Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Certain infectious and parasitic diseases

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Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury Uremia, uremic------continued - hypertensive (see also Hypertension, kidney) I12.0 - maternal NEC, affecting fetus or newborn NEC P00.1 - newborn P96.0 - prerenal R39.2 Ureter, ureteral — see condition Ureteralgia N23 Ureterectasis (see also Hydroureter) N13.4 Ureteritis N28.8 - cystica N28.8 - due to calculus N20.1 - - with calculus, kidney N20.2 - - - with hydronephrosis N13.2 - gonococcal (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N29.1* - nonspecific N28.8 Ureterocele N28.8 - congenital Q62.3 Ureterolith, ureterolithiasis (see also Calculus, ureter) N20.1 Ureterostomy - attention to Z43.6 - status Z93.6 Urethra, urethral — see condition Urethralgia R39.8 Urethritis (anterior) (posterior) N34.2 - calculous N21.1 - candidal B37.4† N37.0* - chlamydial A56.0 - diplococcal (gonococcal) A54.0 - - with abscess (accessory gland) (periurethral) A54.1 - gonococcal A54.0 - - with abscess (accessory gland) (periurethral) A54.1 - nongonococcal N34.1 - - Reiter's M02.3 - nonspecific N34.1 - nonvenereal N34.1 - postmenopausal N34.2 - Reiter's M02.3 - specified NEC N34.2 - trichomonal or due to Trichomonas (vaginalis) A59.0† N37.0* - venereal NEC (nongonococcal) A64† N37.0* Urethrocele - female N81.0 - - with - - - cystocele N81.1 - - - prolapse of uterus — see Prolapse, uterus - male N36.3 Urethrolithiasis (with colic or infection) N21.1 Urethrorectal — see condition Urethrorrhagia N36.8 Urethrorrhea R36 Urethrostomy - attention to Z43.6 - status Z93.6 Urethrotrigonitis N30.3 Urethrovaginal — see condition Urhidrosis, uridrosis L74.8 Uric acid in blood (increased) E79.0 Uricacidemia (asymptomatic) E79.0 Uricemia (asymptomatic) E79.0 Uricosuria R82.9 Urinary — see condition Urination, painful R30.9 Urine - blood in (see also Hematuria) R31 - discharge, excessive R35 - extravasation R39.0 - incontinence R32 - - nonorganic origin F98.0 - pus in N39.0 - retention or stasis R33 - - psychogenic F45.3 - secretion - - deficient R34 - - excessive R35 Urinemia — see Uremia Uroarthritis, infectious (Reiter's) M02.3 Urodialysis R34 Urolithiasis (see also Calculus, urinary) N20.9 Uronephrosis N13.3 Uropathy N39.9 - obstructive N13.9 - - specified NEC N13.8 - reflux N13.9 - - specified NEC N13.8 - vesicoureteral, reflux-associated N13.7 - - with pyelonephritis (chronic) N11.0 Urosepsis N39.0 Urticaria L50.9 - with angioneurotic edema T78.3 - - hereditary D84.1 - allergic L50.0 - cholinergic L50.5 - chronic L50.8 - contact L50.6 - dermatographic L50.3 - due to - - cold or heat L50.2 - - food L50.0 - - plants L50.6 - factitial L50.3 - giant T78.3 - - hereditary D84.1 - idiopathic L50.1 - larynx T78.3 - - hereditary D84.1 - neonatorum P83.8 - nonallergic L50.1 566

WHO’s ICD-10 version for 2007 Urticaria------continued - papulosa (Hebra) L28.2 - pigmentosa Q82.2 - recurrent periodic L50.8 - serum T80.6 - solar L56.3 - specified type NEC L50.8 - thermal (cold) (heat) L50.2 - vibratory L50.4 - xanthelasmoidea Q82.2 Use (of) - anticoagulant for a long term (current) Z92.1 - aspirin for a long term (current) Z92.2 - harmful F1X.1 - - alcohol F10.1 - - drugs — code to F11–F19 with fourth character .1 - - inhalants F18.1 - - nonprescribed drugs, non-dependence producing F55 - - patent medicines F55 - - - maternal, affecting fetus or newborn P04.1 - - volatile solvents F18.1 - medicaments for a long term (current) NEC Z92.2 - tobacco Z72.0 Usher-Senear disease or syndrome L10.4 Uta B55.1 Uteromegaly N85.2 Uterovaginal — see condition Uterovesical — see condition Uveal — see condition Uveitis (anterior) (see also Iridocyclitis) H20.9 - due to toxoplasmosis (acquired) B58.0† H22.0* - - congenital P37.1† H22.0* - heterochromic H20.8 - posterior — see Chorioretinitis - sympathetic H44.1 - syphilitic (secondary) A51.4† H22.0* - - congenital (early) A50.0† H22.0* - - late A52.7† H22.0* - tuberculous A18.5† H22.0* Uveokeratitis (see also Iridocyclitis) H20.9 Uveoparotitis D86.8 Uvula — see condition Uvulitis (acute) (catarrhal) (chronic) (gangrenous) (membranous) (suppurative) (ulcerative) K12.2 567

Alphabetical Index Of Diseases And Nature Of Injury<br />

Uremia, uremic------continued<br />

- hypertensive (see also Hypertension,<br />

kidney) I12.0<br />

- maternal NEC, affecting fetus or<br />

newborn NEC P00.1<br />

- newborn P96.0<br />

- prerenal R39.2<br />

Ureter, ureteral — see condition<br />

Ureteralgia N23<br />

Ureterectasis (see also Hydroureter) N13.4<br />

Ureteritis N28.8<br />

- cystica N28.8<br />

- due to calculus N20.1<br />

- - with calculus, kidney N20.2<br />

- - - with hydronephrosis N13.2<br />

- gonococcal (acute) (chronic) A54.2† N29.1*<br />

- nonspecific N28.8<br />

Ureterocele N28.8<br />

- congenital Q62.3<br />

Ureterolith, ureterolithiasis (see also<br />

Calculus, ureter) N20.1<br />

Ureterostomy<br />

- attention to Z43.6<br />

- status Z93.6<br />

Urethra, urethral — see condition<br />

Urethralgia R39.8<br />

Urethritis (anterior) (posterior) N34.2<br />

- calculous N21.1<br />

- c<strong>and</strong>idal B37.4† N37.0*<br />

- chlamydial A56.0<br />

- diplococcal (gonococcal) A54.0<br />

- - with abscess (accessory gl<strong>and</strong>)<br />

(periurethral) A54.1<br />

- gonococcal A54.0<br />

- - with abscess (accessory gl<strong>and</strong>)<br />

(periurethral) A54.1<br />

- nongonococcal N34.1<br />

- - Reiter's M02.3<br />

- nonspecific N34.1<br />

- nonvenereal N34.1<br />

- postmenopausal N34.2<br />

- Reiter's M02.3<br />

- specified NEC N34.2<br />

- trichomonal or due to Trichomonas<br />

(vaginalis) A59.0† N37.0*<br />

- venereal NEC (nongonococcal) A64† N37.0*<br />

Urethrocele<br />

- female N81.0<br />

- - with<br />

- - - cystocele N81.1<br />

- - - prolapse of uterus — see Prolapse,<br />

uterus<br />

- male N36.3<br />

Urethrolithiasis (with colic or infection) N21.1<br />

Urethrorectal — see condition<br />

Urethrorrhagia N36.8<br />

Urethrorrhea R36<br />

Urethrostomy<br />

- attention to Z43.6<br />

- status Z93.6<br />

Urethrotrigonitis N30.3<br />

Urethrovaginal — see condition<br />

Urhidrosis, uridrosis L74.8<br />

Uric acid in blood (increased) E79.0<br />

Uricacidemia (asymptomatic) E79.0<br />

Uricemia (asymptomatic) E79.0<br />

Uricosuria R82.9<br />

Urinary — see condition<br />

Urination, painful R30.9<br />

Urine<br />

- blood in (see also Hematuria) R31<br />

- discharge, excessive R35<br />

- extravasation R39.0<br />

- incontinence R32<br />

- - nonorganic origin F98.0<br />

- pus in N39.0<br />

- retention or stasis R33<br />

- - psychogenic F45.3<br />

- secretion<br />

- - deficient R34<br />

- - excessive R35<br />

Urinemia — see Uremia<br />

Uroarthritis, <strong>infectious</strong> (Reiter's) M02.3<br />

Urodialysis R34<br />

Urolithiasis (see also Calculus, urinary) N20.9<br />

Uronephrosis N13.3<br />

Uropathy N39.9<br />

- obstructive N13.9<br />

- - specified NEC N13.8<br />

- reflux N13.9<br />

- - specified NEC N13.8<br />

- vesicoureteral, reflux-associated N13.7<br />

- - with pyelonephritis (chronic) N11.0<br />

Urosepsis N39.0<br />

Urticaria L50.9<br />

- with angioneurotic edema T78.3<br />

- - hereditary D84.1<br />

- allergic L50.0<br />

- cholinergic L50.5<br />

- chronic L50.8<br />

- contact L50.6<br />

- dermatographic L50.3<br />

- due to<br />

- - cold or heat L50.2<br />

- - food L50.0<br />

- - plants L50.6<br />

- factitial L50.3<br />

- giant T78.3<br />

- - hereditary D84.1<br />

- idiopathic L50.1<br />

- larynx T78.3<br />

- - hereditary D84.1<br />

- neonatorum P83.8<br />

- nonallergic L50.1<br />


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