chemical (weapons) Y36.7<br />

- - fire, conflagration (caused by fireproducing<br />

device or conventional<br />

weapon) Y36.3<br />

- - - from nuclear explosion Y36.5<br />

- - gas or fumes Y36.7<br />

- battle wound NEC Y36.9<br />

- bayonet Y36.4<br />

- biological warfare agents Y36.6<br />

- blast (air) (effects) Y36.2<br />

- - from nuclear explosion Y36.5<br />

- - underwater Y36.0<br />

- bomb (antipersonnel) (mortar)<br />

(explosion) (fragments) Y36.2<br />

- - after cessation of hostilities Y36.8<br />

- bullet(s) (from carbine, machine gun,<br />

pistol, rifle, shotgun) Y36.4<br />

- burn from<br />

- - chemical Y36.7<br />

- - fire, conflagration (caused by fireproducing<br />

device or conventional<br />

weapon) Y36.3<br />

- - - from nuclear explosion Y36.5<br />

- - gas Y36.7<br />

- burning aircraft Y36.1<br />

- chemical Y36.7<br />

- conventional warfare, specified form<br />

NEC Y36.4<br />

- crushed by falling aircraft Y36.1<br />

- depth-charge Y36.0<br />

- destruction of aircraft Y36.1<br />

- disability as sequela one year or<br />

more after injury Y89.1<br />

- drowning Y36.4<br />

- effect (direct) (secondary) of nuclear<br />

weapon Y36.5<br />

- explosion (artillery shell) (breechblock)<br />

(cannon block) Y36.2<br />

- - after cessation of hostilities of<br />

bomb, mine placed in war Y36.8<br />

- - aircraft Y36.1<br />

- - bomb (antipersonnel) (mortar) Y36.2<br />

- - - nuclear (atom) (hydrogen) Y36.5<br />

War operations……..Continued<br />

- - depth-charge Y36.0<br />

- - grenade Y36.2<br />

- - injury by fragments from Y36.2<br />

- - l<strong>and</strong>-mine Y36.2<br />

- - marine weapon Y36.0<br />

- - mine (l<strong>and</strong>) Y36.2<br />

- - - at sea or in harbor Y36.0<br />

- - - marine Y36.0<br />

- - missile (explosive) NEC (see also<br />

War operations, missile) Y36.2<br />

- - munitions (accidental) (being used<br />

in war) (dump) (factory) Y36.2<br />

- - nuclear (weapon) Y36.5<br />

- - own weapons (accidental) Y36.2<br />

- - sea-based artillery shell Y36.0<br />

- - torpedo Y36.0<br />

- exposure to ionizing radiation from<br />

nuclear explosion Y36.5<br />

- falling aircraft Y36.1<br />

- fire or fire-producing device Y36.3<br />

- fireball effects from nuclear explosion<br />

Y36.5<br />

- fragments from artillery shell, bomb<br />

NEC, grenade, guided missile, l<strong>and</strong>mine,<br />

rocket, shell, shrapnel Y36.2<br />

- gas or fumes Y36.7<br />

- grenade (explosion) (fragments) Y36.2<br />

- guided missile (explosion)<br />

(fragments) Y36.2<br />

- - nuclear Y36.5<br />

- heat from nuclear explosion Y36.5<br />

- injury due to, but occurring after<br />

cessation of hostilities Y36.8<br />

- l<strong>and</strong>-mine (explosion) (fragments) Y36.2<br />

- - after cessation of hostilities Y36.8<br />

- laser(s) Y36.7<br />

- late effect of Y89.1<br />

- lewisite Y36.7<br />

- lung irritant (chemical) (fumes) (gas) Y36.7<br />

- marine mine Y36.0<br />

- mine Y36.2<br />

- - after cessation of hostilities Y36.8<br />

- - at sea Y36.0<br />

- - in harbor Y36.0<br />

- - l<strong>and</strong> (explosion) (fragments) Y36.2<br />

- - marine Y36.0<br />

- missile (guided) (explosion) (fragments)<br />

Y36.2<br />

- - marine Y36.0<br />

- - nuclear Y36.5<br />

- mortar bomb (explosion) (fragments) Y36.2<br />


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