Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Varix------continued - placenta O43.8 - pregnancy (lower limb) O22.0 - - anus or rectum O22.4 - - genital (vagina, vulva or perineum) O22.1 - puerperium O87.8 - - genital (vagina, vulva, perineum) O87.8 - rectum — see Hemorrhoids, internal - renal papilla I86.8 - retina H35.0 - scrotum (ulcerated) I86.1 - sigmoid colon I86.8 - specified site NEC I86.8 - spinal (cord) (vessels) I86.8 - spleen, splenic (vein) (with phlebolith) I86.8 - stomach I86.4 - sublingual I86.0 - ulcerated I83.0 - - inflamed or infected I83.2 - umbilical cord, affecting fetus or newborn P02.6 - uterine ligament I86.2 - vocal cord I86.8 - vulva (in) I86.3 - - pregnancy O22.1 - - puerperium O87.8 Vas deferens — see condition Vas deferentitis N49.1 Vasa previa O69.4 - affecting fetus or newborn P02.6 - hemorrhage from, affecting fetus or newborn P50.0 Vascular — see also condition - loop on optic papilla Q14.2 - sheathing, retina H35.0 - spider I78.1 Vasculitis I77.6 - allergic D69.0 - cryoglobulinemic D89.1 - disseminated I77.6 - hypocomplementemic M31.8 - kidney I77.8 - livedoid L95.0 - nodular L95.8 - retina H35.0 - rheumatic — see Fever, rheumatic - rheumatoid M05.2 - skin (limited to) L95.9 - - specified NEC L95.8 Vasculopathy, necrotizing M31.9 - specified NEC M31.8 Vasitis (nodosa) N49.1 - tuberculous A18.1† N51.8* Vasodilation I73.9 Vasomotor — see condition Vasoplasty, after previous sterilization Z31.0 Vasospasm I73.9 - cerebral (artery) G45.9 - peripheral NEC I73.9 - retina (artery) H34.2 Vasospastic — see condition Vasovagal attack (paroxysmal) R55 - psychogenic F45.3 VATER syndrome Q87.2 Vater's ampulla — see condition Vegetation, vegetative - adenoid (nasal fossa) J35.8 - endocarditis (acute) (any valve) (subacute) I33.0 - heart (mycotic) (valve) I33.0 Veil, Jackson's Q43.3 Vein, venous — see condition Veldt sore (see also Ulcer, skin) L98.4 Velpeau's hernia — see Hernia, femoral Venofibrosis I87.8 Venom, venomous - bite or sting (animal or insect) (with allergic or anaphylactic shock) T63.9 - - arthropod NEC T63.4 - - - scorpion T63.2 - - - spider T63.3 - - insect NEC T63.4 - - jellyfish T63.6 - - lizard T63.1 - - marine animal NEC T63.6 - - reptile NEC T63.1 - - sea anemone T63.6 - - sea-snake T63.0 - - shellfish T63.6 - - snake T63.0 - - starfish T63.6 - poisoning — see Venom, bite or sting Venous — see condition Ventilator lung, newborn P27.8 Ventouse delivery NEC O81.4 - affecting fetus or newborn P03.3 Ventral — see condition Ventricle, ventricular — see also condition - escape I49.3 - inversion Q20.5 Ventriculitis (cerebral) (see also Encephalitis) G04.9 Vernet's syndrome G52.7 Verneuil's disease (syphilitic bursitis) A52.7† M73.1* Verruca (filiformis) (plana) (plana juvenilis) (plantaris) (simplex) (viral) (vulgaris) B07 - acuminata A63.0 - necrogenica (primary) (tuberculosa) A18.4 - seborrheica L82 - senile (seborrheic) L82 - tuberculosa (primary) A18.4 - venereal A63.0 570

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Verrucosities (see also Verruca) B07 Verruga peruana, peruviana A44.1 Version - with extraction O83.2 - - affecting fetus or newborn P01.7 - cervix (see also Malposition, uterus) N85.4 - uterus (postinfectional) (postpartal, old) (see also Malposition, uterus) N85.4 - - forward — see Anteversion, uterus - - lateral — see Lateroversion, uterus Vertebra, vertebral — see condition Vertical talus Q66.8 Vertigo R42 - auditory H81.3 - aural H81.3 - benign paroxysmal H81.1 - central (origin) H81.4 - cerebral H81.4 - due to vibration T75.2 - epidemic A88.1† H82* - epileptic G40.8 - hysterical F44.8 - infrasound T75.2 - labyrinthine H81.0 - Ménière's H81.0 - menopausal N95.1 - otogenic H81.3 - peripheral NEC H81.3 Very-low-density-lipoprotein-type (VLDL) hyperlipoproteinemia E78.1 Vesania — see Psychosis Vesical — see condition Vesicle - cutaneous R23.8 - seminal — see condition - skin R23.8 Vesicocolic — see condition Vesicoperineal — see condition Vesicorectal — see condition Vesicourethrorectal — see condition Vesicovaginal — see condition Vesicular — see condition Vesiculitis (seminal) N49.0 - amebic A06.8 - gonorrheal (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N51.8* - trichomonal A59.0† N51.8* - tuberculous A18.1† N51.8* Vestibulitis (ear) H83.0 - nose (external) J34.8 Vestige, vestigial — see also Persistence - branchial Q18.0 - structures in vitreous (body) (humor) Q14.0 Vibration - exposure (occupational) Z57.7 - vertigo T75.2 Victim (of) - crime Z65.4 - disaster Z65.5 - terrorism Z65.4 - torture NEC Z65.4 - war Z65.5 Vidal's disease L28.0 Villaret's syndrome G52.7 Villous — see condition VIN — see Neoplasia, intraepithelial, vulva Vincent's - angina A69.1 - gingivitis A69.1 - stomatitis A69.0 Vinson-Plummer syndrome D50.1 Violence, physical R45.6 Viosterol deficiency (see also Deficiency, calciferol) E55.9 Vipoma (M8155/3) — see Neoplasm, malignant Viremia B34.9 Virilism (adrenal) E25.9 - congenital E25.0 Virilization (female) E25.9 - congenital E25.0 Virus, viral NEC — see also condition - as cause of disease classified elsewhere B97.8 - cytomegalovirus B25.- - - resulting from HIV disease B20.2 - human immunodeficiency (HIV) — see Human, immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease - infection (see also Infection, virus) B34.9 - specified NEC B34.8 - - resulting from HIV disease B20.3 Viscera, visceral — see condition Visceroptosis K63.4 Visible peristalsis R19.2 Vision, visual - binocular, suppression H53.3 - blurred, blurring H53.8 - - hysterical F44.6 - defect, defective NEC H54.7 - disorientation (syndrome) H53.8 - disturbance H53.9 - - hysterical F44.6 - double H53.2 - examination Z01.0 - field, limitation (defect) H53.4 - hallucinations R44.1 - halos H53.1 - loss H54.7 - - both eyes H54.3 - - complete — see Blindness - - one eye H54.6 - - sudden H53.1 - low (both eyes) H54.2 - - one eye (other eye normal) H54.5 - - - blindness, other eye H54.1 571

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Varix------continued<br />

- placenta O43.8<br />

- pregnancy (lower limb) O22.0<br />

- - anus or rectum O22.4<br />

- - genital (vagina, vulva or perineum) O22.1<br />

- puerperium O87.8<br />

- - genital (vagina, vulva, perineum) O87.8<br />

- rectum — see Hemorrhoids, internal<br />

- renal papilla I86.8<br />

- retina H35.0<br />

- scrotum (ulcerated) I86.1<br />

- sigmoid colon I86.8<br />

- specified site NEC I86.8<br />

- spinal (cord) (vessels) I86.8<br />

- spleen, splenic (vein) (with phlebolith) I86.8<br />

- stomach I86.4<br />

- sublingual I86.0<br />

- ulcerated I83.0<br />

- - inflamed or infected I83.2<br />

- umbilical cord, affecting fetus or newborn<br />

P02.6<br />

- uterine ligament I86.2<br />

- vocal cord I86.8<br />

- vulva (in) I86.3<br />

- - pregnancy O22.1<br />

- - puerperium O87.8<br />

Vas deferens — see condition<br />

Vas deferentitis N49.1<br />

Vasa previa O69.4<br />

- affecting fetus or newborn P02.6<br />

- hemorrhage from, affecting fetus or<br />

newborn P50.0<br />

Vascular — see also condition<br />

- loop on optic papilla Q14.2<br />

- sheathing, retina H35.0<br />

- spider I78.1<br />

Vasculitis I77.6<br />

- allergic D69.0<br />

- cryoglobulinemic D89.1<br />

- disseminated I77.6<br />

- hypocomplementemic M31.8<br />

- kidney I77.8<br />

- livedoid L95.0<br />

- nodular L95.8<br />

- retina H35.0<br />

- rheumatic — see Fever, rheumatic<br />

- rheumatoid M05.2<br />

- skin (limited to) L95.9<br />

- - specified NEC L95.8<br />

Vasculopathy, necrotizing M31.9<br />

- specified NEC M31.8<br />

Vasitis (nodosa) N49.1<br />

- tuberculous A18.1† N51.8*<br />

Vasodilation I73.9<br />

Vasomotor — see condition<br />

Vasoplasty, after previous sterilization<br />

Z31.0<br />

Vasospasm I73.9<br />

- cerebral (artery) G45.9<br />

- peripheral NEC I73.9<br />

- retina (artery) H34.2<br />

Vasospastic — see condition<br />

Vasovagal attack (paroxysmal) R55<br />

- psychogenic F45.3<br />

VATER syndrome Q87.2<br />

Vater's ampulla — see condition<br />

Vegetation, vegetative<br />

- adenoid (nasal fossa) J35.8<br />

- endocarditis (acute) (any valve) (subacute) I33.0<br />

- heart (mycotic) (valve) I33.0<br />

Veil, Jackson's Q43.3<br />

Vein, venous — see condition<br />

Veldt sore (see also Ulcer, skin) L98.4<br />

Velpeau's hernia — see Hernia, femoral<br />

Venofibrosis I87.8<br />

Venom, venomous<br />

- bite or sting (animal or insect) (with<br />

allergic or anaphylactic shock) T63.9<br />

- - arthropod NEC T63.4<br />

- - - scorpion T63.2<br />

- - - spider T63.3<br />

- - insect NEC T63.4<br />

- - jellyfish T63.6<br />

- - lizard T63.1<br />

- - marine animal NEC T63.6<br />

- - reptile NEC T63.1<br />

- - sea anemone T63.6<br />

- - sea-snake T63.0<br />

- - shellfish T63.6<br />

- - snake T63.0<br />

- - starfish T63.6<br />

- poisoning — see Venom, bite or sting<br />

Venous — see condition<br />

Ventilator lung, newborn P27.8<br />

Ventouse delivery NEC O81.4<br />

- affecting fetus or newborn P03.3<br />

Ventral — see condition<br />

Ventricle, ventricular — see also condition<br />

- escape I49.3<br />

- inversion Q20.5<br />

Ventriculitis (cerebral) (see also Encephalitis)<br />

G04.9<br />

Vernet's syndrome G52.7<br />

Verneuil's disease (syphilitic bursitis)<br />

A52.7† M73.1*<br />

Verruca (filiformis) (plana) (plana juvenilis)<br />

(plantaris) (simplex) (viral) (vulgaris) B07<br />

- acuminata A63.0<br />

- necrogenica (primary) (tuberculosa) A18.4<br />

- seborrheica L82<br />

- senile (seborrheic) L82<br />

- tuberculosa (primary) A18.4<br />

- venereal A63.0<br />


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