Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury V Vaccination - complication or reaction — see Complications, vaccination - not done Z28.9 - - because of, due to - - - contraindication Z28.0 - - - patient's decision NEC Z28.2 - - - - for reason of belief or group pressure Z28.1 - - specified reason NEC Z28.8 - prophylactic (against) Z26.9 - - arthropod-borne viral encephalitis Z24.1 - - cholera (alone) Z23.0 - - - with typhoid-paratyphoid (cholera + TAB) Z27.0 - - common cold Z25.8 - - diphtheria (alone) Z23.6 - - diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis combined (DTP) Z27.1 - - - with - - - - poliomyelitis (DTP + polio) Z27.3 - - - - typhoid-paratyphoid (DTP + TAB) Z27.2 - - disease (single) Z26.9 - - - bacterial NEC Z23.8 - - - combinations Z27.9 - - - - specified NEC Z27.8 - - - specified NEC Z26.8 - - - viral NEC Z25.8 - - encephalitis, viral, arthropod-borne Z24.1 - - influenza Z25.1 - - leishmaniasis Z26.0 - - measles (alone) Z24.4 - - measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) Z27.4 - - mumps (alone) Z25.0 - - pertussis (alone) Z23.7 - - plague Z23.3 - - poliomyelitis Z24.0 - - rabies Z24.2 - - rubella (alone) Z24.5 - - smallpox Z25.8 - - tetanus toxoid (alone) Z23.5 - - tuberculosis (BCG) Z23.2 - - tularemia Z23.4 - - typhoid-paratyphoid (TAB) (alone) Z23.1 - - viral hepatitis Z24.6 - - yellow fever Z24.3 Vaccinia (generalized) (localized) B08.0 - congenital P35.8 Vacuum - extraction (delivery) O81.4 - in sinus (accessory) (nasal) J34.8 Vagabond Z59.0 Vagabond's disease B85.1 Vagina, vaginal — see condition Vaginalitis (tunica) N49.1 Vaginismus (reflex) N94.2 - nonorganic F52.5 - psychogenic F52.5 - secondary N94.2 Vaginitis (acute) N76.0 - atrophic, postmenopausal N95.2 - blennorrhagic (gonococcal) A54.0 - candidal B37.3† N77.1* - chlamydial A56.0 - chronic N76.1 - complicating pregnancy O23.5 - - affecting fetus or newborn P00.8 - due to Trichomonas (vaginalis) A59.0† N77.1* - following - - abortion (subsequent episode) O08.0 - - ectopic or molar pregnancy O08.0 - gonococcal A54.0 - - with abscess (accessory gland) (periurethral) A54.1 - in (due to) - - candidiasis B37.3† N77.1* - - herpesviral (herpes simplex) infection A60.0† N77.1* - - pinworm infection B80† N77.1* - monilial B37.3† N77.1* - mycotic (candidal) B37.3† N77.1* - postmenopausal atrophic N95.2 - puerperal (postpartum) O86.1 - senile (atrophic) N95.2 - subacute or chronic N76.1 - syphilitic (early) A51.0 - - late A52.7† N77.1* - trichomonal A59.0† N77.1* - tuberculous A18.1† N77.1* - venereal NEC A64† N77.1* Vagotonia G52.2 VAIN — see Neoplasia, intraepithelial, vagina Vallecula — see condition Valley fever B38.0† J99.8* Valsuani's disease O99.0 Valve, valvular (formation) — see also condition - cerebral ventricle (communicating) in situ Z98.2 - cervix, internal os Q51.8 - congenital NEC — see Atresia, by site - ureter (pelvic junction) (vesical orifice) Q62.3 - urethra (congenital) (posterior) Q64.2 568

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Valvulitis (see also Endocarditis) I38 - rheumatic (chronic) (inactive) (with chorea) I09.1 - - active or acute (aortic) (mitral) (pulmonary) (tricuspid) I01.1 - syphilitic A52.0† I39.8* - - aortic A52.0† I39.1* - - mitral A52.0† I39.0* - - pulmonary A52.0† I39.3* - - tricuspid A52.0† I39.2* Valvulopathy — see Endocarditis Van Bogaert's leukoencephalopathy (sclerosing) (subacute) A81.1 Van Bogaert-Scherer-Epstein disease or syndrome E75.5 Van Creveld-von Gierke disease E74.0 Van der Hoeve(-de Kleyn) syndrome Q78.0 Van der Woude's syndrome Q38.0 Van Neck's disease or osteochondrosis M91.0 Vanillism L23.6 Vapor asphyxia or suffocation NEC T59.9 - specified agent — see Table of drugs and chemicals Variants, thalassemic D56.8 Variations in hair color L67.1 Varicella B01.9 - with - - complications NEC B01.8 - - encephalitis B01.1† G05.1* - - meningitis B01.0† G02.0* - - pneumonia B01.2† J17.1* - congenital P35.8 Varices — see Varix Varicocele (thrombosed) (scrotum) I86.1 - ovary I86.2 - spermatic cord (ulcerated) I86.1 Varicose - aneurysm (ruptured) I77.0 - dermatitis I83.1 - eczema I83.1 - phlebitis — see Varicose vein, inflamed - placental vessel O43.8 - tumor — see Varicose, vein - ulcer (lower limb, any part) I83.0 - - anus I84.8 - - - external I84.4 - - - internal I84.1 - - esophagus I85.9 - - - bleeding I85.0 - - inflamed or infected I83.2 - - nasal septum I86.8 - - rectum — see Varicose, ulcer, anus - - scrotum I86.1 - - specified site NEC I86.8 - vein (lower limb) (ruptured) I83.9 - - anus — see Hemorrhoids Varicose------continued - - congenital (peripheral) Q27.8 - - esophagus (ulcerated) I85.9 - - - bleeding I85.0 - - inflamed or infected I83.1 - - - with ulcer I83.2 - - pelvis I86.2 - - pregnancy (lower limb) O22.0 - - - anus or rectum O22.4 - - - genital (perineum, vagina or vulva) O22.1 - - puerperium (genital) (lower limb) O87.8 - - - anus or rectum O87.2 - - rectum — see Hemorrhoids, internal - - scrotum (ulcerated) I86.1 - - specified site NEC I86.8 - - sublingual I86.0 - - ulcerated I83.0 - - - inflamed or infected I83.2 - - umbilical cord, affecting fetus or newborn P02.6 - - vulva I86.3 - vessel I83.9 - - placenta O43.8 Varicosis, varicosities, varicosity (see also Varix) I83.9 Variola (major) (minor) B03 Varioloid B03 Varix (lower limb) (ruptured) I83.9 - with - - inflammation or infection I83.1 - - - with ulcer I83.2 - - stasis dermatitis I83.1 - - - with ulcer I83.2 - - ulcer I83.0 - - - with inflammation or infection I83.2 - aneurysmal I77.0 - anus — see Hemorrhoids - bladder I86.2 - broad ligament I86.2 - congenital (any site) Q27.8 - esophagus (ulcerated) I85.9 - - bleeding I85.0 - - congenital Q27.8 - - in (due to) - - - alcoholic liver disease K70.-† I98.2* - - - cirrhosis of liver K74.-† I98.2* - - - schistosomiasis B65.-† I98.2* - - - toxic liver disease K71.-† I98.2* - gastric I86.4 - in - inflamed or infected I83.1 - - ulcerated I83.2 - labia (majora) I86.3 - orbit I86.8 - - congenital Q27.8 - ovary I86.2 - papillary I78.1 - pelvis I86.2 - pharynx I86.8 569

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007<br />

Valvulitis (see also Endocarditis) I38<br />

- rheumatic (chronic) (inactive) (with<br />

chorea) I09.1<br />

- - active or acute (aortic) (mitral)<br />

(pulmonary) (tricuspid) I01.1<br />

- syphilitic A52.0† I39.8*<br />

- - aortic A52.0† I39.1*<br />

- - mitral A52.0† I39.0*<br />

- - pulmonary A52.0† I39.3*<br />

- - tricuspid A52.0† I39.2*<br />

Valvulopathy — see Endocarditis<br />

Van Bogaert's leukoencephalopathy<br />

(sclerosing) (subacute) A81.1<br />

Van Bogaert-Scherer-Epstein disease<br />

or syndrome E75.5<br />

Van Creveld-von Gierke disease E74.0<br />

Van der Hoeve(-de Kleyn) syndrome Q78.0<br />

Van der Woude's syndrome Q38.0<br />

Van Neck's disease or<br />

osteochondrosis M91.0<br />

Vanillism L23.6<br />

Vapor asphyxia or suffocation NEC T59.9<br />

- specified agent — see Table of drugs<br />

<strong>and</strong> chemicals<br />

Variants, thalassemic D56.8<br />

Variations in hair color L67.1<br />

Varicella B01.9<br />

- with<br />

- - complications NEC B01.8<br />

- - encephalitis B01.1† G05.1*<br />

- - meningitis B01.0† G02.0*<br />

- - pneumonia B01.2† J17.1*<br />

- congenital P35.8<br />

Varices — see Varix<br />

Varicocele (thrombosed) (scrotum) I86.1<br />

- ovary I86.2<br />

- spermatic cord (ulcerated) I86.1<br />

Varicose<br />

- aneurysm (ruptured) I77.0<br />

- dermatitis I83.1<br />

- eczema I83.1<br />

- phlebitis — see Varicose vein, inflamed<br />

- placental vessel O43.8<br />

- tumor — see Varicose, vein<br />

- ulcer (lower limb, any part) I83.0<br />

- - anus I84.8<br />

- - - external I84.4<br />

- - - internal I84.1<br />

- - esophagus I85.9<br />

- - - bleeding I85.0<br />

- - inflamed or infected I83.2<br />

- - nasal septum I86.8<br />

- - rectum — see Varicose, ulcer, anus<br />

- - scrotum I86.1<br />

- - specified site NEC I86.8<br />

- vein (lower limb) (ruptured) I83.9<br />

- - anus — see Hemorrhoids<br />

Varicose------continued<br />

- - congenital (peripheral) Q27.8<br />

- - esophagus (ulcerated) I85.9<br />

- - - bleeding I85.0<br />

- - inflamed or infected I83.1<br />

- - - with ulcer I83.2<br />

- - pelvis I86.2<br />

- - pregnancy (lower limb) O22.0<br />

- - - anus or rectum O22.4<br />

- - - genital (perineum, vagina or vulva) O22.1<br />

- - puerperium (genital) (lower limb) O87.8<br />

- - - anus or rectum O87.2<br />

- - rectum — see Hemorrhoids, internal<br />

- - scrotum (ulcerated) I86.1<br />

- - specified site NEC I86.8<br />

- - sublingual I86.0<br />

- - ulcerated I83.0<br />

- - - inflamed or infected I83.2<br />

- - umbilical cord, affecting fetus or newborn<br />

P02.6<br />

- - vulva I86.3<br />

- vessel I83.9<br />

- - placenta O43.8<br />

Varicosis, varicosities, varicosity (see also<br />

Varix) I83.9<br />

Variola (major) (minor) B03<br />

Varioloid B03<br />

Varix (lower limb) (ruptured) I83.9<br />

- with<br />

- - inflammation or infection I83.1<br />

- - - with ulcer I83.2<br />

- - stasis dermatitis I83.1<br />

- - - with ulcer I83.2<br />

- - ulcer I83.0<br />

- - - with inflammation or infection I83.2<br />

- aneurysmal I77.0<br />

- anus — see Hemorrhoids<br />

- bladder I86.2<br />

- broad ligament I86.2<br />

- congenital (any site) Q27.8<br />

- esophagus (ulcerated) I85.9<br />

- - bleeding I85.0<br />

- - congenital Q27.8<br />

- - in (due to)<br />

- - - alcoholic liver disease K70.-† I98.2*<br />

- - - cirrhosis of liver K74.-† I98.2*<br />

- - - schistosomiasis B65.-† I98.2*<br />

- - - toxic liver disease K71.-† I98.2*<br />

- gastric I86.4<br />

- in<br />

- inflamed or infected I83.1<br />

- - ulcerated I83.2<br />

- labia (majora) I86.3<br />

- orbit I86.8<br />

- - congenital Q27.8<br />

- ovary I86.2<br />

- papillary I78.1<br />

- pelvis I86.2<br />

- pharynx I86.8<br />


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